Another subjective term- Who is the smart musician nowadays?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Please think to these questions more in the territory of the music and answer them disregarding politics or conspiracy theory so then I would love more any of your comments because I don't want it to be closed.:thanks:

    1- What does it mean from your standpoint (how do you interpret it)? What are the characteristics of smart people?

    2- When you love something and other ones do other things, can you say they don't know and are unaware of any thing? I mean can you always dominate your tastes and mind to the other people?

    3- Why do you think you're more smarter than the others?

    4- Are you living with this feeling that you should be a smart guy to be always a winner? Does you trying to be smart, affect your sensations in a bad form such as prohibiting from lots of things or emotions because they may hurt your smartness.

    5- Hating or loving phenomenons around us strongly relate to our tastes. Is it possible to change our tastes instead of struggling with the universe? Or you believe that tastes are like chromosomes being unchangeable?

    6- How much of your life is being consumed for finding things that you think are just the right food for your brain and others not? Can you force yourself to enjoy everything?

    7- Are you one of those persons that always condemn other people (even their families) for being fool and you're the only one who should say the final word?

    8- We're always trying to change the world (or at least our world) with more acting in a so-called smart manner and forget that it's just for proving ourselves. Billions of humans have lived with this way of thinking before us (by saying this sentence to themselves: "I'm right and other people are wrong). Don't you think this thought is inefficient and wastes a lot of time?

    9- Suppose you invented (for example a style or genre of music) or proved something by killing yourself. Do you also think about the expiration date of your beliefs?


    Or whatever that calls to your mind.:wink:
  3. The Koala

    The Koala Ultrasonic

    May 13, 2014
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    Being smart is boring. Be stupid, it's funnier.
  4. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    1: Intelligence isn't a subjective assessment, but neither is it objectively assessed with consisitency or accuracy. For example, when I was in high school, I was given an IQ test, on which I scored 130, but I was told that I would have scored 160 if I "hadn't given creative answers."

    2: Insofar as I understand your question, I let people do as they will: I don't judge it unless I consider it stupid.

    3: Who said I thought I were smarter than others?

    4: I try to cultivate and use my mental faculties to the fullest extent, especially regarding survival, which is of highest priority. To further try to respond to this question: sometimes high intelligence is at the expense of emotional aptitude, though highly-intelligent people can also be greatly compassionate.

    5: The plural of "phenonenon" is "phenomena."

    6: I'm an omnivore, but I'll eat anything but shit.

    7: I try to be fair, but if someone's a fuckhead, then why bother?

    8: Assertion of intelligence isn't necessarily a ploy for dominance over others or signficance among them. It's part of the aspiration to live to one's fullest potential.

    9: I'm working on it, and shall die trying, and no one will miss me.
  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Reminds me of a video I saw with a popular electronic guy saying something to the effect of: As a musician, making good music is not what your objective is. lots of people can make good music. Your job is to generate a conversation about you.
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  6. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Intelligence is not a synonym for being smart. There are very intelligent people not able to act smart, and very smart people who are not very intelligent.
    In its essence, being smart just means finding ways to reach a goal with least effort. You don't need to compete with Einstein to achieve that.
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