The Into-Outro Collaboration ! :)

Discussion in 'Collaborations' started by Beth, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Hot on the heels of the success of "Sounds of Irritation v1.0"
    (the track formerly known as '3 Long Minutes of Irritation')
    comes a new collaboration for forum members....

    Ta Da! :
    The Intro & The Outro 2016!

    This time we'll continue a somewhat oddball theme and hopefully create an updated, new content, 2016 'version' based on the concept of the 60's classic The Into and the Outro by the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band (check out the video to see what i mean)

    Again, asking members who want to get involved to get their creative juices flowing and send in their short musical/FX stems to be vocally introduced and added layer by layer to our new track by our very own version of the Viv Stanshall compère just like in the original song. Can be a musical motif, a sound fx....anything goes really just use the original song as a template for new ideas.

    Here is a drum track to download and use to get us's just waiting to have some percussion added, maybe a tea chest bass, and whatever else you can come up with.

    ( Edit : Lets keep Stems to 120bpm and Key 'D major with tendencies to A' as per @superliquidsunshine post below' and as good a quality Wav file as you can to help mixing it all together)

    Like last time I'll update the track all the time on Soundcloud and post it here for people to hear the progress.

    PM me if you want to get involved and I'll send more info. We'll use the same server as last time for stem submissions.

    Good luck and thanks for getting involved !
    Let's Collaborate!
    Let's Laugh!
    Let's "make the world a better place" ! ...(apologies to the king of pop)


    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
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  3. It sounds as if the kick is tuned to D and the snare to the Key of A. Shall we have a go with it in this combo key for the melodic bits that people are whipping up? D with tendencies toward A.
  4. Beth

    Beth Guest


    It just sounded like a drum loop to me lol. :winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
  5. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    110% with you on that one. :winker:
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  6. Beth

    Beth Guest

    @Lemmy and @Skull
    thanks for the to a fast start!
  7. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Collab update:
    thanks to @artwerkski for the stems today !

    As I said yesterday things are off to a fast start. We are probably looking good at this point for bass, rhythm and lead guitar parts with a nice Rhodes stem that will basically give us the heart of the track.

    Of course if anyone is working on similar things please do send them in as I will do my utmost to use them. Some other short melodic instrument phrases or some cookie oddball sound fx will also work well at this point as would some strings, percussion, synths etc.

    It may be hard on this collab to post regular updates of the mix like I did with "3 Minutes..." because at this point we don't have any of the important vocal intros for each instrument. It should come together much better when they are in place of course.

    To give 'collaborators & conspirators' an idea of the direction of the track though I will post a work-in-progress mix later today. Hopefully that will give people a clear direction and a base to create more parts.

    Thanks again to everyone who has contributed so far!

    Let's Collaborate!

    Let's Laugh!

    Let's "make the world a better place" ! ...(apologies to the king of pop)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2016
  8. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Nice one! I'll have a go at some
    after diner. :drummer:
  9. Beth

    Beth Guest

    OK here is what we are working with right now.....of course things will change, update, improve, deteriorate as necessary :wink:...take it, make it, play with it...

    Let's Collaborate!

    Let's Laugh!

    Let's "make the world a better place" ! ...(apologies to the king of pop)
  10. Beth

    Beth Guest


    thanks for uploading the very cool laid back scat BGV's.....'18karat... digging it man. Hand me the skin' !
    great addition :like:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2016
  11. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Calling all collaborators & conspirators.....your track needs you ! Here's what people are saying...

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  12. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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  13. Beth

    Beth Guest

    "Sorry can't help out this time....we're on a mission from God!"


    I'd better stop this and get back to mixing the track :rofl:
  14. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Some great wacky, oddball and creative off-the-wall stems coming in today. Congrats everyone. Keep up the good work. It's sounding this space ! :wink:

    Let's Collaborate!
    Let's Laugh!
    Let's "make the world a better place" ! ...(apologies to the king of pop)
  15. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Here's a thought!

    ...'Justin' case our good friend Mr Bieber (above) is too busy partying to upload his rap.....Can any of the multitalented 'hip hoppers' on here get involved ? Some nice rhythmic rhyming wouldn't go amiss and bring us more up to date for 2016 :yes:

    Kanye?... Jay-Z?... Nicki?.....How about it? We all know you hang in the forum!

    Anyone less famous also welcome of course....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2016
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  16. Beth

    Beth Guest


    With the wonderful help of @DarthFader, I started working on the 'master of ceremonies' vocal bits today so it's getting close to D-day when all will be revealed !

    If anyone is still working on stems send them in as soon as you can please :yes:

    Thanks !!!

    Let's Collaborate!
    Let's Laugh!
    Let's "make the world a better place" ! ...(apologies to the king of pop)

  17. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Thats good news! :)
  18. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    No spoilers but the Magnificent Beth is pulling out all of the stops on this one. This girl is a Mo Sheen! :)
  19. Beth

    Beth Guest

    oh my ! don't big the track up too much as it may be a disappointment when people actually hear it... :rofl:
    Seriously though when I hear where it's up to now I do know we're not in Kansas any more ! :winker:
  20. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    hello hello!
  21. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Heelow @Adamdog ......glad you could make it! :)

    Short update to anyone brave enough to be still persisting with the thread or even for those waiting with baited breath....:winker:

    Working on the vocal cues for the track now so everything should start to fall into place soon...either that or fall apart who knows...

    Hopefully wont be too much longer....anticipation is a wonderful thing though :wink:

    Let's Collaborate!
    Let's Laugh!
    Let's "make the world a better place" ! ...(apologies to the king of pop)
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