Feds Seize KickassTorrents Domains, Arrest Owner

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAnonymous, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @jaymo99 favors can be internationally traded.. the laws of physics do not preclude this...nor international law for that matter

    Poland got something for allowing US Feds to drop in for their prey, of that you can be SURE

    to make it look good, maybe even Polish police did the nabbing, and are busy working
    on extradition papers, Ukraine probably is not too worried about their "kickass" son either..
  2. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Terrorism 1 Piracy 0
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  3. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    isn't that dumb??
  4. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  5. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    All I hear about on the TV news is Russian aggression, Russian aggression... All while NATO troops are massing on Russia's borders and holding war games, and you hear frightening rhetoric out of the US establishment trying to gin up a world war. We don't see any Russian troops on Mexico's border holding exercises... Don't see Russia purposely trying to jeopardize trade deals and provoking coups in allied countries. Now the US is dragging Poland, my country of origin, even further into becoming the front line of a serious conflict. What a thoroughly fucked up world we live in.

    OT, sorry, had to rant a bit

  6. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Barack Obama, "Peace" Nobel Prize holder......
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  7. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Same IP and using his facebook to sign up for stuff? This guy ran an illegal torrent site! iTunes too? Thats already 3 things I would never do. Especially if I was in his shoes. Very careless on his behalf. He must not have know about this.....
    When Adobe was building the datacenters for this they put them underground right next to the NSA's.
    Makes me wonder how many facial recognition snap chat filters and gps plus videos of his location they had from him chasing pokemons and face swapping with his pet.
    And of course Apple released his info. Hes got his hands in their cookie jar.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  8. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I can't understand why are some of you so surprised when USA government do things like that in other countries defending only business. They were keeping doing that for many years (if not allways). Do you really believe they really concern for freedom in other places? "Nothing personal, just business".
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  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest


    And then.. if someone in the Polish government/establishment didn't fear Russian incursion on them
    I doubt the US would be be allowed to have boots on the ground there...Poland is a NATO country.. and
    there are defense obligations there.. I'm just looking for facts and connections

    Then there are some who think Russia stirred up ethnic Russians in Ukraine as a pretext for the last incursion there

    I am curious, and don't claim to know a lot about it, but if Russia is so benign..
    then why do the former satellite countries seem to fear it so much ?

    chill out guys.. I'm not trying to start a war either.. :bleh:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2016
  10. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I'm not saying Russia is benign... however, they are saints compared to the US in the past 5 decades or so. The US has invaded so many countries during this time, I can't even count them on both hands. Russia has been relatively peaceful. There was the incursion into Georgia a decade or so ago, but that was a fairly minor, short-lived affair.

    What happened in Ukraine (according to my research) was a manufactured revolution started by NGOs, who were in turn funded by US interests, the Soros Foundation in particular, to factionalize the country and consolidate it into the Western power bloc. The US and EU media charged full steam ahead trying to make it look as though Russia invaded Crimea, when in fact a democratic referendum was held by its citizens to secede from Ukraine and develop closer ties with Russia. Of course there are vested interests on both sides, but looking at the relevant history, I have come to the conclusion that Russia is hardly the aggressor in this situation. Overhead still hangs the more distant history of Stalin's terrible oppression of the Ukrainians during and after WWII; but this is Russia we're talking about, not the Soviet Union.

    Russia has moved military assets into Syria with the express permission of the elected Syrian government in order to combat ISIS. This in contrast to the US, who is in Syria illegally, and funds so-called 'moderate' rebel groups who are basically ISIS operatives. ISIS is a politically expedient proxy force that enforces US foreign policy in middle eastern countries. The US government gives them supplies and money. It does not wish for a politically and economically sovereign Middle East because it's bad for business - so it funds these groups to overthrow governments and put in power friendly interests. The irony of the whole situation is exemplified by the way the media aggressively pushes the looming threat of ISIS - but when Russia came to Syria's aid in the battle with ISIS, suddenly the media began to demonize Russia. You'd think the West would be happy that they have such a powerful ally in the fight against these terrorists, but nope. They spun it to make Russia look like the bad guy for supporting Assad. Don't get me started on how Assad supposedly gassed his own Alawite supporters on the same day UN inspectors arrived to investigate allegations of chemical weapons. The US plays dirty, real dirty, and expects people to gloss over the inconsistencies in their propaganda. I for one don't buy it for a second.

    Again, this is not to say that Russia is innocent. There are always evil people in power on both sides, and Russia has a lot of sketchy interests. But they are nowhere close to the intrusive and aggressive US foreign policy. The US government has lied and spun so much to achieve their goals, they've revealed to the world that they are not the benevolent superpower they'd like us to think. The US doesn't give a shit about Poland. It is but another pawn to move into position in its attempt to provoke a conflict with Russia.

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  11. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    too much words. brain go boom
  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I would point out there are still people alive who remember what Stalin did..and it's not that remote nor out of mind..
    maybe for millenials, again , who have no clue , and could not care less.

    When you say you are talking about Russia.. not the Soviet Union, well
    I feel amused a bit.. since Russia was the Godfather of that alignment, and those satellite states, including Poland, were more or
    less under the boot of Moscow. So I am not sure.. what point you are attempting to make in that regard. Most of those satellite
    states are quite happy and relieved to be out of the Russian sphere.. Here in my city we received Russian refugees from former
    Soviet bloc countries.. because well.. those countries did not want ethnic Russians there !! e.g Estonia.. this is not speculation
    this is real fact from my own life.

    Your assertions about the US and Isis are unheard of for me.. and I would really like to see some sources...so I could validate
    your claims. I am not denying what you say.. just that I have not been exposed to this sort of Gordian knot of intrigue and
    cross purposes. I don't believe much of what any official in the US says, but what you are saying is a bit of a stretch as well.
    I think the main problem that the US had with Russia in Syria was that they were bombing Kurdish positions. But this was ultimately a self limiting situation, i.e. Russia ran out of money..( lol ) to continue supporting Assad and went back home claiming they had accomplished their goals. If you recall, Russia more or less got its ass kicked in Afghanistan in the 80's by the Mujahadeen (taliban) with the help of a few CIA trainers who supplied them with stinger missiles
    to knock Russian military aircraft out of the sky.

    And to attack the US for propaganda while ignoring the activities of one of the greatest propaganda and cult of personality states ever..is a bit ponderous to me.. are you really a Pole? Are you at least partially ethnic Russian? With all due respect...

    I would disagree... completely ..that the US does not give a "shit" about Poland.. and quite a substantial one it does on the contrary ..or our men and women would not be there.. ,
    not that the US gives much of a"shit" about our men and women though.

    thanks for the reply.. interesting , if not convincing
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2016

    DJDOCKS Ultrasonic

    Jun 21, 2016
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    Well Shit!
    But its not like were loosing anything! Since the torrent database kat.cr has already been leeched by million other smaller torrent sites like torlock etc.. Im sure the king will be reborn by another brave pirate!
    For the meanwhile access the site from here-> https://kickass.unblockall.xyz/
  14. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    US tech companies are shooting themselves in the foot with all this spying. Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, AT&T, etc., have all shown their true selves and people are looking for alternatives. At least now it is no longer a conspiracy theory and things will begin to change and alternatives will emerge. And France is trying to take on Microsoft over Windows 10, I don't know what the rest of the world is thinking letting US tech companies steal everyone's data and porn. I wouldn't doubt that these companies are engaging in industrial spying as well, stealing trade secrets and financial info that might influence the stock market. I think US politicians just don't have the technical knowledge to understand what's happening. And the people doing the spying are making a fortune off of it so they're not going to admit the truth.
  15. strangeranium

    strangeranium Ultrasonic

    Jun 24, 2014
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    The thing is though, we all know how a torrent works. There is none of the files we download, being held anywhere on a site like KAT.
    they are merely tiny files that enable people to share files.
    So they cannot really charge KAT with Piracy.
    They get him on suspected money laundering..
    But why would Kat do any money laundering? They earn 30 million a year on advertising. Legit money.
    It is a bizarre case.
    Apple give away his details, because apple feels they lose money because of people using torrents they may get from KAT, or anywhere else for that matter.
    Apple think with Kat gone people spend money with them again... Ridiculous logic.
    Strange case.
    I know If I had earnt as much money as this man did in the last ten years, i would not be found too easily, buying shit off itunes.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  16. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    In this order:
    The golden rule.
    Big brother.
    Technological dependence.
    The law of averages.

    We are led to believe that money brings power. Vaulin's worth may have been growing financially but the real source of power is truth and the free seeding of said truth is the actual reason this shit hit that fan. There was far more on KAT than 1080p BDRIPs and nosTEAM releases.
    Actual information. Spreading. Through us.
  17. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    I still remember the day Snowden made public the truth and people finally gathered against the system. Not.
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    My gleaning from the indictment, 1) he was hosting/releasing stuff that had not had official release yet.. which really pisses off media companies, 2) the money laundering , a big deal if he is routing through American banks

    The surprising, 1) he seems to have been completely reckless and stupid about covering his tracks
    2) that he used fake book at all , 3) itunes ???? wtfffff . :trolls:
  19. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    is that not the dumbest thing ever?

    Servers in the United States

    Perhaps most tellingly, in the first instance KAT failed to learn from the ‘mistakes’ made by Megaupload. While the cases are somewhat dissimilar, both entities chose to have a US presence for at least some of their servers. This allowed US authorities to get involved. Not a great start.

    “[Since 2008], KAT has relied on a network of computer servers around the world to operate, including computer servers located in Chicago, Illinois,” the complaint against the site reads.

    The Chicago server weren’t trivial either.

    “According to a reverse DNS search conducted by the hosting company on or about May 5, 2015, that server was the mail client ‘mail.kat.ph’.”

    Torrent site mail servers. In the United States. What could go possibly go wrong?

    In a word? Everything. In January 2016, DHS obtained a search warrant and cloned the Chicago servers. Somewhat unsurprisingly this gifted investigating agent Jared Der-Yeghiayan (the same guy who infiltrated Silk Road) valuable information.

    “I located multiple files that contained unique user information, access logs, and other information. These files include a file titled ‘passwd’ located in the ‘etc’ directory, which was last accessed on or about January 13, 2016, and which identified the users who had access to the operating system,” Der-Yeghiayan said.
  20. Pirateking1965

    Pirateking1965 Newbie

    Jan 24, 2016
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