Everything sounds the same?

Discussion in 'Music' started by wuzzle, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. Moyda, nobody's squawking about no moyda. Not a hair on your pink little head will even be mussed, but you will never ever in all your long lived days without the secret ever write a worthwhile piece of music again.
  2. Crater

    Crater Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2014
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    That's not a bad "sound"... U guys just think it suck because it's over used...
    That's something i'm tired to see/hear over the years, it's just swedish pop turning everything into sh*t like always...
    Those guys know what sheeps like and how to make a sheep tornado... Because humans are like sheeps...

  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Please define it. Being in the past?:bleh:

    I wonder why these kinds of threads are always created by the people that can not live the past down. They've gone and never will be enliven. If so, they'd have this form:

    Dance of Death:hahaha:

    I give condolences to you but please let them be comforted.:bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2016
  4. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Don't even joek about there being no future mussing ;__; it's teh best part!

    That's sum cold, hard talk from such a warm, wet liquid XD
  5. "The Secret"

    The secret is a secret, so don't tell a soul...
    The secret is...that there's no secret at all...
    There never was, never could, and not a secret right now
    Be withheld because it weights even less than the air
    And all the songs that you write in the future I'm sure
    Will be unique, push the beat, enjoyed by one and us all

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  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    But there're lots of them. Most companies/people earn money using their own created recipes. They're secrets for them.

    As you know spending lots of years in any profession does not mean you've got all the knowledge from it. No matter what the profession is (music or whatever). Everyone analyzes/feels it with his/her own view and acquires totally different results from it (like a real life). They're called secrets or techniques.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2016
  7. nastybobby

    nastybobby Kapellmeister

    Oct 27, 2015
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    In their final gigs/tours together as a band, when they started attracting larger and larger audiences with every gig. Their FOH engineer was continuously being asked by punters to 'turn the words up'. Definitely one of the few punk/post-punk vocalists/lyricists with his own vocal style that also was singing lyrics that were worth deciphering and understanding.

    Attempting to continue after he'd gone must've been an extremely daunting task. And both the fact they did and went on to become very successful on their own terms is one of the most remarkable stories in modern music I think. Probably only equalled both in terms of sheer scale of loss and then achievement by the likes of post Syd Barrett Pink Floyd.
  8. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    If I was offered a chance to travel back to 60-70's and see all those great rock bands live I definitely wouldn't say no. I also like 70's fashion and way of life much better. I find it very stylish.

    Muscle cars, those were the cars. Not a fucking late 90's-early 00' BMW I now see on every corner. Fucking hell, they literally made me hate that fucking car!

    It's also the time when people actually talked to each other. I mean a normal human communication. Not like this. Not like social networks. I mean, no fucking text chats, no sms, no fucking smartphones and gadgets, the time when they didn't check-in on a fucking fb to boast where they've been or who they've seen, or twit and instagram the pictures of their breakfast or a cup of coffee, or their stupid fucking selfies, and all this in a pathetic attempt to gain any public attention to themselves. It's probably the lamest thing ever to do, if you think of it. For fuck's sake, I don't care about your dumb fuckface, fuck you selfies, fuck your boast, fuck you, you are a fake, shallow attention whore. you would probably suck a horse off to get more likes and shares if it helped.

    Healthy social communication and relations are severely damaged and brought down. Generally, I find everything about modern life and modern culture to be as shallow as it gets. Whichever art genre of present day I evaluate, I see or hear garbage. I'm not even a snobbish or prejudiced person. It's just the way it is. It's a mediocre, ugly, pretentious garbage, lacking any real substance.

    I'm definitely very sorry to be stuck in this age of mediocrity, stupidity and lack of good taste. Once again, if only there was a time machine invented, I wouldn't hesitate a single second to leave this fucking "modern world".

    And last but not least, women. Women back in the day had style, had personality, they knew how to emphasize it. They also were more naturally beautiful. Now I notice, girl wearing a makeup and girl without it - big difference. They can even look ugly without their shitload of makeup to cover it up. I won't even touch the way they dress today. It's a ridiculous buffoonery. Girls, really, learn how to dress properly and develop a style. Learn from previous generations of girls. They knew how to do it right, do it tastefully.

    Tell me I'm "born in the wrong generation" for all I care. Most likely you'd be right. Gladly, muscle cars, vintage styled clothes and good old rock are still available today.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
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  9. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Because music was/is lucrative (your choice). So now, producers know what chords strike nerves in the average music listeners. It's a business. Individuality is now underground. It's all about milking the cow. Later for the creativity. I say that as a realist. Not in agreement w/ the BS.
  10. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    All I can say is Wow.
  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    That's better than saying Woah-oh-oh-oh woah-oh-oh-oh.
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  12. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    If there will be a time machine invented some day, it's present now already.
    It's a time machine, you know?

    Only if all time travelers exclusively are visiting the 60s and 70s you're out of luck.
    So make some great music now to give them a reason to come.
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  13. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Couldn't have said it better myself, mate. :mates:Easily the best comment on this thread.
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  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Such an eloquent & wise statement. I love it. Truly.
  15. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    The Foreword section of a book (talking about minimalism):

    My friend David Lang once said to me, ‘I envy when you were born.’ What did he mean? After a bit of thought I believe he meant that since I was born in 1936 and got my musical education in the 1950s and 1960s, I was subjected to the final mannerist stage of German Romanticism. The chromaticism of Wagner passed on to Schoenberg, whose 12-note system led to the total serialism of Boulez, Stockhausen, et al. This music can be generally characterized as having no regular pulse, no harmonic centre and no melodic content that a postman or anyone else can whistle. This music and its underlying theories enjoyed tremendous academic prestige but only a tiny listenership in the general music-loving public.

    As for me, I became a composer because I loved, among others, Stravinsky, Bartók, Bach, Perotin, BeBop and Coltrane. At age 14 I switched from studying piano to percussion, drumming. Much later, studying with Luciano Berio in 1962–63 I became aware of Ghanaian drumming and revisited Balinese Gamelan, which I first heard in the 1950s. Tape loops were being experimented with. And, there was rock ‘n’ roll. All of these influences were in the air, not just affecting me. They were out there in America and elsewhere. Non-Western music was being performed by non-Western musicians in concerts, Miles Davis and John Coltrane were actively performing, Glen Gould’s first recording of The Goldberg Variations was released, the early-music revival was in full swing and inexpensive tape recorders became available. It was almost impossible for young composers not to be aware of these developments. It was a time of change.

    Out of this combination of influences the music that is now referred to as ‘minimalist’ was born. It was not the work of a single individual and it could only have happened at that time when an older style had reached such over-complexity that it was hardly listened to and many other musical influences were suggesting alternatives: strong but ambiguous rhythms, shorter melodic patterns and a much slower rate of harmonic change.

    David Lang was right in that it fell to my generation to apply all these influences to create something new during the 1960s. For those born later, their challenge was to build upon, change or tear down what my generation created and is still creating. Now, almost 50 years and about three generations later, it is gratifying to hear all the music, instrumental, vocal and electronic, notated and non-notated, that has grown out of our efforts.

    These kinds of arguments and criticisms about what's good or bad have existed in the music world from the start till now. Even in the Bach era. We're not able to do anything special with it. The winner is a person that does not complain more and try to respect his/her own mind by providing suitable foods for it.:wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2016
  16. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    No need to get this personal.
  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Couldnt agree more.
    We do bitch about it a lot,but we have a darn good reason and its not nostalgia,its fucking facts,its bad and its getting worse.
    Instead of going up its going way down,culture,music,movies,human relations...
  18. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    To the ones who want to time travel back (or wished they were born in another generation), because they think music (art/live/..) was better in an other generation.. you might like Woody Allens movie 'Midnight in Paris'.

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