Upgrading to window 10

Discussion in 'PC' started by james123, May 14, 2016.

  1. Hot Penguin

    Hot Penguin Newbie

    Oct 11, 2013
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    Win10 runs fine, just make sure when upgrading/installing you do a custom instalation and uncheck all the bullcrap they want you to install. Such as sending information to them and sht. You may find this useful:

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  2. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
  3. Soft_Ice

    Soft_Ice Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    Stop spreading the disease. You can not turn this off. It's not possible. ALL information goes back to Microsoft databases, connected to the NSA for scanning. They scan all your text files to see if you are 'thinking right' or not. They will erase your illegal software. They will share the photos of your young children with their make up on at their birthday party, and label them 'young sluts'.

    Do you really think that some of the top computer programmers in the world object to this shit just for the sake of it? It can't be turned off. Microsoft lie. They can not be trusted.

    A graphics card manufacturer can pay Microsoft money to take out the competition. Driver update? No choice! Your laptop is now dead. Sorry. This is the face of Super-Computing in the 21st Century.

    Microsoft have bet the ranch on this one. They have actively destroyed the relationships they have with their most loyal and longest standing developers. It's called shit or bust. And you think they provide an option to turn this crap off? NO! They just do what they always do and lie about it.

    You can NOT turn off the Telemetry in Win X.

    To install Windows X, is to relinquish all control of your personal machine, and data. And when you are totally 'hooked' the updates will get faster and more frequent and start to cost more and more and more....

    BWAhhhahahhah I love the smell of fresh rubes in the morning.

    Yes, it does mean that developers are going to start going down the tubes, and that new software will stop appearing. Most devs we know of today will be toast in 5 years time because of this. There will be a rush on old machines and cpus capable of running the software we already have. This hasn't happened yet. It starts happening in the next couple of years. You heard it here first. Do you think that Microsoft will hesitate for a moment to sacrifice a massively small niche audio market, for greater world domination?

    We stand at a new dawn in computing. The golden age of audio software is all but finished.

    Then again, if most of you just be good little boys and girls and use a bit of rationalisation, there is no reason why we all can't be using Win X into the 22nd Century, to control our breathing, what we see, what we hear, but it's worth it right? Just to have that bit of software that looks a bit more shinier than the other bit of software, that you still haven't learned how to use to make actual music.


    Microsoft know you better than you know yourselves!

    But I know you better than anyone...
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  4. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Are you high, or islam terrorist? Couldn't find any other explanation for the bullshit right there.
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  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Soft_Ice is pretty much right. They are, in cooperation with the government trying to get more control over people's computers, and that's actually quite logical that they want that [MPAA, RIAA, NSA, CIA..]. However logical it may be, we shouldn't let them do it, though. That's why we have Linux. It's the OS of choice for those who want to be truly free.

    But Soft_Ice you're not right about the developers. Developers who are informed and clever have already made their programs and code in general multi-platform, so their code is safe whatever happens. Meaning if people tomorrow chose to go Linux en masse you can bet you will see many programs being ported or appearing instantly for Linux platform, if they haven't released it for Linux already. :wink:

    Regarding programs I could already do music with Linux but I need to use Windows due to all the hardware I use that is only supported on Windows and some software I use will also never work with Linux [MIDI Quest, Sound Diver]. But I don't mind. I don't care what OS I use for as long as it works with what I need it to work with. :winker:

    People should in general choose the OS and computer according to the programs they plan to use with it, not the other way around. Don't let anyone choose anything for you. Think for yourself, and use what you need. :wink:
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
  6. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
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  7. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    MS calls home now...
  8. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Sadowick using windows 10. He could've downgraded. But no.
    Why he is not concerned about his privacy? Why he is not concerned about his computer speed? :hahaha:

  9. TheEnForcer

    TheEnForcer Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Hello James123,

    Why do you think about upgrading from windows 7 to windows 10?
    The most naive people buy new things. Of course they haven´t knowledge about everything, but bought everything.
    Naive people must have new things like the iphone, samsung galaxy, a new car and of course an operating system.
    It is just jumping the hivemind. It is so funny^^

    So let me explain:
    Why do you think you need a newer operating system?

    I use windows xp & windows 7 and never had any problems with that.

    Small operating system, stable and a fast machine. Nobody needs windows 8/8.1 or windows 10.
    Can you print better or faster with windows 8/8.1/10?
    Can you surf better or faster with windows 8/8.1/10?
    Can you hear music better or faster with windows 8/8.1/10?
    Can you make music better or faster with windows 8/8.1/10?
    Can you send emails better or faster with windows 8/8.1/10?
    Can you play games better or faster with windows 8/8.1/10?
    and so forth...

    As professional IT User, programmer and brain using man i can say no, no and no!

    Why people don´t unterstand that companies want make money, money and money?
    Naive people believe everything and buy everything. But what about things people really need?

    Windows 10 is unsafe and i wouldn´t trust the spying things within the operating system.
    Windows 10 is even bigger and slower than xp or 7. These are facts!
    And xp and 7 aren´t unsafe. Kroll, some antirus companies and the "Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik"
    told that the main problem is the user himself. If stupid users load everything, click on everything, open mail attachements
    or surfing on bad websites, windows 8/8.1 or 10 also unsafe. So the problem isn´t the operating system!
    The user is the problem!

    I haven´t any problem with viruses over decades. xp or 7 are good enough for all people.

    You know that fear is good to make money. Security issues, new techniques and so forth and people buy^^ STUPID!

    So the facts are:
    xp or 7 is fast enough, small and stable. Why upgrading? Jumping the Hivemind? The most people haven´t knowledge!
    8/8.1 or 10 can´t do things better or faster.

    Of course i play "new" games on windows xp and 7. Who cares about direct x?
    Just install it, make some changes and you can also run all the new games on xp and 7.
    So you needn´t a new operating system for "new" games.

    As Developer i know some easy API Calls or simple MSGBOX entries.
    The most software/programs has a routine insinde that will check the operating system.
    Just a call like "if system xyz than exit else install". If you patch this, you can install every software.
    What about the new native instruments programs? NI told everybody that "new" plugins can´t be installed on Xp anymore.
    This is a lie because the installer has a simple routine inside. Just patch it and you can install it.
    So they run fine under my xp system. It is just a example for all the people who are naive and believe companies!

    I´m playing doom 4, just cause, gta and all the other programs under windows xp. No problem!
    DX can be installed, some patches and that was it. No problem!
    So why people are forced to buy a new operating system?

    Have you ever ask some people? 99,99% of the people haven´t knowledge. They would buy because it is new.
    Oh my gosh, a new iphone, i must have it because all the people have it.
    Oh my gosh, a new cool looking operating system. I must have it, because i´m jumping the hivemind and want to be cool.

    So my view is criticism. Don´t get wrong with it. Don´t believe companies, trust yourself! It depends on your needs!
    I never ever would buy things that aren´t necessary. xp or 7 are enough!

    As Developer i know what i´m talking about. And no i´m not following stupid, naive people or jumping the hivemind.
    Good human understanding is enough!

    Don´t get wrong with my facts^^

    And of course windows xp or 7 is enough for "music production". Why not?
    A small, fast and stable os is even better than a bigger, slower and unstable system.
    So why windows 8/8.1/10?

    My Pro Studio has xp & and 7 systems. Everything runs fine since decades.
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  10. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    He uses Win10 but prefers 44.1 kHz...interesting choice. I remember his initial Win 8 trouble, maybe that's the reason.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
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  11. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Then why Mr Bill is using windows 10? Is he an idiot? OMG!! his privacy is revealed? He should've seen this thread before upgrading. Now he is screwed.:bleh:

  12. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

  13. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Yes, you can add custom icons for printers so when you're setting stuff up you know which one is which. Finally, there's a scanning app in Windows 10, before you had to install 3rd party software or use workarounds.
    Yes, XP is obsolete and most browsers don't update for XP anymore, that means you're stuck with old versions of Flash Player and Chrome. Not only is it slow (and prevents you from using some newer websites), but also you use an old version which has a ton of vulnerabilities that they have already fixed. In newer version. Just like XP - this one no longer receives security updates as well
    Depending on the player, but XP's stock Windows Media Player was awfully slow. Also usually you put these newer systems on SSD so it takes a fraction of a second anyway
    All depends on what you use, some software works better, some no longer works above Win7
    There are some slick Metro-style email clients, depends on what your preference of client is.
    Yes. XP doesn't support anything from DirectX 10 upwards. DirectX 11 includes tesselation support and improved multi-threading support so that multi-core CPU of yours can use its power. DirectX 12 also allows for low-level code, which means CPU will get less used as you can use your GPU for more stuff, they aim for "console-level efficiency" with this one. Also, with DirectX 11 commands are sent from CPU to GPU one by one, where DirectX 12 creates a list of commands so your GPU isn't just sitting around waiting for that slow CPU of yours to give it something to do. And this is DirectX alone, not counting upgraded drivers specially crafted to make use of those new possibilities.

    and so forth...

    As professional IT User, programmer and brain using man feel free to say no, no and no!

    Yes, that's what companies are for. Apple does this since day 1. Book printing facilities do this since day 1. Heck, smiths do this since day 1. For money. There's nothing wrong about that. "Naive people" see something cool, they can afford it, so why not buy it. That's how economy works, buddy. They need an operating system, and they happen to like Windows 10. It's great and it's brand new so they are future-proofed - they won't need to replace their OS after 5 years when it no longer gets updates and learn what changed.

    Oh. How about Gmail? You bash it because it's "spying"? Dropbox? Youtube? Anything Google? Apple stuff? Amazon? Your bank? Your country?

    You sure? Boot up and shutdown times have improved dramatically from XP to 7, and even more from 7 to 8, now it's 4-7s from power off to desktop on a nice SSD. Also, many users even here on the forum mentioned there must've been something changed under the hood as Win10 feels much snappier than 8.1, which was already a big improvement over 7.

    Well, in that regard 8 and 10 are equally safe as XP and 7. But you forgot about security vulnerabilities that allow remote exploits, without you even downloading anything. For XP there's still tons of little toy viruses that you can just download and blue screen your neighbour's computer if he's on the same network. That's why firewalls are nowadays built into routers. Still, most people don't set them up or just straight up disable. But why bother, you can just upgrade, even Vista isn't vulnerable to those anymore. XP is screwed since you no longer have security patches for it.

    Exactly! Just like 8.1 and 10, that's why people get them. They are good enough. No OS is perfect, so they choose the current one just to be future-proof.
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  14. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    People just cant understand that. They just hate windows 10 because of the rumours.
  15. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Ankit Here are some of the "rumors" spanky, from their own EULA:

    How to try to fix it (there's no going back, but to format and get a copy of win7):

    @Geez "Google is doing it, so it's ok MicroSoftOn is doing it." No. Yes, their is a combined war of the elite to impose a scientific dictatorship. And @Geez Geez, guess what happens, when we stop going to websites that force upgrades? Or stop participating in the latest greatest internet of things, so I'm databased that I opened my fridge at 1am and took some ice cream? Violating my calorie card allotment so the supermarket denies my iApplePay? When I try to buy some more food? (Cash? Cash hasn't been around for years now, fool) How will you feel when your cup reports you to the authorities? Sounds like a world I want to live in. Thank god for Hillary. She'll light something up, so I won't have to worry.

    Guess what's the killer app (literally, for Google, MicroSoftOn, et. al)? The fitbit. The corporations were having a hard time trying to find a way to get us to wear or implant something on/in our bodies to monitor and track us. Voila: fitbit.

    I think a flash is coming for me before that since I live in NYC, but pls Geez (yes I misquote your @ for FX) live a while in that hell and seance me how it's going to me from beyond. Well, that I only joke too, cause when you encircle Russia, EUistanies, and you false flag attack, they've already said, they will use nukes. So, maybe, we'll be doing the seance together from the other side.

    Man, f this, I'm gonna do something fun now.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
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  16. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    How about this? :rofl:
  17. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Let me tell you the main reason why I hate all Windows newer than XP. Every newer version than XP is more and more locked down and not customisable at all. It is also jut more and more unnecessarily bloated with the crap noone uses [XP is about 300MB installed, my nlited version], and unnecessarily complicated to use. Simple as that. You don't get any choice of what you want installed, and no choice of the workflow/customisation of the OS to suit you better, as it was before in XP. Everything is pretty much pre-chosen, pre-configured like they want it to be. It's a locked down OS that you have to learn how to use it their way or you just have to use Linux. There's no 3rd option. :mad:

    This is all aside from the spyware crap. They just do with their OS what they want and don't care about what customers think at all. This has got to stop. They think they can get away with it, so people should tell them what they can also do with their OS... stuff it up your stupid arse MS. :wink:
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    There, corrected it for you. :rofl: You can change Windows 10 with anything dangerous people like to use. Cigarettes? What other people use is not important. You should be able to think for yourself, otherwise you can end up badly. :winker:
  19. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Why would I need any patches for my XP? I'm not connected to the Internet. I just do music with it. Same with my W7. :rofl: They just do what I need them to do. Linux is "the boss" for Internet.
  20. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Windows 10 is working better on my system.:bow::thanks:
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