Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Aug 13, 2015.


Is this huge thread really useful for you? Do you really want to see any news about REAPER5?

Poll closed Sep 10, 2016.
  1. Yes, I want to see all updates, betas, roadmap, other info about REAPER5, extensions etc.

    47 vote(s)
  2. No, f*kc that! Enuff! Stop collecting 100 pages for this thread! It is hard to read and useless

    5 vote(s)
  3. I don't care, I use REAPER 2.0 and older! and it is much more than enough!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Never! I want to see updates only for StudioOne, Cubase, Live, ProTools, FL, MOTU, Logic and Bitwig

    2 vote(s)
  5. hmmmmm....dunno

    5 vote(s)
  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.21repre11 - June 13 2016
    + Auto-arm: fix potential UI issue when using auto-arm selected tracks [t=37435]
    + MIDI editor: add default toolbar buttons to switch view mode
    + MIDI editor: improved CC120-127 handling in piano roll and list editor [p=1693768]
    + OSX: improve coreaudio device samplerate normalization introduced in 5.20 [t=177458]
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  2. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.21 - June 16 2016
    + API: add GetSetTrackGroupMembership()
    + Accessibility: fix alt-key accessing main menu on Windows when arrange is in focus but mouse is elsewhere
    + Accessibility: fix generic slider keyboard support when slider mosewheels disabled
    + Actions window: improve resize drawing on OS X [t=177414]
    + Arrange: improve drawing performance when zoomed in on empty space between items
    + Auto-arm: fix potential UI issue when using auto-arm selected tracks [t=37435]
    + Automation: improve volume envelope panel tweaking behavior
    + FX: improve behavior when removing latent plug-ins from Monitoring FX/Record Input FX
    + FX: run automation for FX with open configuration panels on otherwise empty tracks
    + JSFX: support ctrl+click of edit button to recompile/reset [p=1688412]
    + MIDI editor: action to set note ends to start of next note will not shorten notes beyond the lesser of (grid size, 25% of original note length) [p=1688568]
    + MIDI editor: add default toolbar buttons to switch view mode
    + MIDI editor: add "show/hide track list" to track selection dropdown
    + MIDI editor: add action to select all notes at pitch cursor
    + MIDI editor: add action to select all notes starting in measure
    + MIDI editor: fix action to select all notes in measure
    + MIDI editor: avoid sending excess all-notes-off on stop [p=1685190]
    + MIDI editor: display notation data in a dedicated list view column
    + MIDI editor: disregard snap to key when in named notes (drum map) mode
    + MIDI editor: enable "size to fit" behaviors for notation editor
    + MIDI editor: fix disappearing events when using channel filter and list view [p=1685970]
    + MIDI editor: improve undo behavior with multiple context and various actions [t=136814]
    + MIDI editor: improve CC120-127 handling in piano roll and list editor [p=1693768]
    + MIDI editor: respect key signature when displaying pitch names regardless of snap-to-key setting [t=175742]
    + MIDI editor: optimize performance when navigating large MIDI items while using the MIDI filter
    + MIDI editor: refresh editor immediately on moving notes left/right via keyboard action in non-active MIDI item [t=136812]
    + MIDI: avoid duplicate note-offs on stop in certain instances [p=1684996]
    + MIDI: fix export/glue of 1-byte text messages [t=176427]
    + MIDI: fix incorrect tempomap rounding issue [t=175833]
    + MIDI: fix potentially corrupt note-off velocities [p=1686897]
    + MIDI: increase imported MIDI file source lengths using MIDI end-of-track meta event if present
    + Media explorer: fix tempo-match seek positioning for .wav with tempo information [t=176981]
    + Mixer: update track label number after duplicating track if not displayed in TCP [t=177395]
    + Notation editor: improve note editing when displaying paired staves and custom clefs
    + Notation editor: fix incorrect breaming in certain chord/time signature combinations [p=1688937]
    + Notation editor: fix missing ledger line when using custom accidentals [t=177061]
    + Notation editor: handle some common beaming/grouping rhythm exceptions
    + Notation editor: prevent autodetection of triplets if non-triplet notes exist within the triplet bracket
    + OSC: fix comments in Default.ReaperOSC
    + OSC: fix track bank selection bug for last track in session
    + OSC: send tempo change notifications during playback [t=159000]
    + OSX: improve coreaudio device samplerate normalization introduced in 5.20 [t=177458]
    + OSX: improve Audio Units keyboard support
    + Peaks: fix blank peaks on very-zoomed-out small items [p=1675758]
    + Peaks: improve various behaviors when rebuilding peaks
    + Peaks: fix incorrect REX peak drawing when using all-slices, looped [t=64970]
    + Playback: improve output latency calculation when using project playrate [t=175935]
    + RS5K: avoid potential reentrancy related crash
    + RS5K: do not offer RPP files in sample list
    + ReaControlMIDI: update log when opening UI [t=177071]
    + Routing: filter out invalid send-to-self on project load [p=1687479]
    + VST: avoid sending duplicate note-off/pitch-reset messages on stop/flush [p=1685190]
    + VST: improve keyboard handling with Native Instruments plug-ins
    + VST: support MIDI note names on multiple channels [t=176729]
  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.22pre1 - June 17 2016
    + Accessibility: improve label and tab ordering for ReaEQ/ReaXComp/ReaDelay/About/Project Settings
    + Automation: add new Latch Preview automation mode
    + Automation: avoid resetting latches when switching from Latch Preview mode
    + MIDI editor: fix possible crash when destroying midi item via undo/redo
    + OGG Opus: improve end of stream behavior when writing [p=1695410]
    + Theme: add track_env_preview, mcp_env_preview, gen_env_preview, global_preview images
    + VST3: skip non-automatable and plugin-internal parameters in the FX envelope dialog and FX parameter dropdown
    • Interesting Interesting x 2
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  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.22pre2 - June 18 2016
    + Track routing window: improve behavior with multiple open windows [t=178275]
    + VST3: fix support for HALion 5 and other VST3 with more than 64 output channels
    + VST: fix display issue with bridged embedded UIs on Windows [t=178132]
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Updated a bit (some changes taken from 5.22pre1 and 5.22pre2)

    v5.211 - June 19 2016
    + MIDI editor: fix possible crash when destroying midi item via undo/redo
    + OGG Opus: improve end of stream behavior when writing [p=1695410]
    + VST: fix support for HALion 5 and other VST3 with more than 64 output channels
    + VST: skip non-automatable and plugin-internal VST3 parameters in the FX envelope dialog and FX parameter dropdown
    + VST: fix display issue with bridged embedded UIs on Windows [t=178132]
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  6. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Here comes new pre-version.
    5.22pre1 has been changed a bit after 5.211 release

    v5.22pre4 - June 22 2016
    + MIDI editor: fix inconsistent visibility/editability issues when using multiple MIDI editors at the same time
    + Notation: preliminary MusicXML export
    + Notation: set display quantize via dialog/slider
    + ReaNINJAM: use UTF-8 for chat on Windows to match macOS
    + Ruler: fix display issue during record with continuous scrolling and blinking edit cursor
    # Notation: add "export as MusicXML" to MIDI editor file menu

    v5.22pre3 - June 20 2016
    + MIDI editor: preview note edits during playback
    + VST: improve redrawing of certain bridged embedded plug-ins on Windows [p=1696624]
    # MIDI editor: don't draw note edge if note extends beyond media item bounds
    # MIDI editor: fix lost window focus when changing grid size in docked editor [p=1693393]
    # MIDI editor: update track list in all editors when expanding/collapsing view in any editor

    v5.22pre2 - June 18 2016
    + Track routing window: improve behavior with multiple open windows [t=178275]

    v5.22pre1 - June 17 2016
    + Accessibility: improve label and tab ordering for ReaEQ/ReaXComp/ReaDelay/About/Project Settings
    + Automation: add new Latch Preview automation mode
    + Automation: avoid resetting latches when switching from Latch Preview mode
    + Notation editor: display quantization can be set per-project or per-track
    + Theme: add track_env_preview, mcp_env_preview, gen_env_preview, global_preview images
    # Notation editor: add dialog for interactive editing of display quantization
    # Notation editor: increase threshold for autodetecting triplets (reduce false positives)

    P.S. I decided to post 1-2 large betas' changelogs per one post, or 2-5 small betas' changelogs per one post.
  7. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.22pre6 - June 27 2016
    + JSFX/ReaScript IDE: improve paste behavior with clipboard data that contains trailing junk
    + MIDI editor: update displayed note rows when recording adds a note to a hidden row [p=1699982]
    + Notation editor: fix vanishing note stems when zooming way out
    + Notation editor: insert notes on the staff under the mouse when staff pitch ranges overlap
    + Video: do not include monitoring FX in renders, update FX post-cache
    + Video: fix monitoring FX video processor bypass support
    # Automation: fix separate config for write action transition time
    # MIDI editor: fix vertical zoom when hiding note rows
    # Notation editor: remove option to set page width for MusicXML export; let the receiving program handle this
    # Notation editor: update toolbar button when opening/closing display quantization dialog
    # VST2: set "inform plug-in when track channel count changes" compatibility setting by default for iZotope plug-ins

    v5.22pre5 - June 26 2016
    + Automation: add separate configuration for automation write action transition times
    + Automation: improve behavior when auto-adding envelopes
    + MIDI editor: display note-off velocity properly in MIDI event properties dialog [p=1698784]
    + MIDI editor: preserve vertical zoom level when hiding/unhiding note rows [p=1698531&postcount=5]
    + Track routing window: improve behavior when modifying track volume and window open [p=1698267]
  8. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.22pre8 - July 1 2016
    + Automation: improve volume envelope panel tweaking behavior
    + FX: add per-plug-in option to avoid loading undo states when possible
    + MIDI editor: disregard snap to key when in named notes (drum map) mode
    + Notation editor: fix incorrect breaming in certain chord/time signature combinations [p=1688937]
    + Undo: improve behavior when doing high level operations (such as adding tracks) while UI for large VST plug-ins are open (Kontakt)
    + VST: default to avoid undo/redo state loading for Kontakt and EastWest plug-ins
    # MIDI editor: action to set note ends to start of next note skips notes that start after, but end before, the current note [p=1689328]
    # MIDI editor: allow user to delete text notation by editing the text to nothing, or rename the parent item to nothing [t=177643]
    # Notation editor: fix potential freeze on opening project saved with 5.22pre6 [p=1701607]
    # Notation editor: increase threshold for autodetecting triplets (reduce false positives)
    # Notation editor: tweak some beaming logic

    v5.22pre7 - June 30 2016
    + API: fix GetFocusedFX() item index
    + Video: add Equirectangular 360 panner preset
    # Automation: clear latches when switching from latch preview to touch [p=1700197] image 3
    # Automation: show existing automation during playback on latch preview of vol/pan/width/playspeed envelopes when not latched [p=1700197] image 4
    # MIDI editor: fix vertical scroll when hiding note rows
    # Notation editor: fix MusicXML export for multiple tracks
    # Notation editor: improve appearance of beams when zoomed out
    # Notation editor: restore vertical zoom on reopening project
  9. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.22pre10 - July 7 2016
    + Peaks: fix display issue with partially looped items
    + VST3: fix offline rendering notifications

    v5.22pre9 - July 5 2016
    + API: fix MIDIEditor_GetActive function [t=178882]
    + Notation editor: fix note preview when changing pitch after drawing new note [p=1702145]
    + Notation editor: preview new inserted note correctly when display is not set to concert pitch [p=1702199]
    + Theme: fix OSX classic theme image fallbacks
    # Automation: flip/invert latch image for fallback latch preview image
    # Notation editor: fix deleting key signatures in certain instances
    # Notation editor: support mixed voiced/unvoiced notes in the same measure for MusicXML export
    # Notation editor: support percussion staff in MusicXML export
  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Sorry for delay. I didn't post latest rc1 and rc2 for 5.22 which included about 7 changes or so. Now it is useless to post them because we have final stable 5.22 release.

    v5.22 - July 14 2016
    + API: fix GetFocusedFX() item index
    + API: fix MIDIEditor_GetActive function [t=178882]
    + Accessibility: improve label and tab ordering for ReaEQ/ReaXComp/ReaDelay/About/Project Settings
    + Automation: add new Latch Preview automation mode
    + Automation: add separate configuration for automation write action transition times
    + Automation: improve behavior when auto-adding envelopes
    + Automation: improve volume envelope panel tweaking behavior
    + Automation: obey new transition preference when using write current values for all writing envelopes actions [p=1704254]
    + Automation: put transition before cursor when using write automation to start of project, after cursor when writing automation to end of project
    + Crossfade editor: improve display behavior with large fonts
    + FX: add per-plug-in option to avoid loading undo states when possible
    + JSFX: improve paste behavior with unicode clipboard data that contains trailing characters
    + JSFX: fix modulus operator results with negative constants [p=1706135]
    + MIDI editor: display note-off velocity properly in MIDI event properties dialog [p=1698784]
    + MIDI editor: disregard snap to key when in named notes (drum map) mode
    + MIDI editor: fix inconsistent visibility/editability issues when using multiple MIDI editors at the same time
    + MIDI editor: preserve vertical zoom level when hiding/unhiding note rows [p=1698531]
    + MIDI editor: apply note edits immediately when editing during playback
    + MIDI editor: update displayed note rows when recording adds a note to a hidden row [p=1699982]
    + Notation: support separate display quantization settings per-project or per-track
    + Notation: fix incorrect breaming in certain chord/time signature combinations [p=1688937]
    + Notation: fix note preview when editing pitch after drawing a new note [p=1702145]
    + Notation: fix vanishing note stems when zooming way out
    + Notation: insert notes on the staff under the mouse when using multiple staves with overlapping pitch ranges
    + Notation: preview new inserted note correctly when display is not set to concert pitch [p=1702199]
    + Notation: support MusicXML export
    + Notation: set display quantization via dialog/slider rather than menu
    + Peaks: fix display issue with partially looped items
    + ReaNINJAM: use UTF-8 for chat on Windows to match macOS
    + Ruler: fix display issue during record with continuous scrolling and blinking edit cursor
    + Theme: add track_env_preview, mcp_env_preview, gen_env_preview, global_preview images
    + Theme: fix OSX classic theme image fallbacks
    + Track routing window: improve behavior when modifying track volume [p=1698267]
    + Track routing window: improve behavior with multiple open windows [t=178275]
    + Undo: improve behavior when doing high level operations (such as adding tracks) while UI for large VST plug-ins are open (Kontakt)
    + VST3: fix offline rendering notifications
    + VST2: support automatic detection of multiple track channels for iZotope plug-ins
    + VST: default to avoid undo/redo state loading for Kontakt and EastWest plug-ins
    + VST: improve redrawing of certain bridged embedded plug-ins on Windows [p=1696624]
    + Video: add Equirectangular 360 panner preset
    + Video: do not include monitoring FX in renders (matching audio behavior), update FX post-cache
    + Video: fix monitoring FX video processor bypass support
    + Video: support animated GIF with transparency via per-source option [p=1706127]
    + Windows: fix topmost pin positioning on Windows 7 with high DPI scaling
  11. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    the current video about the updates would be nice :cheers:

  12. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.23pre1 - July 16 2016
    + API: added APIExists() function, to test if a given API function exists
    + Big Clock: support images (including animated .gif) backgrounds for visual click mode
    + Envelopes: optimize moving envelopes across tracks for large projects
    + ReaComp: allow more than -150dB of gain reduction [t=179268]
    + ReaScript: allow Lua to access unknown reaper.* and gfx.* variables/functions [t=177319]
    + Send envelopes: do not reset size on undo/redo [t=175965]
    + Video: improve .gif preserve-transparency mode [p=1706823]
    • Interesting Interesting x 2
    • List
  13. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.23pre3 - July 22 2016
    + Automation: add actions to clear latch for all/selected tracks [p=1709294]
    + Command line: improve command line help, support -h on OSX [p=1709029]
    + MIDI editor: fix 14-bit midi CC lane-presence indications [p=1708541]
    + Mixer: improve cursor feedback when ctrl+dragging sends [t=179414]
    + OSX: fix -renderproject command line option [p=1709058]
    + Project settings: improve layout, fix samplerate label [p=1654415]
    + ReaScript: fix potential memory leak on error calling certain Lua APIs
    + Theme: add latch preview toolbar icon, update other automation mode toolbar icons
    # Automation: allow touch state to be cleared in latch preview mode (should have no effect on behavior)
    # Localization: fix grid display in quantize dialog [p=1581495]
    # Localization: improved preferences/mousemap spacing [p=1650103]

    v5.23pre2 - July 19 2016
    + Automation: ignore latch reset on looped playback option in latch preview mode
    + Notation editor: support pedal notation in MusicXML export
    + OSX: remove option for VST unloading
    # ReaScript: do not populate reaper.* with a few uncallable functions
  14. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Just incredible, the pace at which this fantastic DAW continues to evolve.
    No other DAW i know off brings out updates at this pace.
    And making the DAW actually better and better, instead of taking 2 steps back and 1 forward.
    I love Reaper.
    I love their developers.
    Reaper Rocks ! Peace.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Love it! Love it! x 1
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  15. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    love its mentality too

    personally I've bought the licence instantly after watched the second video, they deserve it :) incredible DAW with incredible community don't want to loose them
  16. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.23pre4 - July 23 2016
    + Command line: improve handling of -cfgfile without paths, use default appdata path if non-portable install
    + OSX: use resource path of -cfgfile specified .ini file specified (match Windows behavior)
    + Super8: add x-fade shortened loop action
    + Super8: improved auto fades when recording
    + Super8: improved sample length control behavior (shift for fine adjustment)
    + Timecode: add option for incoming MTC to be treated as 23.976ND/29.97ND vs 24/30fps
    + Timecode: improve display of LTC/MTC start offset in ND modes
    + Timecode: support sending 23.976ND/29.97ND as 24/30fps MTC
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  17. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.23pre7 - July 31 2016
    + MIDI editor: add default toolbar button for step sequencing
    + Parameter modulation: fix application of parameter modulation when LFO/ACS enabled but with 0-strength
    + Parameter modulation: fix support for video processor parameter ranges
    + Snap to grid: more predictable behavior when snapping to non-grid points [t=179752]
    + Theme: allow WALTER layouts to position overlapping track index and bus-related buttons, if they desire
    # MIDI Control: MMC goto/locate fixes
    # Notation: fix transpose element in MusicXML import/export
    # Notation: support harmony element in musicxml import
    # Notation: support some note head elements in MusicXML import/export
    # ReaComp: improve i/o metering for large blocksizes
    # musicxml: faster importing of multitrack XML

    v5.23pre6 - July 29 2016
    + Automation: fix issues with write automation to time selection and zero transition time [p=1712349]
    + OSX: fix possible incorrect timing of incoming IACbus MIDI events
    + REX: fixed potentially incorrect item group creation
    + ReaComp: improve GR meter behavior with large block sizes [t=96400]
    + Regions: when copying regions, create new media item groups if necessary [t=179763]

    v5.23pre5 - July 26 2016
    + Actions: "Move position of item to edit cursor" respects item snap offset [t=179652]
    + MIDI Control: relocate cursor in response to MMC goto/locate command
    + Notation editor: preliminary MusicXML import
    + Notation editor: support custom stem/beam direction [t=179602]
    # Theme: fix large layout track latch preview image, updated toolbar button
    # Timecode: simplified project configuration storage of MTC timecode mode (projects saved with pre4 will revert to defaults)
    • Like Like x 1
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    REAPER has become my main DAW of choice. Sure, I use the other well-known ones (occasionally) but REAPER is the deal for me. The price is beyond reasonable, and their consistent (relevant) updates, makes using this DAW a no-brainer. Big kudos to Justin Frankel and associates for making REAPER numero uno in my book!
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  19. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.23pre12 - August 5 2016
    # Render: improve ordering of browse menu, add project path in addition to media path
    # Render: improved macos render-finished notification with render queue, multi-region renders, subprojects
    # Render: support relative render path set in preferences

    v5.23pre11b - August 5 2016
    # Render: fix relative paths with render queue

    v5.23pre11 - August 5 2016
    + Auto-save: allow relative auto-save paths
    # Render: auto-create preferences-configured rendering path if needed
    # Render: improve handling of blank rendering paths when using preferences-configured rendering path
    # Render: use project path for relative rendering paths

    v5.23pre10 - August 4 2016
    + Accessibility: improve behavior with MIDI editor and media explorer buttons
    + Render: allow relative output directories
    + Render: improve handling of blank render path
    + Video: support auto-crossfade for images by default
    + macOS: include edit menu for modal windows such as file open/save

    v5.23pre9 - August 4 2016
    + Render: display render-complete notification on macOS 10.8+
    + Render: improve recent render path menu
    + Render: include tail setting in output presets
    # Snap to grid: more predictable behavior when snapping media items to media items on a different track

    v5.23pre8 - August 2 2016
    + OSX: restored 5.1x and previous behavior for separate default audio input/output devices [t=177035]
    + Open item copy in editor: ignore limit-to-realtime preference [t=179851]
    + Parameter modulation: fix issue when manually entering LFO speed [p=1713856]
    # Notation: fix phrase element support in MusicXML import
    # Notation: skip unsupported staff/clef types
    # Notation: support MusicXML import of scores that do not start with measure number 1
    # Snap to grid: more predictable behavior when snapping media items to other media items [p=1713919]
  20. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.23rc2 - August 11 2016
    + ReaSurround: improve parameter names
    + ReaSurround: improved pan gain behavior, deprecated old behavior with 'Normalize multichannel gain' checkbox
    + ReaSurround: prevent context menu appearing when using marquee selection
    # Render: allow lone drive letter for render paths on win32

    v5.23rc1 - August 10 2016
    + Stretch markers: fix incorrect hit testing in inactive takes

    v5.23pre13 - August 7 2016
    + MIDI editor: update internal state immediately on various API calls [t=180083]
    + Time map: fix behavior editing tempo marker which transitions to time signature marker [p=1715727]
    + macOS: change various OS X instances to macOS
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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