Our Favorite Artists... and our Education!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by virusg, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Hi guys, through out the years i observed how artist play a role in the education of our children, i mean im pretty sure the teachers are no longer in total control of our kids and worse, they listen to this shity music and watch porn clips of their favorite artist ...in my opppinion they are deep involved in this matter, whats your oppinion? ...please debate as a serious problem, if possible suggest solutions.
  3. Could you please clarify what you mean by education.
  4. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.

    maybe ive expressed myself wrong... in short was saying "monkey see, monkey do" ?!??
  5. There are good teachers and bad teachers. Good teachers use positive reinforcement to foster children to learn on their own and help them along the way to enjoy the process while praising their self exploration.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2016
  6. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    When I was a teen I used to listen Guns & Roses, like some of my friends, and some adults around thought that this band could have a bad influence on kids who listen to them and wanted to mimick their sex, drugs & rock n' roll attitude, turn out that, in my case, those adults were right... ^^
    But not in the case of some of my friends who've never tried any drugs or have sexual encounter with stranger while being dead drunk.
    My parents had the Rolling Stones, my daughter will have Rhianna or whoever, I guess that "problem" has always existed and will always be.
    Some kids will follow the "wrong" model and gain bad habit (but in the end could always become decent people, like me, well I guess ^^) some don't and their parents will be proud of them (or not if they're hippies/punk/whatever ^^) .
    So imho there's no solution because this "conflict of generation" (not sure how can I write it in english) will exist forever like he always existed...
  7. When I was a kid I saw a Robert Mapplethorpe book of photogaphs. I remember being intrigued more by for the quality of the compositions and how they captured the essence of what I knew of NYC. In each one I could almost smell the street or feel the wind of a taxi as it sped on past me on 5th Avenue. There was obvious sexuality in the photographs but I felt them more having to do with pure sensuality. There was Mapplethorpe with a bull whip up his rectum, another of someone's arm up to the elbow up another's ass, but this didn't seem to harm me in any way, I was more interested why someone would enjoy it, let alone let someone take a photo of it and most of all how it must have hurt like hell. Seeing these didn't make me want to explore homosexuality or entice me to put my arm into somebody's large intestine, but I did start taking black and white photographs and developing my own work which mostly had to do with perspective and creating interesting new world's where my lines came together at the vanishing point. So I guess I learned to love photography from just being exposed to what uptight, straight laced homophobes were calling pornography.
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    The only thing we, as parents, can do is instill a sense of value in morals and teach our kids the art of living a life beyond reproach so when the time comes, they have our voices in their minds and ultimately their hearts. @superliquidsunshine is right, restricting a child's sense of exploration is the worst thing you can do, simply be there to guide them with motivation and praise.
  9. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    even though it looks like you copied and pasted a dictionary entry on the word education, i think i understand what you're tying to question.

    it's funny really isn't it.

    The "Pop stars" do the things they do because the children like it and it gets them attention.
    the children like them because they are famous for doing the things they do.

    for example, lets take Miley Cyrus, all the crazy stuff that girl does, for attention. children like her because she's popular etc.
    the media report on her just because it's something to write about. but again the children only like her because she's famous..
    she continues doing crazy stuff to keep popular even though the children will just like anything they see.

    blame the media.
    blame Miley.

    the media could make anyone popular for the children, but they just report on the stupid shit.
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  10. We now live in a world that elevates stupidity and bad behavior to the level of the acceptable and rewards handsomely those willing to act like monkeys with pants for all to see, they throwing their own fresh and steaming shit at a willing and thrilled audience. We are doing our best with our daughter to try to help her see through this illusion of what is billed as acceptable behavior, shown freely on the Internet and television, and that perhaps to just look away and focus on those things that can help her grow into her potential as a kind and giving mensch would be the best for her to choose for herself. It is rough though. So many many of the things out in the wild are meant to keep children's attention for no longer than 15 seconds, then it is on to the next 15 second burst of frenetic nonsense. All her friends have their nose in their phones playing with apps that have them video themselves lipsynncing innane songs or ridiculous lines. It is a form of hypnosis, this short attention span all about me bullshit. The future seems bleak for socialization in the coming decades. The influence of the group dynamic of those in isolation to each other while still in the same room is like a scarry science fiction story that I might have read from Kornbluth and Pohl as a kid myself, except this is no story, it is happening get tight here, right now. This is the new group dynamic, and it is not a pretty scene.
  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    This is how ADD/ADHD was born.
    It also allowed for the legalized drug-dealer (pharmaceutical) companies to create their own economy.

    What's sad is that these kids afflicted with these "disorders" are incredibly intelligent when it comes to the things that can actually hold their interest.
  12. I could.go on an on about the conscious effort of drug companies and "leading" medical institutions fostering these all too prevelent and seeming disabilities for their own benefit, but that would be for a different post in a different thread.
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