Can't talk to other musicians about subjects other than music?

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by panther5, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Some "audiosexuals" (far from all) with lots of posts here in this forum are confrontational lonely sociopaths. They are often the reason why some threads go bananas. They join together in threads, make fun of others, call people names and could not care less about persons feelings. This then rubs off at other members who join in in the same type of jargon. These farts often form a mob in threads they don't like and make sure it goes so out of hand and off topic so the thread eventually gets closed. You can see it time and time again. What then happens is that the op is getting the thread closed instead of the long-time members being warned for their thread-trashing behaviour. This is how legit threads here often get out of hand. Immature audiosexuals who simply don't approve of a subject working in flock to get feelings heated and topics closed. More mature Audiosexual members should call this out when it happends, a few do, but far from enough. As long as this is going on these farts decide what can be discussed, not the rules of what constitutes a legit thread.
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  2. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    As what @SAiNT said, this won't be military action against you for posting what's on your mind or bothers you by us Mods, but instead we want you to think how the post will reflect towards the rest of the community, and if in doubt shoot us a Pm.

    I know i few members will scream Censorship but that's just childish & selfish, and here we are above that, and had plenty of time we got our feet wet, so we know a little something about that.

    All we want speaking for the Mods & Members of this great Forum is Transparency & Equality which is Free & Fair for everyone, and if you don't share these value then maybe this is not the place you (which i hope is not the case?).

    So all in all we will be cracking down on these political threads or any other thread that the community see as harmful.

    Thank you for understanding and look forward to seeing around.

    Thread Closed
  3. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Introninja, why close the topic? :no: so many beautiful comments :mates:
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  4. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I left the reason on the report page, but publicly speaking to preserve the thread, this thread would be our example thread for future occurrences.
  5. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Change the nuns into moderator :D
  6. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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  7. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    WTF! This so bad, it's grotesque. It actually made me nauseous. On another note: considering my original question/comment as the op of this thread, and the comments throughout by most of you, I think I really don't want to know what other musicians think, especially if the comments on this post are indicative of the opinions of most musicians. I just wanted a forum catagory where members could rant and rave without being micro managed by the mods. Those of you who wouldn't want to be involved for whatever reason, wouldn't have to read the subjects in the catagory or comment on them. However, fuck it, never mind. I bow to Audioz, the KVR/high school clique of warez.
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  8. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Most people use YouTube and social media I believe.:bow:
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I don't even see that happening here.. at all.. this is indeed the most freewheeling and free spoken forum I have ever seen in the
    net, but every forum has rules and moderation, this isn't a country, it's a private site ultimately controlled by @SAiNT, it's his ballgame entrusted to some individuals to make fair calls on what is appropriate to be displayed here in the context of a "music" forum.

    Free speech here may or may not imply you have the right to be blatantly offensive, if you want a category that has the most "nausesous" content maybe they will make it for you, but I'd rather not see it in the feed so as an active participant I am drawn to more positive posts here, this is a preference I have. If you're into being "nauseated" then 4chan might be the heaven on earth message board for you !

    I don't know what the balance point is.. but as I have always seen music as a positive and unifying thing, that people mostly
    use to relate positively to each other..of course I am naturally biased towards content consistent with that view.

    If people are allowed to spew hate and hateful positions here..
    then I will continue to feel absolutely free to criticize those as well
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2016
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  10. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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  11. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    HEY! Don't call me lonely

    We've been down this road before. Everybody just doesn't want to live in your idyllic world where nobody says anything that offends anyone else. If you pay close attention you'll notice I almost never shit on anyone that wasn't already acting like a bully. AFAIC those people are open game.

    @stevitch that first post of yours in this thread is gold. Your English is getting way, way better btw.
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  12. There was a poll of the age of folk hanging here a bit ago, and the older folk, myself included, we're a good chunk of the neighborhood. At times the behavior 'round these here parts does lean towards juvenile, however. And @Cav Emp has a point there, if one acts the bully the rightous descend if as one, like hellfire, showing no mercy or pity for/towards the pitiful beast.
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  13. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I did not call out anyone in my post, quite the contrary. But sure, I cant stop you from thinking of yourself as one of the people described in the post. It is interesting, though, how you would chose to identify yourself as being a confrontational sociopath as described, just not a lonely one.

    I also see that you have the honesty to confess that you sometimes "shit" on members around here. I think you should go on writing the good stuff I know you write in the forums. Your offensive attitude where you intentionally shit on people maybe you should drop. (If that is to idyllic spoken for you, by all means, just to make you happy: shove the shit you spread around the forums back up your own a--!)
  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @farao aside from your last directive being almost impossible, was it even deserved?

    @Cav Emp for the record I NEVER recall seeing you relieve yourself bowel-y on anyone, maybe vowel-y
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2016
  15. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah, that's that thing you do. On the whole I like you well enough, but at least when I take a shot at someone I own it.

    I don't really think of them as members. It's usually people who joined one to three months ago and just go around spreading their shitty attitude and attacking people who disagree with them. I have a special place on my shit list for bullies. That peace and love stuff is cool until someone starts running roughshod because everyone's being passive.

    Where I'm from men act like men. That's really all there is to it.
  16. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I was told at an early age, the best way for a conversation to spiral out of control and down the slippery slope towards total anarchy was to ask people with very different political views to express themselves.

    Since then I have learned that you can multiply that figure exponentially to the power of ^4 when you throw a bunch of musicians in to the mix.

    Bottom line is, now I keep my gob shut on such matters, (Although it might work in the key of C)
  17. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    The truth is that some long time members here really get a free pass showing a wall of bad attitude against people starting subjects they personally just don't care for. This way they can work in mobs to have a thread spiral out of control being confrontational. Acting like bullies they love to agitate and heat the discussion and eventually get the thread closedor deleted even though the subject itself was perfectly legit. Anyone denying this is simply just not paying attention or being honest enough. This mob is virtually acting like a moderator around here since their behaviour often decides what gets to be discussed and what is not. There should be some self introspection here actually adressing this problem since the behaviour is scaring nice people away from this forum. The attitude foster a hard puberty mentality with cheapshots not unlike in the military. Maybe some should start addressing the behaviour instead of just pretending it does not take place? @Cavemp no I did not call any one person out, you were not mentioned were you?
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  18. Can you please site the instances, if you could, as I honestly cannot put a finger on a time where this has happened, and if it did, might the behavior of seasoned veterans be totally righteous, proactive in the face of obscene or hurtful actions. Would you not yourself come to the aid of a beloved or friend if a peril threatened? Here;
    In any debate, the side that owns the definitions pertaining to the argument will overwhelmingly bring home the day, and in this case, your using the word "legit" is the golden egg. But, beware, I hear footsteps a'comin', the Giant is awake and is missing his magical goose something aweful...make haste lest you not be mistaken for an "Englishman". Plus, perhaps the Moderators and the "mob" have some credibility and are of the same logical mindset, ie, bullshit walks...just something else to ponder.
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  19. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

  20. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    @Impressive What is the point of you making a nazi"joke" in this thread? Being funny or trying to prove something? I find it rather distasteful of you. I think it should be allowed though.

    @superliquidsunshine Lol, so you are not aware that some "seasoned veterans" personally attack, call names, and actively get legit threads that they do not like to spiral out of control? LMAO! Just give me a break. And to answer you, lol, i bet you actually know perfectly well that Saint and moderators repetadley have been dissappointed and asked long time members to calm down and simply report threads instead of acting in offensive and inflammatory ways. There are plenty of threads where long time members have acted together in this way to get legit threads they do not like locked or deleted. The deleted threads might be diffucult to find, but I guess the locked ones would be possible. I won't spend any time tracking these threads down. I am quite certain you actually know I am in the right. When this thread trashing keeps occuring in the future I will be sure to tell you though.

    By legit threads i refer to threads not obviously being against the rules of the forum.
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