iOS music apps talk, favorites and/or questions

Discussion in 'Mobile' started by Peter Verity, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. Peter Verity

    Peter Verity Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    What are all your favorite iOS music production apps? among my favorites are TC performer, TC-11 and thumb jam for touch based action, All the Sugar Byte apps work amazingly, for a sequencer Yamaha's TNR-e is quite fun, and i really love Soft Drummer which just realsed not long ago. Also, i have around 95% of ALL iOS muisc production apps (along with the IAP) not that im rich, i just have no life and no girlfriend to spend money on lol. So if you guys are unsure about an app ask me and ill give you my opinion, but im no expert in all things music production but i do love to create and experiment.
  2. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    The apeSoft apps are cool, especially iPulsaret. Patterning is an awesome way to program syncopated beats. DFX. Spacelab. SunVox. Tabletop was cool before Audiobus came along but now with Studiomux sending audio and MIDI/OSC to and from your computer is exponentially better.
    V-Control Pro because it lets you control your DAW and each individual plugin from a remote desktop window on your iPad.
    I really like the various MIDI/OSC control apps because they do something other than the norm. Or try to anyways.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
  3. Peter Verity

    Peter Verity Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    sadly i only have the ipad at the moment so i cant comment on any of the cross platform applicatns, but you are right, and i do enjoy the apesoft apps as well. are you refering to TouchOSC, midi designer and Lemur
    eend toend to o i am without a pc since i was robbed so i havnt had the chance to try out sny cross platform application uses yet. yea the apeSoft apps are great, have you had a chance to try out Mobius Lab? itf you like the apeSoft apps im sure you will enjoy this one. and i like DFX but i to use FLUX FX more, i just like the feel of the touch, it reminds me of using the KP3+
    Do you happen to have a favorite drum app? Soft drummer is really nice for acoustics, it just realsed, by the same dev that made funk drummer, i also like using triqtraq as drum pads, as you can create sections and rearrange them and change sounds the entire time, you might enjoy checking that one out.
  4. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I've got all three but if I had to pick a favorite it would be Lemur.
    Touchable is also awesome if you're a Live user and imaginado's LK.
    The upside of LK is you can switch it to pure MIDI mode for controlling anything.

    I have. It's pretty impressive. If you like that you should check out Audulus and/or SunVox.

    Right now it's Patterning. Another I've been playing with is Conform. It's not really configurable but cool for inspiring glitchy beats. Because it only outputs a single audio channel, I usually record multiple takes to separate channels then effect each with delays, reverbs, amps and whatnot.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  5. Peter Verity

    Peter Verity Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    HHAHAHA omg i love conform too! i dont know what it really is about that app exactly but i cant seem to delete it! and i just started dabbling with Audulus but im a complete rookie when it comes to modular so its slow going
  6. FatDre501

    FatDre501 Newbie

    Aug 26, 2016
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    I am seriously digging fl mobile. I just got Caustic. Im a Studio One guy, but no remote for iPhone unfortunately.
  7. Peter Verity

    Peter Verity Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    shhhhhh, this is a secret, but, FL Studio is working on a new verion of the FL Studio, i wont say anything really about it except it looks amazing in the alpha stage, and once it is finished they hope to release the entire new studio as an update, so that no one has to pay for it again ^_^
  8. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    For me the greatest is Auria Pro, unfortunately at the same time the most expensive.
    Other really good ones I like:
    Synths: thor, Cassini, iProphet, and in fact all PPG synths
    Drums: Funkbox, DM2, Elastic Drums
    Composition: Auxy, Genome, Beatmaker 2, Gadget, Cubasis
    Sampling: Samplr, bs-16i, Yellofier
    Utility: MobMuPlat, MidiFlow, Audio/MidiMux, Lemur
  9. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    and I think Lemus is on sale for like 9.99 down from $29.99 or something, so if looking to get it, seems like a good time to do so!
  10. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    appcake + Auria Pro + localiapstore = win.
  11. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Oh yes, those original FabFilter plugins on the iPad is probably the best you can get :)
    Add the Midi Sync, the Twin 2 synth and the DFD-Streaming sampler that can even import EXS24 programs, there's not much else to wish for :wink:
  12. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Send MIDI out from Patterning to control Live Drum Racks

    rtpMIDI on Windows or IAC Setup on Mac:
    Enable a Virtual MIDI out port (MIDI 1)

    Enable the same port as a MIDI Input in Live's MIDI Preferences

    Enable LINK in Live and in Patterning
    In Patterning go to File > MIDI Configuration > Send Always > Select rtpMIDI/IAC Host
    In Patterning Enable all MIDI Track Outputs and set each MIDI Port to Network Session
    Set MIDI Channel.
    Set Pitch to C2 for first track. C#2 for second. D for third... G2 for eighth.
    Set Pitch Automation to ON.

    In the Patterning Mixer bring all levels down to prevent the internal Patterning kits from sounding.
    Be careful NOT to use the MUTE button as this mutes the MIDI output and Drum Rack Kits won't sound.
    With LINK enabled apps there is no Master/Slave so you can set the tempo from Patterning or Live regardless.

    This works with sequencing anything. Maschine, Battery, Monark. Just disable LINK and the MIDI Clock Receive option is enabled to allow for regular MIDI Clock Master/Slave behavior.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016

    Attached Files:

  13. AbigailHyde

    AbigailHyde Newbie

    Nov 18, 2019
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    What's the best music download app for iPhone? and How do I download free music to my iPhone 2019??? please guide guys
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