Br(exit) and Pounds

Discussion in 'humor' started by thantrax, Jun 23, 2016.

  1. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Blame is not an issue in my opinion. Survival rests on ability to anticipate what is coming.
    One thing is having to deal with hatred for being different than a majority in most of the societies (most of whom will not kill you for being different) and completely different thing is when the biggest religion has it hard coded in scriptures so you KNOW you'll be stoned or imprisoned if you are a gay or decide to change your mind and practice any other religion or do adultery if you are a woman and so on.
    These are facts which will eventually take "care" of you and your women unless you take responsibility while you still have a chance of civilized majority.
    Just look how EU including GB handles the rape of EU women. Check demographic facts. Information is out there, just not in major media.
  2. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    The People in charge ar not elected, and cannot be held responsible, e.g. can't be dealt with trough the democratic systems

    Much of this topic was teal deer, but the EU is far moar democratic than British "democracy". Anarchists used to say that whoever u vote for, u still get a government. Britains (should :) say that whoever u vote for, u still get the Tories. At least the referendum shows how democracy shud work; rightly or wrongly. All votes count(ed). Let's hope that we're spurred 2 get a moar EU version of democracy, instead of the real elitism of the British version, which looks to any objective observer more like a Tory dictatorship. Say what u liek about the EU, but it was a centrist check on the likes of Boris, sexuWilly Vague, Iain Sunken-Death et al.
  3. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    They won't be able to find official stats, because from Germany to Holland, the police specifically "don't book" the data. Used to be like stats in the US about violent it's just racist to count violent crimes in the US.
    According to a CNN report, a new directive from ISIS’ self-appointed caliph, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, instructs men to rape the women that they capture. A woman who is raped 10 times, it says, will then become a Muslim.

    No muslim country that I know of condemns ISIS/ISIL. Please quote a reference, I can't find any.

    Idk if google memory holed the arabic phrase for conversion by rape, but magically I can't find it again...

    Female al-Azhar prof: Allah allows Muslims to rape non-Muslim women

    The seizure of Infidel girls and their use as sex slaves is sanctioned in the Qur’an. According to Islamic law, Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war” (33:50). 4:3 and 4:24 extend this privilege to Muslim men in general. The Qur’an says that a man may have sex with his wives and with these slave girls: “The believers must (eventually) win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess, for (in their case) they are free from blame.” (Qur’an 23:1-6)
    Of course the Rentier class that manipulates everything from LIBOR (doesn't go to jail), to the FOREX, to the Brent Crude, to the Gold Fix, Silver Fix, to the Friday market happy endings, etc., will crash the UK economy, ...their problem though, is there's not much left to crash. So GOOD LUCK and Bbye Cameron, and give back all the BILLIONS of Pounds in those off shore accounts you criminal!!!

    For anyone not realizing the EU was a sham to get local politicos off the hook for "austerity" i.e., raising taxes and ending services, you are fk'ing stupid, yo.

    Don't expect if they can't deny a Trump win, they won't crash the US economy for a while, until those fk'rs are hauled off to jail. FDR gave in to the bankers because of that threat, lets see what Trump does, if an illegal doesn't get a clean shot off first.
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  4. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    We'll see about that, a referendum does not have to be applied necessary.
    And may I point out that referendums are under the conditions of the concerning country's.
    I'll be the first to admit I don't know anything of GB political climate,
    But I'm sure If it was up to the European politicians, this referendum never took place in the first place.

    Don't forget, it is possible to propagate that you will not apply the referendum before you get elected.
    Cameron already figured this out, that's why he resigned. He or his party have a chance to stay in their position
    And to stay within the EU without provoking riots.

    It is going to be pretty interesting, the union could try Keelhauling GB.
    with possible scenarios would include crashing Italy or kick greece once more to the ground.
    so GB needs to open his wallet again before exiting.

    exciting times
  5. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Well I can name one country that condemns ISIL/ISIS etc. - That be the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    Of course we all (our governments) happen to support Saudi Arabia from where the Wahhabi ideology is spread. We (our governments) fund terrorism to enact regime change. We (our governments) do this again and again.
  6. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Ok, good, I'll remember Iran and that's prob cause they're Shi'a.

    1 Indonesia 228,582,000 86.1%[3] Sunni None Presidential republic 316,000[4] 3,725
    2 [​IMG] Pakistan 172,800,000[5] 97%[6] Sunni/Shi’a Islamic state[7] Parliamentary democracy 528,000[8] 2,592
    3 [​IMG] Bangladesh 162,221,000[9] 89%[10] Sunni Secular [11] Parliamentary democracy 120,000[12] 1,378
    4 [​IMG] Nigeria 154,279,000[13] 50%[14] Sunni None Presidential Federal Republic 78,500[15] 2,035
    5 [​IMG] Egypt 77,100,000[16] 90%[17] Sunni State religion[18] Semi-presidential republic 450,000[19] 5,491
    6 [​IMG] Turkey 71,517,100[20] 99.8%[21] Sunni Secular[22] Parliamentary democracy 514,850[23] 12,888
    7 [​IMG] Iran 70,495,782[24] 98%[25] Shi’a Islamic state[26] Presidential republic andTheocracy 545,000[27] 10,624
    8 [​IMG] Sudan 39,379,358 70%[28] Sunni None Authoritarian republic 104,500[29] 2,172
    9 [​IMG] Algeria 33,769,669[30] 99%[31] Sunni State religion[32] Presidential republic 127,500[33] 6,538
    10 [​IMG] Afghanistan 32,738,376[34] 99%[35] Sunni Islamic state[36] Presidential republic 70,000[37] 724
    11 [​IMG] Morocco 33,723,418 99%[38] Sunni State religion[39] Constitutional monarchy 196,300[40] 4,076
    12 [​IMG] Iraq 31,234,000[41] 97%[42] Shi’a/Sunni State religion Parliamentary democracy 254,418[43] 3,600
    13 [​IMG] Malaysia 27,730,000[44] 60.4%[45] Sunni State religion[46] Parliamentary democracy and EM 110,000[47] 13,315
    14 [​IMG] Saudi Arabia 27,601,038[48] 100%[6][49] SunniWahhabi Islamic state[50] Absolute monarchy 199,500[51] 23,243
    15 [​IMG] Uzbekistan 27,372,000 88%[52] Sunni Secular Presidential republic 53,000[53] 2,344
    16 [​IMG] Yemen 23,013,376 99%[54] Sunni/Shi’a Islamic state[55] Presidential republic 65,000[56] 2,335
    17 [​IMG] Syria 19,405,000 90%[57] Sunni None[58] Authoritarian republic 296,000[59] 4,448
    18 [​IMG] Kazakhstan 15,217,711[60] 57%[61] Sunni Secular[62] Presidential republic 65,800[63] 11,086
    19 [​IMG] Niger 13,272,679 90%[64] Sunni Secular[65] Parliamentary democracy 5,300[66] 666
    20 [​IMG] Burkina Faso 13,228,000 50%[67] Sunni Secular Semi-presidential republic 6,000[68] 1,253
    21 [​IMG] Mali 11,995,402 90%[69] Sunni Secular Semi-presidential republic 7,350[70] 1,031
    22 [​IMG] Senegal 11,658,000 94%[71] Sunni Secular Semi-presidential republic 9,400[72] 1,685
    23 [​IMG] Tunisia 10,383,577 98%[73] Sunni State religion[74] Presidential republic 35,000[75] 7,473
    24 [​IMG] Guinea 10,211,437 85%[76] Sunni Secular Military junta 9,700[77] 1,074
    25 [​IMG] Somalia 9,558,666 99.9%[78] Sunni State religion Coalition government 10,000 600
    26 [​IMG] Azerbaijan 8,676,000[79] 93.4%[80] Shi’a Secular[81] Presidential republic 95,000 7,656
    27 [​IMG] Tajikistan 7,215,700 97%[82] Sunni Secular[83] Presidential republic 6,000[84] 1,841
    28 [​IMG] Sierra Leone 6,294,774[85] 60%[86] Sunni None Presidential republic 13,000[87] 692
    29 [​IMG] Libya 6,173,579[88] 97%[89] Sunni State religion[90] JamahiriyaRevolution 76,000[91] 12,277
    30 [​IMG] Jordan 5,568,565 95%[92] Sunni state religion Constitutional monarchy 100,700[93] 4,886
    31 [​IMG] United Arab Emirates 5,432,746[94] 76%[95] Sunni State religion[96] Federal constitutional monarchy 50,500[97] 37,293
    32 [​IMG] Kyrgyzstan 5,356,869 75%[98] Sunni Secular[99] Semi-presidential republic 12,500[100]
    33 [​IMG] Turkmenistan 5,110,023 89%[101] Sunni Secular[102] Parliamentary republic 26,000[103] 5,154
    34 [​IMG] Chad 5,041,690 54%[104] Sunni Secular Presidential republic 30,350[105] 1,675
    35 [​IMG] Lebanon 4,196,453 60%[106] Shi’a/Sunni None Parliamentary democracy 72,100[107] 11,270
    36 [​IMG] Kuwait 3,399,637[108] 85%[109] Sunni/Shi’a State religion[110] Constitutional monarchy 15,500[111] 39,305
    37 [​IMG] Albania 3,170,048[112] 70%[113] Sunni None Parliamentary republic 9,500[114] 6,897[115]
    38 [​IMG] Mauritania 3,124,000[116] 99.99%[117] Sunni Islamic state[118] Military junta 15,750[119] 2,008
    39 [​IMG] Oman 2,577,000[120] 93%[121] Ibadi State religion[122] Absolute monarchy 41,700[123] 23,967
    40 [​IMG] Kosovo[a] 2,100,000[124] 90%[125] Sunni Secular[126] Parliamentary republic – 1,800[127]
    41 [​IMG] The Gambia 1,700,000 90%[128] Sunni Secular Presidential republic 800[129] 1,326
    42 [​IMG] Bahrain 1,046,814 81%[130] Shi’a State religion[131] Constitutional monarchy 11,200[132] 32,604
    43 [​IMG] Comoros 798,000 98%[133] Sunni State religion Federal republic – 1,125
    44 [​IMG] Qatar 744,029[134] 77.5%[135] Sunni State religion[136] Absolute monarchy 12,400[137] 80,870
    45 [​IMG] Djibouti 496,374 94%[138] Sunni Secular Semi-presidential republic 9,850[139] 2,271
    46 [​IMG] Brunei 381,371[140] 67%[141] Sunni State religion Absolute monarchy 7,000[142] 51,005
    47 [​IMG] Maldives 350,000[143] 100% [144] Sunni State religion[145] Presidential republic 1,000[146] 4,604

    What about all the rest? Idt the US/EU has pressure on all of them? See with countries like Qatar, Bahrain, Idk who's pulling who's wanker, but sure seems like a lot of other countries that have not taken a stand on the Sunni ISIS. Iran is Shia. Iraq is now Shia, Lebanon, maybe...

    As the LGBT community stickers on my university's walls used to say: Silence = Consent, though that certainty isn't true in most cases, it is by allowing what you disagree with run the show if you don't contest it, and just play along.
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I'm dying to see some documentation on that one m8.... what a claim !
  8. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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  9. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Well, the EU grew out of a German mining treaty of some type, and the mechanism was effective for something, and viola the EU. I'm sick right now, or I'd get the links. 4 days in talking monkey court gymnastics literally made me sick.

    Idk how the heck ppl of Europe, who had good food to eat, unlike us here in the GMO US, could look at the whole EU and not see Kings (Brussels), Lords (local politicos) and serfs (everyone else).

    I see it as just another attempt at Germany to accomplish by economic warfare what they couldn't in WWII but, I have eaten GMO for years before I even knew the second phallus I was growing was just a tumor so maybe I'm just nuts (I think I may have 3 now too!)
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  10. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    @Jeff global

    Wow that seems like an informed list. Is it worth mentioning that India should be second in the list with around 180 Million ?
    What about China, around 32 Million ? There are many countries with minority Muslim populations that number into the millions...
    Russia, Philippines, Burma. Interesting statistics on Muslim growth.

    Whilst I agree with some of the sentiment around Islam, such as Women and homophobic attitudes. These are common mind sets outside of Islam. Very prevalent attitudes exist within Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism. Each of these religions have radical believers that are just as hateful and bigoted as each other. Atheism isn't immune either (Stalin, Chairman Mao). Shouldn't forget that the great dictators of the past used religion to manipulate the populous.

    Islam is just a vehicle for the West to influence within it's own borders as well as other nation states. The Sunni Saudi/ Shia Iran divide is a fantastic example of the remnants of the cold war. The rhetoric of West in the past decade or so has big similarities with McCarthyism.

    I wouldn't fall for the Sunni and Shia generalizations. These societies are much more complex than one or another and are very difficult to understand.

    Regarding CIA and EU.
    It's this lack of trust within Western society that has led people to ignore all the evidence and look for some Conspiracist like meaning
    to try and explain and justify what they perceive to be great injustices in their world.

    One only has to look to a history book to see the HUGE part the USA played in post World War 2 Europe. Or was the Cold War some none-event conspiracy ?
  11. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Now you have mentioned in your posts that you are 'left leaning' I would probably describe myself as the same. I read a document a while ago that blew me away. It was about how the politics of the UK was completely undermined by the CIA.

    The piece was entitled '
    The Psyops War - British Intelligence and the covert propaganda front - and the CIA's interference in Bristish Politics

    Now when I read the word 'psyops' that kind of turned me off and it might do the same to you. But if you care about what has really happened to the politics of the UK since around the 1950's onwards I really suggest you take a look at this document.
  12. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I haven't the time to read it right now, sorry. Pysops doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. I know the CIA were trying some pretty wacky things post WW2 (Jamaica ?). The CIA and the US in general probably does have a massive influence. The UK has only had one Left leaning government post WW2 (I think, I don't think New Labour were left). USA is pretty much an discriminatory oligarchy. For instance a successful white college student from a wealth background, who rapes a woman only gets 6 months. Whereas people are serving huge sentences for minor drug crimes.
  13. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Yep. Well the title sure is a turnoff but once I started reading it I couldn't stop. It's all in there, everything can be referenced with real names and key figures. It explains the infiltration of the Unions, CND movement and importantly the Labour party. In simple terms it's a coup d'etat. Rendering it nothing more than a right wing party, with neoliberal policies. That's where we're at now if you haven't noticed! with one exception being the glitch in the matrix that is Jeremy Corbyn.
  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    you encapsulated that like a boss my man... !!! props... now go wipe K.W. off the charts and kick his black a55 when he tries to jump on stage and take the mic away from you !! :wink: ( yeah I said it )
  15. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
  16. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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  17. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Could you tell how long America was not involved in some kind of war post WWII?

    Bin Laden wasn't from Iraq, nevertheless the US invaded anyway to free the people...apparently from their lives, since a million people were killed.

    Iraq is the second crude oil producer in the world. Where is all that money?

    9/11 was a hoax, Kennedy was killed by a magic bullet, man hasn't gone back to the Moon since 1971 ...

    How long does it take people to rebel when they are bombed, droned and killed for no reason?


    You'll probably like this one too:

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
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  18. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Well you reference global research. That's where a lot of interesting articles sit at. Well done.:winker:
  19. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    hey, here's an idea, brits - before you cast a vote on something that has the potential to screw up your entire economy (and possibly the rest of the world too), why not first make an effort to understand what it is you're voting for (or against)?

    The British are frantically Googling what the E.U. is, hours after voting to leave it

  20. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @realitybytez Anecdotal data is complete garbage, just like surveys asking women what they like, or how many partners they had, and I say that as a mathematician with a Masters Degree. Don't confuse marketing, with reality, cause reality always bites and never where you expect it to...that's why I learned how to design studies and create data that isn't just useless shite.

    Is Alphabet, (google's parent company) not trying to influence ppl like at all other times? How many searches were done by bots? The same percentage as Obama has twitter followers? Like 40%? We should believe them now...because? Can I see their raw data? Can I verify their collection methods? Alphabet is the devil itself, split between Apple, MicroSoftOn, and a few others.

    @realitybytez explain to me how not paying for the countries going down the toilet like Portugal, Spain, Italy, France...Greece*, and how now having boarders (I'll keep that spelling cause man, just move to the UK and you get on the dole, np), cutting off the influx on non paying Malthusian eaters, how exactly is that bad for the country^? How exactly are ppl that have no money the EU wide make it bad if they aren't able to pay for any of your services anyways? I'm all ears.

    @realitybytez Just to be clear, I'm not pissed off at you or anything, I'm just making an argument passionately, because in the US men that still have testicles have to hide them, and only in rare places am I able to truly speak (and that time span and places of free speech are closing fast). Once I was almost warned to be nicer to ppl, when the moderator didn't realize I was speaking about myself and I pointed it out to him/her. Never did touch me again. Everyone else thought it was funny too. Quoting Google is a persuasion attempt of using the logical fallacy of "Appeal to Authority" and it's about time ppl verify what anyone says nowadays, especially those so often used by your overlords to steer you their way.
    So it's all about argumentation, and not ad hominem...

    It's my understanding the US has been at war for more than 90% of its lifetime. I'm sick, but let me see if I can get a link fast...
    as little as:

    I am too very suspicious about why we didn't "go back**" to the moon, because it has enough H₃ on the surface to power our planet for 1,000 years at a minimum.

    The US are the Hessians of our day for the Chinese. The Chinese have all the Iraqi oil contracts, yet the US fought the war, ty USA! 谢谢你美国

    Then of course you got Mr. Bend Over (Ben Rich, Skunk Works) who said on his death bed, that we have everything that the movies show and more. The article was written by Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

    Everyone should add a Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court dying from a "heart attack" dx as per sheriff (!) with a pillow over his face, in bed. Then body quickly burned, no autopsy...yet a bum in the streets of NYC is required an autopsy...makes sense.

    Like I said before, how ppl so easily swallow, when most dates before my wife didn't still amazes me. I see the riots across the EU about "austerity" which is economic warfare on their own ppl, and for some reason ppl still don't get, marching in the street is meaningless until you do what is necessary and that is remove your government. I think 100 million against 10,000 bureaucrats and 50-100k soldiers and police until all their relatives get wiped out for participating, would be the only thing that gets your overlords attention.

    Remember EUistan to be: As the Robber Baron Jay Gould once said, "I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half"

    Does any pleb in any western country think their security forces are not to guard against them? No, you say? Then how about this from the ice cream eating billionaire current robber baron, Warren Buffet:
    “There’s class warfare, all right,” Mr. Buffett said, “but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

    So go, continue to march in the streets, "they" don't give a fk. Power is never given away, it was always taken.

    What's it gonna be for you future EUistanies?

    *Greece's problem debt is what's called "odious debt" because it was made by fraud between the past government and Goldman Sachs, but the EU thru economic conquest will not forgive the criminal debt, nor god forbid go after the bankers like Iceland did. BTW, Iceland is doing great now.
    **Show me raw pics or raw video I can forensically inspect, then I'll believe a government that never speaks the truth, even when it would benefit them. Did William Casey (CIA Director) really say, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false?" Fk, yes he did.
    ^Bigamy is still outlawed in the UK. However: UK legally recognises multiple Islamic wives and now, never settling for that, are asking for more money because they have multiple wives! You stupid Brits!
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
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