FL Studio 11 Problem : Piano Roll velocity option is there but no UI

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by LEGEND, Jun 28, 2016.


    LEGEND Guest

    I have FL studio 11.1.5. I have edited regedit and enabled "LegacyPatBlocks" to 1. Recently I could use Pat blocks in the playlist and could use the piano roll's note pan,velocity options. I cannot use PAT BLOCKS anymore I don't know why and also now I can select note pan in piano roll but NO UI is there where I can change the velocity.

    I was using 11.1.4 for a while but I deleted it. Also cleaned the registry and stuff.

    Can someone help me with this issue?
  3. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    i'm not sure i understand you correctly, but if you are talking about the editing section at the bottom of the piano roll window, where you can edit velocities etc, then you may just have it hidden. just SHIFT + ENTER when you are in piano roll to toggle it's visibility.
    as for the legacy block issue, i know it's a deprecated feature ( since about v 11. i think) and apart from the workaround you mention have no solution for that.. might as well get used to the new way of doing things i reckon
    : )

    LEGEND Guest

    Thanks. I figured it out that day. It was hidden because it was full screen. I had to minimize and drag that editing section upwards
  5. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Wait till you have to find the stereo separation in 12. FYI update to 12 full backwards comparability unlike every other version. But yeah all the stuff that should be there is there its just minimized at the bottom and has to be dragged. They could never get rid of velocity where it is, because its so essential to midi writing which is FL Studio's #1 function that is second to none in industry daws
  6. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    there is never any question of losing that part of the piano roll.
    but some people were disappointed when fl dropped the pattern blocks section. i missed it briefly, but i much prefer the newer method with the Performance mode..
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