What`s your name? Hu Mangous.

Discussion in 'humor' started by Von_Steyr, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Give this man a f-ing statue :bow:
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  2. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    God I cant wait for Trump to bring back politically incorrectness!!!
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    That man deserves a nice juicy HU-MONGOUS filet mignon from Ruth's Chris steakhouse... holy freakin' bejesus..
    is that some Euro-c**t going off on this poor American dude? She should go back to where she came from...or did she already succeed in cutting off all the bollocks there already... FFS

    This is what women are doing these days, everything a man does that they don't like is white male oppression, and sexual harassment..wonder where these loudmouth bitches will be when the SHTF and there is no STATE to protect them....

    read it and feel proud gentlemen..

    just so all you oppressors know who you should be answering to.. her name is Zarna Joshi

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2016
  4. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Feminism has been boiled-down, over the past five decades (yes, it's been around that long), to paranoid hostility toward heterosexual males.
  5. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Don't spit on Europe. While her parents are from India and she was born in London, she grew up and lives in Seattle... She's a member of the backbone campaign and writes books. According to the backbone campaign, this is her author-blog: http://jaijoshiz.blogspot.de/
    I said that her questions were rhetorical and only served as a starting platform for false accuses and such. (Just look at the scene, where she asks the cameraman. Why would she need to ask him if he has footage, she already filmed it. No, she just wanted to accuse him of being part of the mob that is against her). Well, after having read a bit about her, I totally understand where this comes from. She never learned to deal with a situation in any other way! Her whole life is about confronting people, fighting people, being an activist. A poor lady. I understand where it comes from, but that doesn't make it right. She's just a sick person, and I'm afraid weed won't help much. A therapy would be better.
    Btw, here's a picture of her, that she posted on above linked blog. But don't look at her cleavage or the photo might start yelling. http://jaijoshiz.blogspot.de/2010/04/proof-i-did-it.html
    For those who don't want to read the post there, here's a part that I found were interesting, yes, even revealing:
    "I noticed, when I sat down and pulled my shawl off, that a couple of the mens' eyes bugged out. I didn't want to cause any heart attacks so I tried to be as quiet and unobtrusive as possible except when I was called upon to critique. At the end of the meeting when we were getting up to leave I confided in one of the elder ladies as to why I was on display in this manner. She laughed and said she'd been amused by the way my breasts had bounced around when I gesticulated. I gasped and said my breasts had not bounced! She turned to one of the men who grinned and said: "I wish I could say I didn't notice but yes, they did bounce.""
    Do I hear "hypocritical"?
  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Not spitting anywhere actually.. just noticed the accent.. and wondering why she is over here disturbing this man's peace..
    what right does she think she has anyway to get in his face..or even ask his name.. who the hell does she think she is ?
    Raised in Seattle? That accent sounds like she spent most of the time in UK.
    If she was here from a young age the accent wouldn't be so thick IMO.

    another fine Euro-c**t quote from Joshi, stereotyping men.. these bitches are nothing but psychotically selfish hypocrites

    "Men are hilarious. They don't even know how obvious they are. " Jai Joshi

    for guys noticing her boobs while she was more or less letting them hang out in public...

    of course if a woman notices and gawks.. that's just admiration from the sisterhood...

    the Euro part is just noticing she is not even from the same continent, coming in harassing an American guy
    with her Brit accent, it strikes me as absurd to say the least. If you notice I am just as willing to criticize Americans too
    rednecks, etc.. but I never did anything as insane as this crazy cow !

    The real reason she is losing it.. because he mocked her sense of entitlement to
    invade his privacy and get in his face asking him questions, so she had to justify her
    rage over that by crying "sexual harassment" , pathetic...

    Maybe western civilization does need to just dissolve so these lunatics can see how nice
    and wonderful it will be to live under the caliphate.. !
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2016
  7. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    What I said, but maybe I wasn't explaining it good enough - I'm from Europe, too, and English isn't my native language.
  8. Actually, it sounds as she is affecting an Aussie accent, part of the reason that I was a bit confused, wondering where, what and how is this nuttiness all going down. I must not have a life to be commenting on this stuff! Great wiz.
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    yeah i must not have a life too.. it's kind of like trying to not watch a train wreck...

    good on ya Superliquid.. I actually feel Europe has less of this insanity.. but since she can't act it out there
    to the same level of drama and absurdity, she has found her feminist and SJW home, in the best possible place
    for her antics... USA

    p.s. thought she sounded possibly Aussie too.. but then usually they are more polite
    even when they are being obnoxious :bleh:

    I think I have said enough on this one.. enjoy folks..!
  10. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Once women request equal rights, I ask if they're ready for equal responsibilities, equal work, that come with the acquirement of equal rights. And there comes their awkward moment of silence and embarrassment. I'm yet to hear a single woman say, fuck yeah! I am ready to do what it takes to be equal to man! Yet, their lame attempt at answering the question is basically bullshit and a lie. They keep telling that their body is not intended for the same strain men can endure, so it frees them from the responsibility. You know what? Fuck that. I'm not buying any of that crap. That's just a lame excuse and runaway attempt. That's the answer only a pussy could give, but then again, who are we talking about in the first place? So they're not ready for the same hard shit, yet they want the same privileges, rights, money? How about fuck no, ladies? How about you simply don't deserve it?

    These feminist bitches are the dumbest shit ever. If only they were half-smart, they wouldn't want equal rights with men, which literally means equal responsibility shared with men, they would want to leave that responsibility on man's shoulders. Like they always did before, until some crazy dumb testosterone-filled bitch fucked up their shit for brains with promises of equality. They were never equal in the first place, it's in their nature and it is not to be changed. Though they can dream about it for some time if they like, I don't care.

    You see, all women have ever wanted is easy life at men's expense. It's clear they want it. They don't want hard shit, they want to smell roses while lying on a sofa. They want the good stuff. So man works hard and provides, woman takes all that, says, "thank you very much, my dear". And why man is so fucking stupid to give away his goods to woman? Pussy. Sex. Biggest motivator to men. It's no secret. Always was historically. It's not so much a stupidity, it's more of a necessity. Pussy is deeply in our brain. Everything is done for pussy.

    The power of man's will to get a nice hot chick into his bed and fuck her brains out is definitely not to be overlooked. Actually some of the most craziest shit on Earth was done for pussy. It's true. And women know that, so they manipulate well with the access to their pussy. At least smart women do. Not these dumb feminist bitches. Smart girls, they don't care about inferior social status, which BTW frees them from many unwanted responsibilities and works to their advantage, they simply lay back on a sofa and smell roses while man works and provides to them. It's called "inferior" on paper, but in reality it's a hidden superiority and control over men. "Ah, you brought me this and that, nice lad. Yeah, now you can fuck me, go on." "Access to pussy granted, mission successful. To get to the next level of pussy fucking, you need to do more crazy shit and bring my pussy this, this and that... Got it, my mistress, on my way to your diamonds".

    It's quite simplified Freud, but you get it. Freud also said women have envy for man's dick. It's true. They can scream they hate men for all they like, but they like that big dick. If woman had a dick, she would need a pussy to fuck, so she would be motivated to do all the same crazy shit men did for pussy. Instead of men, women now would be great historical figures, great conquerors, emperors, explorers of the lands, greatest scientists and artists, greatest in just everything men are greatest in. But they're not, they couldn't be. They don't have a dick, therefore they don't have a lust for pussy. No need to do all the crazy shit. Bummer. Or simply a smart choice.

    Really, it would be a complete turnaround of things as we know them. Instead of men doing all the crazy shit for women, women goes on a hunt for pussy and does all the crazy shit for men. If men had a pussy. Gladly we don't. Or not gladly, says my feminine side... All in all, it's all about pussy, as you see. Pussy is the center of the Universe.

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
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  11. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    lol...talk about making a scene. Personally, I loved his joke. Need to use that someday lol
  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    We all believe in that too but should not yell and reveal it much maybe they (women) hear it and and henceforth obdurately don't collaborate and the order of universe f**ed off. I don't want to see Armageddon so soon as you know our peace on the earth right now is just because of easily accessing to the p***y not science, philosophy or whatever.:bleh:
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    What a stupid cunt.She clearly has mental issues.Now imagine having to work with someone like this or even dating a cunt like this.:suicide:
  14. I think that you guys are as way over the top in regard to putting her down as some fem-nazi and acting in exactly the same männer (joke intended for my German language friends) and as out of control as she is in the video. She obviously had some sort of breakdown from reality and I will bet donuts to dollars that she regrets ever having acted so aggressively towards someone just as she did for no real or apparent reason. She embarrassed herself and after she calmed down and came back to a more relaxed and reflective space I bet she beat herself up over it and wishes that she hadn't acted out so in the first pkace. She is a hard core activist who fights for people's rights on many different fronts, your's too even if you might not realize it. She publicly embarrassed herself for sure but I believe that if you had a similar momentary break it would not help for you to feel slings and arrows thrown in your direction. Expressing raw hate towards this woman is not healthy for either her or the one creating the hate scenario. Your body doesn't appreciate all those negative emotions that you manufacture, it is like self poisoning yourself.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2016
  15. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Shes needs sexual heeling.
  16. Probably not.
  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    probably not...

    I do agree with the point about poisoning oneself with observing her, that guy showed amazing restraint...
  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    She needs to meet Nick the Dick,starts at 0:40.
  19. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    If the second guy would have said his name was "Seymour Butts", I would have died of abrupt laughter. :rofl:
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