Not any religion- Do you believe in an intelligent GOD?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Regarding "God of the gaps" problem I'd say the human language is a personification of that.
    This is how mind works, it cannot stay in open state it has to jump to conclusion regardless how little relevant info it has
    and then corrects it when it learns more.
    A fraction of reality passes through senses and mind maps the data in categories associating generalizations and giving sounds to those generalizations. The memory itself is confused and mix of constructed and remembered.
    Especially abstract terms are filled with constructed reality (imagination), science is filled with that starting with symbols and measures so is the ordinary man and religion.
    I already pointed that for EVERY individual same words represent internally slightly or radically different things and you'll never know the exact difference.
    Scientist try to bypass this using abstract models and values some of which probably do not exist anywhere but in their minds such as perfect circles, spheres, cubes etc. Yet it insists that mathematics represent reality well. What reality?
    We have to be practical and deal with "good enough".

    Unjust God
    In my previous replies I offered alternative view for "good vs bad".
    Nothing is or everything is good and bad. This is just a point of view. This is our minds saying I like it or I don't like it. Nothing more to it even including disasters and all apparent injustices.
    Some religions uses right and wrong to control people, for fear etc.
    But the subject isn't a particular religion.

    "Everything is consciousness"
    Let me try to argue the main theme in a very simplified manner and just from one of endless available angles, a hypothesis as you call it.
    Let's start from personal experience of the world, actually the only one we know and can know.
    Simple fact is that everything you experience, everything that you know, exists only as representation in your mind, pictures, sounds all sensory data, all impressions based on that, all memories, all body feelings and emotions, imagination, everything. Turn off your consciousness and where is this construction called world now? Wake up and there it is again. This includes all living beings that you know and imagine to be outside of your consciousness. Can you prove they are outside? Can you prove anything is outside of your mind?
    Since your mind takes a form of your life-dream and the other part of your consciousness assumes the role of taking action and the other remaining a pure witness of the experiences you simply cannot get out of it and find anything else, therefore I conclude everything is consciousness.
    Do you have a different experience and theory and can you prove it?

    To know the word you have to live the word, act upon word become proficient with word. Snow for Eskimos is a very broad category and then they developed over 20 terms for different types of snow because it is relevant for their practical life. For most Africans snow is just snow, most of whom didn't experience it directly. Nobody lives that long to know personally all words. N
    As I said before there is no real truth in words because words are simplification, distortion of whatever they aim to describe.
    The proof of the reality (consciousness) isn't in the words it is in interaction and expression.
    Explanation represent just a particular viewpoint and I could argue the opposite because there is always a viewpoint where that version seam to be more real. But neither are real. Words are just pointers.
    So let's not be anal with words and let's deal with broad strokes and ideas and lets use words to bring some refreshing insights to the table.
  2. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Nope, no god, no heaven, no nothing.
    And pretty happy about it. When i'm dead i can't feel sorry about myself.
  3. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Yes it says mass in the article but I don't think so. Why would mass leave with space and not stay with crashed particles.
    I think the author meant the resultant size would be infinitesimally small as he continue in red.
    Black holes are small in size yet their mass is inescapable if you touch it, you become one with it ;-)
  4. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    A very interesting way to look at reality.
    Especially nowadays when in cities we are totally surrounded with man made structures and objects.
    We have to look up to find something that we don't know who's design is that and unfortunately the skies are now filled with chemtrails so the authorship for the clouds is also more and more associated with men instead with nature.
    But even in nature, a whole biosphere is filled with animal and plant made constructions.
    The question is where from and how the building blocks that living beings use and modify came to be?
    Why would a single particle come into being?
  5. LV4-26

    LV4-26 Guest

  6. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Oh you'll feel sorry alright. When you die you'll have a fiery eternity to feel sorry about not showering our loving god with praise. When he banishes you to eternal torture, that's how you know he loves you. Like an abusive husband. He just needs to know how much you love him back... all the time. Love.
  7. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    People don't need to die to find out hell and heaven are here not there.
    Every day you use your godly power to create the whole reality for yourself to experience heaven or hell for another day.
    It was a huge undertaking to create you. You are too complex, too intelligent and too capable to just pop out of nothing.
  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Even after life our body's decaying is amazing (complicated):
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You probably dont die,since we live in a simulation,your physical body in this reality dies while you probably wake up in a different reality.
    Its important you dont fall for the trick of "dead relatives" who want to lure you back into the matrix.
    The entities that run this simulation can not force you to go back because of the free will,but they can trick you they are god,they use your memories and play games with you.
    Only the strongest go past that and into freedom.
    If you fall for the trick you will forget everything you have learned and reincarnate in another newborn baby.
    They say the new born cries because for a short time he can still remember the old life and its a shock.
  10. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    No no, not just volume, but mass, wich iswhat many people think of when we use the word weight. The mass of quarks composing the protons accounts for a bit less than 10% of a proton's mass. It sounds weird but "empty" space has a weight, has energy.
  11. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    This is the typical assertion of someone who doesn't understand basic scientific concepts...It may sound cool at first, but after deeper examination, it's pure new age like mumble jumble.

    First of all, the meaning of "nothing" in cosmology and astrophysics is not the same meaning of "nothing" as in popular language. There are particles popping out of "nothing" all the time.

    Second, we didn't "pop up" like we're right now, like one day there was "nothing" and the next day, boom, there are human beings everywhere.

    It took billions of years for life to evolve from single cell organisms to homo sapiens sapiens, and it all happened through gradual evolutionary processes.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Yes but what created space,where did it start and what was there before the creation of space and one cell organism.
    We see time as a linear thing,our minds are limited for a reason,because the matrix can work only on our limited perception.
    Once you start doubting the matrix you see how the world changes in front of you,it changes on the metaphysical level,nothing is what it seems to be.
  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I personally think believing in GOD or whatever is the weakness of mind. Some sort of software virus that we born with it. We really need anti-believing abilities to fight with that.

    Spending the whole life for finding out how our brain works is not enough because I think the true GOD is our mind that is able to create any thing even the concept of GOD.

    I never think about the origin of creations that always makes us to be unarmed (because of the lack of knowledge- but someday soon or later we will know a lot).

    Instead of searching for GOD (the laziest work anyone can do) for signifying our lives, we should rely on the abilities of our mind and let it be free to discover any reality but not by believing (makes humans dull).

    The GOD is just for making limitations for our brain because sometimes it would be refractory and needs to be defeated by a man-made GOD. If it (our mind) accepts to be a good boy, I'm sure we will never need GOD.
  14. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Well, from the scientific standpoint, the correct answer would be that we don't know. Yet. We don't have to fabricate a magical unsubstantiated answer just because we don't know something. It would be a fallacy to do so.

    However, like I said before, there are new exciting discoveries in this field every day, literally. We will get there, it's just a matter of time.

    Besides, if someone really thinks there's an absolute need for creation, and that something can't come out of "nothing", then couldn't the same principle be applied to the existence of God?

    It's certainly a contradiction to believe that the universe couldn't come out of "nothing", but a creator could, specially considering that, from these two, the universe is the only one observable.

  15. gymclass.heroes

    gymclass.heroes Newbie

    Jul 16, 2016
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  16. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    Because empty space is not actually empty, if you think of uncertainty principle you can easily see why empty space isn't actually empty, it would violate uncertainty principle for the couple time-energy.
    Therefore we have a zero-point energy wich is the ground state energetic level for empty space and it's often called vacuum energy.
    Now, this is not just an hypothesis, we have actual observations, specifically Casimir Effect wich is a direct consequence of this.

    Black Holes are a totally different concept, there is no decrease in mass (wether is given by fundamental particles or vacuum energy), but this mass is concentrated in a high density so that the body's size is smaller than schwarzschild radius (the limit-lenght below wich any kind of body has an escape velocity higher than c), interestigly the concept of vaccum energy with its virtual particles is the reason for the theorized hawking-bekerstein radiation wich is thought to be the reason black holes "evaporate"
  17. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    to be fair we can't even know if there was a "creation", universe may be eternal, a common misconception is to think big bang as the creation of our universe but its rather the start of its inflation from a state of what Penrose thoerized to be the only naked singularity existed.
    Obviously our model can be wrong, yet we have no evidence to claim a creation or to claim there wasn't one.
  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

  19. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Discoveries from the same people that claim to have landed on the moon without leaving a crater?
    Same people who magically put a 4 wheeler into a rocket that didnt have much space,took photos of all this,packed their shit and flew back home?
    And then you call the rational people tin foil wearing mofos?lol
    Yeah in the 60s/70s you could easily fool people but today....shit got ugly for them ;)
    Did you ever take a close look at the lunar module?
    Looks like shit made in a garage.
    Foil and duct tape.
    Sure,this will save you from radiation.:deep_facepalm:
  20. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Sure, however, it's not up to scientists to disprove that the universe might have been created. It's up to the intelligent design proponents to prove it.

    You know, the burden of proof falls to the ones proposing a hypothesis, not to the ones denying it. This is a key epistemological concept.

    Purely scientifically, there isn't a reason even to suspect that the universe has been created.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
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