and he's back!! killing it once again at the closing ceremony for this eurothingie!!

Discussion in 'humor' started by statik, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
  3. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    LMFAO, I'm loving these

    MORTIX Kapellmeister

    Sep 22, 2015
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    PORTUGAL!! So happy and proud of my team! :mates:
  5. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Just posted in the other thread about this. Check the new setup withe TB3 on a little plinth there. pause the video, and you can clearly see that none of it is even turned on.:rofl:
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  6. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    yeah people are vomiting over that in the facebook aira group as well, even if you're faking at least turn the damn gear on :bash:
  7. ericdared

    ericdared Ultrasonic

    Apr 6, 2015
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    While it's entertaining, i guess the real shame is, when you know how to do more than "pushing buttons", to not be in his place instead. People are usually just interested in or criticizing results. while i'm not a guetta fan, i think, that the best would be to walk his walk and then open the fuck up. besides that it's the usual hater routine. you don't end up doing 'easy things' by mistake or fate, you gotta work your ass off prior to that and master more areas than you can imagine. Don't forget, peeps like guetta and some others, opened doors to show the electronic scene as worthy business for labels & entertainment companies or they wouldn't give a single shit of what they think is crap by their standards. So if you think you can do better stuff than guetta in fl or any daw, fine... that's the first 5% , still 95% to go. Enjoy the ride and if you get there, watch others making fun of your achievements.
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  8. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Wouldn't want to be in his place thank you very much.
    So, you think we should all pretend to do stuff, while prancing around like a tit.
    Maybe he should of kept some morals instead of being a sellout.
    And look at the state of it.
    Don't use them, bar to record into.
    Don't particularly want to go there, but if I did, I wouldn't care. The reason people dislike these so called super stars, Is that they cheat their fans, by not doing the job they're paid for.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  9. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    raise the p*nis lol
    let's take it for what it is, it's football, not a concert
    ( and he was at the right place, soccer players fake injuries all the time, there's no reason for him not to fake performing :metal: )

    I feel more sorry that he's the only french artist out with a bit of international fame they could think of

    btw, no one seemed to bother about the violin players faking to play, and no one's accusing them of selling out.

    plus people have been bitchin' on guetta since the beginning.
    he started to be succesful in 2002, and he's been for more than a decade, but since day 1 people been criticizing him.

    I think he's genuine, he does the music he want to do, like it or not, it's a question of taste.

    another thing for sure is that he's not responsible for the loss of margins of the record industry (yet they're still doing well).

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  10. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I'm with you @black bounty. This guy is working on his career since the 80s, and by the looks of him it was hard work lol. Now he's there, and he deserved it. When he had his breakthrough with "a little more love", a rock-solid produced hit record, he already had almost two decades of producing experience under his belt. He's undoubtedly an experienced and excellent producer, no matter if he's a commercial sellout today or not. His standing today is the result of 35+ years of hard work. You don't have to like his music, you don't even have to like him (although coming to that conclusion without actually personally knowing the man is moronic), but if you're an electronic music producer you know how hard it is to put in this kind of effort over the years and you have to respect him for that. Because chances are he's better at it than you. If you're not capable of doing as little as this, you're either jealous, envious or both.
    You'd have to be a complete idiot to take him or edm in general for all of electronic music. To deduce the current state of the whole of electronic music from Guetta's performance is shallow and one-dimensional.
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  11. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    People like David caused me to select my signature. I'm pretty sure he still does not have even intermediate knowledge of music and is not more than a stigma and mark of disgrace.

    When you choose the wrong path from the beginning, hard work would not be positive and it will be like you would fall into a mire, flounder and sink.

    This is my midi file posted in previous thread. The most simple one I can imagine. When I compare this one with all of his works, really can not select any of them to be better.:(
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2016
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  12. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    i don't even know who this guy is....oh yes, i am over 60 and listened to the real music for more than 50 years now
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  13. master414

    master414 Newbie

    Jul 12, 2016
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    I just made a account to reply to you. Someone with 32 followers explaining that David Guetta took the wrong path. What a joke!
    And he reaches his objectives with his melody's. You need people in the scene that makes hits. It attracts new people that will later step off to a smaller niche like yours.
  14. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thanks @master414 for the listening.

    I've not created a full track till now because of being free to experiment everything. I don't like today's dance genres ( deeply shallow- term used by @DarthFader ) and without any specific path for me, creating a 3 or 4 minute turbid gibberish and naming it a track is not what I'm searching.

    I don't want to anyone follows me. I want to everyone creates his own style and stand on it. I make melodies mostly for my internal satisfaction not for other people to admire it. I even did not know I have that number of followers till now. Thanks for that.:winker:

    BTW, I think David's followers would be the people who don't know the meaning of Octave.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2016
  15. ericdared

    ericdared Ultrasonic

    Apr 6, 2015
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    @The Teknomage and *.*
    everyone can like or dislike any genre or acts according to their standards, one thing remains is that somebody dreamt of achievement in a particular field and worked his/her ass off to be where they are today to a point that they become inspirational to others. Unless you become that person , i find it a bit awkward to start pointing fingers when you're actually nowhere at this point.

    And i don't believe in stuff like, i don't want his or her success, because success is not only the glitter stuff, success is achievement.
    and i guess we can all agree that saying : i wouldn't be proud to reach my goals, i'm not interesting in achieving anything. doesn't make any sense and fools noone.

    have a nice day
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    His followers are also those people that have not had any chance of listening to other kinds of musics and gotten impressed. It's a big mistake to assume that "Music=Track". All of us know that the whole fresh idea in an EDM or pop songs is not longer than about 30 or 40 seconds and other sections are just simple variations of it. You can listen to a 10 second piece or whatever that would be more attractive than a 4 minute track. So please don't bold and puff out his nonsenses.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2016
  17. ericdared

    ericdared Ultrasonic

    Apr 6, 2015
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    Wow what a condescending message towards listeners , apparently YOU know better what people should know or listen to. sounds like some surdimensionned ego to me, who believes that he's better and knows better than anyone else's out there. Wake up dude, people have various sources to listen to music and they follow the music that resonates in them. they connect to it or they don't, they like it or they don't.

    Step down from your delusive piedestal. Artists are entertainers and people are voting with their feet and their wallet, they attend to a gig or they don't, they buy a track or they don't.

    i guess you just dropped the quote of the year : Guetta's fans didn't have the chance to listen to anything else than his so they were born deaf, have no friends listening to different stuff, and their hearing opened up when guetta showed up to build their music repertoire. Awesome!

    thank you living god for this outstanding revelation :). Seriously dude, you're embarassing yourself. I don't like guetta's music but some people do and i would never come up with such a mean statement towards listeners.

    Send us links of your music, so let's see what the guetta's fans have been missing, i will send it to bloggers myself.

    Life sucks in general for most and when they're finding ways to entertain themselves and forget for a moment the mess they're into, it could be polka, folk or whatever, then who are you to claim that they're doing it wrong ?
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  18. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    These videos are great; thanks. I like electronic music - "dance" and otherwise – though I a) don't like it when it brings nothing new to my ears; b) dislike that so many people are imitating what's popular at the moment so that they can get in on the game or be taken more seriously than they could be otherwise. I don't have anything against this Guetta guy; at least he doesn't look like an asshole. The thing is that these videos are funny because the spectacular aspects of EDM are such a "joke," as the acclaim and credit that DJs of this sort, in such a context, receive is highly disproportionate to what they actually do.
  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @ericdared your first encounter with the foster? there will be more... just sit back and wait to be edumacated.. :wink:

    @DarthFader deeply shallow? you're too much m8.... dropping shifts of wit.. and whifts of .. (umm well you know.. ) everywhere.. :winker:

    this Guetta stuff only serves to remind me.. and justify my willful ignorance and lack of enthusiasm for EDM
    .... maybe I'm just old too
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2016
  20. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Don't be nasty.Guetta is a "producer" as media tend to name him.And by that , a "producer" is a person giving some tracks to the mass (that's my interpretation of the new meaning this word took).Anyway, many producers these days might not even know a single octave as someone said, but they have their own way of selling their products.It's like a salesman managing to sell ice to an eskimo.If you don't like it don't buy it.Don't start b*tching about how they manage to get there or not (i don't like either the way singers show their b*tts just to sell their autotuned 5 note track, but they know how to do it).It's an industry having a specific target group (which sadly is some millions of people). I think i would't sell my self just to get rich and famous (you never know) but as of an audio guy's perspective i respect Timbaland's same beat on all his tracks, 50 cent's mastering eq which cuts all the mids and when you pump up the volume, you get more base than harsh frequencies, etc etc.In the end though, i love all this trolling on stuff like that.I would love it even if Guetta was my favorite star.Relax.We are just having fun.We ain't criticizing. :mates::cheers::dj: HEADPHOOOOOOONES
  21. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    At what point did I mention not liking the genre or his music. At what point did I say that he hadn't achieved anything, and at what point did I say he hadn't worked hard to get where he is. I didn't. You did! I commented about that moment not his career.

    Before you make personal assumptions about someone, you might try to engage your brain, as not everyone is the same, or have the same goals as you.
    1: I have no desire to be famous. I like my quiet life.
    2: Achievement to me is is something personal, and my business. I'm a person who doesn't worry about followers sound, YouTube and the like, as that doesn't prove anything. It doesn't make your music better.
    3: I have already said before on this forum, so I'll say it again just for you. I'm just a guy who makes music for fun and enjoyment, who happens to be creative by nature.
    That makes my goals being creative and having fun, so that means that I achieve my goals whenever I sit down at my sequencers and synth. I hope you can now understand that concept,

    and you have a nice day.:winker:

    On another note, he may not of had an option but to fake it, being the event that it was. But some visual form of protest, would have given him some credibility over the whole thing.:bow:
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016