Serum timebomb fix?

Discussion in 'Software' started by DarkLizzard, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Yes, yes they are. It does wavetables (35+ yr old tech in search of a use) and throws a vast array (2) of these WT, 3 (count em!) envelopes and 4 (an infinite sea of) LFOs @ ur ears! Amazeballs! Hype-train-a-go! Woo-hoo! Best synth evah!


    Isn't it Duuuuda where's my preset (who presumably knows synth better than even u do?) the guy who design teh factory presets? That all sound the same? Presumably that's what "3 years" of work gets u! Heaven forfend if we use our ears 2c what professional sound designers make of a synth they've had for nearly a year, when we 1st load it!

    I spent 400 years typing this sentence before I released it on teh unsuspecting world. It's not so it seems moar intrinsically valuable or 2 hype mydelf up beyond evidence & reason. It's cos I'm rly dumb!

    Hehs. Isn't that precisely what it is?

    To me, it's quite an average-sounding synth. Wavetables and the (hype!!11) use of wavetables is a mystery, 2 me. It's basically just using rly, rly shit samples, when u boil it down. Down 2 a smpl that is ~256 byte quality! All hail math! Anyway, u cud argue that there's similar Reaktor ensembles that are 10-a-penny, and most (all) of them sound loads bttr than Serum. But, y'know, it's ur cash!


    Also, hate? That's a strong word for what is actually a mix of ambivalence / respect. I think teh problems with mathematicians is that they can't understand us stupid musicians, who keep droning on about analog, which is just noise. In a lot of ways, I kinda agree. But I don't argue with my ears about it.
  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    It does additive harmonics editing and (if I'm not mistaken) per-harmonic phase editing, Per-frame wavetable editing, FM, several different kinds of waveform warping, including a shaper that allows you to bend the wavetable to the specifications of a free-draw envelope, it has many models of distortion including a free-draw waveshaper, it allows you to modulate basically every parameter on the interface, drag and drop audio to wavetable with pitch detection and a choice of multiple algorithms, some unique filter types, a suite of fully modulatable effects, free-draw LFOs... I could go on...

    Eight LFOs, by the way.

    Sounds like a case of the often misdiagnosed user error. I want the synth to allow me to do things that more limited instruments don't offer. You want it to artificially augment whatever vanilla bullshit you're making/browsing.

    It's funny. Really all I said is Serum is worth paying for. I called it the most complete synth out - which if not plainly true, it's certainly in that conversation - and people start coming out of the woodwork thinking they can air out their contempt for the "hype" by using me as a stand-in. You got the wrong guy. You clearly don't know the subject matter.

    Might be time for you to fall back into the background and spam downvotes like you like to do.

    Later edit: I removed some of the more "asshole" bits of my comment. Plainly, I don't like people coming at me with attitude over basically nothing. I got a little carried away though
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
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  3. 2brokegirls

    2brokegirls Newbie

    Aug 28, 2016
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    sorry guys i was rly drunk last night/this morning... woke up about 30 mins ago xddd
    yes the fix i wrote about worked fine for me on win 7 home prof 64bit version but i cant tell you if its working on our mac because first we bought it on mac and my friend is on on vac with that pc...

    like i said, just rent serum... so much easier and you dont have to care about any updated "cracked" versions and splice is legal for 9$ a month... best option i guess
  4. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    This is obvs true. I admit I haven't even used Serum often enough 4 it to bork up and crash or try 2 go online / leak data whatevs. But in my limited experience, editing wavetables (it is a wavetable synth ffs) is still (nrly yr after release) annoy and finicky and awful and shit. U are discouraged from being a silly "artist" when taking teh "stupid" option (creating ur own WT from scratch - if ur dumbass music guy & know what waveforms look like already). Instead, ur forced 2b mathematician, forecasting what teh synth wants u 2 do, b4 u do it, in a triumph of straight-jacketing genius. Similarly, it will kill (almost randomly) any processor if u dare stack (OMFG don't let anything sound gud ffs! this is math-only synth! Not meant 2b played by humans ffs!) or chose any other of the myriad "wrong" options that are just there for evaluation purposes; they're just "preview" options until Duuuuuuda can figure out why he's not a billionaire yet. Look, just pay Duuuuuda $ already! He's only poor, barely-coping millionaire. He's entitled! He studies math in his sleep in a specially-built anechoic sleep chamber! And he doesn't even sleep! He's too genius 2! He obviously needs moar hair product than normal humans!!11 etcs

    Well, ima talk about what synth labels as LFO. And there are 4. What it calls "OSC" amount 2 a couple of WT + 2 "special" (limited) WT. But I haven't delved as deep as u, obvs.

    Didn't u read my post b4? Where I said that "math guy" didn't let u automate / modulate switches etcs? Or (AFAIK) even let u use keyswitch etcs? It's 4 ur own good. Ur math overlords say so!

    Yeah, it's a WT synth. Gotcha. I already said why WT is slightly borked, prolly even failed tech.

    Cool story, bro.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  5. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    @famouslut I knew you'd get spanked. :hillbilly:
    I once tried to replicate a hardsync sound, you know master->slave that sweeps into self-oscillating filter (adam young early stuff). I still do. I don't fucken care which synth brings me there. It was then when I realized that serum and prob all other synths based on this tech just wont do. Much better than if you try it /w Omnisph "hardsync"-disaster, but still. The most close I was able to get was /w (69€) u-he Ace. And I fucken hate that guy Urs or whatev hes name is /w his bombs and attitude. And Im in love /w Duda. And this fact doesnt friggin change the sound quality. For the last time - Serum is ok for certain producers, can be the ultimate synth for others. But it sucks in certain areas. That's why ppl still buy moog voyager for 3000+$ and shit.
    They all sound "almost" the same because synth is best for that kind of sound - which kinda hides some shit. The point is, you just CAN NOT say to ppl to throw all other stuff through the window coz Serum will cover everything.. it will not replace reaktor, kontakt, all emulations, FM-specific, additive,... :facepalm:

    Edit: now let me spend some quality time with wapwap wobblewobble boom-groooowl zapzap beauty, before new update comes out (+special bonus of 3 threads on ASex of 12yo gangstas asking for crack)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  6. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Yeah, I'm right with u on all that, man. Just so much of it (the content) feels like it's a weird niche that has only just got out of a year-long beta. But, y'know, it's just opinions.

    I don't mind Duda (I <3 his flappy hands =) & it's prty funny listen 2 him trying not 2 sound frustrate with ppl on Youtube, I just hope he's totally fed up with WT, and does smthn less borked, nxt?
  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    There are 8. You have to assign four for the fifth to show.

    It also has a Noise Oscilliator that you can drag and drop custom samples into. I've made some crazy drones using just this.

    Besides manually entering formulas for wavetable creation, you can enter syllables from a phrase with " " and slowly modulate the WT Position to emulate a quick and dirty text-to-speech function.

    OK Computer.
  8. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Oh yeah, thx bruh, nvr knew! Told u I haven't used it much XD
    (Guess I gotta rethink about how clear the UI / feedback is!)

    Yeah, I said b4 "+2 'special' (limited) WT". Just wished there were moar "standard" ones, rly.
  9. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @Matt777 I can agree with you that it's less than ideal for replicating certain 'classic' sounds. AFAIK you can only FM in series, and it only has 3 oscillators, so no serious FM work that involves more than that obviously. And yeah, I can't really say I miss the ability to sync to an actual oscillator on the interface, but if that's your thing I can't recall if Serum offers that. Probably not. Hard to argue with you there.

    One thing I do really miss in Serum is the ability to route things how I want. (as far as I know) no way to route oscillator A to one filter and oscillator B to another. No way to split split the signal and (for example) process some things in parallel. This is one reason working in Sytrus is such a joy. Outputs for every damn step of the signal chain. Jesus christ, do I appreciate that. Obviously, also mostly possible with a modular like ACE or Bazille. I don't use ACE but I have Bazille and love it.

    But Serum does give you the option to modulate to pretty much your heart's content, and for me that is essential and miserably under-valued in a lot of synths. The god damn Air Music Tech synths have so much potential, wasted on a shitty modulation system that limits mod destinations to the handful of parameters that they decided were, I guess, the most useful. And Loom... Loom doesn't really even let you do that.

    @famouslut if you want to complain about developers limiting your options 'for your own good'... come right this way and we can throw a shitfest about Air. I was so disappointed when I started to grasp the big picture with their synth line. I guess Hybrid is better than the other two.

    Nah man there really are 8. Try it out on one of the recent updates if you have it installed. If you use the four displayed LFOs a 5th one comes up, and then 6, 7, 8 the same way.
    (edit: I see Pinkman beat me to the punch here)

    I guess not...I even went back and skimmed the thread quick, and I'm still not sure what you're getting at. Which switches? I know there are lots of things that can't be modulated with the drag and drop method that are actually accessible from the mod matrix.

    Lol man, come on. I would agree with you if you said wavetables are for lazy sound designers who want half the work done for them in advance. But WT synths are huge and seemingly still gaining steam. IMO the point about them being crappy audio files, or whatever it was that you called them, is kind of irrelevant isn't it? They're only meant to be used as the starting point of a sound.

    At any rate, I didn't intend for this to turn into me bitching with everyone over Serum. I think it's a great synth. Not perfect, but definitely one of the best for its intended purpose with one of, if not the most comprehensive feature set. Definitely one of a few preferred synths that I like to use when I want to get weird with sound design, even though lately I've been more into Sytrus and Bazille. And of course always Harmor.

  10. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Is it? Is crappy audio irrelevant nao? I think they shud use that as marketing slogan =) ima just hoping u do a "leave Britney (Duda) alone" vid nxt! Anyway, just tryn 2b objective about what Serum (well WT) actually does/is. Ur kinda saying stuff that's a bit frothy, tho, about Serum being "among teh best evah", when the tech is (to me) quite borked, for reasons I said. I mean, I get that this is Duda's 1st synth & I hope that his potential is realised, when he stops using WT & release nxt synth, which might rly b amazeballs. But i rly get the feeling that the "3 yr" dev time was mainly waiting 4 Camel Audio 2 fold =P

    Hehs. Ur prolly right! I must finally get around 2 using some of their synths so I can hate on them! Nah, I don't hate Serum, it's just a bit underwhelm, rly.

    Try 2 assign keyswitches 2 anythn, I just did. And it did not. Try 2 cntrl (automate) (ie) oneshot mode / pitch track / etc etcs... try 2 automate / ctrl UI stuff (switch between OSC / FX / etcs) and so on. Like I said, I wanna be able 2 have stuff (shit / piss) @ fingertips =) not have 2 mouse click all time =( But Duda literally says in one vid (don't ask me 2 find it) it's "not necessary", "don't worry ur prty lil empty heads" (I paraphrase) or smthn.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  11. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Well the 1.113 glitch finally time bombed and rendered useless. Anyhow I just bit the bullet and purchased serum outright. Good thing I had a gift card which covered the cost so practically free :headbang:
  12. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Ok, it's not too much ($0), rly. I would say it's usually about 2x overpriced, when u compare. Hope u don't get buyers remorse liek Cav Emp / irony!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  13. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    It's expensive but nothing that'll kill your finances. I figure all the equipment that I've purchased over the years, this had to be the least expensive. Making music isn't cheap:dunno:
  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Yeah, I guess, relatively, it's nothing much - u can only rly compare 2 other synth; prty meaningless. But in some ways, ima kinda hope that nobody buys Serum. Mainly because the announcement of "Serum 2: The Uns Table" would genuinely make me ;__; @ wasted potentials / blind alley.
  15. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    189,00 US$ for a license are way too much!! :excl:
    Software developers nowadays sell basically licenses only because the rest are plain clones of one original code.
    That explains why they put SO MUCH EFFORTS in their copy protection methods. 90% are using "Keyfile" based
    authorization methods, the remaining rest (the elites) iLOK2 or 3 and other complicated and expensive copy protections.

    Back in the past purchases contained nice made packages with booklets & manuals, a full physical CD installation
    or online download coupled with personal Serial Numbers, including a good and responsive customer support!
    What do we get today? Just a download link and some files. :snuffy:
  16. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Please link to the serum 2 announcement please. If indeed a serum 2 will be released, I'm sure there will be some sort of incentive for people that have purchased the software.
  17. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Wow I'm reading a bunch of grown ass adults arguing why serum is or isn't worth the money. If you think it's worth it in your production, buy it. If it isn't to you then don't. Sound, taste, and feelings are all subjective so stop trying to convince each other otherwise. So stupid.
  18. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    @famouslut Go easy on the guy, he seems decent enough.

  19. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Wavetable synthesis IS NO LAUGHING MATTER, mr Jesse Pinkman! Or should I call u DOCTOR pinkmean cos ur so educate? U jokers with ur chemicals and bald old men friends and basement labs and shit think ur SOooo clever. Well ur not!

    There's not a lot of info just now, just that theres a new color scheme. It's all a bit hush-hush, rly. But I did find smthn. Just promise not 2 spread it 2 anyone on Facebook etcs, ok? And don't let that fukn Pinkman guy see it:


    It doesn't say anything about pricing or release date or any incentive program or anything, that I can see =(

    Yeah, it can get u down a bit, when bunch of ass clown jokers (who think they're funny BUT THEY'RE NOT!) just keep arguing and goofing off when ur just tryin being srs and have sensible discussion while wearing sensible shoes... Not liek Pinkman and his so-called "cool" sneakers and also neckbeard that he thinks r sooooo cool! Well they're not! They are not cool! And neither are drugs!
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  20. Delord

    Delord Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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