Does a Room Really Make That Much A Difference??? YES IT DOES!

Discussion in 'Genre Specific Production' started by superliquidsunshine, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. I stumbled across this, felt it a brilliant way to answer the question, so am passing it on to you. I just wish the fellow would stop talking and let us focus more on what the rooms sound like.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2016
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  3. santillana

    santillana Kapellmeister

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Awesome Video, Drummer is a mate of mine I've played with him a few times :)
  4. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    still not obvious for some ppl? like "water is wet"... "sun is hot"... "room makes a difference"... no? OOOKay!

    anyways, the video is load of wank. could be a minute long showcasing the drum sound, instead we hear bla bla for the most of it. I so much wish people on Youtube would just STFU and just do what they are supposed to do. really tired of YT talkers. so much time wasted on these blabbering vids. "just get on with it already, you motherfucker!"

    ah, that's better. rant over.
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  5. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    Super cool! I have not treated my room, and it's a rumbly disaster with my Yamaha HS8 monitors. Maybe one day i will spring for some audio acoustic stuff, but likely not until i re-locate my office to the basement. After i rip half the basement out and then relocate my rig there. :O
  6. Ripping the shit out of stuff can be very theraputic, and your ears and sonic work will surely appreciate it.
  7. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Lol. Isn't that what a Bricasti M7 is for?
  8. Could I borrow yours? I promise to give it back to you by dinner time tomorrow!
  9. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    You're a good friend but I'd lend you my wife before my Bricasti :P

    (Actually it's not really even mine sadly. I just have the use of it occasionally) The Bricasti, not my wife..
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I still want a Big Sky reverb... not cheap but nowhere near Bricasti...:speaker: I'll just try the IRs from time to time

    anyway.. cool video.. I thought the talk kind of set things up

    Perhaps one good thing is youtube does have a little preview as you point across the timeline
    so you can skip ahead from the talking head that's annoying you..
    use that little technique often for the real YT windbags taking 30 mins to walk through a new plug or two.. :yawn:
  11. Yes, my good Herr Durr, Strymon's Big Sky Reverb is pretty great, but don't walk out of the store unless you also take home their Timeline Delay, as they together go part and parcel and compliment each other to a T.

    Impulse responses can be pretty cool filters to run stuff through. I too have those Bricastii M7 IRs, though I can only quite well imagine that the real deal is the real deal. Those IRs find a place from time to time in pieces that I do. One of my favorite IRs is actually an ex secret CIA listening post. It is this huge empty concrete space that sounds to me very beautiful. Maybe you have that one too. I wish that I sometimes had a fine portable recorder with a fine pair of microphones so that I could create my own impulse responses from places that I find. I am forever embarrassing my daughter for clapping my hands to better hear new and interesting spaces that we find ourselves. I always have a Seydel harmonica in the key of C in my pocket, so whenever I am walking the dog, which is like three times a day, I play in both small and large pedestrian tunnels and other highly ambient domains that we find ourselves walking through. The various sounds in these different spaces makes for creative spacesfor me, giving me ideas just from the emptiness and the vibe. I am so very grateful for my daughter's friend's father who asked me to teach him how to play the harmonica because before that I hadn't really played in many years. When I was 19 I lived with my grandparents for a year in their pre-war apartment building in Queens, NYC and I would go up the fire stairway in the building which was this incredible 10 story concrete reverb chamber with my old red label Yamaha FG 350 (made in Japan, and though my brother who still has it abused the shit out of it, sounds incredible and oh so sweet after 40+ years) and a harmonica in the key of E, with a neck holder and taught myself how to play the mouth organ. I would be up there for hours at a time swimming in that beautiful sea of sound. Now I play very day and have gotten much, much better.

    I love sound, cannot you tell?
  12. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    This is comedic gold! If there was a sitcom that revolved around production, this would definitely be a reoccurring joke.
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  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Nothing new for me.
    Air Studio One,both with and without panels was my favorite sounding kit/room.
  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @superliquidsunshine Indeed... I in no way doubt anything from Strymon is made to a high degree of quality if not excellence..
    so I'll keep it mind for the next time I'm ready to dive in with some cash... after @Von_Cubase's hypnotic refrains I have spent most of my gear and software quota for the year already..

    agree with @Von_Steyr Air sounded best... with honorable mention for Rak

    And does anyone here own a Bricasti? :wow: I don't even want to remind myself how many thousands they are...

    oh by the way.. did you ever try to make an IR off one of Ferdinand's monkey screams in a tunnel? Now that would be interesting.. :bleh:

    I think these days with so much stink in so called "music" I would have to put myself in the same category of loving sound as much or more than music, though I have yet to amass the variety of instruments you have.. I never even thought of buying a bowed psalter.. and moreover I couldn't even tell you what one sounds like.. haha.... I'm still waiting for the @superliquidsunshine Groove3 on how to play.. then I might take the plunge....

    Also have an old Marine marching band harmonica my father owned, have no idea what
    the key is, and would need a tut to have a clue how to play that as well

    lastly .. don't want to embarrass you experienced one.. I recently started using gimp and wanted to do a psychedelic project for the 1st go... and I thought what is the most "psych" thing I have heard in the last 10 years...?
    well only 1 thing came to mind...

    no I don't have a Senior Hippie crush... so naff off with that... :rofl:

    yes you can sample it for your next album cover

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2016
  15. zero frendo

    zero frendo Member

    Jan 2, 2016
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    only if it's padded. :)
  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    4.000 euros is a bit expensive for a reverb,but then again...
    Try altiverb 7,you have all the famous reverbs there,sounds really good.
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  17. My esteemed colleague, your psychedelic rendition of my moniker sent me immediately into a friendly frenzied flashback and most certainly will be stored in the annals of my memory as one of the nicest gifts I have ever recieved. It will definitely find a place of honor on my studio wall after being well printed and suitably framed.

    About the harmonica, hold the harmonica in your hand so that the lowest notes are to the left, the higher note holes to the right. I believe Hohner harmonicas are stamped or printed with the key signature in the more narrow folds on either side of the instrument, but if not...outwardly blow a tone into the lowest hole, find that note on your guitar, and whamo, that is the key of the harp. To play the blues, play in the key signature of 5th above that tone. For instance, if the harmonica is in the key of C, play the blues in the key of G on your guitar. That G should be a draw (inhale, exhale is blow) on the 2nd lowest hole, or that would be the 5th on on the harmonica in whichever key it is. Record yourself some I IV V blues with your guitar and use that to practice and to build up your chops. You could also add in a minor 6th along the way, that also fits into the progression when playing the harmonica in key. I suggest cleaning your harmonica from time to time as they can get a little unsanitary after a time, though I have never heard of any fatalities associated with a yucky harp.

    I think that Air Studio sounded best also. Damn nice room.

    There are tons of free impulse responses out there. They are great to use and I highly recommend for folks to experiment with using them. They can really put you in a specific space, if you want your voice to be in a concert hall or your drums in a small closet, they all have their place in the your creative use of them.
  18. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    And, of course, room does make a difference. Something, that is totally normal to anyone who plays an instrument. A new thing to learn for someone who builds the tracks within a computer only. Here's another fine video:
  19. This is very creative. Thanks for turning me on to it.
  20. lathonrhamir

    lathonrhamir Newbie

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Air Studio One,both with and without Redtube Beeg Spankbang panels was my favorite sounding kit/room.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
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