Waves Plugins GUI Issue

Discussion in 'Software' started by notremid, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. notremid

    notremid Producer

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I am using the Waves Complete by R2R. Followed all instructions and everything and used VstWrapperBuilder to use the .dll instead of the WaveShell and when I load up the plugins I see no GUI at all. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

    Here's a pic-
  3. tnsi

    tnsi Newbie

    Apr 23, 2016
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    On that screen just push the UI button ( :
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You moved the original vsts from where you created the waveshell. You broke the link, the wavesshell are just shortcuts now they lead to nothing, put back the original waves vst where you created the waveshell...
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  5. notremid

    notremid Producer

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I wasted almost two precious days trying to get these plugins working. I still have not succeeded :( I had the Waves 9.30 working before on my PC and it ran perfectly. Can you please elaborate what I am doing wrong and maybe a step by step process on how to get it to work? The readme was of no use. Thanks in advance.
  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Sure I can give you a hand. Tbh I just installed to chek the r2r repackaging, I'm not a big user of the waves plugins I hadn't reinstalled them lately with my new setup. No problem installing it and it runs in reaper, I've just tried the abbey road plate, no problem. I havn't installed the latest update by R2R though, I took the same release as yours. But I used the waveshell tool provided by r2r to separate the waveshell, that's what I was refering to in my previous comment. I don't use vstwrapperbuilder, the shell2vst64 R2R tool works fine, and I only need this for the waveshell.

    You probably should remove what you've installed so far, files, folders, reg entries, and if you want I'll guide you step by step for it. It took me about 5 minutes it's three folders to copy, three commands to launch, then the keygen, the waves shell and you're done.
    First you uninstal cleanly.
    Second you copy from the iso file provided :
    a : the "waves audio" folder (inside programdata) should be copied in your own C:programdata,
    b : the "waves" folder in the iso should be placed either in your program files (x86) folder if your like me are in a x64 OS or in program files if you're in x32 (although I'm not sure the waves plugin since 9.6 run on the x32 platform). From inside this waves folder that you just copied you right click on "Install_Waves_Here" and hit execute as an admin (first command);
    c: the "WPAPI" folder must be placed (in x64) in the "program files (x86)/Common files " folder and from this WASAPI folder that you just copied right click and exe as admin "Install_WPAPI_Here" (2nd command), and the extra folder must be used only if needed (C++, rewire, etc).
    Thirdly you go in the folder you first copied, the programdata "waves audio" and from inside you double click on "show_me_devices" which will launch a dos window and reveal to you your id number (by c) Laucnh the keygen as admin fill first line with your id number and put the generated license in your waves audio/licenses folder (in program data).
    Then you can use either your vstwrapperbuilder or R2R shelltovst64 to dispatch the waveshell. Pick a folder if you use the latest tech to do it where the original waves shells will stay AFTER the procedure. Drop the wavesshell-vst 9.6 and 9.7 x64 one after the other on the shelltovst64 tool it will create a waves folder with all the individuals vsts in it. Pick the ones you want or all of them and copy these (and not the original waveshell that you must not suppress or remove from where it is) in your personnal vst folder.
    Done. I hope that helps, let me know if something is unclear.
  7. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    boys you could create a video tutorial for this installation ??

    It could be beneficial to those who can not install the stuff :(
  8. hoffy

    hoffy Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    And what did you learn from this?

    Does the new Waves plugins make your music better? What do they do that the old ones didn't?
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  9. notremid

    notremid Producer

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I learnt that patience is a virtue and I actually got it working a few days back thankfully.

    No, they don't make my music any better. I had a major HDD crash and had to re-install my OS, DAW, plugins et al. and lost my installation files for Waves as well and that is why I installed the aforementioned version where I was having issues not because there is something magical in the new ones. Thanks for being of no help with your sagely rhetoric.

    Lol wish it was that easy.

    And thanks @Talmi for the detailed explanation and help. I actually got another non-R2R version working perfectly now. Thanks and cheers! :bow:
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