"Here I Am...Horus" Back Masking in Adele's "Hello"

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by jeffglobal, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Can u guys please debunk what I hear with the reversed track of Adele's "Hello"

    I hear in this clip, included for educational purposes only, and less than 10 secs copyright nazis, where I hear it.

    The backup singers are saying something too, but when I ripped the center out, it took them out and NOT Adele, which means she's unusually in the left/right, of the image...

    Furthermore, alot of the song reversed sounds Russian to me, exactly like a fiance I had once in college sounded like when she spoke...

    The track Horus Here I am is reversed Adele Hello, with clips of where she says Horus over and over, then Here I am a couple of times and then New York (uh oh)

    The other track is the reversed reversed clips, of Horus, Here I Am and New York.

    Please show me it's just too much cough syrup and not enough sleep pls. I think it's actually really serious manipulation...
  3. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Sure it does sound like what you suggest. But if your concerned about illuminati branded singers using back masking techniques for their subliminal agendas, then you would need to eliminate any artist who has won more than music type awards, off of your playlist. But if you happen still like the music continue listening to it's up to you. But all "radio" music is in 440hz so it's already suspect in my book.
  4. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Did I just wake up in 1970? LoL
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  5. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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  6. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    There it is! Why didn't I see it before?!?!? adele-id-magazine-thatgrapejuice1.jpg
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  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    She is in the lower bottom trailer trash hoe department of the pyramid.
  8. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    It's voodoo. Every time you reverse on of adele's songs, her producers start decomposing.
    It's the devil, too. Try reversing pitbull's "music". If you play it backwards, you can hear the devil anally raping a little girl. Or even worse, if you play it forward you hear Pitbull. Lol
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  9. gorri

    gorri Ultrasonic

    May 8, 2014
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    It´s the Illuminati VST/AU/RTAS plugin using the preset named Horus. Requires Ilok dongle though, not compatible with openssh Ilok crack.
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  10. 4-LOM

    4-LOM Member

    May 29, 2016
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    xoxos, where are you?:rofl:
  11. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    An 8dio choir library chanted "Hail Satan!" if one ran a finger up a C-scale octave.
  12. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Call me a tinfoil-hat-wearing kook, but I sincerely believe that when it comes to mega-stars these days, such as Miley Cyrus, Adele, Rihanna, Bieber, etc etc, there is much more to their music and music videos than meets the eye. Their stardom came at a price; they serve as mouthpieces that subtly (or not so subtly) deliver messages from the elite to the general public. It's mostly in the form of behavioural conditioning - acclimatizing people to a certain trend, ideology, state of mind, or preparation for planned future developments.

    It's insane to really think about it, but stars' carefully crafted image is worshipped by hundreds of millions of people. The emotional element of the music, the strong cultural pressure go along with popular trends, plus the idolatry/cult of personality involved make such stars the perfect conduit for delivering subliminal messages to the masses. I don't believe it's the Illuminati, at least not in the popular conception of it; but it is some incredibly twisted and abhorrent group of elite behind it. Call it whatever you like. Their main focus right now is pushing transhumanism - they wish to merge with machines and become immortal 'gods'. Think I'm kidding? Look it up. Ray Kurzweil, a prominent member of the technocratic elite, wrote extensively about it. You can see transhumanism being heavily pushed in commercial music, especially in the last 10-15 years.

    After years of observing popular culture deteriorate, I began to see recurring elements, patterns and messages. Now they are right in our faces. We are taught to value childish and inconsequential things over those that actually develop our individulality and society as a whole. Narcissism, greed, complacency, self-destruction, violence, idiocy, are brought to the forefront of our awareness and glorified above true virtue. Our culture changes accordingly.

    And the truth is, if such stars refuse to serve their handlers, they lose everything. There are a million others willing to take their place. Ultimately, they achieved their status not by talent, not by the value of their art, not by earning the admiration of the public. They achieved it because they were willing to sacrifice their artistic autonomy and dignity to some powerful people, in exchange for massive wealth and fame. True 'grassroots' mega-stars are very rare in this age. Without the weight of the entire entertainment industry behind you, without the backing of powerful financiers, you are as good as invisible in this tightly controlled economy. I like to think that the internet has been changing that, and it is to some extent. I dream of a day when artists grow to mega stardom organically; when art is popularized by its virtues, not by the money behind it. We're not there yet though.

    As for this particular reversed song, I don't know. I'm no psychologist or linguist, I don't know how effective backwards masking is... opinions are very divided. The most important part to look at is the type of culture that such commercialized art promulgates - there you will see its true purpose, hidden in plain sight.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
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  13. Montgent

    Montgent Kapellmeister

    Jun 22, 2014
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    Haha, call me crazy, but when I listen to "Mony, Mony" by Billy Idol, I hear the backup singers say "Fucking Bullshit" every other time.
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  14. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    I'm actually impressed that soundcloud caught that so fast. I'm now gonna learn Python, cause I assume it was Python crawlers that found that so fast.

    It is NOT a copyright issue given it's use and amount of the track used. So there must be another reason. I've read the fair use for music, and video, and I am within the law, unless TTIP/TTP is being applied already and I haven't read that because even though it's a treaty, it's secret to our "democracies" in the West.

    Cool nuts! I'll just put up the snippets of the reversed track.

    You joke, but if you peruse the porn on the net in the last year and a half, "hetero" anal sex is starting to be half the posts. This is a way of normalizing gay sex, if you didn't notice. I thought about it carefully, and I asked gay men on SWTOR cali server (ok, really scientific, but ALL survey data is crap) what exactly is the difference between a girl butt and a guy butt? They said not much. That's when I thought...so all this anal sex from that little jewish lady Dr. Ruth on (anyone remember her?), was just an attempt to normalize gay sex? Silence. Idk about anyone else, but poop smell, women and sex do not mix for me. Idk about you guys. Though I have had anal sex with a woman (no not her strapping on), it was more about complete acceptance than anything else, her vag felt better to me than her butt. Men don't need to be penetrated to have a prostate blended orgasm...if you didn't know. So no, it's not about my ignorance.
    Interestingly, the day after Brexit, there was a deluge of "reg" gay male sex posts on the net, more than I've ever seen prior. Thousands and thousands and thousands on torrentz.eu, for example. Like wtf did that mean? It stopped now...

    @4-LOM I'm in hell, where are you? Where women are the house slaves and they lord over the outside slaves, us men...just like the good Slave Master book dictates to do...

    @Montgent I have no prob with just cursing...but saying Here I Am, Horus (in effect making urself a sacrifice to Osirus (ISIS) the God of the Underworld (for christ's sake, our current propaganda terrorism group fakery is named ISIS)...in a non transparent way...I wouldn't care if there was a song not reversed that said that...ppl could choose, but all this non consent action on us plebs is starting to piss me off MicroSoftON, GoogleSatan, AppleDeath,...ok I'll get better alternative names for google and Apple...btw "pancreatic cancer" is the current euphemism for AIDs, we know Steve Jobs, RIP.

    How can Luciferian's say on one hand, religion is the opiate of the masses, and then for themselves take religion serious enough to sacrifice ppl to their family familiars? Just another nest of lies? Satanists and Luciferians are very religious. As religious as any form of fundamentalist.

    @Ipu2n Yup, there's a whole field of study called "Predictive Programming" that introduces "shocking" changes to the public a little at a time to precondition what the elite want to do steering the public a certain way. In effect, all SciFi is just Predictive Programming, (based on the premise that ppl suspend disbelief for fiction), as now everything in Print/TV/Movies seems to be all gay all the time, which is just weird to me. Idc about gay ppl as long as they stay humping adults, so what about crap entertainment for me?

    The elite believe false science that ppl can be completely conditioned to any cultural norm, which is based on a study made by Margaret Mead on a desert island, that when it was followed up, the study subjects said they just told her what they thought she wanted to hear. Found the dumbass, it's "Coming of Age in Somoa," which has been completely invalidated. So believing PC science sometimes affects our elite (at least intelligentsia) at times too! So, we live in interesting times. When the American version of the French Revolution happens and "they" need someone to pull the switch, push a drug or cannulate a vein, I'm willing to do the work for all the self proclaimed elite. I'll even guarantee no person will be "suffering" cause I'll put them out so hard, they wouldn't be able to move, let alone breathe. I'll even do it for free, and I won't wear a mask, idc. Sometimes protecting yourself, your family and your country requires ending threats in a definitive way. I would be upholding my Hippocratic oath, because I would be eliminating the country's cancer, which is still doing no harm. Nowadays, btw, even though I did swear that oath, most medical schools have eliminated that requirement. Ain't that special?
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
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  15. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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  16. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @artwerkski I am aware of past "debunking" of the weapons of culture and social warfare used by the elites against the weak minded. Political Correctness is social warfare, and is very serious, btw. It is part of the 36 Stratagems, which everyone should also study.

    The logical fallacies used in this case above include but are not limited to:

    False authority
    Moralistic fallacy
    Appeal to the stone
    Anecdotal fallacy
    Argument from (personal) incredulity
    False attribution
    Inflation of conflict
    Proof by assertion
    Appeal to emotion
    Argument from silence
    Straw man
    Fallacy of relative privation
    Appeal to spite
    Appeal to ridicule

    Otherwise this PoS comedian, a high school graduate, an expert in the field he speaks, has a point (logical fallacy, ad hominem). Well, he's fk'ing dead (1994), so, let's say his argument must be true, because he is speaking to us from the grave and since ghosts never lie, his fallacious argument must be true (Fallacious arguments can arrive at true conclusions, I know, I know...)

    My current inference of games, and movies that present or have you act out violence, help you do those same actions are based on the training for combat of the world's militaries since the beginning of the time of recorded history, and the understanding it takes only 90 days to create a habit and make said action unconscious.

    In WWII soldiers did not use human looking targets to shoot during training. Most under combat never fired their weapons. "In a squad of 10 men, on average fewer than three ever fired their weapons in combat. "
    In the first Gulf War, realistic targets were used (building on the silhouettes used for the Vietnam war, which also caused a public outcry, where most did fire at the enemy) and there were already computer games where killing "realistic" human avatars were common. Almost all, under combat fired and killed an enemy combatant (>95% fired at, Idk how many killed someone).
    Yeah, it makes no difference my ass.

    Militaries from time immemorial have trained like they fight and fought like they've trained. Guess what. If you train to kill, it's easier for you to kill. Period. Right now DHS is using reflex shooting targets of women and children; there was a problem with that when the public found out. Did they stop training their reflex training shooting women (pregnant women too) and children "No More Hesitation" series? NO they did not. If your a mother holding a child and you think that Federal agent or security civil servant won't reflex cap your ass if you don't follow the first command, I'd think again and be most polite.

    100 hours makes you a good beginner, 1,000 hours makes you a good intermediate, 10,000 hours makes you an "expert." How many hours have you practiced killing ppl, or watched sadistic horror movies where you say you don't act out the murderer's actions, but have to just to be able to understand what your watching? There's cells called "mirror cells" in your brain that "act out" what you see to help you understand wtf is going on. When you watch a horror movie, you are both the killer and victim. Gratz. All sadistic horror movies (not the hack and slash kind, that's just stupid) should be criminalized, and the producers and all those involved jailed or executed. That's how dangerous I think those rehearsals of killing and death are...

    All sadistic horror movies are what I call horror porn for sadists, which are what our leaders are, as psychopaths. Remember, watching or causing the suffering of others excites their pleasure centers. "Psychopaths [sociopaths as stated in quote; there's a conflation of being born evil or being made evil, idc why they're evil, and how would psychology even know, they're dumbfk's] enjoy inflicting all manner of pain on others including financial, emotional, psychological and social.” Dr. Leedom sums it up by saying, “sociopaths are in the business of reducing people to nothing and then taking glory in their accomplishment”

    Those are your leaders. You think they fk'ing care about Brexit? Or just crushing the public to dust as they cry out "help us, help us" as they pleasure themselves to their suffering they are creating and the ppl's cries for help as the are extinguished.

    Do you think ppl like this would not use any method at their disposal to cause suffering or advantage whether criminal or legal? Yeah, it's your super predator leadership. It's not the dumb ppl that think the weapons used on them is an issue. Holy mackerel.

    So now, ladies and gentlemen, we have a 3rd generation inculcated on sadistic horror movies, millions of simulated murder on TV or presentations of real ones on TV, the most realistic killing video games and now, you pick from the general public these dudes to be your security forces. You wonder why the US police act they way they do? Really? You wonder why UN soldiers act the way they do, on "peace" missions? The UK government bought water tanks to spray protesters away a couple years ago, way before Brexit. Why do you think that was? They didn't know what they were planning to do, or let happen? It's "illegal" for the UK police to use them now, but yet they are being trained to use them? Ding Dong, the bell tolls for you.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
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  17. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    I just want to add my voice to agree with you about the "uncloaking" or out in the open now with their cultural warfare. I watched Killjoys and Dark Matter today, and I can deal with the Killjoy chick thinking she's a super assassin, idc, but in Dark Matter, there was an exchange between two chick leaders that said, in the most patronizing, matter of fact way,

    'You fight well.' One little chick
    'So do you' The other little chick

    It's like ppl don't remember the universal condemnation and attribution to testosterone causes men to fight and how bad aggression was from men, and the world is in the crapper because of that, but now, if a woman is aggressive or predatory, woo hoo, it's empowerment. Let's see ladies how you will fight the Islamic warriors, cause, even though our own western governments and their ME country allies are promoting this mess of men, the blade to your neck is no less real, ask Daniel Pearl...it was real enough for him. So far so good with the raping across the EU and your police forces being directed by your governments to just cover that up. Looks like those women can't protect themselves? wtf, it's not a movie? How are those pictures showing, "It's not good to rape EU women" working? That was I forgot which government's solution...I think right after the pic trying to get ppl to use the toilets and not the showers to take a dump in...and they're pics because just like my country's migrants, they are illiterate in their own languages.

    Don't forget the 'Yeah, he's a man so he was born stupid.*' bs, in the same conversation in Dark Matter, as if that was somehow credible, or one of those little girls smacking that full grown man, and he fell down instead of just getting aroused like irl. Unless a woman has a knife, sword or gun, it's foreplay to me, I can't remember a time I felt threatened by a woman "smacking" me, though surprisingly I almost always got aroused...they always got angrier as I laughed and laughed...it was funny as hell to me. I even stopped them a couple of times to show them how not to hurt their wrists trying to punch me, and to keep their thumbs outside their fists.

    Idk if women are taught the first rule of combat: If you can't put your opponent down, don't piss them off!

    [Edit] Something I just remembered while doing my stupid side planks: Sometimes I would ask the girls that were smacking me, if they knew the original meaning of, "to fk?" Cause I told them, it used to mean, "to strike." Being that the case, were they aware that they were fk'ing me right now!? That got them super pissed off, but made them tired way faster so I could hold them while they caught their breath.

    *That's actually a violation of FCC and other Federal Laws in the US governing gender bias but, np, we're targeting men.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
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  18. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Man today when i see pics of mainstream performance all i can see they need a good ophthalmologist, to cure that nasty eye infection (conjunctivitis, and cataract maybe) that they try to hide - right or left eye during photo sesion it became so sensitive to light :rofl:
  19. My eyes are agape as agape as my eyes can be. Please don't stop now, it must continue for my early morning ritual reading over breakfast crunchies and fruit. Let it flow, bro, let the sun shine in.
  20. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Very interesting read, thanks for writing that!

    I just wanted to add that political correctness in all its forms is one of the main pillars of the liberal ideology. It empowers them via the age-old strategy of divide and conquer. That's why you see so many people being labelled as racists, homophones, misogynists, xenophobes (etc etc etc) for expressing their honest views. It's a mechanism to outright discredit whatever somebody has to say, without giving an actual argument for why their position is wrong.

    Don't like Obama's policies? You're a racist. Don't want Clinton as president? You're a misogynist. Don't think that Israel's brutal oppression and war crimes in Palestine/Gaza are all fine and dandy? You're a jew-hating antisemite who wants Hitler to come back and gas all the Jewish babies. Don't think that bringing in millions of illegal immigrants into your country, during a time when tons of legal citizens are struggling to get by, is a good idea? You're a xenophobe and again, a racist. And on and on and on.

    Unfortunately the masses are so feeble-minded they play right into it. Last week an elementary school 3rd grader at an end-of-the-year party got reported to the police after he mentioned "brownies". You know, those chocolate caramel baked snacks? But no, he was being racist of course. This is how bad things are getting in the USA. The elite want us fighting amongst each other over absurd and inconsequential things, keeping us distracted and blaming our neighbours for our problems. Now that people are beginning to realize who the true perpetrators are, they have doubled down in the media, music, TV. Political corectness has never reached such senile levels during my lifetime. It truly is frightening.

  21. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Well dude, we're just commiserating now but, to add:

    After the French Revolution (and the doc making the guillotine such that his elite patrons wouldn't suffer, well except for the time it took for the brain to go black which could be 30 or more secs...) the surviving elite decided they had to change their tactics if they were to survive the masses. So, they decided on a scientific dictatorship. They are just applying their tactics, btw, the elite think they reincarnate so have plans of 100 year spans. An example of the scientific dictatorship, quoted from Zbigniew Brzeziński "Between 2 Ages:"
    “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”
    This was written in 1970, well published in 1970. Get it? Understand? You think your world evolves by some chaotic evolution? For christ's sake. The world is a stage, and we are the fools.

    Everyone stay safe for the 4th of July, idk if Hillary needs a big boom to distract the public or not. I'd say she does...I hope not. Anyone miss that the FBI investigation news info (about her "interview" whoa, FBI agents now don't interrogate they interview? is she getting a new job?) is coming from Hillary's spokesperson? Isn't that special? The FBI keeps the bodies buried, ask Vincent Foster, and any number of worm food, all the way back to Arkansas.

    If back masking didn't work, it wouldn't be still used. (Like that logical fallacy Circular Argument?) I'm like a scientist...why continue to do something if it didn't work? Why expend energy on something useless? (logical fallacy maybe of Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise) The only reason I even checked her song, was cause my unconscious said something was not right with it, and it was true. I suspect better tech is also being used but idk what it could be. I could mask visual info in any video, no the old split sec flashing, like the old days, but layering like photoshop. That seems to be done all the time on network TV but less on cable, well at least what I watch. I get the same bad vibe as I did from the Adele song with network shows I watch for a minute...then walk out of the room of the plebs watching that crap.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016