If you have one reason for switching from FL to Live, what would it be?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by foster911, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I love the fact I can set the Zoom Display to 70-75% and view like 50+ ungrouped tracks and all my sends/returns AND still have room to spare. With no scrolling.
    I never use 50+ tracks but it's cool that you can.
  2. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    ermm, not several years dude. you can learn it very quickly of you decide to. there is a hint bar or two, and the Help is context sensitive so if you are using something just hit F1 and you get the manual directly about what you are using.
    it's true that when you've got your head around the shortcuts etc, FL is the fastest and the most fun also. Amazing piano roll, besopoke instruments and effects of every kind, newtone ( it's melodyne type plugin which i actually prefer top melodyne) samplers, drum machines, control surfaces, a very deep automation implementation that blows live away.. there is drag and drop functionality in fl, i use it all the time. you can just load a vsti straight on to the mixer, the ability to save your fx chains, presets mixer tracks. because these peeps decided to give the users a beautiful interface, so many people call it a toy. nothing could be farther from the truth. there is even a performance mode now so you trigger clips etc. via midi. that being said, that is still Live's dominion, don't get me wrong. live is ace, but i am tired of people refusing to admit that FL is a huge playground, esp. if you like making electronic music.
    and i haven't even mentioned the editors: Edison is amazing, as is SliceX for chopping up beats,
    however if people gonna hate... etc etc.. : )
    i have done more on this app than any others. the one major change that's needed is probably the mixer and it would be good to have better context menus to access certain functions from the top menu bar. the real killer game-change would be customizability, shortcuts and panels etc. it's come a long way since the mac loops version.
    i don't think there is anything comparable to the amount of change and development this app has had.
    that's my two pence : )[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  3. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    The only reason to switch is if you now hate FLS, the workflow and you really like the way Live works. They are both really deep and once you know one inside and out there isn't really ever a good reason to switch & climb the learning curve that comes with using either one to its utmost potential.
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I keep on saying this. Edison doesn't get enough love man. It should be in everyone's VST folder. One of the best 'utility' plugins I've ever used.
  5. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I haven't used FL since 2002. It just wasn't meant to be a professional DAW back then and so I went onto Reason and now I'm using Ableton. I can't really say what FL is like now, but the name itself just screams "beginner daw" and the layout and everything else seems to still have that same theme from when I used to use it. Ableton really listens to djs and producers and they come up with some pretty ingenious ideas. One that I really like it turning audio to midi. Like lets say you suck at playing piano, and you just want to humm a melody? Well, you can do that and have it converted to midi and touch it up from there. Also, it's an EASY to use SIMPLE daw with TONS of USEFUL plugs that come with it. Really, you could just do everything within Ableton and not have any additional plug ins and manage to pull of a good solid track.

    If you're thinking of transitioning, Foster, I would HIGHLY recommend it. I found it broadened my abilities as a producer as soon as I made that transition! If you don't want to take a giant leap, you could always take baby steps and make the next move to Reason. Reason is great too, but I don't find it's got the professionalism like DAWS like Logic, Cubase, Ableton, and such
  6. Reza73

    Reza73 Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2016
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    I prefer live - for easy automation -use CPU less than Fl - set whit any midi and keyboard with no trouble
    I arrange and record many rock stuff in live and don't have any problem whit it
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Been watching some Live tuts recently, tho I don't use this DAW at all, but it has capabilities that just make you want
    to come back to it... FL studio? not so much.... some things are frustrating about it.. much moreso than Ableton

    FL just wants you to be its BITCH... :bleh:
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you can better work with audio and freezing.
    most FL plugins are vst to use in ableton.
  9. strangeranium

    strangeranium Ultrasonic

    Jun 24, 2014
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    I use Live, sometimes I still rewire Reason to it, and I also enjoy using S1.
    I did use FL way back , before reason, but whenever I try now, i just cannot get my head around it.
    I have watched a number of tuts that used FL as the DAW, and I must say I have always been impressed by the piano roll, which forces you into a more traditional linear way of composing.
    Live on the other hand has very diverse ways to compose, and perform with it.
    One of my favourite DAWs is audiomulch, because it is different.
    I never liked the idea of being stuck with using one DAW.
    I think people should just use what they like, and not be all hung up on using only one DAW.
  10. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Hmmmm what grabbed me is the toy reference.....
    But way way way back when fl was first released it wasnt a serious offering by any stretch of the imagination, and im not going on others opinions im running on the fact i tried v 1 in like 2000 or something but i ended up running with cubase "actually thru an old atari falcion which i still have" Nowadays though thats just not the case.....
    Especially with the v12.2 update and .3 comin up
    Its a Completely different beast ,and whilst capable of teaching those with little or no knowledge of programming,Its not because its Shall we say a "childs toy" hell no...
    Its because its seriously flexible and the learning curve isnt ridiculously steep as with other overbloated daws ive come across...
    sayin its a toy in my view is kinda insulting to those who both use and come up with good music in whatever genre running fl 11/12....
    That said were all of course entitled to our own opinions ,but i do wish the fl bashing to stop simply because i dont understand this buisness about fl being crap......i put it to anybody saying fl is a heap that
    "it is i fact you yourself that has issues with programming it as evident by sucessfull users"...........

    Btw i have played with ableton but at the time id learnt fl in and out and just couldnt be arsed to learn another new operating system...
    But i do think the onbord fx ableton offers is superior....
    And the sampler...midi for me is better on fl too
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  11. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I just hate that you can't zoom with the scroll wheel! That's my one pet peeve when it comes to Ableton!
  12. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah. Or change parameters with the scroll wheel. The left and right scroll sucks too. It's way too slow to be useful. Way more practical to do the ctrl+alt click and drag.

    Tbh Ableton fails at mousewheel functions. But I still love it

    At the moment my biggest complaint with Image Line is that their plugins perform kind of hit-or-miss in Live. You can't group to instrument rack or move them to another track with the UI open or it crashes. Also, I bought Gross Beat and I can't really use it because it renders out of sync. Disappointing to say the least, though I should have been smart enough to test it before buying. It was on sale :dunno:
  13. FerdinandIIIDeMedicis

    FerdinandIIIDeMedicis Kapellmeister

    Feb 6, 2016
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    I'd switch from FL to any DAW.
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