Demos don't show anything new. I agree we have to test it to see how it qualifies. Price is fair if it worths
I'm not going to bother. The 60 day trial is pretty cool though, but not enough for me to bother. It's just another one of those "boy meets girl, boy looses girl....".
Monday Morning meeting at 112 db: "Dude, Do you know how I can change the hue and saturation of the color palette?" "Change the what of what?" "Nevermind, I just use soft greytones and g(r)ayish colours to make it look as boring and lifeless as possible!" "Whatever!" "Do we have any sound designers working on some usuable modern sounds?" "What's sound design? All I know is: it's a sound budget… *hahaha*" "Who's that ugly fat mofo over there?" "I think the DSP guy. He's in charge of the 'fat' Oscillators…" Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
lacks something to enter this market, the demo is................ok, of all recent releases Modular and or Factory will probably get my hard earned
60 days trail is really fair, can you save the sounds or something? if yes i could do some sounds, when i have time.
You must be kidding right? Help me god. This thing is hundreds of light years away from Loom. I tried the demo. It makes me laugh for a minute then i trashed it with no regret. Wimpy sounds and 30 presets. What these guys pretend to do with that?
The demo is NOT OK... Are you people so tainted with politically correct? Forgive me if i insist but the synth is a joke. And the fact that they release it with 30 presets with only 10 pretty fair is an insult. Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
I guess you're only complaining cause it comes with 30 presets compared to Loom which has 300+ and so this make it shitty. Synths are made for sound design and experimentation. Not to be judged based on how many factory presets they have. Bunch of presets are the main selling point of Romplers not Synths. And no, I'm not defending this product/company.
Not at all. It's just evidence this synth has a lot of work to be done before dreaming of selling it. Come on ...30 wimpy presets for the most part? That's what inspired its creators? Seriously? Loom is a fantastic synth WITH hundreds of presets. Not the only one too, so sorry but no sorry for your rompler argument. Same goes for u-He Synths. Lots of presets and incredible synths. Already available by R2R so everyone can judge by itself without any time limit. One last thing, synths are not ONLY made for experimentation, they're made for music.
Not at all...again... I'm pointing out the fact that this synth is disappointing from such a company. There's no fear whatsoever. Just the usual people who always find the bright side of everything and everyone. It shows here. And pretending to love something you actually hate is not uncommon at all. It's a very well documented bias in human psychology. And for the sake of argument, can you point me to a positive review in this very thread? I've not seen just one so far. Even Amirious said he's not defending the product... Last edited: Jun 29, 2016