News from Greece

Discussion in 'Education' started by karamuzas, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Really it concerns everyone.Thanks for your time.
  3. Gmafia

    Gmafia Newbie

    Nov 23, 2011
    Likes Received:
    This is a very nice post!
  4. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Meh.. quit rioting, you'll quit ..getting.. hit.
  5. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Very informational! GREAT POST!
  6. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I wonder ,don't you have economy problems down in Florida?
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Yeah, we do, but I'm not going to go throw Molotov cocktails at police officers... *no*

    I believe in law and order no matter... what.. the circumstance... I don't believe in raging against the machine.

    Greed will never be cured by anarchy. :wink:
  8. toleypuss

    toleypuss Newbie

    Oct 28, 2011
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    excellent quote indeed.

    Sadly the trouble in greece is mostly of their own making, the middle class and the wealthy in greece are infamous for dodging as much of their income tax as humanly possible.Doctors and dentists in greece have been paying 80 euros a year and such like for a very long time.

    Unfortunately the most pain will be felt by public sector workers and the unemployed i.e the poor.

    Rioting is a fools errand, the rent-a-mob petrol bomb throwers merely play into the hands of those pernicious forces that would gladly see europe become a centralised police state.

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Hehehe !
  10. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Sometimes the law can contain the ingredients for the conflict.
    The law is not just administrative also is ideological, ideologies can be mapped as interest's group.
    Funny thing is law uses coercion & violence to perserve the legality
    I wouldn't mix up law with morality to sustain any argument against anarchy.
  11. Gmafia

    Gmafia Newbie

    Nov 23, 2011
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    Anarchy? Do you even know what's happening there?
  12. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Which law and order are you talking about?NEW WORLD ORDER has come and we are still sleeping and trusting our goverments.They are only working for their benefits and for the benefits of their bosses,which are CORPORATIONS,FIRMS.Medicine corporations,weapons corporations.They want us ill to buy their medicines and fighting and killing each other so they can sell their weapons.Fighting against the machine is not anarchy.Around the world we must be united and fight them.Tell me one thing.Who killed J.F.Kennedy and why?I mean who were behind the assassination of JFK.And who were behind the assassination of his brother?And who were behind the assassination of Martin Luther King?And why CIA did not inform properly for the importance of some arabs who were attending flight lessons and finally 9/11 tragic incident occured?Another 50 years will pass and these mysteries will not revealed.If we are united we shall stop them.Those greedy humanface monsters.
  13. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Honestly, I could care less about Corporations, banks, conspiracy theories.. it is what it is, I'm not going to lose a moments sleep over it or join a street army to fight against their perceived greed.

    Greed will never be cured from this world, neither will poverty, there will always be have's and have not's, to think you can fight it is lunacy.

    Me, I'll just live my life, enjoy it the best I can and leave all this nonsense to those of you that would rather waste your time fighting a war you cannot win.

    I can't save the world, and most likely, neither can you.


  14. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Perhaps you'll like to watch this ... Daniel Cohn-Bendit on European Parlament circa 2010 ... pay special attention from 4:45 on.

    I think the only intention karamuzas had was to appeal to common sense in all of us ("Really it concerns everyone"), but it seems common
    sense has gone forever now-a-days sadly ... "To think you can fight it is lunacy" someone said here, but perhaps to think you can't fight
    is also lunacy, don't you think?. When someone says "Me, I'll just live my life, enjoy it the best I can and leave all this nonsense to
    those of you" is he telling that he or she doesn't live in this world, perhaps ?. To think "this is not my business" that IS certainly a
    lunacy to me ... How many people in the US, for example, thought that 2nd World War was not their business before Pearl Harbur attack ?
    or how many people who thought "AIDS is not my business" ended infected of it ?.

    I don't say that everybody go "fighting a war you cannot win", but i'm also not saying "live your life and enjoy the best you can closing
    eyes to what is happening to others" ... It is said "those who forget their own history are condemned to live it again" (or something like
    that) ...

    This being said ... READ CAREFULLY the original post, please ... Because karamuzas was not asking an opinion but a deep reflection from
    all of us ... After all, this is not about greece, but about ALL of US, and no matter if you close your eyes "just living your life, enjoying
    it the best you can" ... because sooner or later this war WILL BE YOUR WAR TOO! and you'll be obliged to live it ... no matter if you want
    or not ... life NEVER ASKS, it only says "NOW YOU HAVE TO LIVE THIS, no other way".

    We think we are human beings, rational, intelligent ... but WE ALL KNOW deeply inside that we are but mere egotistic beings worried only
    by our own welfare, and to the hell with others, isn't it ? ... is it this not sad?

    As someone says in a well known TV show here: "I'm very sorry, but someone had to say it!".
    Thanks karamuzas for calling our attention, and please correct me if i'm mistaken in anything i've written here!
    Kind Regards! :mates:
  15. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Well, I'll put it like this, when one has 4 kids, 2 jobs, bills out the ass, two half working vehicles, health issues, and numerous other daily concerns, the absolute LAST thing on my mind, is what some corporation, or banker is doing. Additionally, the last thing I want.. is a hand out from anyone.

    I like to think, at least in this country (US) If i work hard enough, dedicate myself to success, and live a life void of evil doings, that, at some point I can enjoy some level of happiness. Altho, a lot of that dream is flying out the window under the current socialist regime.

    Anyway...I'm not on this earth to save us from politicians, bankers and CEO's.. I've got enough to deal with.

    If some of you feel it is important enough to you to go out in the streets and get pepper sprayed for your convictions... go for it.

    Personally, I think it's a waste of time.

    what I see when i look at rioting around the world, occupy wall street, and all those folks.. is a culture of entitlement invading our society.. "Gimme Gimme Gimme"

    I don't want any part of it. I want to work for what I have. They used to call it pride... kinda old school.. I know.

    As far as Europe goes.. stop voting in politicians who want to spend more than they have. Hopefully in November, that is exactly what the people of this country will do.

    That way.. we don't end up.. as Greece.
  16. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Molotov cocktails won't change the world. You won't earn respect from the people those cocktails are used against. Voilence never made better people. We should learn from history. Changing the world by voting for the right persons can. Changing the world starts with changing ourselves. I don't want people to change into hostility, it won't solve a thing.

    One Reason, you writings are so true, you have my sympathy. I'm willing to change the world though, but not through molotov cocktails. I help people for free and they give back for free.

    People who don't feel the need for greed should gather and be an example for others. That's why my music is for free, for instance. Respect and giving joy is so much more important than money.
  17. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    I was just wandering if you see the contradiction here ... the first one delegates responsibility on others, while the second one puts the
    responsibility in oneself ... so, you see, one negates the other.

    Furthermore, you fully agree with One Reason ("you writings are so true"), which means that you fully agree when he says a change is
    impossible ("there will always be have's and have not's, to think you can fight it is lunacy" and "waste your time fighting a war you
    cannot win
    "... but then you give the above solutions for a change ... Again another contradiction!.

    @One Reason: i will answer you with time (probably tomorrow morning), we have supper now (i appreciate you so much to give you just a quick answer ... thanks for your feedback).

    Kind Regards! :mates:
  18. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Thank you fraggle83.You read my mind.
  19. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Nobody mentioned throwing molotov cocktails.Not me and not this greek Dimitris in his blogspot post.Demonstrating peacefully and ''stopping voting in politicians who want to spend more than they have'' shows that you are a citizen who cares about the right things.You show them that you are alive and you are against them when they don't care for their country's well being.
    I respect your ''daily concerns''because I am in a similar situation.All my life I used to give to other people my time,my knowledge,my things.I don't have any debts,and now I have to pay (and also my kids for the next 30 years or more)to the banks who are in a bad situation.But in good times,bank owners and filthy politicians put their profits in Swiss or Cayman bank accounts.Is this justice?
    US is a country which steals other country's wealth for your benefit.The only thing is that you ordinary people get the crumbs,while corporations(oil,weapons etc),bankers get the whole loaf.Another thing ,you elected Obama but he also sent your army to attack Libya,as Bush jr. did ,destroying Iraq for US oil corporations saying to you that Sadam was responsible for 9/11 which was a big lie.I could write for these things all day long.
    And you my friend ''One Reason'' ,if you are not with us,writing :''Anyway...I'm not on this earth to save us from politicians, bankers and CEO's.. I've got enough to deal with.'',then you are with them.And you have ''ONE REASON'' to start demonstrating peacefully.Your 4 kids.You owe it to them.It's ONE BIG REASON.
    Thanks for your time to everybody.
  20. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    It's not so difficult when one has an open mind and does not separate from others as US, Greek, Spanish, and so on citizen.
    Manducator, despite his contradictions said it quite well "Changing the world starts with changing ourselves", which means we
    must start to change our way of thinking with regards our deep rooted feeling that makes us to think that we are different
    from others around the world merely because we've born in US, Greece, Spain and so on, or because we are Catholic, Buddhist,
    Muslim and so on. Because all this differences are not real in fact, but merely mind created. Planet Earth has no borders at
    all in his own, only human beings see those so called borders, and having created borders externally, we have created also
    borders internally which divides us one from another ... this is the real cause of all our conflicts.

    Manducator said "Changing the world starts with changing ourselves", but to change ourselves first we should demolish not the
    external borders we've created but the inner borders which are deeply rooted in all of us and to which we are so attached up to
    the point to want to kill someone else when he or she threatens this believing. And doesn't matter if the one who threatens us
    is our own mother, father, brother, sister, or someone thousand kilometers from us.

    Manducator said it, and many others say it all around the world this days, but i wander how many of them really want to change
    this deeply ... you know what i mean. We are so attached to those "differences" that the mere listening to this words i'm writing
    here makes something boil inside us, then fear and insecurity arises, and we all know what follows then: we fight to defend
    ourselves from the insecurity that just mere words brought about in us. We must be really serious to go deeply in to it, but
    i'm afraid this seriousness is not. We are merely worried in survive ourselves (as One Reason has expressed quite well) no matter
    if to reach this goal we close our eyes to the sufferings of others ... YES, this is a fact, and no matter if you want to see
    it or not!.

    But we, who call ourselves intelligent, rational, have no guts to go to the root by ourselves. That's why we always ask others to
    get which should be our own responsibility and to solve our own contradictions for us. That's why Manducator also said "Changing the
    world by voting for the right persons can" bringing about the contradiction with what he later said. Either the solution is in other
    hands or in our own, but it can not be in both.

    Now why we ask others to solve our own problems, why nobody seems to go to the root of the problem by oneself alone ?. I will tell
    you why ... because in the root there's nothing but ourselves alone, and when we go there we see who we really are and not the one
    we pretend all the time to be not only to others but also to ourselves ... and having seen what we really are we have fear, because
    we know that that way goes nowhere, so we see clearly that we must do something about ... But then, because our fear, because the
    aloneness we feel at the moment, we go run to seek another to solve our inner contradictions. That's not a lunacy or an imagination
    but a fact!. So, we go run to the politician, to the priest, to the ... And then when they're incapable to solve our contradictions
    we start to complain, to make them guilty of our unhappiness. And then we think that we can "change the world by voting for the right
    persons" ... and at the same time we say "Changing the world starts with changing ourselves" ... Do you see now the contradiction?.

    In fact nobody wants to change, let's be not liars to ourselves and to others please. In fact the only thing we all want is "just live
    my life, enjoy it the best I can and leave all this nonsense to those of you that would rather waste your time fighting a war you cannot
    win", forgetting that that war is not the outside war but the inner war.

    So, just to end let me ask you with much respect: how many of you are willing to fight that inner war, contradictions, and so on forgetting
    any outside wars, but overall forgetting once for all the urge demand to ask another how to solve something we all know quite well ...
    which is nothing more than OURSELVES, our egotism, violence, jealousy, insecurity, fear ... which are the only things that bring about
    this world we all are/have been/will be complaining about forever and ever blaming others for one thing that we're THE ONLY responsible ?

    Thanks for listening ... Kind Regards! :mates:
  21. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Hi One Reason,

    I understand what you mean, but perhaps the later ("what some corporation, or banker is doing") is related to the former (4 kids, bills and so on), don't you think ?
    But you seem to divide one thing from the other, like if what the bankers or corporations do would had nothing to do with our personal and daily lives ... I'm i wrong on that ?

    I know what you mean, and there's no difference about that in many societies all around the world. In fact most of our societies are based in competition, and in the deep
    rooted believe that with some effort we can get whatever we want ... but this is not exactly true, and we all know this quite well. What about all those that despite all the
    energy and effort they put are unable to accomplish their goals in a society like this ?. What about the feeling they have because APPARENTLY they have failed in their lives,
    but also ought to the discrimination they get from those who APPARENTLY had success ?. And what does it mean to be a successful person ?.

    You say that if you work hard enough, dedicate yourself to success, and live a life void of evil doing, at some point you can enjoy some level of happiness. Now, when you
    say "hard enough" where is the end of that "enough" ... when you say "dedicate yourself to success" to who are you comparing yourself to know to what success you must dedicate
    yourself ? ... and when you say "live a life void of evil doing" on which parameters are based this so called "evil doing" of which you must "live a life void of" ... finally
    when you say "at some point you can enjoy some level of happiness" what if that "point" never comes and you have to face illness and death without having accomplish the goal
    you dedicated your whole life ? ... Also, are you trying to say that if one doesn't do what you do he or she can not possibly have "some level of happiness" ?.

    Sure you have enough to deal with (as many of us), but the others you mention are not something different from all those things you have to deal with. Are they ?.

    There are many other ways to fight than "go out in the streets and get pepper sprayed" ... one of them would be what manducator said: "change ourselves"
    Another is the way you fight in life with your sons and so on ... which are right and which are wrong ? ... i'm afraid that one will see this by oneself at the time of death.

    Personally i think that only at the time of death can we know what has been a waste of time, and what has been not.

    It seems like if you never would have asked something from others in your life ... but you know that this is not true. We are always
    demanding something from others (directly or indirectly): a job (if a good one better than a bad one), a hug, some caring ... IT'S IS
    NOT TRUE One Reason that all you've got has accomplished ONLY with your own effort ... It's not true and NEVER will be true. The rich are
    rich because they have someone working for them, you have a house because someone else has build it for you, and you have money (whith
    which you payed the house) because someone else either has hired you or buys the goods you sell. IT'S NOT TRUE AND NEVER WILL BE TRUE
    that only with our own effort we can accomplish anything we want. And is this mistake what makes you think that someone is invading YOUR
    society ... Look around you and and then to yourself and tell me what you see, is it that the effort of those who build your house is
    different from yours ?.

    No, it's not a matter if we have to go down the street cutting throats, nor it's a matter to stay at home because "this is not my business",
    but a matter, as manducator said, of change ourselves to change the world ... but when one says what you say it's obvious that there's
    absolutely NO INTENTION to change anything ... the only intention is to perpetuate a model that time has shown already that it has become

    You'll end up as Greece if that's what has to be ... no matter if you stay at home or go down the streets to cut throats.

    Kind Regards! :mates:
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