Problems with latest BFD expansions

Discussion in 'Software' started by walplayer, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. walplayer

    walplayer Newbie

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Please help... downloaded all the latest BFD expansions, I've followed instructions found in BFD3 v. using the BFD Imperial Drums 1.0.0 fixed keygen, installation ok but it's impossible to complete authorization: when I import the Administrator.auth file (done using the keygen in Parallels) in Fx license manager in offline mode (version, Mac OSX 10.9.5) it repeat the window "Products that need Authorization" with all the expansions flagged and wants to generate another auth request...[​IMG], like if the license manager is unable to read the file.. I have BFD2 and 3 original expansions and bought on FXwebsite... Never had problems with crack or keygens, but this time I really don't know what to do.....
  3. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I have almost all, and can be tricky.
    Correct permissions and rename always the .auth file.
    Also open all fxpansion products and scan for all the libs since old authorizations can fail with new ones.
    Write the files in different places can help and understant that the problem is the fxpansion authorization method, not with the keygen.
  4. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I am using Windows 7 64 bit. How I use LicenseManager;

    After installing product
    1) Open keygen & generate serial for needed product and copy to clipboard (right click, copy)
    3) Launch BFD3 which will scan automatically because of new product install and launch
    LicenseManager. Select the product in LicenseManager, click button to authorize
    (product name), paste serial#, Choose to authorize from another computer.
    4) Go back to keygen, import request from Desktop and generate an Auth file
    5) Go back to LicenseManager & click OK. Will state that it failed to authorize.
    6) Click the button "import an existing authorization file". Product now Authorized.

    Hope this works for you...Oh yeah, copy the request and auth files to your product
    archive folder for future use.
  5. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I've had this happen and then persisted with the keygen changing serial/auth file/etc. and sooner or later it gets accepted. It's just quirky sometimes. I had better luck cancelling the Auth screen that pops up when you first open a new lib and then re-open the auth process from the interface. I find there is no set specific order of events but more so persistence and trial and error that got me through all of the auths finally.
  6. sgiggity

    sgiggity Ultrasonic

    Dec 21, 2015
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    The 'FX License Manager' is buggy, you need to enter the serial for the product you want to authorize then CANCEL, and close license manager, then re-open it and continue the authorization process. If you try to do it normally it never works, if you cancel after entering serial and re-open it always works.
  7. walplayer

    walplayer Newbie

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Thank you all.. I've done almost all the things you are suggesting (close lic. manager, re-open, etc) but no luck. Ovalf, you wrote "Correct permissions and rename always the .auth file".. what kind of name I have to give? On windows the file is always with the name "Administrator.auth".. I can choose any name? And what permissions i have to correct? I'll try again with suggestion from grdh20, i have always opened the license manager from the application folder, never inside the BFD2 interface.. However, thank you again for the help!
  8. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    On Win7/64 I am trying to authorize all expansions in BFD3.1.2, License Manager 2.0.18, antivirus turned off.

    Managed to register most of them and only 4 remain unauthorized because R2R keygen (tried numerous releases) crashes while trying to create auth file. What happens is keygen opens selected directory and tries to write auth file returning "#Error1" pop up window and then freezes.

    It did happen with some of the registered expansions already but for unknown reason a day would come and keygen would be able to create auth file without the problem.
    Did anybody experience keygen crashes and is there a solution?
  9. flworius

    flworius Member

    Aug 22, 2015
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    I'm struggling heavy with this. When I installed the expansions it just worked fine and they showed up in BFD3 without any need for authorization. As far as I remember there weren't any keygens in the Installers, otherwise I would have kept them a 100%, and all the files were in non encrypted wav. ,
    so I allowed myself to delete those installers as they occupied several 100s of GB as well as the installed Libraries do so too. Now, after my Cubase did lie idle for about a year and I am getting into it again, it suddenly asks the Authorization, with either auth. file or serialnrs.....only the core library works without problems.....where can I get those, please help me out here, I need that me if necessary.

    a thousand thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.
  10. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Just bought a new 3rd party library. It uses Wav files for its samples. Having a hell of a time getting it to authorize along with the cracked libraries. I’ve tried deleting all Fxpansion, BFD3 and other library preferences plist files but for some reason it won’t authorize. I’m on OSX... I was able to kind of trick BFD3 to think the libraries were authorized by importing old .auth and auth.request files back into the BFD2 folder (where the auth files naturally reside) but when I load them, they all have the yellow caution signs and when I open the crack licenser they say “ready for auth”... I’m trying all combinations here. Using legit licenser for my legit libraries and then using the cracked licenser for the cracked libraries. I seem to be able to fool both the licenser and BFD3 occasionally but when it comes time to load it never works.... I own legit BFD3 and 1 DrumDrops BFD library. Some new suggestions for possibly getting this work would be appreciated. PM me if you would like me to possibly send legit files if you know how to tweak them to work along side cracked libraries. Peace
  11. Saucey_Jay

    Saucey_Jay Newbie

    Jun 14, 2018
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  12. Saucey_Jay

    Saucey_Jay Newbie

    Jun 14, 2018
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