Corner Setup

Discussion in 'Studio' started by digitaldragon, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I've currently got my mixing room setup where I am in a corner. Given the room layout and size, and the type of desk I have it was the best setup I could come up with. Also bearing in mind that the room has some additional furniture in it that is too large to easily be rearranged as well as having to talk the wife into rearranging.
    I've been thinking of doing some sound reinforcement, like bass traps and trying to relocate the subwoofer (KRK 10S) in order to tighten up the sound. Should I focus on rearranging the room so that I'm facing a wall instead of the corner or does that really have any bearing when you start treating the room?
  3. Tsargoth

    Tsargoth Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Over The Mountain...
    Don't do it. Find a place where you can set up along a straight wall.
    It will make life much easier.
  4. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Corners are bass magnifiers. That's why they make traps just for corners. Best avoided, but it can be done. These people have tools to help, even if you don't use their product. I do use Auralex products. They are fire retardant, and stand up to harsh things like sunlight and falling apart in the long term, like some foam products do. I have KRK Rokit 10/3's. I went with a 10" down firing JBL sub.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
  5. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I tried tuning the sub to the full range (KRK Rokit 8's) using the waveforms they provide on the KRK site, and a SPL meter app in my phone. It seemed like the bass was more equal that way.
    I thought I might have better results tuning it using a large diaphragm condenser and software on the PC. Don't think the phone mic (Galaxy Note 4) picks up sub frequencies too well. But it did help. I would assume that the setup would make my mixes less bass heavy, but they don't seem to be suffering in that regard. I check mixes on several systems (stock Toyota truck stereo, average home stereo, Bluetooth speaker, phone, computer speakers) to ensure that they sound good on most stereos. I'm having problems with the highs being too crass on some systems, but they sound bright, crisp and clean on the monitors. I've just began wondering if this is a result of my mixing room setup.
    Thanks for the link, @rhythmatist . Checking out their site now.
  6. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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  7. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @Adamdog , Excellent resource! Thanks for posting!
  8. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I thought I would include a shot of where I'm at right now. Ceilings are quit low, 7' possibly. I'll measure this weekend and post Monday the actual room dimensions. Sub is beneath the desk to the left of the blue lit PC. Thinking of moving it after @rhythmatist comment about corners being bass magnets. Also, with everything up against the walls like it is, wondering if moving the desk about a foot off the walls would help. Not totally against setting up against a wall as @Tsargoth mentioned, just would like to avoid it if possible. Wife's not gonna be happy, I'm afraid. Guess I'll just keep the door closed. Maybe she won't notice. :disco::chilling:
  9. MrMister

    MrMister Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2013
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    hey man, nice setup given the space! definitely imperative to get those monitors out of the corner. you will hear the difference immediately. bass traps and compensating with additional foam for the first reflection points is extremely helpful as well, and might be, in part, the reason why your highs sound overdone on other systems. you are over compensating for the "smearing" of the highs in your room by adding more to your mix. also, and definitely not a deal-breaker, is to consider getting some new monitors. krks (not including the V series or E series) roll off (and somewhat exaggerate in places) the highs very early, and you might be trying to compensate for their shortcomings. best thing to do though, if you haven't already, and as the saying goes, is to learn your own monitors and listen to tons of stuff on them so your ears become better accustomed to them. i listened to everything i could on my dynaudios for months before i got the results i was looking for, even though they are incredible, i was treating my mixes the way i would in the past on my less accurate monitors. also, keep in mind that your sub is pretty large given the room height and size. sometimes that can do more damage than good, but as long as you have it tuned to a very low output level and keeping in mind that you want to "feel" it rather than "hear" it, you should be okay as long as you get some treatment in there.
  10. Tsargoth

    Tsargoth Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Over The Mountain...
    Not only that, but those monitors should be on stands of some sort and detached from the desk. :)
  11. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    We'd all like to have an optimal space to work in, but sometimes that just not possible. Is a corner set up the most ideal set up? No, of course not but it shouldn't stop you from making music. If its all you have to work with, its really not that big of a deal, especially for a home studio. I had a corner set up for years that was minimally treated and it worked fine for what it was:


    Do your best to treat your space as well as you can and try to have more than one source for monitoring (a set of good headphones will be extremely useful in this case). Also, try to reference music you enjoy listening to as much as possible in that space. You'll start to hear frequencies that get accentuated or lost so you can make of note of what to look for in your own mixes. Lastly, make sure to always listen to your mixes outside of that space. I used to listen to my mixes in my car, a laptop with shitty speakers, a small mono speaker and my friends professionally treated studio. After a while, you'll star to get a sense and feel for your room and which will help you nail your mixes down a bit better.
  12. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    and they need foam underneath them, it hurts every time i see monitors without foam underneath them to help decouple.
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  13. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I got my hands on some foam to try underneath the 8's tonight. I'm planning a re-arrangement of the room as that seems to be the general consensus here on AudioSex. :bow: I'm planning to situate the corner desk 45 degrees straight at a wall. This will give me some dead space behind the desk, but it will get the speakers a good 2' or so off of the wall. As I understand, that will help too. It'll be pointing essentially at a window either direction I choose, so I plan on putting something over the window to help absorb some of the sound. Already have curtains there, so maybe they will help somewhat. Then I'll invest some time in some corner traps and see where that gets me. Thanks much to all that responded. I'll post up some pic's after I get some of this done.
    Oh, forgot to measure the room, haha.