Why GOOD MUSIC isn't popular

Discussion in 'Conversations About Good Music' started by Andrew, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. ampworks

    ampworks Producer

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Just to add on the tuning thing, i don't think its a reason music crap today, the main reason is music is made as a product not as an artist expression of the soul. But anyway, i tuned to 444 for some time last two years or so, I tried 432 but it was too radically different for me at that time so i used 444 but now in last few months im trying 432 again and i can sing and feel my guitar a lot better then when i was in 440 or 444. It not BS, It just feels better
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  2. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Quite a few developers have been asked to implement tuning because their customers wanted the possibility of 432. And they complied.

    The thing with this tuning however, it's as elusive as perception of what is good and what is bad music (or anything). It depends on the individual.

    To make a clear analogy: Someone who enjoys smoking is gonna run from those who point out to him the dangers. And someone who is quitting smoking is gonna seek to get clean.

    The clean ones are gonna seek to improve other things, not to start smoking, to them getting clean is not even a challenge or a goal. They are focusing on improving other aspects, those who are only getting clean are not even dreaming of yet.

    Yet from all 3 perspectives, their individual points of view appear to be correct.

    But objectively speaking, we know where smoking leads to, organ-wise, even though the smoker does not want to hear it.

    Others have tried other even lower frequencies and what is appearing at this stage is that, moods or even states of consciousness, as far as the mind is concerned, respond differently to differently tuned music. Therefore it is not that we should have one tuning across the board, but that each tuning is a reality onto its own, with whole worlds spreading out from it in all directions.

    So if you want to create dissonant, disturbing, sickly feelings and moods, you use one tuning and then play the appropriate chords and timbres.

    If you want something to sound exciting and hopeful, you don't only utilize the right chords, instrumentation, timbre and arrangement, but also add a different tuning, taking you out of one reality, i.e. the previous tuning, into another reality/layer/plane so to speak, where that feeling of hope is not only carried across in the immplied meaning of the chords but in the very vibrations of sound itself, without any inherent dissonances or impeding frequencies.

    Much how light frequencies affect cells, various frequencies have various effects, so it appears that various sounds do too.
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  3. ampworks

    ampworks Producer

    Sep 4, 2011
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    I agree with you, its like like a new flavour for me, maybe i will use for two years then got to another one,. It is hard somtimes to find software that can be tunned, Kontakt is the one i use the most becouse i can tune it.
  4. jvne

    jvne Kapellmeister

    Oct 3, 2012
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    a lack of curiosity melted with an umbroglio of mass media and too much informations, too much bands, styles or whatever... really good music exists but it's drowned in oceans of mainstream mediocrity...

    at least, pieces of genius often come from one individuality, and by this, nothing is universal - taste or beauty - as we're all different... (I know it's a cliché) althought it depends a lot of your background, friends, parents
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
  5. schorsch

    schorsch Rock Star

    Dec 7, 2015
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    I have released a wish-
  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Most pop music just makes me wicked depressed. I don't know, I just don't dig these cliche banal chord progressions that go like this:
    D A Bm G
    F C G Am
    C G D
    Dm Bb F C

    And every single song is about the same things: Beer, sex, parties, booties, & more mutherfucking beer.
    The last time the mainstream impressed me, it was via Owl City's "Fireflies". And even that grew a little old on me over time.
    I've always been the kind of person who digs thru the underground. My logic is simple: If I find out about you thru the top 40 radio stations, I'm not gonna buy your music. In fact, I will in no way support you. If I find out about you by digging thru the deep end of iTunes, & I like what I hear, I will buy your music, & I will support you every step of the way - even if you get big & turn mainstream. The fact that you made me smile for some period of time in the past with your melodies, will make an eternal fan of yours.
    I'm sorry but none of today's pop "artists" deserve any of the compensation they get. They should be stripped of it all & it should all go to house the homeless families/individuals & disabled veterans who often die waiting for the medical help they need, here at the same country they fought for.
    I cannot stand the pop music on the radio especially if I'm driving home from a heartbreak or something bad happened to me. These annoying melodies all just make it worse because it's so sad sounding to me. It makes people feel emotions alright, makes you feel like killing myself.
    No wonder today's kids are always committing suicide - look at the pathetic crock of shit "music" on their iPods!
    I heard a song on the radio the other day going like this "I'm without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches..." WTF is this, preschool? I made a new version of it: "My left eyelid twitches, I can't get no bitches..." :rofl:
    To enlighten you, I don't say it isn't music out of my opinion. I have evidence to back that up. But I'll be here typing all night if I go into that, so let me leave it at this - Society has turned into a big commercial, alcohol indulged, brainless cesspool. You can thank your governments & your crock of shit media/press for that shit - they turned everyone into brainwashed zombies who rely on them for their "entertainment". Turn on the news, what do you see? Rape, drugs, car accidents, death, economic mayhem, war, who to hate, what to buy, what to believe in, what to say, what to learn about, what to eat, who to follow, how to become even more reliant on your cellular devices, etc. You really think they do that on accident? No they don't. They want to stupify you so they can keep stealing from you via Taxation, the magically disappearing pension, & the idea that the american dream exists.
    "That's why it's called the american dream - because you gotta be asleep, to believe it!" - George Carlin.
    Our true values have been reversed. Love is hate & hate is love. Honesty is a weapon of mass destruction & lying via kissing each other's asses is a form of healing. The richest people in the world are greedy assholes who rip off their customers (Apple, Paypal, & Walmart - I'm looking right at you). The poorest people are the ones who are doing the works of a saint. Everyone who says something you don't like is Hitler (Donald Trump, anyone? The poor bastard! He never killed anyone but he's Hitler because he offended people). Humor is also another form of terrorism. Money can get you away with literally anything - including mass murder. Caring is flirtation & being a neglectful douchebag is heroic. We talk to one another via our fingers thru text messages & use our mouths for sexual conduct. The world's technology gurus are inventing smart phone apps & emojis, instead of inventing something more worthy. The world's biggest marketer? Facebook - who has no products. The world's biggest car company? Uber - who sells no cars. It takes a big tragedy to make us care for one another. Our way of caring for the victims of the Paris terror attacks? Making your Social media profile pics overlayed with the flag of the country affected. Do you really actually think those families affected really give a shit about your fucking profile pic? I don't think so. I can confirm to you there is a giant meteor/comet coming straight for earth at 280,000 MPH that will possibly hit earth in 2029, which can annihilate all life on earth as we know it, but that's okay, let's continue making more emojis & fart pianos. Murderers suddenly have the same exact rights they denied their victims of. Today's romantic lovers have this "super convenient" thing where if their love is broken, they just throw it away instead of fixing it. Honestly I could name others, but you know where I'm going with it. Face it, the world is becoming a big cesspool of moronic unintelligence, & now we want to send settlers to mars, instead of fixing the planet we destroyed. Isn't humankind such a convenient species? Lmao
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2016
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    LEGEND Guest

    These days,it's easier to nail popularity if you do things right. First,if you have a rich dad,it gets shitload easy.

    If you love music,you need to learn production and everything you want to learn. Then,you have to start making good music regularly

    Using social media sites and paying to promote is great if you have good music. If it's a chick,outlook matters. KEKlily and Pussy Juicy M are hot as fuck. KEKlily was featured on 9gag for ass. But for a man, outlook may not matter.

    ZAYN is an average singer. He is famous for attitude and LOOKS. Carnage is famous because RECORD LABELS made him famous. He is fun to watch and controversies are making him famous.

    Calvin makes catchy songs but his productions are very basic. He nails those youtube views because of collabs.

    Good music,Promotion,Contacts can make anyone famous. You have to be consistent.

    Tiesto used to play GOOD MUSIC in his concerts when he was in trance. Now everyone comes to see TIESTO THE BRAND. If he hires a ghost producer no one will blame him because he has produced cool as fuck songs like suburban train.

    Sometimes it's frustrating to see good artists (CHECK OUT OWSEY -Rather than shitting here for that FAOKI bullshit) not getting promoted.

    It also depends on luck. KYGO is an example. I see fire remix is cool as fuck. Very basic,but yet amazing.

    Dedication is also needed. So,it depends on everything actually

    I always appreciate good music. I also make good music but I don't know whether I will have a good luck or not. That I don't know.

    Pirating audio software makes me feel guilty. But I don't have money. But the knowledge I am gathering cannot be bought.

    Recently someone said to me, I should be declared as the number 1 EDM / MUSIC fan. People around me doesn't even know what EDM is and here I am. It's amazing where internet can take you.

    Wish me luck fellow brothers. Respect to all the releasers for releasing all these stuff for us. I really want to give back what I took.
  8. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    IMPRESSIVE your statement from last year. Worth of more readings. I reopen the trhead.

  9. this is music for me.
    but it's crap for the 99% of the people that listen to music ''bieber,gaga crap''
    maybe i got shit taste in music... who knows
  10. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    You can only make money by investing in somekinda of wicked Black Hole

    Groovytationale Waves Obliges " )

    PeaceR and say no to fucken witchcraft
  11. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Nice to see aware souls.

    Btw, if your eyelid twitches, there could be several reasons for it. Most times nerve system related.

    However, if one has studied occult/esoteric material, fringe material or channeled material (especially), it's usually a sign of entity attachment/influence. There are other signs, other behaviour patterns of course, it's never a one shot diagnosis. It could be combination of things.

    It can be removed however, as can all such afflictions.
  12. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    My eyelid doesn't twitch, mate. I was just making fun of the shitty song. LOL
  13. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I love it!! It's amazing!! Thank you for this.
    Edit: Btw, amazing name you got there!! OMFG I just died laughing!! Hahahahahahahahaha
  14. marshall stack 666

    marshall stack 666 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Great Topic that inspires both my creativity and random fits of rage. :dunno:

    AAH to be popular..the eternal quest we've all been tricked into thinking is how we will achieve greatness and wealth beyond our wildest dreams and be shaking our booties like Beyonce,inhaling the essence of mediocrity in those mind-numbingly overstyled commercials.:no:
    If youve ever caught yourself humming to a Britney spears tune or Katy perry tune then you'll know that's ALL POP music is designed to do..get you hooked like a crack addicted zombie.

    Well,I'm a Rocker and I don't mind Adele now and again because she really is a gifted singer and her song-writing collabs have all been very true to her personal style/taste.
    That said,There is definitely a fine line between Good taste and bad taste.but who is setting the standard? It's the marketing hype monster machine that's who! "We'll tell you what to like and you'll pay for it thinking it's amazeballs because our product is endorsed by other immensely popular people who have millions of fans who love them cause they're soo incredibly popular!! "

    On the other hand,We Audio freaks ,lovers of the Arts & multi-dimensional beings , have a finely tuned ear for commercialised bullshit and that's our curse and our blessing cause out of rebellion comes greatness and authenticity my friends.Maybe not instant riches but the ground is shifting and the definition of taste is being re-defined as we speak in a collective protest against such madness.:guru:

    The world is full of drones,copies of copies of copies and we are outnumbered that's a fact!
    They don't have anything musical to offer and just need an escape to somewhere.

    But this robotic pedestrian phenomenon also gives rise to immense brilliance and hidden gems that the people like us on the fringe can only hear,see and feel.So we are truly a special breed to be conscious always searching for that elixir of life that a million billion likes from random strangers cannot aspire to achieve.

    Turn on- Tune in -Drop out..
    & Keep it audiosexual dudes :winker:
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
  15. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Best post.You`ve nailed it bro.
  16. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I can't fault the beer :cheers::drunks:

    Yeah, Fireflies or this ...

  17. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Try some London Grammar

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
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  18. The tune was ok, fairly normal fodder and par for the course, but the animation brilliant-IMHO.
  19. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Look it from another side. Imagine a painter saying "Oh wow all these common folks saying Monalisa is the best painting in the world, yet they don't know the more obscure and better paintings and all the good artists bla bla bla"
    Well I'd answer them "Who cares? I'm not into painting, but I think Monalisa is cool and it's also well known that must mean something uh"

    Ok this is a stupid example, but remember there is always two sides to the medal and saying "people is stupid" is a bit too generic IMHO.
    The kind of music you listen in the radio is made to be forgotten, it's just a filler. Maybe some people are not into music as we are, or they don't care and just want some "company" in the car, or when cooking, or whatever. They don't really care about the music as long as it's catchy and it doesn't make your ears puke. So why bother finding "good music" when commercial one does the job and there's plenty of it?

    So while artistically the commercial sound might lack something, it gains from popularity and marketing. Are they still songs, or piece of arts? Yes, they are. Are they made with an artistic purpose? I don't think so.

    Again, this is my reasoning, feel free to disagree :)
  20. For many different reasons, people are obedient to authority and will do what they are told to do without so much as a whimper or thought that there might be a different, other way than the one offered to them rapped in pretty paper with a bow. The Milgram experiment showed the ease to which people can be manipulated, buy into the easy solution and throw away their self respect by a another person or entity that purports greater understanding and knowledge of a situation, and in many cases less than one's own, by inserting falsehood and overt manipulation in an attempt to demand even greater respect for the one that assumes superiority in the relationship by actually feigning superiority. It is almost like a Stockholm Syndrome scenario. Most music we hear on the radio is forcefed in endless play cycles so that the specific sound and formula of hit making is reinforced repeatedly. Anything which falls outside the parameter of the manufactured norm is quickly rejected as strange and weird. The endgame of controlling the average person's listening habits is probably just a bit piece of the control puzzle, and as well as what is discussed on the news shows, has great bearing on how individuals can be lumped together , categorized and herded. We are treated as animals with pants and trained to be obedient, docile and good consumers. The big broadcasters are part of other huge corporations looking to reap huge and consistent returns on their investment. Control of the consumer is the greatest thing in the world for these people. Guaranteed profit delivered millisecond by millisecond. Turn the dial, point it in other directions and discover real music, real emotion, real living without cut and paste boring and predictable outcomes to live up to the potential that you were born with. Let it happen for you and you drown in a sea of laughter, the money laughing at you all the way to master manipulators banks.
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