Ableton Live 9.X.x Betas Announcements Post

Discussion in 'Live' started by Zeus, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    9.6.2b3 Release Notes
    • Live could crash when loading a Live Set where the 'EXT' button is saved as active, if Link was enabled in the preferences.
    Changes for Push:
    • 'Gate' Launch Mode would not work anymore when triggering Clips from Push.
    • The Push 2 script would stop working if a track was deleted during the script initialization.
    • If a Drum Rack was loaded during the script initialization, Push 2 might malfunction when controlling this track.
    • Disabling 'Warp' would cause the zoom in Simpler to jump to an unusual zoom level.
    • When step sequencing from Push, if a step was nudged to the left it was not possible to copy it to a different step.
    • Count-in would be ignored when a recording was triggered via Push, in cases where a Clip was already active.
    Live 9.6.2b3 OSX 32 bit
    Live 9.6.2b3 OSX 64 bit
    Live 9.6.2b3 WIN 32 bit
    Live 9.6.2b3 WIN 64 bit
  2. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    It's time

    9.6.2b4 Release Notes
    Improvements and feature changes:
    • Updated the Live manual and a number of lessons and info texts.
    • Restored the correct MIDI mapping for the Launchpad User mode 2.
    • When triggering a recording with count-in enabled, Simpler could start playing back Warped samples from the wrong position.
    Changes for Push:
    • Scales Layout settings are now also stored within a Live Set.
    • When using Simpler in Slicing mode, holding 'Delete' and pressing a Slice will remove all its steps in the currently selected Clip, if any exist. In addition to that, holding 'Quantize' and pressing a Slice will quantize all the events for that Slice.
    • When cycling through Layouts with Push, a notification is now declaring the current mode of operation of the pads.
    • In Mix mode, pan and sends knob would be erroneously displayed with the color of the currently selected track, instead than preserving the respective track color.
    • Copying steps to different pitches in the melodic step sequencer would not work if 'Fold' was active in Live's MIDI Clip View.
    • When controlling Multiband Compressor with Push 1, the 'Below Threshold' parameter would not be available anymore for the Mid Band.
    • The Push 2 script would be erroneously initialized twice when loading an existing Live Set or when creating a new one.
    Live 9.6.2b4 OSX 32 bit
    Live 9.6.2b4 OSX 64 bit
    Live 9.6.2b4 WIN 32 bit
    Live 9.6.2b4 WIN 64 bit
  3. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Oxford, England
    *Drum roll*

    9.6.2b5 Release Notes
    • When running as a ReWire slave, Live would not stream audio to the ReWire master anymore.
    Changes for Push:
    • Adjusted the notification texts for the Step Sequencer modes on the Push 2 display.
    • In Clip mode, the MIDI Clip length would not be displayed after completing a recording with Push 2.
    • When pasting a step copied from an adjacent one in the step sequencer via Push, this would present a wrong nudge value.
    • Under certain circumstances, the Push 2 display could go blank when selecting a track containing Simpler, if a really long sample was loaded into that device.
    *i'll post the links later but my dick iPhone isn't letting my select them for copy and paste right now. So I gave up before I threw it against the wall. Will try again later on a proper computer*
  4. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    Let's all welcome 9.7- only really updates for simpler and push bug fixes, again.

    9.7b1 Release Notes
    Improvements and feature changes:
    • The Link beat time will be realigned when starting Live’s playback with Tap Tempo or via Looper.
    • New Simpler Slicing modes (Beat, Region, Manual) are now available.
    • As a consequence of the new Simpler features, Live Sets created with this version cannot be opened with previous versions anymore.
    • When resizing the left edge of a frozen Clip to the left, audio would still begin playback from the Clip’s former start position.
    • Live would crash when canceling a freeze action, if this was performed on a previously frozen and flattened Clip.
    Changes for Push:
    • The new Simpler Slicing modes are available on Push.
    • It is now possible to set the color for Tracks, Clips and Drum Rack pads from Push.
    • It is now possible to adjust the Input and Output audio routing and the Monitoring state from Push 2. This is accessible via Track Mix Mode, where a dedicated ‘Input & Output’ button is added.
    • Introduced a third layout for Drum Racks and Simpler’s Slicing mode, which enables triggering the currently selected pad / Slice with 16 pre-defined velocities.
    • When transport is active, a progress bar on the display indicates the playback phase for each of the currently playing Clips.
    • Added a visual feedback for the count-in on the Push 2 display.
    • The Push 2 Firmware has been updated to version 0.59. This delivers a new pad algorithm that improves the sensitivity of Push pads when playing with wrist pressure. It also contains a fix for cases where Push 2 buttons might double-trigger, and improves the stability of the MIDI data sent from the Push encoders.
    • Improved the matching between pad and display colors on Push 2.
    • Improved the matching between Live and Push 2 colors.
    • On Push 2, the color white in Live is translated as yellow, since white is used to indicate selection.
    • The intensity of the LEDs in the lower display buttons has been dimmed to create more contrast against the currently selected track.
    • Improved the performance when moving the Session Ring horizontally with Push.
    • When routing via Push 2, Pre FX, Post FX and Post Mixer routings are available in a separate list, in order to reduce the amount of routing sources.
    • When the focus is set to Arrangement View, 'New' is not available on Push anymore.
    • The Push Record button now takes into account Live’s focus on Arrangement and Session View. If the focus is on Arrangement View, the Session Record button will trigger Global Recording, while the Shift + Record button will trigger / stop Session Recording. The logic is reversed when focused on Session View.
    • Session Record and Arrangement Record are now independent from each other.
    • Different sensitivities are in place for the Push 2 pad matrix, depending on the function of the pads in the current layout. This is specifically aimed at avoiding inadvertently changing the loop selector while playing Drum Rack pads.
    • It is now possible to delete the currently selected Clip in Arrangement via Push 2.
    • If the selected Clip was in Arrangement View, Push 2 would not display its content in Clip View.
    • When step-sequencing a Clip in Arrangement View, the playhead would not be shown on Push 2.
    • When a Drum Rack or Instrument Rack was frozen, it was still possible to edit the Chain's mix parameters.
    • The Clip length would not be displayed in Clip View, when performing a recording with Fixed Length.

    Live 9.7b1 OSX 32 bit
    Live 9.7b1 OSX 64 bit
    Live 9.7b1 WIN 32 bit
    Live 9.7b1 WIN 64 bit
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    god damn you @Oysters you are so fast. I was gonna post this.

    lots of cool stuff for Push. Someone needs to release a new video tutorial. I don't even even know how to use the damn thing anymore

    Edit: Boy i hadn't read all the way through that list before coming here. Just finished it. Sometimes Ableton pisses me off but it's stuff like this that makes Push worth the price of admission. It's becoming more and more a complete DAW controller every update. The I/O controls are clutch.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  6. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    yea even old push gets lots updates. I also need to relearn mine as I haven't really taken in most of the new features since 9.5.
    The daw itself has so much yet to be improved on that thousands of users have been repeatedly demanding for absolutely ages (most of those probably couldn't care less about push). I hope they remember to keep the mouse clickers happy!
  7. Gnib

    Gnib Producer

    Mar 29, 2013
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    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  8. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    9.7b2 Release Notes
    • Fixed a crash which might occur when creating a time selection on Group tracks in Arrangement View.
    • Live might run into issues when writing files to disk on Windows, if the file path contained non standard unicode characters.
    Changes for Push:
    the more I tried deleting them, the more bullet points appeared
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  9. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    lets keep this thread clean

    it is not about patching/cracking. i mean technically this software hasn't even been released yet, and you want it patched already!

    there are other threads for that.

    (I'm not mad, the post I was talking about has been deleted)
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  10. muciones

    muciones Kapellmeister

    May 11, 2015
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    Sick to read in every single patch 300 lines with Push updates. I don't freakin care about Push, Ableton, update the damn software for computer users as well, introduce new shit, copy from other daw's don't care, stop updating Push all night long like apes!
  11. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    man, Ableton is gonna MAKE everyone get a Push. I give it by version 10.5
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    push is the major income ableton has, thats why they invest more time and resources in to upgrading and adding new features.
    they are aware that lots of their users are running a pirated ableton version.

    i am with you there, i have no need for push and push2.
  13. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Push owner here.

    Let's keep this party going :rofl:

    On a more serious note, the addition of track i/o from the mix section of Push 2 was huge for me.
  14. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    9.7b3 Release Notes
    • Live would crash at startup if the preferences were corrupted.
    Changes for Push:
    • The Push 2 display process would not start on Windows, if non-standard unicode characters were contained in the user profile name.
    • Page Left/Right buttons are now available in the Step Sequencer for Simpler in Slice mode.
    • The Push 2 firmware has been updated to 1.0.60. It now automatically adjusts the LED white balance for units produced in the factory from April 2016.
    • Fixed an error when changing audio routings on Push 2.
    • It's now possible to adjust the Input and Output MIDI routing from Push 2.
    • Improved scrolling through Input or Output targets when changing routings from Push 2.
    • Pressing Record on Push would stop a Clip if the Clip Launch Mode was set to "Toggle".
    • Routing meters would not reflect clipping signals on external inputs correctly.
    • When changing Layout, the Step Sequencer page would reset.
    • Clip phase would overflow when changing Clip length during playback.
    • Push would allow editing Chain Mixer parameters when the Rack was frozen. This has been corrected.
    Links later (maybe)
  15. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Oxford, England
    9.7b4 Release Notes
    Improvements and feature changes:
    • Updated the “What's New” Lessons and Info View text for Simpler’s Slicing mode.
    • When resizing a Clip past its limit, the dragged edge would behave erratically when it was not on a grid position or when the grid was disabled with a modifier.
    • Live would crash when converting a Simpler to a Drum Rack if certain Control Surfaces were enabled.
    • When resizing Live horizontally, the positioning of Max Device windows would not adjust correctly.
    • Live would crash when exporting a MIDI file on Windows.
    • When exporting audio from Looper, the resulting Clips would inherit the wrong color.
    Changes for Push:
    • Live would crash when enabling the Push 2 Control Surface script on some systems. As a result of the fix, some display functions of Push still won't work. Improved the error logging to find out more about this issue.
    • In the “16 Velocities” Layout, velocity levels can now be set without triggering the sound each time by holding “Select” before choosing the velocity level.
    • It's now possible to select a velocity level in the “16 Velocities” Layout and then enter steps in the other Layouts with this selected level.
    • Output routing meters would get stuck after selecting another Track as a routing destination.
    • Individual outputs of some third-party plug-ins were only partly available as routing sources on Push.
    • Under specific conditions, the meters on Push would wrongly indicate that audio was routed to the Sends only.
    • ReWire routing channels are now shown correctly.
    • Removed the “Post Mixer” output routing for MIDI tracks.
    • The Clip phase indicator now inherits the color of the playing Clip.
    • The Clip phase now indicates if a Clip is muted.
    Live 9.7b4 OSX 32 bit
    Live 9.7b4 OSX 64 bit
    Live 9.7b4 WIN 32 bit
    Live 9.7b4 WIN 64 bit
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2016
  16. venom320

    venom320 Newbie

    May 24, 2016
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    I/O Patch doesn't work with latest beta. Anybody having the same issues? (No authorize file)
  17. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Oxford, England
    This thread isn't about patching!
  18. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Oxford, England
    Boom boom boom I want ableton live 9.7b5 in my room

    9.7b5 Release Notes
    Improvements and feature changes:
    • Updated lessons and info text translations.
    • When running Live as a ReWire slave on a Mac, it would consume 100% of the CPU load after launching Live as a slave for the second time.
    • Converting an Audio Clip from Looper to MIDI would cause the Clip to assume a grey color.
    • The parameters of an Instrument Rack would no longer be assigned to the Control Surface, if one if its Chains was previously selected.
    Changes for Push:
    • It is now possible to duplicate Clips in Arrangement from Push.
    • By default, Fixed Length now respects the Launch Quantization setting. Its previous behavior can be toggled on via the 'Legato' option in the Fixed Length menu. This works with Push 1 and 2.
    • Added visual improvements to the loop indicator in Simpler.
    • Flag markers for Simpler and Audio Clips are now properly outlined.
    • The fade-in and fade-out visuals on Simpler are now represented differently from Loops.
    • Non-colored routing sources and targets now inherit the track color.
    • Uncolored devices would appear red on Push's display.
    • When converting an Instrument to a drum pad, the track color was not correctly inherited.
    • It was erroneously possible to change the monitoring state of frozen tracks.
    • When muting or unmuting a track while in Mix Mode, the state color of the track's meters would only update if its peak level changed.

    Live 9.7b5 OSX 32 bit
    Live 9.7b5 OSX 64 bit
    Live 9.7b5 WIN 32 bit
    Live 9.7b5 WIN 64 bit
  19. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    9.7b6 Release Notes
    • Loading certain Max for Live devices could cause the Live GUI to malfunction.
    • Live might crash when instantiating the Outer Spaces Max for Live device.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the 'x2', ':2', or "Warp As" controls in Simpler, if there was no sample present.
    • Slices would not update correctly on the Simpler GUI when the user performed a ':2' or 'x2' action, if Slice by Beats was selected.
    • When converting Simpler to Sampler, the Sample Start marker would be visually misplaced.
    • The signal of send for grouped tracks would be doubled (+6dB), if the track's output was routed to Master and the respective Return track ‘Pre/Post’ toggle was set to Pre.
    • When dragging unwarped Clips over the section of a song where the tempo was automated from a low value to a higher one, Clips stored in the clipboard would appear after the dragged Clip.
    • Using 3 APC 40 units in ‘Combination Mode’ would cause LEDs on the APCs to flash erratically.
    Changes for Push:
    • The ‘Legato’ option (in the Fixed Length menu) was renamed to ‘Phrase Sync’.
    • The one-shot envelope visualization could disappear when switching through Simpler’s device banks.
    • The routing meters would not turn entirely red when monitoring an analog source which was clipping.
    • When triggering recording via a footswitch, recording would always start in Session View, regardless of whether Live's focus was on Sesssion View or Arrangement View.
    • Minor visual improvement for the ‘Cancel’ button in the ‘Convert’ menu or when entering the browser via ‘Add Track’. Additionally, the ‘Close’ button has been removed from the ‘Scales’ menu.
    • The playhead and loop markers are now the same height as the loop indicator.
    Live 9.7b6 OSX 32 bit
    Live 9.7b6 OSX 64 bit
    Live 9.7b6 WIN 32 bit
    Live 9.7b6 WIN 64 bit
  20. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Oxford, England
    Ah, push it - push it good
    Ah, push it - push it real good
    Ah, push it - push it good
    Ah, push it - p-push it real good

    9.7b7 Release Notes
    Changes for Push:
    • The count-in visualization on the Push 2 display now pulses to the beat.
    • The clip phase indicator has been raised for better visibility.
    • It was still possible to select Pre FX, Post FX and Post Mixer routings with the 'Position' encoder, on frozen tracks.
    • Fix a bug where the playback of clips created with the step sequencer would be incorrectly offset.
    • The clip phase would not reset correctly when stopping and starting transport.
    • The Input Channel chooser is no longer displayed when 'No Input' is selected.
    • Live could crash when undoing the deletion of a track, if Push was in use.
    • The Record Button on Push would not blink when a recording with Fixed Length was pending, if 'Phrase Sync' was off.
    • When triggering a Drum Rack pad, Push 2 in Device mode would display the first device bank instead than the Drum Rack macros.
    Live 9.7b7 OSX 32 bit
    Live 9.7b7 OSX 64 bit
    Live 9.7b7 WIN 32 bit
    Live 9.7b7 WIN 64 bit
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