Can't talk to other musicians about subjects other than music?

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by panther5, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Why can't musicians on this forum talk to other musicians about subjects other than music without being ridiculed, deleted or banned? I'm sure there are many of you out there like me that want to know what other musicians are thinking on controversial world and local matters. Yes, we can go to other forums, but the people on those forums are probably not musicians or music producers. I want to know what our clan thinks. We need a catagory on this forum for the above matters. Those that don't want to talk about such matters don't have to read or comment. C'mon Saint and mods, be flexable about this.

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  2. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    John Lennon is dead, as is free speech. Cultural Marxism prevails, so best to keep quiet and go and make some EDM (preferably without lyrics, as they may offend some people).
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
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  3. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Ok let's talk other subject than music what is you favorite color - what is your favorite animal, what type of women you prefere (this last question is if you are male or heterosexual) :mates:
  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Stop being confrontational, you might hurt the feelings of somebody who likes a different color.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
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  5. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    At the moment hot topics are Windows 10, male breast feeding and American snipers (and previously the future of the EU and world's geopolitics). A healthy forum we have here I see.
  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Marxist have long hours of discussion, they enjoy talking, including to people who don't share their view. And I don't really see Marxism as a culture, it's an economical theory first, a polictical philosophy second. In nowadays spirit they are very politicaly incorrect, everybody is a liberal, free market fanatic, not really a marxist thing.
    PC is probably what you're refering to, @Zenarcist .
    I don't think PC is a problem on this site, it's a quite open minded site where usually people can voice their opinions. I'm part of some political discussions in the lounge section, I enjoy them, I never censor myself and none of my post was deleted.
    The rules are okay, they are just here to make sure we don't fight too hard when we voice our views. It's not the worst thing.
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  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I plead guilty to starting the thread about "the future of the EU" :knock:
  8. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Lol i didn't mean color as color of skin don't pull out of context :winker: i was thinking about color in generrall!:rofl:
  9. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    EU is a stupid illusion and the beginning of the end for the countries inside,for the culture and economy for example.I hate EU and particularly its insane politicians.
  10. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    There. This will all offend 98% of the general population. But it's not like I give a shit. Go on a whinge, you SJW's. Nobody gives a shit about your feelings.
  11. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Because they're afraid we're getting closer to the truth... ? The media and your corrupt governments cannot let that happen. Did you know the shootings last week were a hoax ?

    Seriously though, seems well moderated to me. Two thumbs up to the mods for showing restraint. Having said that I avoid the really whacky stuff...

    While were on the subject.

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
  12. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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  13. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Me too :mates:
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  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    You know what my favorite color is? White. Lmao! There, I am officially a racist. xD
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  15. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Not to be glib or dismissive-sounding, but, it's the Internet, man. It's the Tower of Babel, where people of different, even disparate, backgrounds and persuasions and levels of intelligence and experience, swirl their respective colors around until it all looks dookie-brown. From tangents established by miscomprehension or what someone likes to "hear" him/herself say, to curt abreactions based on brutal prejudice or emotionally-charged personal issues somehow related to the subject addressed, the more "loaded" a subject is, the more violatile and irresponsible the discussion is going to be.

    Personally, I'm kinda lonesome for musicians with whom to discuss music and music-related technology and philosophy. I'd love to know more musicians in real life, but the Internet, ironically, has eroded a sense of community or fraternity among musicians "IRL," and smartphones compound this by causing people to be distanced from one another while in the same room or seated next to one another. A couple months ago, I went to a hearing clinic for musicians, where dozens of us were in close quarters in waiting areas in the office. Before the depersonalizing "techover" by smartphones, musicians would have chatted each other up, with, "So, what d'ya play?" or, "What sort of music do you play?" Not now: I looked around me, trying to make eye contact, seeking receptive body-language, and attempting small-talk, but everyone was trying to ignore everyone else, and if necessary, would "screen-out" others by pulling out their smartphone and diddling idly with it. Social media sites have made musicians even more self-absorbed and desperate than ever, and more brutally aggressive in self-promotion.

    I'm sure that some knucklehead will have something smart-assed to say in response to this, so as usual, I won't check back, since I tired of making myself open to the stress of having to defend myself, re-explain what I'd said, inform people of how and why they're failing or refusing to follow what I've said, nit-pick about semantics or define a particular word, contend with Beavis and Butt-Head verbally snickering about me back-and-forth, argue with a mass of dogs that's barking at me all at once, or regress to wanting to wait for some kid after school and beat the living shit outa him/her. It's the Internet, man.
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  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Zenarcist it was a good thread.. I think and remained civilized and to the point...mostly

    shame? shame on you for never contributing your position afterwards... :bleh:

    @stevitch sadly you are onto something there.. we are all drawn to this tiny screen more and
    more.. I held out a long time before getting a smartphone.. either you adopt or get
    left completely behind... but there is that downside.. even people meeting each other
    for a "date" tend to sit there playing with their phone rather than making connections
    with the IRL human being in font of them... brings to mind Robert Fripp's 21st Century Schizoid Man
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2016
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  17. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Best Answer
    i can understand your point. unfortunately it's not that easy considering the specifics of this particular place.

    this is an international, multicultural forum filled with artists that are much more emotional and fragile than a regular member of, let's say reddit. I won't go deep into this, so here is the bottom line: i would rather have forum with few restricted subjects, but friendly members; than a "free speech dump" full of hate and contempt. and that's the only point those discussions can lead to, because we're all different and can have different opinions; instead of arguing those opinions, remember that there is something very common between us - that is Music, and that is what AudioSEX is about.
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  18. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    we're not here for anything else but music!
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  19. I was at first speechless, and then felt incredibly sad, but moments later the sadness parted like a full moon through a frozen night sky and made way for a cold tingle of fear slowly rising up my back for the future of mankind when, a few years ago while bathing in the Mediterranean off of the coast of Sardinia six teenagers in a perfect circle facing each other while standing in the georgous, turquoise blue water up to their waists, each texting on their phones, oblivious to the beauty of the coastline, each other and anything outside the small sphere of their personal orbits. I was stunned.
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  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I thought similar when i joined this forum,even got into a fight with a mod.
    But the more you talk,help,interact with people here, the more you realize this forum is about cooperation and friendliness.
    There are so many forums dealing with heavy international topics.
    Fact is when people come here they know they can relax and not swallow all the negativity that is spread trough most media.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2016
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