Advice on How to Sell my Music

Discussion in 'Education' started by Cixos, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Cixos

    Cixos Noisemaker

    Jul 21, 2016
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    So i have a bunch of beats, and i am ready to let them out into the net to create a proper following and sell them.

    However I have heard from different artist how savage some people are when it comes to stealing your music and ideas in this industrie, I have been advice about BMI, ASCAP, etc but i am still not sure how exactly this work for producers.

    Can you guys provide me with any advice as to how i should protect my music and get properly pay with out being robbed from?

    Do you guys recommend sign up with BMI or ASCAP?
    Why would you recommend it?

    Are there any books in relation to producers business wise?

    Any help will be appreciated.

  3. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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  4. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    I'd say don't worry about all that. Learn as much as you can and just enjoy doing music. When you're at the level of needing business work, you won't need to ask on warez forum as you'll have your manager. For now, if you're random nobody of the internet, nobody cares enough to steal.
  5. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    How deep are your beats?

    Watch this movie (same issue) and wait for a chance:
    Just My Luck 2006
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    What a stupid advice :deep_facepalm:
    Manager?Kiddo,today as an independent musician/producer,if you dont have a lot of money,you have to be your own manager untill you can afford one.
    Learn as much as you can about the business side.
    Im a member of BMI,you can register with them,there are a few steps involved,just message them.
    Ascap demands a fee to be payed.
  7. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    The way you refer to your music as "Beats" makes me assume you're a hip hop guy new to the game with that famous illusion of "I have a killer beat and i'm sure if I reveal it, the whole world wants to steal it from me."

    No offense here but, even if someone, someday, somewhere is going to steal your beats, they usually do it to impress their friends and improve false self-confidence.
    Just think about it. He goes to sign with a label or a rapper likes it and asks for multitrack stems or a revision and the guy won't be able to achieve it or prove that he has the skills to keep doing it for the label.

    My advice would be: Just do what you do. :) register copyright for your work if you're going to release it yourself and keep the project files/shared emails as a proof in case you didn't get royalty rates or credit and made it to the court.
  8. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    BMI and ASCAP are performance-rights organizations. A performance license is different from a mechanical license. Neither is the same as copyright. Read-up on music licensing.

    Yes, you should know what those things mean, and if you are releasing music, you should register with a PRO (I myself recommend BMI).

    Unfortunately, registering copyright with the US Copyright Office can be prohibitively costly, but something can be legally "copyrighted" without doing so. The main advantage to doing so, however, is that, in the case of a plagiarism suit, you could not collect damages (revenues earned from plagiairism) unless your piece in question is registered with the USCO. I can't go into that any more, or my brain will explode.

    Do lots of homework on this stuff - hopefully, you will need to be informed on it.

    This stuff is preliminary to getting into "the game." Count on being ripped-off; just aim to limit to what extent you will be. There are lots of sites for selling "beats" per se. There are books on the "sister site," too. Selling one's music and licensing it and so forth is a multi-faceted enterprise, so it's best to solicit explicit advice on exactly what it is you want to do - advice for, say, a singer-songwriter won't apply to you.
  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I rely on my mind more than trying to steal something (except tools of course). The only thing I require is just time and nothing else and dodging people that put the blame of the absurdity of 21st century musics all the time on the electronic ones with their hogwash.

    Just pop or other shit producers would worry about their shits to be stolen not the electronic artists with a world of unlimited inspirations.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2016
  10. MrMister

    MrMister Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2013
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    lol and your mind is failing you, then. foster, you make less and less sense the longer you are around here. i don't think you have a good grasp on music or its inner-workings in general. its cool, ignorant people tend to not realize they are ignorant...
  11. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thanks for expressing your antipathy to me. I respect it.:bow:

    But please show a bit of your strong aversion to pop/hop musics.
  12. MrMister

    MrMister Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2013
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    i've been classically trained throughout my life and in college. i show no aversion to hiphop or pop. as every genre has, there is well done hiphop and pop, and there is bad hh and pop. to discern between them is an important characteristic to learn in music. do not generalize; your ignorance shines through more and more...
  13. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Simple. If you're a female. Fuck a producer. If you're a dude.. Ermm, fuck a producer too - all the weirdos swing both ways these days out in LA.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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    • List
  14. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I love these words so you're my master from now on and what you say I accept.:bow::mates::winker::bleh:

    I'm dull and stupid.
  15. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Hey mate, check out CD Baby, there's another distibuter that asks for a monthly fee and they will promote your music. I don't like the idea of a monthly fee, and I hear they are less reputable, they screwed a lot of people.

    The good thing about CD Baby and the one I forget for the moment (I'll look em up later), is they collect sync royalties from youtube. Nice little earner.

    Don't listen to the wank about managers, you need to manage yourself for a while. When you get noticed, people will be falling at your feet to get a piece of the pie. Hold them off for as long as possible, that's my advice. It's the only power you have, so don't be to quick to give it up.
  16. MrMister

    MrMister Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2013
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    you prove you are dull and stupid every time you write a comment. me being classically trained in anything has no bearing on that. but, you almost mocking me for saying that proves even more that you are ignorant. you come off as more pretentious than anyone on this site, and its funny, considering the quality of your music, or better yet, lack thereof. ever wonder why almost everything you hear sounds better than your own? because you dilute yourself into thinking you are talented in any respect. you have some of the worst "music" i have ever heard. i have a younger brother, about 15, who crushes you in sound design and musical understanding. this isn't an opinion. it is evident.
  17. reybeatz

    reybeatz Newbie

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Make sure they are amazing
    Cause the online beat sale market is more saturate than ever
  18. MrMister

    MrMister Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2013
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    also, to elaborate for your understanding, i mentioned i was classically trained to show the contrast between someone who comes from a classical background, and their appreciation for all music in the end, to show a LACK of pretension, and you yourself, who has the understanding of a child, and how you dismiss so much music as being "bad". get it now? i can explain further if you STILL do not understand...
  19. Cixos

    Cixos Noisemaker

    Jul 21, 2016
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    Thank you for the advice so far..
    Don't get me wrong, I have spend countless hours learning about music production and it tools (groove3 and lynda are my teachers)...Put everything in practice and even thought unfortunately i still dont have a proper acoustic room for proper mixing, ...I put a lot of time and soul in music, so much that when people hear it and are interested on purchasing, i feel like i am selling a part of myself and hesitate, is a fucking dilemma.

    However i know nothing about the business side of it, specially in the net, so i was a concern about getting fucked..the way it seems is best for me to register with BMI, unfortunately that might be bit tuff given that i live outside of US and base on my research on it i need to pay taxes to i need some kind of tax things are starting to look more complicated then what it should but anyways that cool..

    kjfarrell imma check that out to

    Thank all for the advice again
  20. jpapageorge

    jpapageorge Newbie

    Apr 16, 2016
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    This is an endless area my friend!
    So the best thing to do is to educate your self about the way it works and find out what suits you best and were you'll fit in this business based on the style of music that you create!
    Download this pdf, type it or ..."tablet" it and don't stop until you're finished!

    Try also to find "The business of music licensing" and if you find it before you read the first I'vw sent you, then read this one first.
    That's all you need for now and the best music that you can produce!

  21. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Best Answer
    You own the rights to your music productions for so long as you genuinely created them yourself. You don't need to copyright anything in advance. You can flood the net with all your original tracks. And the beauty about copyrights is if someone steals and profits well from your music.. you can obtain a copyright for that specific production after the fact solely for the purpose of suing the culprit who stole it. Even if the source who steals your work takes the measure to copyright your material before you do.. they've made it worse on themselves. All you have to do is prove it's point of creation. The project files from the DAW is all the proof you need. And on top of that it is too easy to prove yourself as the source that first submitted it to the net. The network is a source of record keeping in itself. Fishing for a lawsuit is a huge trend. People flood the net with instrumentals and stems praying that someone skips the part of doing business with them and makes it big. Every track you upload is another lottery ticket.

    What you DO have to concern yourself with is the locations you upload your material to. And that is to make sure the domains you upload to don't carry an agreement clause in which you grant them privileges over your material. When it comes to where you upload your work.. read the fine print.. that's all I need to tell you.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
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