Steve Faoki

Discussion in 'humor' started by Zenarcist, Jul 5, 2016.

  1. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    He could be back in September, if he wishes to comply with the rules we have in place.

    But please guys don't feed trolls or ex-trolls even if it's

  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

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  3. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    he changed his name into Desantïs and his profile says 'banned' so clearly that's what Introninja is pointing at by saying 'he could be back in September'. Honestly, I don't miss his trolling one bit.

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Damn straight! As my grandma always said: "let sleeping dogs lay!" His 15 minutes should have been up, 10 minutes after he arrived.
  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    This is extremely clever.

    Did you make this up?

    Edit: Von made a fucking mogwai reference! This thread is awesome
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  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Why are we even still talking about this guy? He's gone. Given that he's been banned for several weeks now, but still has several posts that other members dedicated to him, I'd say he must have made some "success" from his presence here. You wanna dedicate a post to someone, dedicate a post to the moderators who selflessly spend many hours of their day putting up with us talking about conspiracy theories & Desantis (aka Steve Faoki). You can bash him all you want, but he clearly made quite a legacy here for someone with such peccable morals. Lol. Who even cares what this guy is up to. He's only in the live chat, but otherwise nowhere to be found, so why give any more attention to him. Did you ever think maybe his time on here was intended to be one big trolling spree? Well if that's the case, then he clearly won. And he won pretty big, I'd say. Lol.
    Look, I'm not trying to be a total ass here. But there's too much good going on in the world to be focusing our attention on this guy. You wanna really punish him? You can do that by forgetting about him & moving on. Best way to defeat a troll.
    @Introninja @ArticStorm @ned944 @SAiNT - Could be a good idea to close this thread. You be the judge. :mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2016
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Impressive now now.. surely every good music forum deserves a LEGEND or two.... ?? :unsure:
  8. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Right but Steve Faoki is undeserving of that crown.
  9. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I'm still waiting for his VH1 Where Are They Now episode.
  10. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I cant speak for anyone else, but, like you, I don't have a bad word to say about the guy either. He always made me laugh. And the only stick I ever gave him was done in good humour. I'm sure he took it as such too.

    I think his only real fault was that he lacked faith in himself.. Wait no.. that's wrong!!
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  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    I've a feeling he's been back a few times already, Jeff just loves this place :bleh:
  12. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I agree 200%. He was a very kind dude. I just feel this talking about him behind his back is wrong. If anyone has a problem with him, wouldn't hurt to take it up with him in person.
    I honestly don't even know the full story as to why he was banned. I mean, he did have a little too much confidence in himself, but it's better than being a suicidal teenager who sleeps in a trash bin & talks shit about themselves & are their own worst enemy. We all know those people don't get very far in life.
    And maybe he did lie a few times. But everybody lies once in a while. To say you never told a lie in today's digital society, is a big-ass lie in itself. And so what if he asked noob questions? Well shit, the guy's gotta learn somehow! He isn't as bad of a person as people make him out to be. I also did some investigation into why he's so disliked. None of the reasons were good enough to have someone tossed out, in my opinion.
    Yeah, he called me a douche bag in the comments, but I was being a bit harsh.
    What I see is a lot of the "big guys" (excluding the moderators) on this forum bashing the people who just wanna learn from the pros. But I never see any of them get warnings or comment removals. I've even been badmouthed super badly on here. I reported the comments but did anyone care to give them a ban? Nope. Whenever someone asks a newbie question, everyone jumps aboard the bully train & says "You need to find a new hobby" or "You're an idiot" or something. Well shit, if they're such an idiot, do you care to offer some training? Oh of course not. It requires effort, & we all know how difficult that is. :facepalm:
    I've mentored steve faoki before. He's honestly a good guy. He just doesn't like to be made fun of for learning his skills. And don't tell me his reasoning for being ridiculed is because he claimed to be a superstar or something. I've seen people register a new account on here & ask for some feedback on his music - only to be ridiculed when the quality wasn't even that bad. Is this the image we wanna give our forum to viewers on the outside looking in? I think our intentions of this forum were to be as welcoming as possible. Well there's something we need to work on, right there - newbie insulting. I've mentored people on this site to be something much more than they were before. Those 400+ messages of mine didn't comprise of talking about group buys n stuff. Many of those messages were comprised of helping the beginners. Then there's the skype chats & other social media chats after that.
    Also please note that my last reply calling him a troll was at the point of view of other members. Sometimes I have to lower myself to the level of other people to get a point across. Herr Durr, I had a feeling you were being sarcastic with the word "Legend". So I'm guessing you really meant a different word. Hopefully I'm wrong.
    The reason why I didn't say this stuff before is because I didn't wanna become the target of haters & stuff but honestly I don't care anymore. If anyone has any beef with me, fire away. I'll be happy to answer said remarks with similar remarks. I don't let people walk on me. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I don't have a bad side. My bad side is just as deep as my good side - infinite. :guru:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2016
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  13. dashfiss

    dashfiss Kapellmeister

    Jan 30, 2014
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    He is a 100% complete certified sociopath. Larger than life with no place to go. He spread so much pure bile around here, he lied all the time, and it was so obvious -- not too bright. How can anybody defend him in any way? Unbelievable. And what was with his name? One letter away from a famous musician, whom he talked down every chance he got!

    Lol, complete, utter madness.

    Bear with me tho because I'm not done with that :p So if you google Steve Faoki, what will you find? Obviously you will not find any Steve Faoki (as you would if he did in fact have hundreds and thousands of followers), you will however find plenty of Steve Aoki. How's that for a start on a musical career, people will only find the person that he seems to loathe? If SF is his birthgiven name why does he not go for an artist name? Look around, who uses their real-life name here anyway? BUT if SF is his chosen artist name... Well, isn't that some pure insanity right there.

    Just.... wow.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
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  14. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Nah,he was a dick.
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  15. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I know that remembrance tends to shift over time, but please don't tell me you forgot about all the hate speech! Pretty much everyone who took "his music" serious and gave negative critic had to face a long list of insults. I also remember his general narcissistic attitude. And that won't be left uncommented on a forum. No, he purposely acted like an asshole. I said once, that he was very clever in terms of marketing (even bad advertisement is advertisement) and it turns out I'm right. He left a mark, the words "Steve Faoki" became a brand. But he is far from being a "very kind dude"!
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  16. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    And what would YOU call a person who insults someone behind their back, when they are not here to defend themselves?

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Careful. If you say his name five times in a row while looking in the mirror like in the movie, "Candyman", he might suddenly appear with a hook and... you know what's next... candyman-wallpaper.jpg
  18. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    here comes the hook + Vengeance bass line.
  19. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Guilty as charged, your Worship. I tried to resist but the voices in my head threatened to tell my Mom where I hide the magazines. :)
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Now you've gone and done it! I'm hiding under my piano even as I write this... Sshhh... I think he's in the house...
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