BFD2 questions

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Jessycd, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Jessycd

    Jessycd Noisemaker

    Nov 26, 2011
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    Hi !

    Still the same guy posting on Mac section lol because I love you guys :hug:

    Today in Jessycd's little pirate adventures : BFD2

    Of course I officially own this one too (I should stop buying legit stuff or what ?? lol) and I saw the Jim Scott library I wanted so bad to test for years (As the Andy Johns one)

    But I need to install a cracked version of BFD2, if not, the library won't work.

    So I found a little installer (Something around 35Mo), I think it's an update by Dynamics... I was hoping it would be enough but now it makes my software crashes, same with Audio Unit. Don't know why ! The version I have is of course newer than the one I downloaded (, maybe that's the reason ?

    Of course the BFD2 library is on my computer so I would just need the software itself ! I would like to avoid downloading dozen of Go of data for nothing...

    Don't know if it's possible to find this part only, didn't succeed so far... *If you can read my mind you can PM me lol*

    Or any suggestion would be welcome !

    Thanks :bow:
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Hi Jessycd, see you now often here! *yes*

    I don't know if this can help you but every software, including Plug-Ins generate a property list file [.plist] which stores also your registrations. Sometimes it's recommended to remove an existing .plist-file when installing a newer version!

    So i just recommend you to remove these files:

    > user > Library > Preferences >
    com.FXpansion.BFD2.plist, com.FXpansion.BFD2.Standalone.plist, com.FXpansion.BFD2demo.Standalone.plist, com.fxpansion.FXpansionInstallSystem.plist

    > But first make backups of those files and save them!

    > Then try to install what you need.

    I also have a BFD2 from DYNAMICS installed - it works without crashing,
    even if it says "Serial not valid"!

    Best regards
  4. Jessycd

    Jessycd Noisemaker

    Nov 26, 2011
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    Nope, it says "ALERT Unable to launch because the plugin appears corrupted"

    There's an uninstaller in HD/Library/Application Support/FXpansion but I'm afraid it would delete the library too... What do you think ? Maybe I should move the library first, just in case.

    Thank you very much :)

    EDIT : No I just try to delete but it's still the same shit... I guess you don't have the original installer ? I'm not sure the package I found is good...
  5. Jessycd

    Jessycd Noisemaker

    Nov 26, 2011
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    Aw shit, I just think of it, I just need to download the 1 DVD, right ?
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