RANT: The struggles of being young but wanting to be a producer

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by xXDayDreamerXx, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    FIRST OFF: Let me just state something, I did not enter this world because I want to be the next Deadmau5 or Skrillex, pick up men/ladies (I like both :wink:), or to get money and fame. I'm doing this because I think I could bring something unique, if I just learn how to get what's in my head on to tracks.

    The music world SUCKS when you're young. If you're young and don't have rich parents/parents who believe in you, you are going to get nowhere without tons of online research and stress. I'm okay with using free vsts, but I just never can seem to find the exact sounds I want/need, and I sure as hell am not a natural audio engineer. It's a really complex world, and sadly I am just one of those students who needs a teacher to physically show me how to do all of this. My parents don't believe in me, dad is rich but an asshole, mom wants results before investing into me (which I get, really..) but it's like no matter how hard I try I have no success. I have always had a burning passion and desire for music, and have always wanted to write my own songs. It's like when I boot up my DAW, any prior tune ideas and knowledge just get zapped out of my head and I am sitting there staring at the piano roll confused and upset. I feel like an idiot tbh, and that's definitely a feeling I don't like. So basically, I feel like I need to find a way to not be an idiot and change my learning style so I can accomplish my goals.
    I am sadly disabled, so I cannot get a job anytime soon despite being the perfect age for one, so I don't have any source of income really. My only talents I feel like are writing and some people say I draw well, but I seldom believe that. Why did I have to be lured into a hobby that has been impossible for me? I want to use music to connect with people and help them to understand what I'm going through, and just share my thoughts and feelings in a more passionate way that people can love and enjoy, but also see the deeper meaning if they look closely at the lyrics.
    I am frustrated, and I just wish something would click at last. Has anyone else had this sort of experience? Maybe not the disability part but just sort of starting off without a clue and being frustrated for a really long time.. I'd love to hear from you all.
  3. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Patience is key. Keeping at it too. If you can't find any inspiration it might help to do a cover of a couple of songs you like. Or try to make a couple of tracks in a style or genre you're not familiar with. Yes the industry is shite, but if your in it for the music and the music alone you should be good. It truly can take a lot of time before you find some 'oil' or 'joy' and fullfilment in making music and making music your own. But it will happen if you keep chipping away at it. Consistently. If you're in it for the fame & fortune, get ready to sell your soul and make consessions that are not of this world. Looks to me like you need to set some goals to work towards to. Bring some organisation in how you spend your time on the DAW and writing. I found it very helpfull in my early days to just practice, practice and practice some more. Don't worry about your parrents, they're probably not going to give you anything but frustration. Focus on you. On your abillity and desire to create music. And don't let these moments of dispair detur you from giving it all you got. Rome wasn't build in a day you know ... :winker:
    Best of luck and keep us updated on your stuff. This is a good place and you can learn a lot here, just ask.
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  4. banaan_j

    banaan_j Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2016
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    First off, I can only say that I party accomplished your dream. I have lived from music for some years but I'm not doing it anymore. But there are basically 2 ways to get anywhere in the music industry:
    1) be unique or at least really (but REALLY) good at what you do so that people want to invest in you, be it real people or labels/managers/etc. Of course, knowing the right people is a plus, but if you really have a great "product" there will always be someone who knows someone if you keep pushing.
    2) Be OK, but make yourself into a brand that sells. At a certain point you either make enough from yourself or a label picks you up and wants to invest.

    Basically those are the only 2 real options as I see it and both require a lot of work :)
  5. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    Wow, that's amazing! :D I donno if I'd want to rely soley on music, but if it could give me just a little extra cash I'd be very happy. Thank you for the advice, I shall try my best!
  6. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    I'll be honest. I'm in almost a similar position, or at least was. I kind of got 'lucky' in some areas. I got an internship with 2 producers that have many of the biggest hits out and have many hits in the past too. I got it through a friends, friend that went to my high school and was a year above me, but i've only said like 10 words to him in my life. He thought I would be suited for the internship. I got that internship, and then those producers started managing me, giving me the world of opportunities. However you could say this was luck, but it's creating your own luck too. If I didn't work hard enough to get into a position that a friend of a friend that I've barely spoke to in my whole life has, now, thought of me for a job that will further my career, then things may be stagnant for my career as a music producer.

    This industry is a lot different to others. It should be treated as a job to a certain extent, but it's mentally tiring and can be brutal on you through the years. Starving artists, producers that have hits out sometimes not getting paid enough to even live (which has happened to a few people in my close camp). It's a rough, rough, almost evil, industry. However you need to have thick skin and persevere.Become the greatest you, you can be. Get rid of things that will suck up time, effort and opportunities for you. To gain a career in such a hard industry, you really have to sacrifice many, many, many, many things. Social lives, TV shows, games, lounging about etc... You could be the greatest musician/producer ever, but without the true hard work ethic and belief, talent will be washed away and never seen by any eyes or heard by any ears.

    It's tough.

    I started off music as a hobby, messing about, but truly found my passion with music and stuck with it for so damn long. Now I can't let it go. Everything is for music. The fear of failure is there, but I am overcoming that and just clicking my fingers and trying to be better and doing something more. Whether it is connecting with names and such, collaborating with random people you not even believe will be good, may turn out to be amazing and spawn something that will fuel your creativity. It's really being pro-active as possible. A computer is in front of you and connected to the World. Opportunities are there, you just have to find it, and honestly... Just work hard as hell. It's not always about talent in this industry, it's about hard work and determination! Also, never make an excuse for anything, find a way. That's what fighters do!

    When it comes to not finding the right sound etc... Put the effort in, understand how a vst works, find a way to make your own sound, be creative, be... stupid at times. Just try harder. Remember there will be younger people that may even be struggling more than you, but overcome it because of belief and find a way. They'll make that sound they want. They'll learn more, they'll refuse to procrastinate.

    I hope for the best, just remember be a better you every day. Improve on yourself, be willing to learn more, be happy, get rid of any negativity because this will cloud all the positive opportunities and thoughts that could be that little thing that... clicks everything into place.
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  7. Aurevoir

    Aurevoir Member

    Jul 31, 2016
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    Wow man, I had to create an account because of this topic.

    Instead of crying get a part time job, earn some money for DAW and basic software. Then temporarily sell your soul to an internet licensing services like audiojungle and earn your first hundreds of dollars. After that, buy better equipment and more professional plugins and it is done. In one year, you will have everything you need to create profesionally sounding tracks.

    About the composing "know-how". You can pay for a teacher, but let me tell you something. You will learn much more, if you experiment :)

    Music composing is progressing process. You can't expect to be the best right after you start. Learn basics, compose everyday, maintain your motivation and inspiration. Eventually it will be way better.

    EDIT: You said you are disabled. This is not an excuse for not having an income. You can create videos and use Patreon. You might get lucky and earn some money here. There is also a bunch of free software you can use to create music and sell it on Audiojungle (or many others licensing websites). Everybody says that it is difficult to become famous in music industry, but I think that thanks to the internet and social networks it is easier than ever before.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
  8. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    I stated above why a part-time job wasn't an option. I have a very serious disability, an illness really, so balancing school, a job, and a health condition just isn't feasible for me right now, and while arranging a nice resume and impressing interviewers wouldn't be hard, it'd be basically maintaining the job (ie showing up to work on time- if at all, trying to not tire myelf out too much but still do a good job.. That isn't easy when you feel like you have a flu without the coughing/sneezing D:). But enough of my health problems! Back to music, the bottom part of this is fabulous and fascinating though! The best I can hope for now is that I find medicine that works for me and finally learn how to just shove the way I'm feeling to the back of my brain so I can accomplish all that I want to accomplish. I think the best thing I can do for now is scrounge up whatever money I can get (birthdays and such) and get some half-decent plugins and then just slowly build my way up. I think I shall experiment a lot more now and stop doubting myself. And wow I feel special someone made an account because of my stupid nonsense.
  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

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  10. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    yeah I'm probably just being a whiney, impatient bitch. Venting is good for releasing emotions though, better than just ignoring them until you burst and do something stupid or give up on what you're striving for..
  11. w4rr1or

    w4rr1or Ultrasonic

    Jan 7, 2016
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    It's a hard road my friend. Daily sacrifices and many disappointments. Many shitty songs and even more unfinished ones. But then you get better, and people start loving your stuff, then you build confidence and you start believing in yourself and your productions then sound confident. It's all part of the game. If you really love what you are doing then keep working at it and it's all going to be worth it in the end. Map out your plan, figure out what it is you need to do to make income out of it. Billion ways to make money with music and it's always where you are not looking . :)
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  12. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Why your parents don't believe in you?
    Did you talk, like seriously, with them?

    I wish I could make money off music but for various reasons it's simply impossible for me.
    May I ask your online profile where you have some demos/music you did? Just out of curiosity. Also for how long have you kept going

    EDIT: To the other people: how would you go in make money with music, when all you like producing is stuff with a really small market and not even contemporary?
  13. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    That would be Steve Faoki :winker:
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
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  14. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    They don't see any talent in me whatsoever, and after a fail with an actual instrument (well okay I can't entirely be blamed for that, my health problems erupted then, and I do sorely miss it..) they honestly don't want to invest in software they think is ridiculously priced that I might not touch for 6 months. So basically until I can come back to them with a full-length album, I get nothing :') I have soo much to learn and I've been trying to do this for two years. My attention was mainly focused on virtual singers, which is something I'll introduce in a thread and go in-depth about someday, because that is something that I can confidently say I'm an expert on...
  15. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    There. Corrected that for you.

    Very few people are handed a clear path through life and are able to stick to it without wavering. Be prepared to never really figure it out. You'll probably try quite a few avenues and fail at them all. You'll probably find a little niche that you can be semi-proficient in but will leave you feeling like you still didn't accomplish your goals. Welcome to the club.

    Having said that, the bars to entry in making music these days is ridiculously low. Everything is directly at your fingertips. It's just silly easy. Laughably easy. People are directly spoon-fed these days. The only thing holding you back from success or feeling successful is your own natural ability, work ethic/discipline, luck, and your skill (or willingness) for using social connections to propel yourself forward. Don't ever underestimate the last one.

    Fame, popularity, artistic relevance (trends, etc.) are fickle as hell, but if your only goal is to make the music in your head then you have no one to blame but yourself (or your parents for the 'gift' of a non-musical brain) if you're not achieving it. I know that sounds harsh, but many people have done the same with less--myself included. Money and other technical/knowledge based reasons for not being able to do it are definitely just a weak excuse for not getting it done.
  16. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    It sounds like you have a writers block. Tell us with what exactly are you struggling?
    Specific genre?

    Synth1 is a free synths with over 14 000 presets, if you need decent sounds. There are also many other good and free synthesizers and soundlibraries.

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  17. banaan_j

    banaan_j Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2016
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    I'm not sure what market you talk about, but for "underground" markets most people that "make it" are either part of a group that work together and organize events and/or push out releases on a label of their own, or they find other labels in that market that release the music (but then it must be good and you and you will really get frustrated because of all the "A&R" people that only want music that has a certain very specific sound). These days with "mainstream" but underground music most people make the majority of their money with playing live in one way or another.. And maybe other stuff like merchandise, some vinyl... think of something original..
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  18. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    Thanks for the words of advice, I think I'm just a really harsh self-critic that's trying too hard.. Then again, that is life I suppose! I feel like this is the first thing I've tried to pick up with absolutely no success after months of hard work. Meh, I have nothing better to do so I'll keep trying.
    Writer's block seems like a suitable term, but I feel like I have it because I'm overwhelmed by all of this new stuff and don't really know how to navigate my way through making a song. I feel like I just lack the guidance I need. I have piano one actually, donno why but it hasn't been making any sound, I'll try installing Synth1 itself though. Thank you!
  19. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    http://veryrandomstreams.blogspot.bg/2012/03/over-10000-free-patchessounds-for-free.html Here you are the presets, if you don't have them.

    Also tell me exactly with which genres you are struggling with and I can give you some tips for composing and finishing tunes.
  20. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Shit. This a tough one, for everyone. It's hard to get a go. Most people who want to produce music around the world are facing the same issues. The big fat cats are a small number of people getting the big gigs. Most of us gotta be creative and thick skinned for all the frustrations along the way. I don't mean to whine. On the contrary, I believe that places like this community are invaluable in that sense, and having a chance to vent your blues is a first step. Disability? Never mind. You'll find a way. You know what they say, 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. I can relate to that.

    I know what lack of talent is. Fortunately I've been blessed with the art of drawing, like yourself. I know how talent feels. It's like when I am tasked to draw I don't do the stuff. Stuff tells me how to be done. I envy (in a positive way) those highly talented musicians whose hearts and minds can instantly lock up that tone, their brain frequencies naturally in tune with the frequencies of the music they create. Then there's me. I've never had a gift for music. But I love it. It took me a whole two years just to learn to tune a guitar by ear. Frustrating, but I was young and committed and I learned to play the bass, not as a consolation prize, but because the bass sound stuck with me better. After twenty or so years, I am a fairly accomplished bass player. I play gigs and bands actually want to pay me to see me play. I've earned it the hard way. I love music production. I love mixing. I love the work behind the curtain in music. I started in 2007 and I know shit about golden ears and magic plugins. I know I have to work my way up, in my 40s. You say being young is a disadvantage. Oh, man, wait until you age.

    The only real problem with youth, frustration, and depression, all in one package, is perspective. Your music is shitty, so what. Mine is shitty too, and Graham Cochrane, the Recording Revolution guy, keeps saying the same thing too. We tend to be self critical. When you are young, money is tight. I'm not saying I understand you. I don't. I can't. You understand yourself and then you are the only engine who can get you out of there. You are your own way out. It sounds desolate, but it's true. You've received sound advice on the lines above, and please read it carefully, again and again. There are just two things that I can add to the roster.

    First, you need people. Interface with others. Your post is a step in that direction, and it's cool. Get the trust of people. share your work and have the humble heart to take criticism positively. Make friends. The web is a godsend in this regard. Know others, study their work. Know your favourite producers. Don't just learn their technicality and skill. See them as human beings with the same origins as many of us. Read Sound On Sound and Musictech Magazine. There's no rich-boy-gets-the-gigs-I-can't attitude. It's bullshit. You are your own success, but friendships offer the support needed to channel that way to success.

    Second, get examples. One thing I'm getting to learn is that pro sound is not something you learn to appreciate in a forum. Our ears need to be trained to appreciate the good sounds for music production. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen until you've bought a serious audio interface with professional-grade monitors, and you've invested tons of money on the right software. I know. It's a bitch. Everyone who says that you can do professional work with stock plugins from your DAW tells you so because they have already bought fancy stuff and they are now closing the circle. Unfortunately, with untrained ears and lack of experience, you are no game to produce anything with stock or paid-for plugins. One way to overcome this, is to replicate what other people do. Graham Cochrane has released great step-by-step mixing videos where he walks you through his process. So has Bobby Owisinski and Fab Dupont. Try to get a hold of those videos and study them, just like musicians study instructional videos for skill. Once the skill is there, the soul is freed to express itself. Boz Millar, the guy form Boz Plugins has started a mix critique community on Facebook. As a Boz newsletter subscriber, I got an invite. Look it up. Maybe they accept more members to the group. Even if you don't submit mixes or review others, you can still listen to the material, read the comments, and learn from what they say.

    Patience, my friend. It sounds cliche, but it's true. Time and patience.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
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  21. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    [QUOTE="xXDayDreamerXx, post: 208821, member: 26183"I feel like this is the first thing I've tried to pick up with absolutely no success after months of hard work.[/QUOTE]

    If you don't have any previous concepts of rhythm and/or melody then it's going to take a little bit of time to break through that barrier. Once you grasp those two fundamentals and see how truly basic and easy it is to make something that sounds musically coherent (even if not a chart-topper) then everything else will start falling into place rapidly. It's pretty much a domino effect.

    My advice is to learn how to make a few drum beats in different music styles and then play with some simple (pentatonic scales are hard to mess up) melodic structures. You should have something listenable before too long.

    If you've already reached or exceeded that stage then, well... you don't have anything left to do except keep building upon that and experimenting with your own styles, preferences, tastes. Eventually you'll hit upon something that really resonates with you and then it's time to fine tune, tweak, and develop that to a higher degree.
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