What do you like most or don't like at all about your country or state?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    What freedoms do you have that distinguish you from other ones? Supported by your culture or government and you will not be reprimanded for doing that.

    Which country do you think would be a heaven for you? why?
    and anything you want to tell us!

    I don't love hatchet men so please be fair-minded and talk objectively (based on facts not assumptions or your feelings).

    Thanks so much!:winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
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  3. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    i dont like the law about guns in my country.

    i believe every man or woman should have the right to defend themselves. Many people American or not have been complaining about how bad the laws about gun ownership are and how much evil they have caused. Fact is if a criminal or wannabe criminal wants to get his hand on a weapon its the easiest thing to do. This is whats happening where i am , every nutjob can get hold of a black market revolver or kalashnikof and the regular folk are left unprotected.

    some folk say that we have laws and police to cover such matters. wrong. Here they come into your house late at night and rape you or your wife or kids or tie you to a chair and empty your house of anything they deem worthy , after 1-2 hours the police will come over sipping their coffee take some fingerprints and some notes or wrap you in a bodybag and hand you over to the morgue people and thats the end of the story for the taxpayer that pays them.

    now if those scumbags knew i possibly had my grandpa's double barelled sawed off shotgun under my pillow or a military grade semi-automatic hanging around my bedroom im sure they'd think twice to climb in through my window
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  4. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    This thread really looks promising :no:
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  5. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    I live in Colorado an i love it >>> beautiful place>>> music scene pretty kool>>> whats dif from the rest of the country if you wana catch the red eye you jus go down to the store an buy you some green ;) or like i do grow ur own its legal \m/
  6. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    well it is one thing i don't like at all about my country , and have fought many times with friends and family about this subject. They support a no-gun law.

    that and also the fact that those nutjobs we call politicians dont legalize marijuana like every decent nation should of :winker:
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  7. T.D.E.....

    T.D.E..... Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2015
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    ok one point to ur gun law: just compare any first world country in europe with the US. so lets compare for example germany with the US . the us got around 3-4 times the popularity of germany. how many people were killed here in germany :70 . in the US: around 30000. so u have to question urself why?? in our country its not to easy to get weapns and if u wanna have a wapon u need to be 25 and have to do a lot of tests and u just can have certain wepaons. so ur idea to make ur country safer or ur family or whoelse is to give them even more weapons? for real?
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  8. FerdinandIIIDeMedicis

    FerdinandIIIDeMedicis Kapellmeister

    Feb 6, 2016
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    I hate our prime minister Justin Trudeau, he's such a massive cuck.
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  9. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Ok! You want guns and joints and then you´re satisfied :rofl:
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  10. Raffz

    Raffz Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Here in Brazil I'd say things are so fucked up that half the population just gave up and live numb with all corruption, scandals, crime, lots of poverty even in the big cities, well, I'd say socially we suck but we are really great at showing only our good things to the world, you guys probably think of here as samba, soccer, Rio and all that shit and it's mainly our government promoting all that to hide our shitty country.

    Musically, it's got it ethnic stuff but it's not even close to other genres that are way more proeminent such as "brazilian funk" which is some crappy trap/hip-hop/dance-y shit that gets all the girls twerking and what not... There's our equivalent of country/pop, with acoustic guitar and heavy voices, it's called "sertanejo" and percussion driven genres like "pagode", axé", all of those with shitiest of lyrics you can think of but gets the people dancing, specially in big events like Carnaval.

    Yeah, that's my country, I guess after all these negative view I gave you it's hard to think of pros but yeah, good tropical climate where I live, I enjoy that, beaches, people are quite friendly more often than not and I do love my city (Salvador, Bahia) which is very strong on turism and has quite a lot of diversity in regards to people's nacionality.
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  11. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Dislikes; too many.
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  12. T.D.E.....

    T.D.E..... Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Which country do you think would be a heaven for you? why? the "perfect " country or the maybe best country in ur opinion right now can be ur heaven but the other ones i would not say "hell" but not the ideal country .just an example the us , if u are black in the us the current situation is not ideal there. on the other hand people from Europe would give up eevrything to go to the us and start there maybe new life or even a big career. so it comes down to political and religious and idelogical thoughts . right now my "heaven" is almost any country in europe . i mean u got laws, u get paid , u get food , u got a really good
    health system. of course there are always points which people dont like about a country or disagree with each other about this and that . but overall i think the world is much better than 500 years ago and even 200 -100 years ago .so we should be happy about the current situation around the world . but one point i dont like about the mankind right now : why does still have religion such a high priority in this world ? without religion there would be much less pain in the world over the last 3000 years till now . but thast just my opinion . but what are ur thoughts on having no religion today or maybe even create a new one for everyone .so we dont have 5 big religions with their own gods and their own beliefs . im not saying we should punish people for believing in something higher or something else than us. but the other religions kinda do that if u read exactly every book of every religion . of course u can argue these people are just extremist which are thikning that radical . so maybe just get rid off all these books where something "bad" is written in the past ???:dunno:
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  13. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I'd like to see the gun laws here in the U.S. modelled after Switzerland's. The U.S., of course, is a much larger land mass and population, so there would have to be a few minor modifications, but it could be done, and would make illegal weapons harder to obtain.
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  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    About America? Hmmm where do I begin?
    1. The cost of getting an education is pathetic. And In school (grades 1-12), they insist on teaching you useless shit like algebra, biology, history (why do you need to learn about history when it's history? What are they gonna do to the poor little fucks next, make them smell brontosaurus droppings for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week?) But how many times do you hear them teaching the kids how to do their taxes & how to cook something other than ramen noodles? Or how to change the oil in their cars? Or how to manage a bank account?
    2. (which may be the answer to number 1) - The govt has to get money out of you someway somehow. Tollbooths, taxes, so many taxes, a shit load of taxes, bank loans, bank fees, they gotta make you get a license to sell raw milk, to sell anything. The fucking kids gotta get a license from the gov't just to make a lemonade stand on the sidewalk. A fucking lemonade stand! They gotta get a piece of that, too! This is communism if I ever saw it.
    3. The media. & as if the news ain't arrogant enough, the tv commercials are shit, too! Phillips colon health commercials, they got these medicine commercials now where they got an 3D animation of someone's intestines walking around with googly eyes on it & walking thru the malls with their owner. Umm, bitch, those are supposed to be inside of you! If their walking around on their own OUTSIDE your body, that's a problem a little more severe than crohn's disease! Also, check this shit out:

    About that intestines commercial:

    4. The medical profession. Who the literal fuck chops of a piece of a child's dick right after they're born (circumcision)? You think about it - our ancestors dealt with it no problem. A piece of their dick, dude! That's disgusting. That's child abuse, right there. You really wanna stop the child abuse banality? Start with the gov't!
    5. Obama, Trump, Hillary, politicians. Fuck every last one of them.
    6. Fast-forward to around 3:18 into the video for the point. The retarded uploader decided to make us wait to get to what's in the title. Also wait for 6:55 into the vid for the dumbness of the people in america.

    Huge piles of redundant protoplasm, every-fucking-where!
    7. The rigged elections, economy, & everything else.
    8. Black lives matter. This is racist in itself. It's pathetic.
    I'm gonna debunk that: http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/04/the-real-story-of-race-and-police-killings/?_r=0
    I understand that's the media telling us that, but I can & will tell you it's pretty accurate because I got one foot of mine inside of the criminal justice system (I'm studying to be a lawyer someday).
    9. My country is trying to get into everyone else's business.
    People: "We need to get back to serious business, here!"
    Gov't: "Back to Syria's business? You got it! *Destroys syria by fighting Bashar al assad who has nothing to do with america*"
    10. Everything is made in China. I cannot even call up a customer service representative without getting some 13 year old dog eating chinese girl or some or some bomb building Al Qaeda sleeper cell. Wtf!
    11. The workforce - Disney is making their employees train their own illegal immigrant replacement workers. For fuck's sake, that's like doctors making all their terminally ill patients dig their own graves - Isn't that the morticians' job?
    12. The people are fucking stupid, the food is shit, everything is made with machines, the people are ugly, the police are incompetent, everything is so expensive that even 13 years olds have to make $280,000 per year just to feed themselves, & the weather is pathetic and we're too overpopulated (world issue, not just USA).
    13. Why do we have so many people from other countries wanting to come to this place? What do they want, McDonald's?
    14. The amount of detained citizens are over the top. Why do they arrest you for smoking weed? Why do you gotta be 21 to drink alcohol, but 18 to go get your balls shot off in Afghanistan?
    15. The war in Iraq - the biggest waste of taxpayer money of all time.

    What do I like about it?
    The freedoms we never had: Freedom of speech, expression, the press. Freedom of choice. When our votes used to matter. When the government was made up of the people instead of the cocksuckers who want everything for themselves. When it didn't take a catastrophe to get us to care for one another. (I stole that, too, from George Carlin, but I always felt this way even before I heard him say that)

    America the beautiful! Land of the impoverished, & home of the easily butt-hurt cousin fuckers.
    Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't wanna live someplace like China or Syria or something. But for fuck's sake, aren't we supposed to be the most powerful country on earth? It doesn't look like it to me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
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  15. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I don't like greed and corruption! Lack of empathy and self ass preservation!
    Like the food and fruit!
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    America's Congress. Certain member's unconscionable willingness to bring this country to its knees, based upon some extreme ideological belief system, is unforgivable. "Forget the good of the Country; just let me pursue my own myopic political agenda and let the chips fall where they may." These 535 individuals that make up the 114th United States Congress, are (by far) the most useless souls I have ever seen in my little time on this planet. Yet, their constituents continue to send these worthless bastards back to their seats time and time again. If that does not speak volumes about the collective mindset of the American populace, I don't know what else does. Time to throw out the trash.
  17. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    loooooooooolol that got me really rolling on the floor :rofl:

    btw one of the worst things a country can have is a Pay only University/College. I still remember the kids in London rioting in the streets about that ,because the govt raised the fees. They are really separating England into the "haves" and "have-nots" trying to keep the poor where they think they belong depriving even their children from any hope of escaping that fate. I guess its expected when Elitists are ruling. Universities/College should be free and open for all , ok some ones e.g medicine or economics should require you to have high scorings in maths or biology and chemistry but still free and funded by the goverment.
  18. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Here's another really bad one:

    Bitch, if it's walking around outside of your body, it looks to me like somebody disemboweled you while you were sleeping. So I don't think it's medicine you need. What you need to do is go to the doctor, have them shove the fucking thing back in your ass & send you on your way. Holy shit.
    The worst part is that these horrifying commercials come on most around dinner time when you're trying to eat your dinner without being blessed with the reminder of the existence of disemboweled humans. I used to think only Jason Voorhees could give Freddy Krueger nightmares, but I think it's safe to say Freddy would just need to watch TV in America for an hour. Whoever controls what can & can't be played on TV needs to go see a psychiatrist, because they're really deluded. Lol
  19. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    What I don't like about my country is a loooong list to make. Safe to say I'm about to move out, so it's not that big of a deal.
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  20. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    @Impressive Anyone who thinks that in this day & age learning any higher order math is useless, is dooming themselves to an existence of mediocrity when it comes to jobs in most any sector that requires more than manual labor skills or acquired blue collar skills. Not knocking those who do the work that builds, maintains, and services our existence, but to say introductory algebra & higher math (1-12) are irrelevant would not be doing justice to those evolving minds looking for their niche in life.

    Case in point - I started out as a blue collar pipe welder, certified in nuclear, fossil fuel, refinery, pipeline, & chemical plants. A broken back ended that career after 26 years. Went to collage mid life (paid solely by me through loans) & got a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering. Worked as a white collar engineer designing circuitry until retirement. The math involved with engineering is tremendous, young minds need that early exposure....whether you realize it or not at the time, hell I didn't realize it for 26 years after high school!! The biggest problem I think is HOW it's taught, no relative application to make it interesting, thought it was boring myself but realized much later how important it was and struggled to play catch-up. The other issue I have is with history, simply put those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it. This is a fact as we have seen many of our respective leaders & politicians from different societies that must have been sleeping during those classes.

    As far as all the other things you listed, I actually agree with the majority of them on a superficial level, however it's never as easy to quantify as simply as you stated. Peace!
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  21. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    What I love is the unique and tasty food (on onother country I would probably be vegetarian), the breathtaking landscapes and the amazing historical patrimony that allows me beautiful excursions on Sundays.
    What I hate the most are the people that try so hard to fuck up the three points above: Italians.
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