(hornetplugins.com) TrackUtility MK2 Released

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    TrackUtility MK2


    TrackUtility MK2 is a swiss army knife for audio, it features different useful processors that you would otherwise need to find loading many plugins in a handy and logic GUI that you can keep on your screen together with other plugins.

    When you need to change a track from stereo to mono, remove DC, pan, trim, etc. TrackUtility MK2 is there for you.

    • Track muting.
    • DC removal.
    • Channel Selector (work on L + R or just L or R or invert L and R).
    • Phase reversal (separate for L and R channels).
    • Gain adjustment (from -60dB to +60dB).
    • Auto Gain adjustment in Peak and RMS mode.
    • Pan control.
    • Stereo width control that acts as fake stereo simulator on mono tracks.
    • Output clipper.
    • Magnus Output limiter with three different auto release times.
    • Peak output meter.
    • RMS output meter with adjustable window analysis length.
    • Grouping function to change setting s to many instances at once.
    • Mac OS X (>=10.5 Intel only) and Windows support.
    • 64-bit compatibility both on Mac and Windows.
    • Audio Units VST2.4, VST3, RTAS and AAX format.

    Price: €11,99 - More info here

    DDL Link WIN & MAC


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