Not any religion- Do you believe in an intelligent GOD?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    And YHWH questioned you nay sayers...“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
    Tell me, if you understand...?
    Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?
  2. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I've always had a suspicion that insanity worked it's way into human DNA long, long ago, and we've been losing ground ever since. After reading some of the horseshit spewed out in this thread, I'm more convinced than ever. If it doesn't change, we need to go extinct before we infect the rest of the universe.
  3. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    do any of you Christians believe in Ganesh? As do a billion or so Hindus. Why? Because that's what you are taught to believe if you were geographically located in India. How many of you claiming the truth of Jesus were brought up believing in any one of countless other Gods (far older than the Christian one) and changed their minds? My estimation is... none. You follow the pack without question.
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  4. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    If you haven't seen it already, will all of you contributing to this thread please watch the documentary "Can We Take a Joke". I'd be very interested to hear your opinions on it. After watching this documentary, I've become even more dissolusioned with the direction we're heading.
  5. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    Thanks for the advice mate, starting to see it, and it seems very interesting, politically correctness is an interesting topic
  6. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I just found a trailer on YT. The punch line "If you think you have right to be offended..." should be taught in schools and a sticker put on inner side of everyone's toilet door.
    Do you have by any chance a link to a full movie (or movie download) (you can PM it)?

    BTW didn't notice that anybody felt particularly offended in this thread while a lot of humor flies around.
  7. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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  8. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Well, some of the bible bangers might have gotten a little miffed.:winker::rofl:
  9. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    Saw you video mate, we should open a topic if you want, here we are OT and users have complained already
  10. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    I think SJW are much easier to be triggered than religious people...
  11. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Just because I love Jesus doesn't mean I was offended. In fact, my first comment was pretty humorous, too. I don't care what people say about my beliefs. I don't worry about it & I don't bother getting offended by it. I realize my opinion doesn't matter that much. As a irreverent comedian myself, I've actually received a few death threats for some of the jokes I told. It's really scary but super funny at the same time. People really think it's ok to threaten someone's life because of a fucking joke? WTF!
    I'd have to say, my 2 favorite comedians alive today (besides myself), are Jim Jefferies & Gilbert Gottfried. Gilbert is the ex voice of the Afflac duck on the afflac commercials. The guy lost his job because he made some tweets about the tsunamis in Japan back in 2011 right as it was happening. I personally thought the tweets were downright hilarious. That right there is what worries me - is a society that can just instantly tear someone down solely for telling a small joke OUTSIDE of their work place. Honestly, if I can't tell a joke without going to jail, then we are NOT free. America is not a free country if people can go to jail for voicing their opinions. The leaders of this country are against its values. Meanwhile you got people stomping on the flag & getting away with it. But instead let's all go after the folks who are just trying to brighten up some people's gloomy Monday mornings.
  12. Jim Jefferies is very clever and I love the way gets right up in the face of people's comfort level and then makes it alright to talk about things that a moment before were not suitable for polite company. He's a good one. Here he talks about religion, and though it skirts the "not any religion" thing, it might be a nice way to slide into other parts of this grand discussion.

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  13. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Yes, it would be an unbearable, socially boring world if everyone thought the same way. I'm ok with people thinking whatever they want as long as they don't physically hurt anyone else, or try to negatively impact another's life, or the environment.
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  14. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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  15. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    If you think it is interesting for others please do or you can pm your comment
  16. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    And I love your post! :D

    For some reason I missed it when first I wrote mine.
    And they're both on the same page, the first page. :P

    But now I read it and, beautiful, just beautiful. :)
    That's the right attitude of a balanced human being.

    But I have to tell you, it's not me who discerned, no human can. I have been watching many people. Observing them. Looking at what they are saying, teaching. And now I see something clearly.

    If God is not with you, you are speaking about things which have limited impact at best.
    Your work, no matter how brilliant will remain in the shadows and not benefit you in the way you think it will, let alone anyone else.

    If you are spreading fallen teaching, you will not have God behind you at all. He can only seek to get you out. And we know that He saves by grace. He sees something in that individual He likes. It's not our works that have any bearing.

    When God is not backing you, it's like you are someone who has plans to renovate the world, but not a dime to your pocket. Like a dog barking in the wind.

    There is no life force energy there to do what you dream of. Everything is difficult, you have to go against the grain. A certain ease with which a person who has chosen God lives, does not exist, all the doors are shut to you. You have to literally push, and mechanically do everything the hard way to get your will through!
    On the other hand, if you're having dreams of self-service and commiting greater evil, then you will have resources given to you, of course you will. And they will come from the fallen, as soon as you say that you dedicate your life to them.

    But until one chooses God, discernment is not given them. It simply isn't.

    As I write below, there is a difference between the logic of humans that have not chosen God and the logic of those who have. The logic of those who have not, is predisposed/leans towards the cold logic of the fallen and this is why every other spiritual teaching appears more logical than Christianity.
    [Because God is not with those other religions. They only contain the teachings about him, but in a very distorted manner. Distorted to various degrees, depending upon which particular tradition you are following. I am not saying God requires religion, but I am saying God is behind Christians (and also Jews who observe his laws properly), but He is not behind the other spiritual traditions. Doesn't support them. In fact, I have been finding out just how much Jesus has been getting people out of every single other path. Even atheists. Even high level satanists and occultists.]

    But once you do accept God, it's every other teaching that then appears as primitive, crude, even egotist - full of vanity. And yet none of those things can be seen prior to acceptance. You simply cannot see it. All you will see are the "positives", which in actual fact are negatives.

    It's absolutely amazing the game that is going on here on Earth at the high level. Very high level battles that have everything to do with soul orientation.

    We humans think battles are fought with weapons! Hah!!

    Those kind of "gods" are not the true living God. The true God is the source of all life, the source of consciousness, the source of self, the source of energy and matter, the source of every concept in existence. The source of wisdom. The source of love. The source of all the universal laws. And at the same time God is beyond all these things, He is unaffected by them.

    The "god" which you refer to is a being presenting itself to humans and tricking them to worship him. Some of the very first happenings in the Bible speak of how humanity was tricked by the fallen angels, who masqueraded as gods.

    They are creatures, creations, just like everything else in the universe. They were created. God was not created. We can't understand how that works because we inherently filter reality (and truth), through our minds. Which does not allow for the understanding of concepts as they truly are, because out mind was never designed to deal with and understand higher realities, let alone the ultimate truth. We can see but pieces.

    Our souls can understand much more, but the mind is an enormous, enormous barrier. That can't be overstated enough. This has led to many people seeking spiritual experiences in order to bypass the mind and get a little taste of true reality, the true self, God and so forth. However most people do this with great risk. Esp now in this day and age, with so many westerners doing so much ayahuasca and other psychedelics. Seeking trance inducing music, going to psychics, tarot, channeling,.... all these things are literally the first steps to possession.

    None of those things are the way to God, all of them are in their own way mind altering substances/ways, which open doorways - mostly to evil. Because the planet is literally infested with fallen beings, and they are the ones who influence "spiritual experience" seekers first. The reasons are complex as to why and how that works, but those who have gone through it all, and who understand can speak to others and inform them.

    But to get back to Tlaloc. That being, as are many "gods" from most religions are fallen angels masquerading as "God". That's a theme that has occurred, over and over and over again in human history, since the Fall. Because humanity is cut off from the true God, they are extremely easy to manipulate. Each society, each civilization, each era, each culture has their own downfalls, their own weak-points and these can be exploited as if they were nothing. We are dealing with beings who can manipulate reality itself, so that you cannot differentiate what is true and what is not.

    If they want to purchase a society, all they have to do is come bearing gifts which that society desperately needs. The ones who benefit the most are the rulers of the said society, the elite, if you will.

    These beings know who will fall for their trap, because they can read the individual's consciousness and vibration and understand them from the inside out at the fundamental level - have a whole psychological profile on them. They can do this for anyone they wish. You have to understand, within higher realities, you can look down into lower realities, just as we look into a Petri dish, or into lab-cages where we do our experiments. They can study and influence an individual in the same way. One of their prime ways for manipulation of vast populations is through sexuality. Which is why the world today, everywhere we look, sex has gone to hell, in almost every way. It's because we are seeing overwhelming amounts of their influence on an aspect of life, that is one of the most precious in existence. The is nothing their hand touches that is not perverted in its essence.

    Because humanity is a very naive level of development, and because we are also essentially cut of from God, far more in comparison to humanity before the Fall, we cannot see the manipulation being done, on the individual level and the civilizational level. Which is why you have vast populations asleep to any of this. In fact tell them any of this and they would laugh like little children laugh when you tell them true stories of your life. They smile and laugh, but they do not know. And this is also why many people actively work against God, because they have a vested interest in the corrupt system of the world remaining as it is right now, and getting even more corrupt.

    The main point of all this is that these fallen beings are the reason for the creation of so many world religions. They needed a way to distract humankind from following their Creator. So they created as many alternate paths as is possible. What happens when you introduce alternate products into the market place? Someone is going to buy! You can bet on it! And when someone buys, they have turned from the original product, the good quality product to the false copy. A pale shadow. It may be cheaper, but ingesting it you will not get the same quality of nourishment. Just as the fallen can never nourish you as God can nourish you!

    The very distrustful demeanor we as humans have towards God, is proof we are influenced in whatever way, subtle or overt, by the fallen. Their DNA runs in our blood, their ideologies run through our mind. And with their religions they seek to enslave your soul. Actually, put in a better way: convince you to give up your own soul of your own free will. In other words they are even using the precious gift of free will to get you to trick yourself, through the grand deception they have presented. A person looks around and sees, "Hey all these religions speak the same, so they must all be true! Oh those stupid followers of Christ, only they disagree. I think I will follow the masses, the herd!"

    So in some sense you are right, everyone is fighting for your soul. To the fallen, you are energy - a battery, you are a foot soldier, you are a faceless number, you are part of their legion. As long as you do not consciously choose God, you are under the authority of the king of this world, Satan. The hierarchy of the fallen.

    To God you are his child through spirit. As your body Zikkk is the child of your biological father here on Earth. Everyone in the universe is the child of the God I am speaking of.
    But this world, is a place where one can actually lose their soul, i.e. themselves. Until one chooses God, one is not fully under His authority, nor fully his child.

    Understand the difference between the true God, who imbues all existence with life and gives it origin and purpose for existing.

    And the small little beings, who may appear far more advanced than humanity in science and technology, but who are morally and spiritual bankrupt!
    Who have come time and again bearing gifts, impressing each respective society they visited with their gifts (much of which was their fallen knowledge and wisdom) and thus gaining a foothold in that society. When you partake in their knowledge, they will partake in your life.

    We humans have fallen so low, as to listen to fallen beings teach us about God, as if they know Him!

    Remember, fallen angels say A LOT of truth. They have to hook you with something.
    They speak to those who are relatively intelligent and who can sniff out lies.

    So they say much truth, but they lie on points even the wise and the intelligent amongst humanity have no knowledge on. That is how they lead you in their direction. Soon you cannot differentiate between lies and truth any more, you don't know where one ends and the other begins. Because they have melded the two together, so incredibly well. That you feel you are letting go of good truth itself, in trying to rid yourself of the lies. They make sure their knowledge gets stuck inside you, so that you depend upon them, and that if you want to get rid of it, you feel as if you cannot do so. Because a part of you will have by that time identified so strongly with the knowledge you were given, that you will literally feel ill, you will feel like you are tearing yourself apart in trying to take out the knowledge they have given you.

    They are incredibly smart, they have more capabilities than any human and can see how to address your dissent ahead of time by giving you knowledge now that will prevent your future separation from them. When they hook you, you are like a fish. You cannot unhook yourself, because of the way the fish hook is designed. It takes an outside authority, to take the hook out of you, without tearing your mouth apart.

    "Thankful", this Bashar entity is part of the fallen angel horde.

    I used to avidly listen to him. And he seems extremely friendly and FUN! (That's how you break down barriers in people, in many many people, no matter where they are from. Through an easy going fun personality. Everyone will want to be around you. That's what this entity Bashar has done.)

    Now, with the help from the Holy Spirit, I can finally see the deception. And exactly where and which things that he says are complete inversions of the truth that Jesus shared, that God told humanity and that the Holy Spirit has taught humanity in ancient and in modern times.

    (And Bashar was not even my top choice for channeled entities, I was into much more advanced stuff than Bashar! So advanced it was a science onto itself, with a very internally consistent philosophy and cosmology. So convincing, that many people are falling to this material now.)

    Prior to accepting Jesus into my heart, try as I might, I simply could find anything wrong with anything Bashar said. (Or any of the other channeled entities and their materials.)
    That's what my posts here, are all about. Humans from their own logic simply CANNOT see truth in its entirety and WILL get things wrong, time and time again!

    Especially when it comes to the subject of spirituality and the nature of reality.

    One needs God to show them truth, we simply cannot see it. I know people don't like to hear this. I used to hate hearing it myself, but now I see how it is true.
    And why it is.

    No matter what mystical training you have, no matter how good a practitioner of magic you are. No matter how high you have ascended in the ranks of your particular order, mystical school or sole practice, none of these things can be compared in value and in the inner peace, safety and strength that comes from God.

    (I know people of these traditions will say the same benefits can be had, but why is it that people who were practicing all these things it's always they who are coming out of these dark places and turning to God, rather than people going from God into these places. I have never heard of anyone leaving Jesus, after they have had some kind of experience with him. And then going into any other spiritual teaching, other than Christianity. One can find this for oneself online, people are giving testimonies of being saved by Jesus, and NOT by any other entity, extraterrestrial civilization, a "god" of another religion or anything else. All those people who were into all that stuff are coming out! Because Christ showed them what they were truly into. The next thing you know they are ALL doing a 180 degree turn around!)

    I have seen the whole gamut of available choices in this world, in regards to spiritual paths, and the understanding that these beings have and offer you, is absolutely nothing in comparison to the knowledge that God gives you freely. (FREELY! Unlike the fallen, God does not take anything from you when he gives you something. With the fallen, it's always: "If we give you this, what shall you give us?!")

    Yet knowledge is such a drawing card, it's the only thing they have to give you. And since so many inquiring minds are so easily led (even though they would never admit this to themselves), there are a million different places/teachings you would think are benevolent sources of information, that could not possibly have anything to do with the Satanic fallen beings, yet you would be mistaken.

    I tried. I tried to see if I could discern for myself, without God. Ultimately it was hodge-podge at best. I was right in some things, A LOT of things actually, but so incredibly and majorly wrong in others - it would take hundreds of years for a human to work things out through their mind and arrive at a good answer. But our lives aren't that long, so we don't have that luxury. The propensity of our mind to twist things and to allow further twisting through influence, knows no bounds!

    One needs to completely stop partaking in the knowledge of demons before one can be given real truth.

    The Bible even predicts that this would happen to humanity: You cannot drink from the cup of demons and the cup of the Lord.

    As I said in my first post, and above to another member, the biggest hijack that ever happened, is that these beings are presenting themselves to modern day humanity as benevolent beings from other areas of this galaxy, from beyond this galaxy, or from nearby - but in higher dimensions of reality. As evolved beings of love and light. As Ascended Masters.... and so forth.... there are a million and one different ways in which they present themselves, in order to try to get someone, anyone, to purchase what they have to offer in the marketplace.

    One must first empty oneself of their (bullshit) wisdom (which looks oh-so-f%#ing-brilliant and just-oh-so-right-sounding) in order to receive God's truth.

    There is a world of difference between the two. All those who at one time followed demonic teachings can attest to this. They have all noticed the difference between God's teachings and those of the fallen.

    So my friend, please be careful.

    People are so convinced by their own lies, by their own point of view, that until a very hard catalyst happens to them, they will not look at truth, no matter what. They will look everywhere else and call that truth, but it will not be truth. It will be truth only to those who are afraid of the real truth. Truth emanates from God. And all those who have not chosen God, have called every other teaching and philosophy as truth, but the fruits of those systems of knowledge is coming undone. The truth of God is slowly showing people.

    And there is nothing wrong with admitting you were wrong. In fact it shows humility and a certain maturity.
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  17. michaelbrac

    michaelbrac Guest

    God love everybody. Yes.....
  18. michaelbrac

    michaelbrac Guest

    I will give u a suggestion in your end . just regard what u did in your past and you will live.
    Take my advice and it will help u.
  19. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    ...and then there are those that are so heavily indoctrinated in one religion or another that they will never find their way out. I realize that for the most part they are trying to be good people, and I feel sorry for them, because they are on the wrong path, searching for a truth that does not exist.
  20. U-Kadian

    U-Kadian Kapellmeister

    Jul 28, 2015
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    God created Earth.. everything is too perfect.. who says God is human form? cus our brain can't comprehend this we dismiss it.. We all have a sixth sense. We feel something when a member of our family is hurt. All the plants and natural herbs are all around us to heal the human body. By accident? I don't think so. Whoever or whatever God is -- We thank you for this perfect planet that if the Oxygen was less than 0.0001% we would all die :guru::disco:
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