"Here I Am...Horus" Back Masking in Adele's "Hello"

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by jeffglobal, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. I'm back, thanks for keeping my seat. Now where we... ah yes, here we are.

    I read somewhere just the other day that it is only 4 seconds, then lights out when you are divided in 2 by a guillotine. But then reading, "To quote Dr. Ron Wright "The 13 seconds is the amount of high energy phosphates that the cytochromes in the brain have to keep going without new oxygen and glucose" (Cited from urbanlegends.com, no longer extant).
    Then there is this...
    If indeed a severed head remains conscious for a short while then the following procedure might be regarded as humane — assuming the purpose was to convince the dying man he was flying to heaven.

    Dr Livingstone wrote that Africans he encountered were aware that consciousness is not lost immediately. He recounts how they bent a springy sapling and tied cords from it under the ears of a man to be decapitated so that his last few moments of awareness would be of flying through the air.

    They bent a springy sapling and tied cords from it to the ears of a man about to be decapitated.

    John Rudge, Harlington, Middlesex
    If indeed a severed head remains conscious for a short while then the following procedure might be regarded as humane — assuming the purpose was to convince the dying man he was flying to heaven.
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  2. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    An interestingly appalling tidbit regarding Hillary...

    A couple days ago Loretta Lynch, the Attorney General of the US, was at a Phoenix airport 'coincidentally' at the same time as Bill Clinton. She is in charge of overseeing and enforcing the results of the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server that contained classified documents (in violation of the Espionage Act, among others), and the parallel investigation into the Clinton Foundation's racketeering (in violation of the RICO Act). Whether or not they get indicted ultimately depends on her decision. Now at the airport, she met with Bill Clinton aboard his private plane for 30 minutes, while the press were instructed by the FBI to turn all their cameras off. Some of the present journalists went public about this meeting, and Loretta's excuse was "we talked about grandchildren and golf, mostly". If you believe that, I have a Fairchild 670 to sell you. She also stated she would not recuse herself from the case.

    Now, not only was she appointed to the Justice Dept. by Bill Clinton during his term in office, and is a close friend of the Clintons, she then meets with him privately during an ongoing criminal investigation into his wife and his so-called charitable foundation. She still has the hubris to say she will not recuse herself, when ultimately she should have not been involved in the case in the first place due to a glaring conflict of interest. There are laws against this type of behaviour, but the powerful don't seem to get held accountable - even when they do something as blatant and arrogant as this.

    The cherry on top is, if anyone else had handled classified information like Hillary did, they would have been indicted and put in prison a looong time ago. In some of the released emails, she ordered her aide to strip the classification headers from the documents and send them via unsecured email. That order in and of itself is a violation of Title 16 of the Espionage Act, and as a consequence, she is legally forbidden from running for or holding public office. Nevertheless, not only is she not being held accountable, she is still out there campaigning and spreading her lies with significant success. What happened to America? Is it really THAT stupid and complacent? I mean, this is some 3rd-world-totalitarianism type of shit going on right in front of everyone's faces. But the media won't touch it, the apologists won't budge, and people still say they will vote for her (because we must have a woman president!).

    It is utterly pathetic, and this is only the very tip of the iceberg. It goes to show how the American people's will has been progressively broken down via the mass media, fearmongering, weaponized culture, and persistent idiotization. By all these means people around the world have been taught to live inside a tiny little bubble that has been constructed around them to keep them subservient. It is too obvious to deny. In my opinion, it puts Orwell's fictional dystopian world to shame.

    Alright, rant over.

    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
  3. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @superliquidsunshine Man, getting thrown into the air, so you just won't care, is a hell of a lot better than being picked up by the hair, presented to the crowd, and then shown the rest of your body somewhere else.
    As Paramedics, the FDNY felt the need to tell us, if the head is in one place and the body is in another, don't start CPR. They also thought it necessary to reteach us that as EMTs upon entry into the FDNY...I assume because ppl have done CPR on decapitated bodies.

    As another example, a seasoned medic partner of mine (or so I thought), told me he was having trouble getting the tube of a "patient" (we were doing an arrest, in a hospital, which I always found weird, shouldn't the staff be able to handle an arrest? So the patient was already dead, just how long, we didn't know, but we did know, the nursing staff changed shifts about 20 mins prior to our arrival...) So we switched, I went to the head and as I pressed the forehead down and tried to lift the chin, her chin didn't move, but her feet did. She was solid as a rock. I told my partner, I found the problem, she's been dead long enough for rigor, hard to get a tube that way...so we called for a time of death. I looked at my partner disingenuously, wondering how he missed rigor...

    @lpu2n Yes, I was aware of that, that's why I call the US, Zimbabwe now. Also consider Ms Lynch (other than the play on passed racism, is a horrible choice to have or keep her last name, and/or as a prosecutor it was for effect, idk...) links to Al Sharpton.

    A person meeting anyone potentially involved in the case they would sit or prosecute is not just a breach of "ethics" but, a serious, serious criminal act that both seasoned lawyers, Ms. Lynch and Billy boy Clinton knew, and must believe the law doesn't apply to them, since up until now, it obviously hasn't.

    Just remember, the ppl that have a "revolutionary sentiment" which is up to 40% of the US population now, see this, and understand it. I just realized 2 days ago, "preppers" aren't preparing for the "end of the world," but the end of the status quo. That's why the corp media universally defame them, as at least my government during the same time bought 1-2 billion dollas of storable food, enough for 30 years given the current population of government employees, and enough 9mm hollow point ammo to shoot every man, woman and child in the US more than 8x. Since hollow point ammo is banned from war, but not for use on your own population, there's only the obvious conclusion to draw. If you "target practice" with hollow points as a rule, you're an idiot. That just doesn't happen, but that was offered as an excuse once by a government servant.

    I agree, 1984's world is less deceptive and more respectful and less invasive to their citizens than we are currently treated. If you don't think your big screen TV has cameras recording you, just like 1984 now, there are patents that show otherwise:

    I don't mean the cameras that are labelled cameras, I mean the cameras that are embedded in the LCD display itself such that you are not aware of being video captured.

    The original microsoft patent, I can't find. It had 5 cameras inside the LCD display itself and used a flicker to expose each of the 5 cameras in order to capture full motion video without being detected by the viewer. Thank you memory hole d'Google.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
  4. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    before we all go nuts here, this is typical example of Mondegreen.

    in our country they had muliple radioshows called Mama appelsap.
    Point is, you can make me hear what you want me to hear.

    I've had some late nights at the studio with some boys,
    and we listened to our own recordings backwards, we didn't hear anything remotely audible at first.
    but as soon as someone is starting to point out things he hears the rest follows

    this whole topic only would have been very funny if you didn't told us what you heard,
    changes are pretty big everybody would have heard something else.

    And that is, the most reasonable explanation.
    everything posted thus-far is far fetched.