Still!!?? people can't let-go of theses damn 909's and stuff.. The thing is probably an excellent device... hell, I will just say that I know it is. Wave Alchemy is always top-notch... not one of these dime-a-dozen sample douchebags. But I personally am not huge on the roland drum sound.. I mean, I use claps, and the closed hats hear and there... and well, I use the 909 ride almost exclusively when I want a ride... and I recently realized that the 707 rim-shot is the only rim-shot sample I will ever need... so damn!!?? I guess I use the shit a lot then :D Either way, between Gold Baby and Zero-g, thats all the Roland I need... but I now there are those that have want to do like, "all roland" type beats, for example. Not my thing. So for me?.. I have no interest in it, but the truth is... is that there may be a day where I finally want to do all-roland all-the-time type stuff... so who knows, but for now, I will pass on what I know will be a quality product. P.S. didnt they already some type of Roland sample synth/kontakt product?
Within the first half-minute of the video, the v/o said "iconic" and "powerful," so I had to stop it, knowing that some more trendy semantic farts, such as "actually" or "having said that which was being said with that said," were surely on the way.
I guess what I meant by drum machine is that it plays drum sounds... obviously its pretty detailed as far as abilities to alter/design sound... all of which is more detailed than an old Roalnd 909 or what ever. EDIT! WHOA!!! From the get-go, I saw that this was made by Wave Alchemy and just ASSUMED it was a drum machine!!.. This is obviously a synth... (hybrid, as it says.) WOW!!!
(See my response above prior to reading this) This thing looks EXCELLENT!!! the gui is really nice I think... and I mean, its really just a sampler if you ask me... I mean, are they gonna let people insert their own wave files?.. or only the ones they provide?.. THAT is the question.