Softube Console 1 "Attempting to connect Console 1..."

Discussion in 'Software' started by mottell, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. mottell

    mottell Kapellmeister

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Straight to the point: I have the Console 1 hardware unit connected to the PC. I have the On-Screen Display running. But when i open up a plug-in instance of Console 1 I get this message:
    (Check COnsole1Help.png)

    I have heard about "establishing connection between Console 1 and your DAW, but i don't know how to do so. Im running FLStudio 11.
    Any help / suggestions would be amazing!

    Attached Files:

  3. I am only guessing, but go to Midi options and make sure that Softube Console 1 is enabled. You might need to scan before FLS recognizes it. Hope this helps.

    Edit: Sometimes you might need to plug in to a different USB port. I have had to do this in the past (not with Softube hardware, others). I do not know why, but sometimes that is all you have to do.
  4. mottell

    mottell Kapellmeister

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Thanks for the respond superliquidsunshine, I went into MIDI settings. I saw Console 1 under input but trying to enable it, a warning popped up weirdly saying "Not enough memory..." how can this be?

    The USP port change didn't do anything :/

    EDIT: shouldn't 6GB free memory be enough?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  5. mottell

    mottell Kapellmeister

    Aug 18, 2011
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    This just gets even more strange.. If i close the On-Screen display i can use the Console 1 MIDI input. If i start the On-Screen display i get the memory warning when i try to enable the MIDI Console 1 input.
    What the f***?
  6. The only thing that I can imagine is that for some strange reason the DAW is an trying to add a copy to every single track of the 99 available. That is really strange behavior. I will petition The Oracle ando see if there is a solution.:winker:
  7. I signed into the forum at Image Line and did not find anything resembling your issue. This is what was talked about, however...

    Softube Console 1 works like a charm with FL Studio. There are couple of minor drawbacks that will most likely not affect your workflow:

    1) Track names and numbers will have to be set manually (Softube mixer does not update information from FL Studio mixer)
    2) Rearranging the order of tracks in FL Studio mixer will not reflect on Softube mixer (for the same reason as above). Tracks will have to be rearranged manually for Softube.

    Latency: I have just tested the latency. FL Studio shows the latency as "none" or 0ms.

    CPU usage: Softube mixer is not CPU intensive. You can easily insert the plugin on every channel you have in FL Studio mixer (it was even advised to do so by Softube; it was written so somewhere on the official support page).
    When I insert Softube plugin on a channel, all the audio signal processors (shape, equalizer, compressor, etc.) are off by default and do not use CPU at all.

    My next best suggestion is to either join the forum at
    or hook up with Soft use and see what those people have to say.
    Sorry that I couldn't be of more help, maybe someone else will pipe in with a solution.
  8. mottell

    mottell Kapellmeister

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Thanks for your help :')

    It just feels like there's something blocking the connection between Console 1 and FLStudio. I have even seen people in here who has got Console 1 working without the hardware.

    But anyway, I already wrote to Softube.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  9. I hope that you fill me in when you work it out.
  10. mottell

    mottell Kapellmeister

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I will certainly do so!
    But for this problem I would rather say ".. IF i work it out" :sad:
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  11. mottell

    mottell Kapellmeister

    Aug 18, 2011
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    For you, superliquidsunshine i finally got it to work :disco:
    I just upgraded to the newest FLStudio version.
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