My Win10Pro Journey

Discussion in 'Software' started by thantrax, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Dude you use Windows 10, a spyware, don't even start a discussion on security, that would be hillariously stupid.
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  2. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Ankit Win10 has a FBI grade keylogger*, that you consent to, and in the EULA says collects and will share, with/with out a legal need to comply to government or security services as they deem appropriate, that's ok with you? win7 does not until some one installs it on your system, but you can defend against that. If you don't get how that's being DP'd and gagged, you're a lost cause. Win7 sucks too, all I'm saying is until SP3 for XP, win7 was the first garbage DOS that didn't crash alot and just ran the programs I wanted without more than a day or two of hassle. I have a very low expectation for an OS, but I'm not yet ready to take two to the bum. I just can castrate most of the survelliance features of Win7, which I can't while having win10 still work. I KNOW, I freakin bricked my laptop, and then reinstalled Win7. All those software opt outs of the "telemetry" functions of Win10 are like what you give babies to occupy themselves in the back of the car, so you don't hear them bitch or cry.

    Mr. Robot, is just more propaganda, just for another segment of the public. Notice the use of Obama in the last episode? That's to conflate fiction (suspend disbelief, it's not real...whooo oooo whooo oooo) with reality, and then move ppl's unconscious to where they want them to go. It's not like ppl's consciousness controls them! Their unconscious does. I think I've already told you guys, that when ppl smiled and said they thought 9/11 looked like a movie I wanted to deck them, because in movies real ppl don't die, you mofos! That's the power of tv/movies. If you didn't notice.

    @GEEZ It is not just an OS, for christ's sake.
    “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”
    ― Zbigniew Brzeziński, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era (1970s)

    Just because you no not, doesn't make it no exist. [ebonics added for effect]

    I'm gonna do something fun now, this is obviously pointless to plebs. Love your slavery, love your slavery:
    “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”
    ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

    *"By accepting this agreement and using the software you agree that Microsoft may collect, use, and disclose the information as described in the Microsoft Privacy Statement (, and as may be described in the user interface associated with the software features."

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  3. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    You never use smart phones? Facebook? Google, Android, Apple, Youtube........?
  4. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Oh yeah, it sucks so much it's been the most popular OS for years while XP just died. Now Windows 10 is the most popular and XP grandpas still say it's the best lol.

    Source: Steam Hardware Survey for June 2016


    The fuck is wrong with you? We're talking Windows 10, you're talking missile bases and people dying. That's fucked up.

    Lol yeah get out it's not slavery it's just not being a moron who seeks missiles and people dying all over the place even when we're talking computers.
  5. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Except youtube on ubuntu, no. And I do have a fake gmail account. But those are online services (that I use in an anominous fashion) they are not a computer, if you can't make the difference you're just not thinking things through. Your argument is like saying "there are security camera in wallmart why not have wallmart security camera at your place too ? ". It's just the worst argument ever.
    I would never be stupid enought to use the rest of the spying services you quoted (facebook, wtf man are you really on facebook ???), and I'm not even talking about apple or android, that's just giving your privacy ass away and asking bad people to use it. Are you naive enought and so careless about your privacy and freedom to use those companies services or products ??
    You like to live dangerously.
  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm not surprised you believe surveys. You are prone to be manipulated.
  7. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Bwaha... made me laugh so hard :).

    The next part is actually not meant to troll but really help:
    The EMU drivers are working here on 2 different machines just fine, with the win7 drivers.
    In the audio part, nothing has changed since Windows Vista, so every audio driver for Vista and up should work just fine on 7, 8, 8.1 or 10.
    You sure you're not mixing up 32bit or 64bit or using unsigned drivers or something? It should work.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  8. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Yes I actually do believe this one since XP sucks anyway so this percentage looks pretty accurate. Windows 10 is 43%, Windows 7 is 36%, Windows 8 is 11% and XP is just 1%. Simple as XP is pretty much useless these days, especially if you want to actually use it for something. It's not rocket science to realize it sucks, you don't even need a survey for that
  9. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    You are overreacting. If you really think so, then you're right. You are always right.:rofl:
  10. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    And you're the God who knows everything.... :bleh:
  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Overreacting regarding what ? My right to privacy ? I don't understand your answer.
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I defend what I believe to be true, just like you, it's not a knowing matter.
    Although I do have knowledge regarding surveys. That part is true.
    But mostly this win 10 vs Win 7 debate is one regarding what we think is the best, it's not just about technical knowledge.
  13. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    here a test made by PCAudioLabs: Windows 10 for Pro Audio

    I don't want to feed this war, I only would like to bring some objectiveness into this thread.

    I'm also working on a Win10 stripped down version to use it in Audio filed (so in a studio or in a live situation), I'm waiting for SAiNT's answer to make my work public on this forum and, maybe, find some users who could help me testing the ISO :)

    I'll let you know :mates:
  14. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Ready to test.:mates:
    Can't wait.
  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Try that of course i am not a n00b didnt work period i have owned win computers since win 3.1 been thrue all kinds of problems.
    I know what to do the card also dont work really well on Win7 as the driver is only beta
    But drivers where RME like rock solid on XP 32 bit system..
  16. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    That's a driver problem, not OS problem. Just get something from this century and stop whining.
  17. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Make (music with) love. Not war!




  18. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @GEEZ You remember when MicroSoftOn was convicted of monopolistic practices, I assume because it didn't pay the quid pro quo?
    So MicroSoftOn, agreed to pay the government's quid pro quo, and was able to resume their anticompetitive, monopolistic practices, as per H. Ford: "Competition is a sin."

    You live in a cartoon world @DrQuack. Sorry to say, public corporate polls are to influence the public, not report their sentiment. The polls that corps use for themselves, politicians and governments are kept secret, otherwise, that info becomes unactionable. You know how I know, @DrQuack? Cause I worked for a summer in one of those proprietary polling houses for corp/political "research." @DrQuack, and it was at a time prior to freakin computers, so I had lots of paperwork to sort through. That info was not shared and I had to sign a NDE. I left, because, though I wasn't being DP'd myself, I saw how other's would be DP'd by the info I gathered, and at the time, didn't want to be a part of it.

    Do you think because there's no one else to choose from for an OS, that MicroSoftOn's OS is "popular?" Russia is developing or has developed a MicroSoftOn alternative, just like a SWIFT alternative to the Bankster's banking cartel. If it comes out in English, I'm gone in a flash.

    I'm just gonna watch movies, hard to find some that aren't misandrist, sadistic horror, or morality plays saying I should give my money away and put on chains, but I'll find something. Why doesn't the war just start already, (world war or civil war) it's boring now, and I feel oppressed. Doesn't even great foreplay need to end eventually for the main event? Then again the first class action lawsuit against Obama,..., blacklivesmatter has been filed in Dallas, and that can't be allowed to go forward, or very very non PC evidence will be exposed to the public so the countdown clock is definitely ticking
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  19. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Are you drunk? Or high?
  20. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Neither @DrQuack, just gonna have a birthday soon.
    Happy Birthday Cat2.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
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