mild pump milk: I became a father!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mild pump milk, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    Welcome in Hell!

    Juste kidding... :rofl:

    Congratulations, I wish you the best for this journey! :wink:
  2. Lette

    Lette Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2012
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    a secret garden
    Congratulations mate :wink:
  3. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Really blessed are you.
    I am doing a long enterprise to convince my wife to have a baby or adopt ( 15 % of chance that babies will have my disease ).
    Please study about it, I know that about music and family everyone is an expert... but you can do great thing for the baby that only you can.
    i hope that all family became happier each day in this great adventure!
  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Thanks for this article)
    About government support for having a kid....yes, partially...if she has work and she takes time for being at home because of pregnancy + some years after kid is born - she "earns" money for that...but before pregnancy she, unfortunately, has been fired (burnt?)...therefore no money from that...government will pay as well some money per month....but these money are just per 3-4 days maximum. Shitty support because it is Russia. Our government works "thru the ass", they try to help abroad, not for our to Ukraine, make compromises with Ukraine (which propagands that we invaders, that there are no support from us etc.), we say "Ukraine, take our gas for halfprice", they say "Russians give gas for triple-price" etc. That's why we get poor, but we try to support another countries, but they don't see this...Or they see, but want to fuck up our country. Politics..Putin is the person who will not do bad to other countries, he only can response on this if something gets extremely critical...he finds compromises...It is politics, I don't want to discuss this shit...I hope we all will live better soon..
  5. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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    congrats and enjoy
  6. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Oh man, so plebs universally are screwed. Enjoy your kid. That was the only comfort and reason I had for living. Everything else was trivial.

    Depending where you live, you can have the amniotic fluid tested for the genetic disease, if your wife is concerned about that. You can have a perfect test to ensure against the worst outcome. Or, just get your wife drunk*, then when she gets pregnant, have the fetus (which is still a baby to me) tested and then your wife will calm down. 85% success in life are reasonable odds. I only like 95%, but I'm overly cautious. Unless the disease is super bad, then it's an expected value calculation and I need to know wtf the disease is and how willing you are with killing babies that have high morbidity. Or put another way, you don't always share everything with your intimate other, they are your most dangerous enemy, if they become enemy...
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  7. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    congrats mild pump milk. I don't know shit about having kids. Hope it's as great as everyone seems to think.
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  8. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Congratulations Man! Best advice I can give u? Ur kid has been thrown into a dry, ferociously hot world (relatively speaking). Try 2 get him 2 adjust 2 daylight ASAP. If u can find sum sunglasses that are safe 2 use, it's a good idea 2 put them on him if he wakes up in the day. Less sleepless nights! Hopefully..

    Ur baby will take his "attitude" cues from you; if u frown @ sumone "new", ur baby will most likely scream and cry. This is handy if u owe money 2 someone. Or if grandma is getting too clingy. Conversely, smiling @ strangers when ur out and about is a gud way 2 avoid screaming shop panic! For u, not just ur baby...

    I wud recommend speaking as much as u can 2 ur kid; he will start babbling, and u should always encourage this, it speeds up language development. Also try getting lots of lovely germs in his life, especially if he was born c-section (?) Just having ppl stick their finger in his gob will build up his immune system. Although that sounds weird written down, and prolly moar so in practice :)

    If u can, learn as many magic tricks & origami animals etcs as u can. Babies are not at all interested in Kontakt libraries, no matter how many u have :( my kid still pesters me to make origami Pterodactyl (pecking crow). It is also very soothing (for u!)

    Remember, ur baby is magical and wonderful and all that shit. But until he starts speaking, he's a bit dull. Once he's about 18 months, ur in the golden age, which lasts at least until he's a teenager. *sniff* I hope. I'm not there yet >__> I do envy u tho, having all those "1st" experiences again!
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  9. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Congrats, milky!! Just to give you some advice - Don't miss a millisecond of his life. When he's 18 and off to college you'll either thank yourself or hate yourself - or both. He's gonna need you there. There's gonna be a moment here & there where you're gonna say "Damn I wish I had used a condom" but deep down you'll know you love him more than anything in the world, including your own self. Him & the girl you had him with are always gonna need you to play your part as the dad. The girl especially now. Another human being just came out of her. Scientific studies show that the level of pain she just went thru is the equivalent of 20 bones breaking simultaneously. So you need to take charge right now (and I know you have done that already!). Make the food, feed the baby with the spoon, change the dirty diapers, put him to sleep. Let momma rest. She could really use it. I mean, you should do this every step of the way & I know you have already started & will continue to do so. But as guys we really don't know what it's like for women to give birth - unless we have a more severe case of the kidney stones. You're gonna be a great dad. It's not gonna be easy, but you'll enjoy it. It's one of those things that's both frustrating & fun at the same time. This is not only the start of his life, but it's also the start of your NEW life, too. Congrats, Nik & happy 0th birthday to your son! :mates: :wink:
  10. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Congrats, I remember when mine was born. I Hope you get some sleep.
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  11. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    We were taught, as good slaves (us plebs) that it takes two to fight. That you can just walk away. That's absolutely not true. I even demonstrated that to a few philosopher communists and socialists, myself personally. I walked over to them and knocked them down and full mounted them (that's jujitsu, I prefer women) and I asked them with a raised fist or elbow, are they sure it takes two to fight? They conceded, it only takes one. It only takes one to fight, but two or more to cooperate.

    Guys, just to review if you didn't know. Psychopaths enjoy your displeasure at their actions. They have no shame or guilt. Talking to them is as useful as trying to influence your wife.

    Psychopaths understand only one thing. They will stay covert and silent, if they are hunted. That's all. Cancer doesn't have negotiations. Cancer takes all. Cancer dies or you do (or both when Cancer is victorious).

    The personality profile of trolls are: psychopath.

    Online, ignoring is the same thing. I've tried that irl, making the person disappear to me, while I had conversations with others, like an old time servant was treated. That did work, but it took 3-4 months (if you make one mistake and respond even once, the timer resets and you have another 3-4 months to wait for the PoS to leave or emotionally harakari) and it takes great control of your mind to answer everyone in the group, but always never answer them. It also seems to be the most devastating thing to do to someone besides killing them. Tough.

    You can try that if you want. Just because you think a certain way, doesn't mean everyone does. We have pure predators in our misted, and they don't think like you, I promise. Their brain is defective and heritable, (ty if there's a god, appreciate that one) and as distinct from normal humans, as a turd is from the food it once was. We are the food, they are the turds, that think food is awful. Good luck trying to polish a turd.

    I also would be interested in reports of something cool that happened when you played with your kid milk, cause for some reason I miss babies again (I mean after a few months, when they aren't just eating, crapping and sleeping and smiling when they out though, like I said, there's an overnight OS upgrade, and whoops, he's trying to roll off the bed, yay!) Be super careful about changing diapers while the umbilical cord end is still attached, it's super easy to mess it up...

    Oh, and if they vaccinate in Russia, never allow multiple vaccines on the same day. Say you have no problem coming back multiple times so you don't put your kid in more danger than is necessary. Watch for fevers, that night, or god forbid within the hours after, if that happens you have to be concerned about the immune storm produced in the kids body that damages the brain, where here in the US gets blamed on the parents...idk about over there. Vaccines, are tolerable, one at a time, but multiples seem to be the ones that damage the kids. Don't believe because there never was a reaction before there won't be one this time.

    I was a medic so could hit them with prednisone if necessary to stop an adverse reaction, like what you ask? Like my little one's arm swelling up to the Hulk size, seeing him and his mother and brother crying and screaming, as my medic partner made me do patient care, because he said I'd crash the ambulance to the hospital. (I "flagged myself" at my own residence while working that tour) Without me being a medic that localized going general immune system storm would have damaged my youngest son's brain. So, for or against. I saw it upclose and personal. Read the inserts to the meds, it's all there. Read what will stop immune storms, or how to buffer the vaccines affects, it could be as simple as giving him ibuprofen an hour before (peds doses are based on weight) the shot to reduce the possible inflammatory response...I did every time, but Idk wtf my wife did when she got the little one given the MMR vaccine that made his arm into the hulk. I bet you anything, the be'each didn't do what I asked. I didn't even know he was getting a vaccination that day.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
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  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @jeffglobal maybe you could remind about shaken baby syndrome , this is a real danger for young fathers because, well
    guys get pissed off when things they try to do aren't working, like quieting a screaming infant. Young Navy guys go out
    to sea for 6 months, come back home, are left to babysit, and lose their freaking mind.
    It's a maturity and self control issue, but sadly too common, with the very unfortunate and unintended fatal results.

    Not aiming anything particularly at you MPM, just something to keep in mind,
    he'll grow up to be a big tough fella one day, but in that fragile stage now. best !
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  13. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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  14. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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  15. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2016
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  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Foster,is that you one the right?That explains things.
    Jk bro :)
  17. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
  18. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Thread Cleaned.

    Please be considerate to your fellow members,:mates: your entitled to your opinion.:like:

    Not to TROLL!!:excl::dont:
  19. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Shaken baby syndrome, like ADHD, never existed before there was a need to attack breeders and if they couldn't stop them breeding, attack the potential leaders as children. If you didn't know, it became understood, that restless boys (like me) grow up to be the pains in the asses of easy governance (notice they don't say government anymore, but governance, which comes from Nobles and serfs? Kings and subjects?) The man responsible for the current dx for "ADHD" recanted that it was just a way to move product (google it) and ADHD is a fictitious "disease."

    The brain damage caused by "shaken baby syndrome" is amazingly like the immune storm inflammatory damage done by vaccines.

    There are plenty of parents charged with their own child's murder when the kid died the night or day after being vaccinated, having some quack doc say it was the parents playing maracas with the kid's head and not the vaccination damage. IMO, be more cautious to believe anything you read, see or hear, without disinterested 3rd party evidence. I literally will believe nothing now I don't vet myself, but I have an adv degree in statistics and design of experiment so I can detect bs science pretty fast...the majority of PC science is fake and it's more than the 50% being "released" for public acceptance now.


    Introninja! I wanted to give ppl the gift of running the experiment of ignoring a psychopath (cause it's uncivilized now, to just request a duel and put him down like the old days) and watching it work. It's a very powerful form of meditation as well, so it's a two fer! At the same time, I truly recognize your Kontakt wizardry, so I'm conflicted. Do you know of a patch I can use to play while now both sons have been moved by NYC and I can't find them (older son was moved yesturday, this Saturday, by magic getting attacked by staff, which he called the police and I called the ACS institution number to report them, they are so fk'd) cause now just screaming really loud ain't doing it for me (and this is from a guy that "attained a level 4 Satori experience" so yes, meditation helps, but it's no silver bullet).


    I'm actually interested @Milk, how the Russian docs are giving you direction (how often to get baby check ups, what they do at the check up, etc,), what nutritional advice, how to "enhance" their developmental environment, how to "baby proof" your house, so I can compare it to "western" medicine and then US "medicine" which seems to be just a means of moving merchandise whether or not the patient dies. I actually had 2 Russian female pediatricians that really loved my sons, and treated them like personal treats. So I'm curious.

    Wait for the poopie diaper after a night sleep that explodes up his back. That is a mommy clean up, you should barter so you only have to clean peepee diapers, (you may be gunho with the first kid, but by the second you'll realize your wife duped you!) but according to my bro who has two girls (I never changed their diapers, thank god) girls are way harder to clean properly than boys...
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
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  20. After the 14 weeks paid maternity leave and my wife's needing to return to work full time, I was of course left with all diaper changing responsibilities as well as dealing with the bio (organic in the US) cotton nappies that we opted for instead of the landfill nightmare and ecological disaster disposable varieties. The smell of ripe baby poo in my opinion is not the the most wonderful, certainly not the worst, but definitely up there near the top in the nasty rankings of ugly smells. I got used to it after a while, but still....

    I developed a specialized technique in order to survive this daddy doody dilemma . Just like a free diver, I would hyperventilate, storing valuable oxygen that would enable me, at my best, to hold my breath for about 2 and 3/4 minutes. I could accomplish the mission, and though I was proud of my accomplishment, it totally took away from what I very soon realized was an extremely important opportunity to create another layer of bonding with my sweet and beloved little girl. I was looking at it as a chore and not as a blessing. Most fathers haven't the luxury or the gift of spending five days a week eight hours a day during the week with their child whereas I was able to. I hit the literal jackpot. Minus the time that I brought Emma to my wife's office to breastfeed, we had the day to ourselves. But to get back to the jist of the matter and to try to keep my long-winded story-telling tendency self in cheque, I pulled a, what I shall call a "jeffglobalization". I sifted through the zillion and one bits of my databased mind, and what was left after all the tiny bits were filtered through ever finer and finer sieves was this...those people who have the profession where (sadly) they must be subjected to the most horrendous odors on a day by day basis are Coronors. They deal with decomposition of human bodies, which on many levels must be the most awful smell imaginable, and if not the outright winner, slightly nosing (ha ha) out human feces as the most disgusting of smells out there. From watching a few bad cop shows I remembered that Vicks Vapor Rub is what they put under their noses. It worked, nipping that rank odor in the bud. Emma and I could get down to business and still have fun, and as the months passed and she matured (myself too as a new father), we could laugh and play while creating a ritual of fun time and fond memories and not just a harsh diaper change scenario, enjoying ourselves and each other in those moments, the bond of trust between daughter and father growing with each and every found opportunity and which still continues till this very day (minus the diaper changing, of course).
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