Photos of Our Pets

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by superliquidsunshine, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Beth

    Beth Guest


    Camilla Cow and Cornelia Cow look as if they are ready at Glastonbury waiting to see you headline Saturday night! Adorned as they are in their festival jewellery. come to think of it they may be be quite happy in all the mud too !

    Marley Bones is just as cute as its physically possible be !!! :hug:

    Answer: It depends on your view of Quantum Theory......:winker:

    are you talking about the Bonerchuck & The Coccyx Bruisers music being a purely sound wave disturbance or a human sense perception? ...or both? However, if we are considering the Robin Hood days of robbing the rich to feed the poor then without a measuring device to record it does that mean there is a sense in which the recognisable properties of quantum particles such as electrons do not exist, just as the falling tree makes no sound at all? :wink:

    We could actually be an online virtual band with anime style graphical renders and use vocaloid for lead vocals !!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2016
  2. Answers:

    1) sometimes both, sometimes neither
    2) sometimes the measuring device exists, other times not

    Vocaloid vocalists sing vivace, vicarly vocalizing various virtual realities. Well maybe, but can they cry?
  3. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Ah yes I see...
    but If the Vocaloid vocalist vicariously vocalizes vivace in a virtual reality Japanese forest and your speakers are turned off can she really be said to be singing or is she in reality actually crying?

    And back on topic......Any more gorgeous pics of Marley please? fact why not start a new thread entitled 'The Musical Adventures of Marley The Selfie Snapping Canine Cutie'.....we can make him an internet star!
  4. That sounds like the perfect idea, however my poor dog has been hiding under the bed only to resurface from the deep and dark shadows of his own angst ridden existential forest for the last 20 hours or so. My emphatic though soft insistent pleading begging him to come walk and relieve his bladder as well his other bodily functions has worked only sporadically. He is in misery from the lousy loud fireworks that people are blasting away ad nauseum to celebrate Swiss National Day here in this wonderful land of alp horns, fine watches, Federer lovers with cheesy breath, and of course, the udder ointment capital of the world.. His normally cute little curled up empennage is limp and hanging, literally a tail tell sign that my boy is feeling even more blue than John Lee Hooker would or even could on a very very very bad day. He and we should hopefully be back to normal by tomorrow morning, but until then....:thumbsdown:
  5. Beth

    Beth Guest

    aaahhh :( ! 'Get well' soon Marley !

    And Happy Swiss National day to you and all the cows :)
  6. Luminus

    Luminus Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    Uberlândia - Brazil
    20160801_101041 (Small).jpg

    Vincent in the recording room... =)
  7. Nice kitty, nice wall behind the kitty!
  8. For Bethyyyyyyy...

    Marley Ponders the Significance of Cress. He has finallyd finally decided to show his face to the world, but I needed to attach him by line to help him motivate or else he would stall even at the most distant ricochet off of the distant peaks surrounding us at our lower elevation. He ate grass. He never eats grass. It must be that his nerves are a bit frayed about the edges. He appreciated the sweet water from a hillside fountain at the base of the old fortress across on the hill from us but when given the chance to get a little wet in the river, just looked at me as I was crazy for asking if he wanted in. Marley Bones is definately a bit off. Time should be the great healer. Fireworks be damned.

    Two lions guard the fountain in but Marley is a friend.


    The Lions

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  9. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Thank you !!!
    Glad to see the little guy venturing out again :)
    Willy Wonka eats grass too when he is feeling a 'little off'. Then he vomits it back and seems like he feels much better. :)
    I made Marley some noise cancelling headphones.....the band is a little big but they should help for next year :)


    sorry about the doggie graffiti on ancient monuments.....its washable though and will be gone after the next rain shower !
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2016
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  10. I am sending your rendering to my daughter Emma, who will, I am sure, be both funny boned and gratefully appreciative of your heartfelt concern for The Monkey (just another of Marley's monikers...Monk, The Monk, Marley Bones, Boo Boo, Wawawawawa, Dog).
  11. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Boo Boo when he's being cute? Dog when he's naughty ? :)

    Willy's full name is 'Master William Jose Wonka Jnr. The Third of Pensacola' ..........he's also answers to Pooky Butt and very occasionally Bad Boy......but then he puts that guilty sad eyes look on and very quickly gets a hug :)
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  12. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    This is our Goofy.
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  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I have pet envy so I avoided this thread for a while... but I have to agree Fonzie is quite the dapper gent ( ? )

    a jolly good fellow whom nobody could resist.. :wink:

    on another note.. @superliquidsunshine you look famous there in your former incarnation,
    can only imagine how many birds you pulled whilst styin' in that stetson... :winker:

    my attention span wouldn't let me read the whole story,
    was that your doggie or the other guy's ?
  14. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Ringo looks almost Identical to my cat.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  15. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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  16. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    @Trevor Gordon Wow he really does. Same Egyptian nose, facial structure. Very pretty. I bet he's a handsful too. :) But a lovebug for sure right? I saved Ringo from the carperters workshop in Bogota. Where he was living in a car during the day, and in the workshop at nite. One day the carpenter asked me if I wouldn't want to take the cat because they were leaving the shop in a few days and were going to put him by the side of the road !? I almost snapped. That instant I took him home with me. We be brothers since...
  17. I guess that it would be reasonable to say that I was pretty much favored by softer set, and that the softer set was surely much savored by me. And yes, that pup between myself and the extraordinary El Jefe is my dear old Auggie Doggie Doo, who herself was a local celebrity. Living as neighbors with the NYU Film Production school I can't tell you how many times Auggie was involved in student films, so many times kids having a moment of inspiration and creating a scene right then and there which involved her being some way in a shot. My most memorable memory concerning Augster's appeal came about while walking on Jones Street around the corner from where we lived in front of Jean-Michel Basquiat's apartment building. There was a fashion photo shoot going on with eight beautiful Swedish swimsuit models, and the photographer asked if Auggie could be in the shot. Of course I said yes, but the photographer needed her to stay in front of a certain lovely young lady in order to compose the shot that he had in mind. The secret of Auggie's acting ability was the fact that she had an unbounding love of chewing gum, so I asked if any of the woman had a piece, which one thankfully did. Auggie stuck to her side like her siamese twin while I stood next to the photographer to help focus her eyes towards the lens, calling out her name every 5 seconds or so. Wham bam thank you ma'am, another one in the can (both literally and figuratively as the date that evening with the very nice Economics major/swimsuit model also comes with a story to tell, but all I will offer is this...I learned some Swedish that night, but not much..."Jag älskar dig , snabbare , snabbare!!!"

    Ahh, those were the days.
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  18. Beth

    Beth Guest

    '...My friend....We thought they'd never end'

    (oops posting in wrong thread lol ).....and i used too many words!
    the 'three word thread' is playing with my head :rofl:

    I love pets !
    (correct count but see what i mean ! :winker:)
  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @superliquidsunshine ahh I almost forgot also..
    the well known fact.. that doggies are wonderful partners for helping to catch birds :wink:

    good on ya, you inveterate artiste of many genres !
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