California club bans DJs who use laptops

Discussion in 'general discussion' started by Zenarcist, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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  2. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    yeah, I mean herbie fricking handcock used the ARP and shit... I mean, he could still KILL it on the keys... BUT, now he gets to mess with patch cables at the same time... EVEN HARDER :D
  3. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    no doubt... these days, I have not found a venue, where I can explain to a female, details on how my ass-eating approach would work on her as a potential "client," all while a guy in a BOAT plays with analog equipment... now they're all cdj's instead. :D
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  4. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    jaymo, instead of generalizing and criticizing if you are a musician -or better yet a recording artist- you should be thankful for the existence of the DJ. As a long time Dj (more than 35 yrs) I assure you that thanks to us many records have become hits. When no radio station wants to play your song, who does? the club DJ. If DJs didnt exist many artist would never be able to promote their music. And dont forget that now we have the web but in the 70s 80s and early 90s the DJ was indispensable for independent artist and record labels. Best example, Madonna. thanks to the DJ at the NYC club "Danceteria" she was able to obtain a record deal and the rest .. it is history.
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  5. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    thats all well and good, but there is more to the music landscape then what the radio or a dj in a club lets you hear. Maybe Club DJ#s are the saviour of dime a dozen pop artist to be heard , So many bands achieved great things and sold a ton a records without the help of a DJ. How ? by knowing there craft and playing great live gigs. its not about how many records you sell its bout how many hearts you rock.
    DJ's are just another cog in the corporate machine. the last time a dj really meant something was prolly in the 50's the 60's a lot of best music was banned from commercial radio because it was too controversial (im speaking of in the US btw) the 70's was all disco & stadium rock, when punk broke there was no radio airplay it was all word of mouth and gigging. the 80's had MTV which was tireless rotation of 20 videos. finally true indie bands had a voice in a new medium cause short of college radio these "indie bands " got fuck all for airplay. it was good songs and artistry with no money to make a video that got them noticed. the 90's were just crap, Major labels all had to sign "indie Bands" to their roster and the market became saturated to the point of the same regurgitation of the same bands and most of those bands were manufactured by the labels ( I know this too be true because a good friend of mine put together some of the biggest ones at the time) , all are gone now of course. Dj are just shills for labels, pushers of crap shoving it down peoples throats and numbing them into submission with 4 on the floor kick drums, its gotten so bad kids today rather goto a disco then see a live band play live and now the DJ stand on a stage in front of 10000 kids on E or special K and 30000 dollars in light effects and making a big deal over some egomaniac with a laptop and a playlist on a USB stick. and heres the sad thing , they have made bad auto tune popular so you see if DJ's have done anything its ruin real musicianship & Music... because of dj's 10,000 kids get to twirl around and bop there heads and A great band that pours charisma off the stage and actually has something to say about the human condition is playing for 40 people & gas money to the next gig. So i guess i should thank DJ's? ummm no.
  6. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    jaymo99 i have to disagree man . i see a lot of hate for electronic music generally around here and i dont mean by you, ok i understand some of you grew up with not so underground Led Zeppelin's ,Deep Purple's , Pink Floyd's , Ramones ,Sex Pistols, Jannis Joplin and other rock punk and classic bands , guitars ,analogue recordings, you do realise electronic music is not just the crappy EDM being sold nowadays in the USA , underground crews like SFX in the 1990's and people who attended the first raves during those times , now thats decent sounds and electronic. . All those guys and gals (Led Zeppelin's ,Deep Purple's , Pink Floyd's,Jannis Joplin) where drowning in $$$ same as today's Skrillex and Justin Biebers or Aviciis , its just that because some where young then they have idolised them since they remind them of their youth , imagine how many unheard bands wouldnt be discovered if it weren't for the dj's of that time looking to make a playlist with unknown but good tracks - there is this belief amongst dj's that the hardest/rarest a track is to find the more its worth it, dj's had stash bags, people went up and asked dj's what was that track they are playing, nowadays the underground and unreleased music scene is dead and all that atmosphere dead too because of soundcloud , facebook,twittering,promotioning This applies to all genres. Also the E pills,weed,lsd and all that sort of stuff will always find its way at a dancefloor, live,festival,gig whether that was Woodstock or some 2010 Psytrance Festival going on in some remote forest in Sweden .

    The same charisma a band can poor off the stage is exactly the same as a beautiful melody some kid composed in his daw on a vsti synth and fills the spirit of whoever listens to it and had released for dj's to play live on dancefloors around the globe , that kid might of not been one of the lucky ones to grow up learning piano's or guitars or having private music theory tutoring (like Beethoven and Bach and other privileged people of their times had, and thats why they stood out, a peasant couldnt even get close to a piano,much less afford one to learn how to play) , or maybe he managed to get a guitar or synth with his first paycheck when he was 15 ,reminds me of Nirvana's Kurt , he might not be able to stand up in front of a crowd and play that melody live , but when that dj plays that melody during the festival the peoples hearts fill with emotion , some start dancing, just like in a concert hall ,where a bunch of people are playing their instruments ,offering to the crowd the composition they've come to hear.So i would like to thank Dj's for their work , they are the only chance for that kid's composition to ever be heard.
  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    So you mean to tell me,i spent 30 years practicing the piano to get more pussy when i should have just gotten a 200$ laptop instead?
    The fuck is wrong with this country!?

    -Big Al

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  8. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    baaahhhhh i'd stick with the piano and maybe get me a pussy with some pioneers , i hear female dj's dig the cultured piano or trumpet playing type , laptop users are nerds in their book

  9. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I understand but when that DJ plays that song that kid made with the laptop who gets the cash? when a DJ like Sven Vath does a gig does the kid get anything ,prolly not. modern corporate radio won't play Internet artist until they have a Label and proper CD and im sorry But a DJ playing a song and a band playing a song live are 2 different things entirely. there is no connection with a DJ playing an Artist song and band performing the song live and having that connection and amazing song and the artist performing it when the singer is singing the word and when 10000 kids are singing them back to you, you don't get that connection from a DJ. Its all excuses this shallow medium DJ's live in as to why they should be legitimate, its the 21st century you don't need DJ's to be heard there are so many mediums to offer your music and get paid for it, Stop trying to sell me the importance of DJ's I use to work at a radio station I know the game and yes there was a time but those days are long gone, a dj in the 21st century plays what they are told to play, there is no creativity in play list its all generated off sound scan of "whats popular"
    this is not basing electronica although thats who at the begging of the Eurocupat DJ's tend to play in club scenes. I love a lot of electronica but I like bands like Faithless they play live .. The Prodigy play Live and while i don't listen to these bands studio stuff ill defo see them live because it rocks.!!!

    yes i know drug culture exist in all forms of modern music & some classical, But to me it always seemed to be a prerequisite and I've seen it first hand. IM sorry yes im older then most and i listen to all different kinds of stuff, But modern music all seemed so sterile and formatted and I blame DJ's when DJ*s mattered is when they had a voice on what got played THAT is gone and my gripe with DJ's is about here and now 21st century where Dj's have the audacity to call themselves "musicians & artist" cause yeah see back when DJ's mattered even they would not dare call themselves musicians be cause they weren't. I know too many DJ's that think there shit don't stink and actually think they matter and the youth of today have bought into it. just look at the beginning of the Euro Cup opening ceremonies with David Guttiera(sp) bobbing round with a turn table set up that was non-functioning WTF man.

    I know my opinion means fuck all to anyone but from where i come from music is my religion, as much as i love making music and recording and all this technical crap all i really wanna do is play live. and to feel that connection to be singing and playing something I created and see others getting off on it , its the best feeling ever !!!!. and as a music fan I know how it feels to be in a crowd looking up singing along glued to every word every note. Im sorry you just don't get that with a DJ, i never have and never will. Yes i know Dj's play massive shows at festivals and so on and people have a good time , and thats fine i just look at it as people don't know what they are missing. MY singer & Drummer goto this electronica festival called Form of Hand here in Germany telling me how great it is and i laughed at them. you don't know what great is. so i took them to see the prodigy live and made a bet, if any one of the DJ's or other acts at FOH is better in their opinion then The Prodigy live that Id goto there festival and try not to complain. But if in their opinion The Prodigy live was better then the 200 acts at FOH they had to promise to go see more live bands at clubs and smaller venues. take a chance just goto a club one night that has 3 bands you never heard before chances are you'll leave being a fan of at least one. 80% of the over 4000 LPs & CD#s i have were purchased were bought directly after seeing said band from the band or from an Indie shop or online

  10. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    she's not a DJ she in training to work as flight controller.:rofl:
  11. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Jaymo99 just hates DJ's and EDM
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The original article posted is more of a lopsided piece than anything. It leaves out the individual club owner's motive for doing anything like this. I really doubt a club owner cares wether your beat-matching ability comes from the tools or what sort of motor you pitch chase with. They are just trying to run their business and make a profit.

    But when every other employee of the club has to show up each night and actually do their job to get paid; it's pretty unrealistic to think a club owner would not look at it. Other employees most certainly feel it is unfair for the resident DJ to show up, press play on a laptop, and sit back and collect "real money" for doing no "work". Why is a "dj" even needed? This person is a waste of a paycheck, in most eyes at the club. Unless one is actually djing on the night, Resident DJs are almost never even spotted at the "Industry Nights" you often see happen in major cities. Why? Because no-one invites them.

    They had the easiest job at the club already, and to add a laptop with pre-made sets? To do what, run the lights and smoke machines? That was already someone else's job.

    Does anyone think this club owner is going to tell some out-of-town DJ who was booked by a promoter, what to do for an hour? No way. And if you look at this only caring about "EDM" style dj bookings and djs; does anyone think someone in that situation would play pre-recorded sets? I doubt it. Who would even do that? That would be boring as hell. Plus, other djs would gleefully rat each other out for playing pre-mixed sets; as opposed to great talent required to play other people's music in realtime.

    That article is one step above clickbait.
  13. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Maybe this is true for the new generation oldscool DJ's like DJ Jazzy Jeff and so on they got a lot of musical Skillz.
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Do they ever do a 3 laptop mix?

    Jeff Mills ^ could probably become dj bsod.
  15. Corporateslag

    Corporateslag Member

    Oct 4, 2019
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    The club owner was a guy called Kenny Summit - total gimp
  16. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    It's been six years. Jaymo probably died of old age already.
  17. Colin

    Colin Producer

    Jan 17, 2017
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    The moral of this story is ........ in any field of human endeavor, there will be a small handful that have any real genius, talent or innovation. That includes not only musicians, but also DJ's!

    It used to be that the other 99.99999999999999999999% would aspire towards greatness.

    Nowadays, they just want to be instantly great using whatever little talent they have to plagiarise and emulate, and because the musical bar of entry is set so low, will fight and squabble amongst themselves constantly about this and that.

    Digital hasn't been the great leveller it makes out. It's a means not an end.
    You still need talent!
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2022
  18. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    as musician and DJ for about 30 years now in an international underground scene, both goth and fetishparties, and frankly, i can safely say that jaymo's comments are among the most shortsighted opinions on the importance of decent DJ's that can instantly recognize if a song from a new band is gonna be a floorfiller or floorkiller. while i do agree that getting yourself out there and doing loads of live gigs is important, it is rather shortsighted to say that DJ's dont matter. with the current laws on cloning human beings it is rather difficult, as a band or performing artist, to be at all the clubnights at the same time while having FE 25 dj's in a DJ-pool (most of the time you're not getting into those dj-pools if you dont have a resident position at a club or party or being one of the most prominent artists/bands/acts of said scene) can make it possible that a band's/artist's tracks are being played at 25 different parties throughout the world. it is sort of impossible to do 25 live gigs on one friday or saturday night (yeah i used to google myself to see if i could find playlists posted by dj's with my tracks on them) but it is very possible to find out that your stuff is being played in Amsterdam, London, Antwerp, LA, Berlin etc etc on the same night.
  19. mino45

    mino45 Kapellmeister

    Sep 3, 2021
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    The article is from 2016. Maybe it is a bit late to be outraged because of it
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