Can't talk to other musicians about subjects other than music?

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by panther5, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    @farao People are easily offended these days, and the point was to "talk about something other than music" and I saw the word "offended" so I decided to carry out a small offensive "meme-strike" to see what other people's reactions would be lol. I didn't even make that joke. I just stumbled upon it on google search by mistake yesterday & decided to share. Yes, I am pretty distasteful. But as a side job, I'm a stand up comedian, too - so it should be no surprise because a pretty big chunk of us are just super distasteful at times. But at the end of the day, we do have hearts & do care highly of others (but not all of us! I care a little too much. Lol)
  2. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    This. 100%.

    The key wording here is "to get." You don't know their motivations; you are inferring them. I'm pretty sure the members here aren't PMing each other, gearing up to take down threads. It just so happens that the majority disagree with the viewpoints outlined in such threads. This is to be expected when offensive, poorly thought out posts get put here. This isn't a conspiracy theory site. The members here aren't looking for a conspiracy theory site. They are here for pro audio.

    That aside, the majority of people in general disagree with and dislike offensive posts (such as the ones seen here recently). So even if this were a forum where general discussion was the central draw, you should expect to see people generally disliking posts that accuse the victims of mass shootings and their families as frauds.

    Of course, conspiracy theorists have a particular state of mind that rejects rationality in favor of conspiracy. So, this will be taken how it will. It turns out, the more someone tries to convince a conspiracy theorist of their error, the more they tend to cling to their conspiracy-related mindstate. So, I expect my arguments will either fall on deaf ears or will be preaching to the choir. Which, incidentally, are the types of posts that get up or downvoted in large numbers in a factional manner.
  3. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    "From the shores of Tripoli"... Many forget that the USA's first war as a new nation was fought against Islamic terrorist who held United States citizens for ransom and slaughtered thousands in the name of Allah. America is in need of a real leader. Obama has proved himself to be the apologist and chief. Bowing to nations and ideologies that behead the innocent, throw gays from rooftops, burn women who refuse to be concubines and brainwash children to murder by the age of 5. January 20th 2017 can't come soon enough! Once Trump is in office and restores the relations Barry has betrayed to our closest allies Britian and Isreal. Then the Jihadist global threat will be forced to run and hide into their primitive caves. But this time, we won't stop. America will severe the head of evil!! Peace through strength is the only way. America has made her mistakes in the past. Our history isn't white as snow. But she has always proven in the end to stand for what is right. Liberty. Freedom. And the God given right to life! I know the vast majority of this forum will laugh, make fun, and accuse me of being a xenophobic racist. They'll tell me I'm insane not to believe what the liberal media portrays Trump to be. That's Alright by me. The righteous path is usually the path less taken....... There, I talked about something other than music. Happy?
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  4. ...
    I seriously suggest that you bone up on our country's history. Our first war as a nation was fought against the British which began with the signing of the Declaration Of Independence. I guess you forget that. Yes, we had a war with what was known as the Barbary Coast countries, but what has that to do with anything now that it wasn't our first war? Our country has on the other hand wholeheartedly supported financially, militarily and seemingly ideologically thar slew of Central American dictators likeTrujillo and Pinochethe to name but two, who murdered, stole and ruthlessly with the blood of tens of thousands on their and our county's hands, ruled with the unwavering support of our government and US based international conglomerates. That of course doesn't include Fascist strongmen in the Middle East and Asia. So I guess the question is, who's liberty and who's freedom? Please come back at me when you can reconcile the support of your statement in the light of historical fact. Do you mean to say that America must severe her own evil head in support of severing the head of evil, because in your argument the enslavement of woman was very well organised in our own country at the exact same time as the First Barbary War (The Civil War was fought partly because of slavery) and the rape of woman who were slaves happened lots and lots? Please, educate yourself and try not to spew bad information supplied by angry ignorant people without vetting it as true or logical.


    The Moogerfooger effect modules are soooooo fucking fantastic. I wish that I had a few!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2016
  5. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    @superliquidsunshine I'm guessing he was talking about "first war in our lifetimes" or something when he said a "new nation." I could be way off but I find truly it hard to believe he wouldn't know what the significance of the date July 4th, 1776 is.

    On a side note: I want a moogerfooger, too.
  6. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Well, not really inferring. Very often the intent in these threads is very clearly spelled out - they want the thread closed or deleted. They actually write this in the threads. So I actually do know their motivations. In this way these long time members decides what can and can't be discussed in the forums. The most often get the thread go off topic and spiral out of control so a moderator will close it or delete it.

    Nothing wrong with discussing conspiracy theories here now is there. You might not like it, but it should not be for you to decide! What was truly disturbing with the now infamous conspiracy thread was that the op called the victims of the Orlando Shootings, still in the hospital and mourning their loved ones, for liars and actors.

    My point is that if you mearly dislike a subject long time members should not be allowed to go off topic and trash the thread to the point where it gets out of hand and locked/deleted - which is happening over and over which you ought to be aware of. These members should report stuff that are against the rules to the moderators and stay out of subjects and threads they obviously do not want to discuss but simply tear apart. I will keep pointing this out. Whom or what you are defending is really unclear to me. Is there even really anything in this post that you disagree with me about. If so, please tell me where you think I am wrong?
  7. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    In the sense that many of those threads condemn people, promote divisiveness, and ultimately lack enough evidence/reason to be persuasive of anything, I do see there is a problem with them.

    My large discrepancy is in your presumption of their motivations and presumed herd behavior. My argument is that what looks like patterned, grouped, factional behavior is actually just the collective "scream" of many different people. I'm not even saying it shouldn't be allowed. I'm saying this community just really isn't a place where you'll find a lot of sympathetic ears. A forum geared towards discussion of those things is likely a far more receptive place for such topics. Of course, this is all just my opinion--and I can't speak for other members here.

    But I will say that in my time here, I've always tried to not only work with and assist other members, but to make friends with many of them along the way. In this regard, I know a number of people fairly well--and can say that this place is full of great people who are more than willing to contribute to a spirit of community and acceptance. If these types of people are coming down negatively against something, there is a very good probability that it deserves it. There are some great people here.
  8. The significance of Independence Day was overlooked in favor of the story prefered and one that fits in with the other flawed information that was also regurgitated from some other shifty source for only one objective, and that is to have the home team hate, to build up fervor and rally this hate, incubate and nurture it by any means necessary for the desired outcome of ridding the United States and theworld of Muslims . Disinformation needs be called out and corrected before it is taken as truth so as not to further a dark agenda. That post was only meant to create an air of hate built on untruth. If this is an example of when "veterans" rally as one against some ridiculous subject that pushes an agenda through misinformation and then some other people cry "foul" and then speak of unfairness, well so be it. The only unfairness that I can see is the vast majority of honest thinking people need be subjected to so much hate and other bullshit lately.
  9. I actually and truthfully don't know that you are in the right. If you have a real life example to show me, please do. By all means, point it out to me in the future. Thanks.
  10. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    "As a new nation". By that I meant our first military engagement as an internationally recognized sovereign nation. As for a "shifty source of information" what exactly would you like me to reference for you? I'm not not trying to make enemies here. I stated plainly that America is not perfect and we have made huge mistakes. Neither am I calling for a witch hunt by rounding up Muslims and putting them in camps. However, within the 1.6 billion Muslim population worldwide, there is a an imminent - almost daily - threat that needs taken care of before we commit cultural suicide from our own political correctness.
  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Political correctness is sarcasm.
    Sarcasm is the devil's truth.
  12. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I am not sure you read my post above? It is not a presumption of motivation, they are clearly stating they want the threads closed or locked.

    When it comes to your argument: it does not make the least difference if it is a "collective scream" or if it is meant to be a concious pattern between them, the effect is the same, they get topics they don't like heated and then call for them to get locked or closed.

    It has been a fact that long time members in these forums have been trying and succeded to get threads closed in subjects that they do not like. An example was when they went crazy if you simply would discuss warez or warez groups in a way they thought would anger R2R and others.

    There simply are no rules against discussing warez so they personally attacked the op and got the threads spiral out of control until the threads got closed. This behaviour has been happening a long time. If you are not aware of it, fine. If you know what I am talking about but for some reason do not want to acknowledge it, thats fine too. :mates:
  13. If I said that there were tiny little green people living under the city of Waco, Texas, wouldn't you ask me to show you the proof?
  14. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    love is the answer
  15. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I'm not supposed to talk about it.:bleh:
  16. dlearyus

    dlearyus Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
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    of course anyone including musicians can talk to anyone about anything they like...on the appropriate forum. this is a music related forum afaik. most people come here to discuss music related topics not world politics/events. duh
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