Stereo Tool v8.0 VST

Discussion in 'Software' started by oisinn, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Wild West
    Stereo Tool v8.0 VST (not to be confused with a plugin of the same name from FLUX) seems to be a swiss-army knife for mastering with some very sophisticated limiting and clipper tools and comes highly recommended by the illustrious Molokosos. The registered version with all functionality is pretty expensive and the touble is the download on audioz does not seem to be registrating for a lot of the members including myself. Any comments would be welcome on the plugin itself and exactly how to authorize it.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
    Likes Received:
    At a first glance, you don't even need to get a 'Full Registered' Version of that Program in the case that you'll use it with parcimony, I mean just check its limitations in the 'Demo' Version :

    trial ¹º
    PNR Noise & Hum trial ¹
    Delossifier trial ¹
    Natural Dynamics trial ¹
    Noise gate √ √
    FM hiss remover √ √
    Automatic Gain Control (AGC) √ √
    Phasing error (AZIMUTH) correction √ √
    Stereo enhancement √ √
    2x 1-9-bands compressor/limiter √ √
    True Bass √ √
    Equalizer √ √
    Bass Boost √ √
    Lowpass and highpass filter √ √
    Final limiter √ √
    Extra loudness trial ¹
    FM pre-emphasis trial ¹
    FM stereo encoding trial ¹
    FM RDS encoding trial ¹
    FM BS-412 limiter trial ¹
    FM Stokkemask clipper trial ¹
    FM Composite clipper trial ¹
    FM Single-Sideband (SSB) stereo mode trial ¹
    FM transmitter audio synchronization trial ¹
    Change settings from ext. scripts trial ¹

    I exclusively 'underlined' all the limitations vs the 'Full Registered' Version, and below, you'll find the explanations of these limitations :

    ¹ : If these features are enabled on the free (non-registered) version, a message ('This sound is processed by Stereo Tool') is played once every 12 hours - if both FM processing and Loudness are used every 4 hours. This should not interfere with most non-commercial usage.
    º Beeps once a minute when not registered.

    Only the 'Declipper' could embarrassed you every minute, all the other Functions/Options let you almost long periods of time to make all your audio/musical stuff... :yes: :winker:

    By the way, Thanks :bow: to that Developper : 'Stereo Tool', to leave to potential buyers that large flexibility and freedom when using their 'Demo Version'.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
  4. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Wild West
    Thank you 555 but if you take a closer look you will find that the Advanced Limiting and Clipper facilities will certainly cost ya. Aside from debate about whether I am unwilling or unable to make the very substantial investment for this software the fact is the download from audioz is beeping left right and centre for me and for others. But for some, including the illustrious Molokosos, it is working perfectly. This may be due to him using Reaper and me Cubase. If you are not so parsimonious as me, and feel the developer should be encouraged then by all means exercise your philanthropy and purchase a registration for the full version and PM it to me. But in the meantime we need some feedback from the members who have got it working. It may be just down to not having the internet connected as the VST is finding a way to call home via the Host. All the best:like:
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
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