Push Maschine Template

Discussion in 'Live' started by thethirdperson, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Push Maschine Template:

    I've wanted to be able to use Ableton Push and NI's Maschine interchangably.
    Push as a step sequencer-Maschine for its pads.
    Push for it browsing capabilities with one shots-Maschine for its drum kits.
    Most importanly both of them output as MIDI into Ableton for triggering as scenes, WITHOUT having to
    screw around with Maschines abhorent MIDI OUT settings, you know the one that change everytime you switch drum kits =/
    Which don't allow the Maschine (especially when used as a plug-in) to be used in a meaningful way to output MIDI to your host.
    Having to go back and forth between your DAW and Maschine's GUI just to get MIDI outputted is a real WORKFLOW KILLER!

    . . . have you ever tried to use Maschine's step sequencer to send MIDI OUT in a DAW?

    To be honest it's really nothing special as far as MIDI routing is concerned:

    Group A through Group G will load sounds.
    You can choose One Shots/Kits from Maschine or One Shots/Kits in Ableton from the Push (C1-G#2).
    Neither of them really show up within each others GUI, so just be sure to note which Groups have what.

    If you have a tendency to use one or the other more you could always rename them within Ableton and Maschine's Group
    Ableton Kit 1, Maschine Kit 2 etc, so that it will be easier to remember which you are using for each group.
    That way both Ableton and Mascine aren't both triggering something.

    To be able to play the group it has to be armed within Push/Ableton.
    On Push MK1: Hit the track button from the upper right hand corner and hit the button on the top row that corresponds to each group.
    Once it's lit up red, Group H will be where you can play your pads. If you load a kit from Maschine you will be able to play them within
    each's respective group however it will not output MIDI into Ableton. If you load samples or a kit into Ableton
    it wont be able to use that particular group from Maschine it will all output MIDI from Group H based on what's armed
    Set your loop length within Ableton Push's controller and hit record (if you want to play your pads in Maschine)

    Tempo controls and Swing settings as well as most global controls are controlled from the Push/Ableton.


    Program version(s) used:
    Ableton Live 9.6.2 & Maschine 2.4

    Hardware version(s) used:
    Ableton Push MK1 & Maschine MK 2

    p.s. Even though I don't have access to the Push 2, the implimentation I would guess should be relatively similar.
    As for the Maschine, it should work with any version of the hardware as long as you're using Maschine version 2.4.
  2. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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  3. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I realize that. I'm totally not trying to spam or anything it's just a template designed for operation of Masschine inside of Ableton with Push and is pertinent to both forums.
  4. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    That's a great idea. Has anyone else done this before? Using a more automated approach like a Max device for example?
    Too bad I currently don't own neither Maschine or Push to test it myself.
  5. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I've actually scoured the web for months looking for this workflow in the process to create it. I've found variations, which obviously served as inspiration for this one. Finally, I found this one a few days ago:
    and it helped immensely. However the person used their Komplete Kontrol to change kits and said they usually don't use their Maschine controller and looks like mostly just uses the step sequencer to sequence drum loops, which makes the actual Maschine controller pretty useless. The template is about as simple as you will get when it comes to using Maschine in tandem with the Push as a VST inside Ableton. It does all sorts of funky stuff if you try to assign the Drum Rack's MIDI in only to the Maschine or the Push. This way you get all the functionality of both without having to stress too much and the only workaround is having to go to Group H when recording. The biggest drawback I found is that you can't really use multi timbral instruments. *shrugs*.

    Also, even if you don't have a Push, I'm fairly certain all you would have to do make use of it is to arm the channel you'd like to record, go to group H and hit whatever shortcut button you have for record. Still it feels leaps and bounds better then having to re-route the midi out every time you change kits. =/

    @Pinkman I'm pretty sure you're gonna want to pick up a second hand Push Mk1 controller on the cheap after this one :mates:.

    @Amirious, so no I haven't seen this exact method yet but it's just a combination of other ones. Either way, I'm just really happy to have found a solution to something that has consumed so much of my time.
  6. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Great job on that @thethirdperson :wink:

    A bit off-topic;
    Problem with Native Instruments is that today their business model is exactly like Apple.

    All these years they've been trying to build an eco-system and force you to buy their full range of products if you want to enjoy all the features. for example you can get a cheap bundle of virtual instruments and effects that would normally cost €5000+ for only €1000.
    But to get the possibility to see the libraries in Kontakt you have to buy from a verified seller who has paid a lot of money to license it.
    And then you need a Komplete controller for full hands-on integration then Maschine to get a pad/sequencer functionality and so on...
    The same way Apple sells Logic Pro with all that extra quality stuff and huge library for $200 but you need a Mac hardware to use it.

    In fact I like NI, I just don't like it's business model and the way they treat their customers with all this bullshit that's forced to get the best experience.
  7. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    @Amirious , it's definitely not off topic at all! Through all of my research, I've found that the Maschine has been intentionally designed NOT to work with a DAW the way you want to be able to, especially as a VST. There have been so many people that have been asking for very basic implementation of certain basic functions since the release of version 2 and in many ways before that. To be able to save Midi OUT routings on a group level and to be able to write MIDI to a DAW the way traditional drum machine's have, with a way to enable host control so it doesn't end up writing the MIDI twice and create horrendous feedback loops. It's a real shame because as a standalone product it truly is a "game changer" and I'm not just saying that because I own the product. The drum kits and libraries are absolutely phenomenal "top drawer" stuff, I've got more sample libraries then is even probably sane at this point and yet I still find myself constantly wanting to use the stuff in Maschine. The hardware controller itself is pretty damn good, the pads are great and the way that it interacts with the Maschine software itself makes it so that you can very quickly go from feeling inspired to having a well thought out idea in literally minutes. That being said you have to be willing to conform to its workflow to be able use it in a truly meaningful within whatever DAW you use, dragging and dropping MIDI and constantly interfacing with it's software is just not ideal for a proper workflow. For whatever reason, I can't seem to do that. I absolutely LOVE MIDI and the ability to keep tweaking certain things to fit my arrangements. I have never been one to be able to just bounce things to audio because I know that I always want to go back and change things whether it is as simple as changing key, continuously adding effects as I see fit or tweaking the little things just so that certain instruments fit my arrangement more. Either way being able to finally do with little effort that is so liberating! =)
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  8. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Yes, there's loads of quality kits in there.
    I use iMaschine regularly and some of Maschine 2 kits are ported to it's pocket version. I also watched a lot of videos demonstrating Maschine's workflow and how much capable it is. For quick sketching ideas, having fun with pads and making Hip-Hop beats, it's definitely a great product; no obvious competition.
    But I guess I'm more into Akai MPCs or Push if I need a similar system in the future.
  9. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    @thethirdperson Nice work, bud. I really need to get me a Push.
    @Amirious Drum and Bass. Don't forget the Drum and Bass.
  10. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Can you make live beats on 160-180 BPM tempo Pinkman?
  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    174 is the sweet spot. Unquantized.
  12. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    174? Must hear this!
  13. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I'm interested as well.

    You know, not a single DnB scene ever existed where I was born (sadly). it was all about Trance-Deep House and lately, that annoying Brostep that gets more boring everytime they try to be like Skrillex.
  14. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    So somehow, I forgot to mention the most important part of making this work, I'm sooo totally embarassed =/.

    You have to have a Virtual MIDI cable installed. For Windows users I recommend the incredible, as well as free (for non-commercial use) LoopBe1 application (http://www.nerds.de/en/loopbe1.html). For Mac users I know IAC is built in to the OS for your loopback needs, however I have no clue on how to set it up. That being said the configuration within Ableton should be the fairly similar.

    Once you have installed LoopBe1, open up the Ableton project template I provided. On the very top click on options>preferences. Go to the tab marked Link MIDI and under Input: LoopBe internal MIDI turn the track On, also for Output: LoopBe Internal MIDI and turn the track On. Now in the Ableton Project in session view click on the channel in red marked MIDI Host. (This should be already done for you but just in case it's not) Midi From should be from Group A, Drum Rack| Maschine 2| Maschine 2 with the Monitor set to in.(This part will NOT already be done for you) click on the show/hide devices button and under External Instrument have the MIDI To sent to LoopBee Internal MIDI and CH 1.

    It should be working now, all the instructions are the exact same as within my previous post. (quick recap) You have to be in Group H within Maschine and arm the track from within the Push to be play the group in Maschine. Also, be sure to select the loop length from within Push and hit the record button from it also if you want to record the hits on your pad from Maschine.

    Like I've stated before this will seriously open up a whole new world of possibility of interaction between both controllers and workflow efficiency. You will be able to Step Sequence from the Push the sounds in Maschine. Instead of the tiny 16 pad grid on the Push you will be able to play the much bigger and (atleast within Push MK1) the MUCH MUCH more responsive Maschine Pads, as well as play the sounds Directly loaded into Ableton's Drum Rack. All without ever having to change to MIDI mode on the Maschine and with it's MIDI outputted directlty into Ableton. To have them recorded into scenes and played back on the fly, without ever having to get frustrated about having to go into Maschine's UI and figure out the MIDI OUT settings everytime you switch a group. It's definitely the best of both worlds. I really hope some of you are able to make meaningful use of this template. It's as seriously as easy going to Group H.

    Enjoy (for real this time)

    Feel free to email me at third.person@humanoid.net
  15. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    @thethirdperson I highly suggest to ask a person, either here or somewhere else, with a similar setup to test it universally.
    Another suggestion would be to upload a few screenshots to help with midi configurations and asking a mod to make this thread 'sticky' in Live/Maschine forums. it may be useful for many people even guest visitors.
  16. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I've definitely DEFINITELY been trying for sure, I even joined the NI forums and posted this on there and I've gotten absolutely no feedback from anyone on there. I'm sure someone will eventually take notice though. I've literally been trying to figure this type of thing out for months now and I'm certain it should work, assuming internal MIDI routings in regards to plugins in Ableton save within the projects. Probably not gonna do it today but what do you suggest as far as taking screenshots?`
  17. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    That being said if any Mods are paying attention any chance you might be able to sticky the posts in the Maschine/Ableton subforums?
  18. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    For example LoopBe1 part was a little bit confusing.
    If there was a screenshot showing the way you did, it would have made more sense.
    But it was only a suggestion. don't bother if it is unnecessary or requires more time.

    Really hope it brings you the attention you deserve for your hard work :)
  19. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    For sure, I will go ahead and do a step by step today and build the template from scratch (with screenshots) for each step =).
  20. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Actually, I'm just gonna do a video. It's gonna take me a few days to get it figured out and all that but I'm sure that will make things much easier to follow.
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