DAW Change: Live or S1?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Kohornis, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    From what you have described I would definitely delve deeper into S1. It sounds like your process is more manual (clicking and what not) in terms of audio manipulation I would definitely choose S1. I really wouldn't touch Ableton unless you do a lot of stuff within FL Studio's performance mode or have any interest in using the Push. I would keep in mind though that both DAWs are really different in terms of workflow from FL Studio and that it does require a bit of patience on your end. If you really like using FL Studio's step sequencer both are going to leave you somewhat disappointed.

    If that's the case I might even suggest delving deeper into Cakewalk's Sonar Platinum since it has some of the same aspects of step sequencing that FL Studio does. It also has the built in Melodyne integration that Studio One does and also has something of a scene view that is definitely reminiscent of Ableton which I would guess that if you are using something like the Launchpad would be really useful.

    The one good thing about FL Studio is that it allows itself to serve as a rewire client/slave and regardless of what you choose it should be fairly easy to get your old projects into anything else. It won't be so easy to get them back out =P

    Ableton is the only one out of the three that I mentioned that can be used as a rewire client and even then it's functionality is severely dwarfed in comparison to just using it standalone or as a Rewire host/master.

    Either way, regardless of what you choose to learn I will stress once again though to be patient with yourself. Learning the ins and outs of any DAW when you are so used to using something else requires a great deal of time, effort and dedication. There are a lot of really great tutorials out there that do a really good job of explaining things in depth, I really like the Groove 3 stuff. I spend a day or so dedicated to just watching the videos on a DVD player instead of on the production PC and taking lots of notes usually with an external keyboard hooked up to my laptop while the lid is closed. That may work for you, that may not but it's just a personal preference.

    So just remember to be kind to yourself!

    Also give it a bit of a test run before dedicating a day to learning something and make sure it works with what you've got already. I've made the mistake of not doing that before only to find out that things didn't work after spending a whole day watching lectures =P

    That being said I wonder why FL Studio is crashing so much for you. Are you using the newest 12.3 update?
  2. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Also I think that bouncing/freezing tracks within S1 as well as going back and forth is a lot more easy to use but maybe that's just a personal preference.
  3. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Hands down, you gotta transition into Ableton. You will not regret it!
  4. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Live is speed. Not the drug (almost), but from brain to DAW, it's just "out of your way" IMO. It's quick and simple.
  5. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    @thethirdperson Don't forget that you can load FL Studio in it's entirety as a plugin in any other DAW and make use of the piano roll with the added benefits of the host software.

    I think @Ankit summed it up perfectly.

    I should add that I think less clutter on the screen allows minds to move more freely. Especially the OCPD ones like myself.

    If you need live multi-track recording of actual instruments though, S1 wins hands down.

    I got to know them both and now use them depending on my mood.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  6. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I regret you can't create a group track in an other group track In Live ....Or I don't know how to do it...
    You don't have melodyne in live,if you don't have the vst version to add.
    Offline audio processing is: you take an audio sample,click on it and choose an audio treatment(one of your vst plugins),record your sample modified by this audio effect,and close it. Your audio sample is modified,without any vst on your audio track,without freezing. I did it on my old Cubase. You don't have it in Live and don't know in FL or S1.
    According to my logic,Cubase is the most intuitive for myself.I think it's the most simple DAW,more than Live.
    If I were you I tried out both of them. Nobody can't say this one is the best DAW. Only you will like one of them.
    Edit: sorry for my English I come from France...
  7. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    I'm a big fan of studio one and it is my favorite daw, but no question from what I read from what you said, it sounds like Live is likely for you. I couldn't get it for nothing. But you want to do drum/bass, looking to chop and slice, want good delay compensation/cpu (S1 is pretty bad in this department),etc...so I would suggest you look into live. It sucked for me because I couldn't wrap my mind around it and the way it works. But for those who can it seems like a phenomenal daw. Perhaps give it a try!
  8. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Studio One. Enough said.
  9. VinylScra

    VinylScra Member

    Feb 13, 2016
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    i used both of them for many years. i really loved the simplicity of s1 and its quick workflow (i came from cubase). but i also tried live after watching this very impressive tutorial series by tom cosm.

    warning: after watching this, there is no going back to any other daw ever again (especially if you watch his complete tutorial series). correct me if im wrong, but i think there is stuff in there which is impossible to realize in any other daw (the rack within a rack stuff).
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  10. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I will admit to live being a lot more capable then I'm probably aware of, I probably need to take my own advice and make a day out of watching more live tutorials particularly the in-depth Tom Cosm one.
  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    have tried S1.. it is complex... but seems people who get over the learning curve like it a lot..

    Reaper is my primary daw.. but I deal with a lot of acoustic.. and recorded audio which supposedly is Reaper's strong suit..

    Ableton would be my recommendation otherwise, I have not used it a great deal, but it's the other daw that I find most
    interesting and most capable, I have only scratched the surface of it.. but it just has so much that you can do with it natively,
    very robust... taking the time to learn it would be a good investment in learning production skills...

    +1 for @Cav Emp 's comments on it , also he is one of the power users here.. :wink:
  12. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    yepp automation will be the BIG question, worth to check this topic, Studio One not suitable for EDM production > https://forums.presonus.com/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=10785 definitely there's some truth to it,

    same issue with Reaper but at least it can mimic FL auto clips > https://audiosex.pro/threads/reaper-automation-clips-using-miditoreacontrolpath.26471/#post-209882 (taked couple of days till I able to figure it out ... but solved all the problems above) + for ex. how can u create this kind of automation in S1


    from the topic above, so how can be created modulated automation in S1 , or how can be assign one source of modulation to multiple target, how can solve multi-track macroing in it etc. so in AL automation is far more advanced, although there is no automation clips in it ( in Reaper it can be emulated ), so please check the automations before any DAW choosing

    yepp, have same experience this why don't want to go back to FL and this is another big + beside Reaper, where Reaper uses 3.5% FL uses 30% with one Spire instance that's nonsense

    ps. Ableton Live is very sluggish(useless) in large projects, check this one too https://www.google.hu/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=Ableton+Live+sluggish and it's a crash machine (especially with MAX) ... this is why I'm using Reaper currently, it's not flawless but at least stable (and finally found how can be modulated auto clips created in it ... without it Reaper would be also useless for us ) ... BTW why don't u check Reason that's very good for drum'n'base
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  13. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    sry for offing, but it can be interesting if we compare DAWs, in Reaper u can create full track snapshots(all VST, all automation, all clips will be saved) so can be back any earlier version with one click

    it's using universal tracks which means MIDI and audio can be mixed (in the same position too, so MIDI driven VST fx can be driven from same track as the sample material) so bouncing in place(which can be done till a mixer slot so can keep the fxs only have to bounce the sources(synths)) working nicely, AFAIK this two togheter makes Reaper's solution better than in any other DAW

    ps. in Reaper there is third-party extension http://nizzei8q.bget.ru/sower/index.php
    so u can add drum related patterns in same way as is in FL :)
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
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  14. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    sry for offing 2 :)

    but this is the most important, how track timebase working in Reaper

    it shows the power of Reaper quite well :)
  15. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Well that's nice of you. I wasn't aware anyone thought that. Mostly I just spend a lot of time on the computer because I prioritize working on music over well... everything else.

    to be fair, I talk a lot of really stupid shit in the chat box :)
  16. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Well Kohornis, I've being a user of FL Studio since version 1 and eventually buy the program on version 4, and now I own the FL Studio Signature Bundle + some extra plugins.
    But as the years advanced, and I started to use more hardware in my setup, I realized some of the fails that FL have. Although FL is an incredible DAW with features that any other have, like the amazing Piano Roll.
    For that reason, I've decided to move to Ableton (As I own 2 Licenses), but that doesn't mean that I'll leave FL.... No, I'll keep it using, as I can easily use it inside of Ableton (The same way I always use Reason's Thor and Malström synths).
    But, in the end, it have to do with how do you feel using your favorite DAW.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  17. turbo

    turbo Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Change your favourite DAW having PC issues, i think isn't a good deal ;)
  18. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
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    haha you must be an old man ;-) .. i have used fl since 2.5 too
    but switched to Live when i bought some hardware. Fl indeed fails with that.
    I like in live the easy bounce to audio, freezing, instruments- and fx- racks.
    Good mixer routing, midi fx... Fl was fun and used it till version 11 and start with live 8 and now use live 9 and have no regret of switching.
  19. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Well,good things are said,Studio one is very complete,powerful with good ideas but bad cpu consumption.
    Anyway Live is loved by its users for its simplicity but very efficient.With it you get all the requirements to produce EDM music with professional results.
    I watched a couple of days a video of Jean Michel Jarre(every EDM producer know him I think! The master of synthesizers!) who was making music with Live.If this guy uses Live you can buy it quiet!!!
  20. FerdinandIIIDeMedicis

    FerdinandIIIDeMedicis Kapellmeister

    Feb 6, 2016
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    With way better MIDI, with better UI (in terms of workspace), better piano roll, with more updates, with better stock sounds and with a better mixer. :)

    S1 is a very good choice, you can easily do many different styles of music with it, the midi is pretty good and the audio editing is great. The default GUI is kinda ugly but you can use some presets and modify them to make them suit your tastes.