What does a professional musician mean?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Then maybe you should change what you sit behind; I did.
    Really? Why do you feel that why?
    The process of making music is pretty much the same. It just depends on whether you have company or help available to you, or are these enlightened space beings from another planet you're listening to on the radio.
    I understand what you're saying, and as Von_Steyr said most of it is just technical. What you need to do is reduce and simplify the technical stuff, so you're not distracted by it.
    Is this the style of music you want to make?
    You can change the way you make music. All is not lost.
  2. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Between the years of 1600 and 1750, a period later referred to as the Baroque period, history sees significant developments in music, art, and architecture. Originally, the term baroque, originally from the Portuguese barroco for “misshapen pearl,” meant abnormal, exaggerated, bizarre, or even being bad in taste. It was a negative term applied by critics in the mid-1700s who preferred the earlier styles of the Renaissance.

    Even if I want, I can't. To be honest I love every genre and each of them needs its own knowledge and techniques. I don't want to be pure DAWist. Electronic genres deal more with the sequencers and in general DAWs. I want to feel the power of the instruments. Yes thousands of samples out there but please listen to my other thread (yes so minimal but the sensation inside it is the pianist's not other one). Which DAWist can make it? It needs an instrument connoisseur. Some kind of alchemy. A person who has lived with his instrument.

    The muse of music would be anything but when comparing the instrumentally created opuses like my mentioned one and wonderworks created by a computer, IMO always the first one wins.:dunno:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2016
  3. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    ... professional musician makes a living making music.
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  4. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    But you could, because you're heart's there.

    To be honest a lot of it is sound design and routing, technical things that become a distraction and bog you down.

    You don't have to be. I'm not.

    Mostly yes. I have a sequencer, and I'll program some parts in; mainly drum parts. Then I use over dub to play in the other parts. It's a vintage machine, so there's no auto-quantize, which keeps it more natural. At some point I'll get a drum pad, so I can beat parts in with a pair of sticks; much more satisfying.

    That's another problem; too many samples; which to choose; too many choices. You need to simplify the choices. Less choices will make you more creative. There is a way to do this and still feel the power of an instrument.

    Then the pianist is what you should concentrate on, because with the skills of a pianist, you can a lot more than just the piano.

    yes. You will need time to learn and connect with your weapon of choice, but you'll enjoy it, as it becomes less of a chore and more of a journey.

    Here's the thing. You, like me are not a DAWist. You're not comfortable there and and it's overwhelming in it's technical aspects. All you want is to make some music.
    So, I decided to take a leap of faith so to speak.In what many would consider a backward direction. But, sometimes you need to go backwards to propel yourself forwards, and I'm much happier doing what I do now and more creative.
    What you have to ask yourself is; are you prepared to take that leap?
    Now, unfortunately it's not free, and as I don't know what country your in I can't give you an estimate,
    Don't worry. I'm not trying to sell you anything, but you will need to buy a hardware instrument.
    Anyways, have a think about it. I think I know something that would suit you.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  5. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Cash! So much cash you can live of it! That´s it!
  6. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Hey Foster. You need to read the last bit. I pressed post instead of insert quotes, so go back and read the last part.
  7. Rohan

    Rohan Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Simple: If music is your profession,then you're a professional.
  8. Rohan

    Rohan Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Please try to be optimistic! if you couldn't help, don't try to spread it.
  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Yes, absolutely yes and yes again. You're my soul. You know what I have been thinking for a while. When I started to learn the music theory for the first time it happened. For better discovering the value of what I own today I need that journey. Needs time and effort but I'm sure I will never get bored because I love it. I love to know the history of music, big events have happened during eras with this thought that how I can use them for my musical life.

    And also I should admit that you're so smart, pointing exactly to my major vexing problem. When I hear any story about the big musicians before us and the way of their making music, I really get much happier than trying to put something in piano roll aimlessly.

    Thanks so much for your understanding me.:mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2016
  10. BigEmptySky

    BigEmptySky Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    If you have to ask this question...forget about it...
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It's similar to a professional killer. You don't kill just for fun, you also get money for it. Business+pleasure! :wink:
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  12. LV4-26

    LV4-26 Guest

    Lol SineWave. Your comparison is quite surprising. But this is not far from reality.
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I have a weird sense of humour. :rofl:
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  14. Mak

    Mak Newbie

    Jun 25, 2016
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    my two cents... on time, prepared, don't play what you don't know or can't play, listen and if it's not great don't do it. Lastly, it's the amateurs who always turn up, speed up and believe in the rock star myth attitude. Leave your ego at home and try to figure out how to make the song better not worse. Music is a team sport.
  15. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    O.k. Like I said; Hardware. MY suggestion is a vintage VA synth workstation. Why? Because you don't need to touch your computer to use it, the factory patches are awesome. It has classical, choir, ethnic, drum kits, and more. It's been used by so many artists. It has an 8 stack sequencer, so you can record you own songs. A nice simple easy to use interface. And it's a classic.

    Now you'll get the naysayers with their "oh but you can upgrade your computer" "It's old, not cutting edge". And of course "They brought this out as a VST; you can download it." Yes, but you can't download the 61 key velocity sensitive with after touch keyboard though, or the pitch modulation joystick controller.

    Anyways here is a very good demo. It's in Japanese, so press the subtitles button. Watch it to the end, as he uses the sequencer, and listen to the sounds.
    My final advice for you is this: Stop fanny arsing around with midi. You'll only end up frustrated like you are now. Invest in something like this. Spend your time learning to play it. Go for a journey in the sounds it makes and make music.:bow:

  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    A funny death due to being able to dance:

    In the Baroque period, conductors did not use a small wooden baton held in the hand to lead the ensemble; rather, they held a large staff which they pounded vertically against the ground to keep the pulse of the music. In a performance of one of his pieces, Lully accidentally struck his own foot, creating a wound that would not heal. He refused to have his leg amputated so he could still dance. Eventually, gangrene set in (propagating through his body and ultimately infecting the greater part of his brain), and this infection led to Lully's death.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2016
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  17. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.

    A lot of incredible musicians can be just another level compared to many of the stars on radio and t.v etc... But sometimes a lot of these creative people don't understand other parts to music in the modern World. Such as marketing.

    You could be the greatest thing since the great classical composers back in the day, but no one will listen to your stuff if you have 30 views on sound cloud. Shame really, sad too. But they do say, what's the point of having talent without the hard work. Not just creating music and putting the "10,000 hours" in, but learning how to get your music out there and such. Because in this day and age, anyone can make a song. I could make a song on my phone, that's the level it has got to. The barrier to entrance has practically dissolved. You don't need huge chunks of gear that cost £10k a pop to make a song, you can get a cheap laptop and make professional sounding music. Which means the industry is incredible saturated with anyone that really wants to make music, even out of boredom. I did it out of boredom about 8 years ago, but actually found my heart with music so kept with it. Now music is over saturated with an abundance of choice it becomes hard for people to grow an attachment to an artist and their work. There's just too many people and too many songs to have a connection with. So that's why the "talentless" "artists" of today seem to be successful within the industry and are music professionals, because they didn't just create music, but adapted to the changes in the World and made themselves different, not musically, but as a character to differentiate themselves from the huge population of musicians.

    This being said. To be a professional musician, music should be your profession. If someone asks what career are you in? If you say music, then they're assuming that's your profession and get paid for it. You can't say someone in their room making music for fun, even if they are incredible, is a professional. Because I could take that person, put them in a studio with an artists and they may act... well... not professional.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
  18. lluisxvi

    lluisxvi Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2015
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    Etymologically it means (latin roots)

    pro= forward
    fateri= agree
    sio= action
    al= relative to

    in two words

    music very experienced
  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I've never believed in saturation for making good musics and enjoying them. Saturation can happen in the physical and chemical phenomenons not in the art. An artist's brain gets bored but never becomes saturated. It's also true for the listeners. Most of the times we're not able to find good musics to listen because the amateurs are everywhere (compare it with the po..n industry) and overload the market with their shit productions and it's called shit saturation. My signature kinda tells you what I mean. We need talent scouts for not letting the music market get affected from the terms like saturation or so.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2016
  20. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    Yeah, I agree. Thing is all the music scouts (A&Rs) are the ones dictating a lot of the choices that get spewed out on a global scale. Almost like all the good scouts' choices get thwarted as soon as they bring them to the table.

    Your sig is too true as well. You find a lot of music that seems to be different to the other tracks usually a fusion of genres, to even just inspiration from a different culture. The whole dancehall vibe on radio recently has exploded, similar aspect. I produce a lot of typical pop music and hip hop/some trap. But i never listen to it, my phone is full of scores from films, to composers, to post-rock and bossa nova type music. This has influenced my production and helped my music from being the same as anything else on the market. I think people have to explore different things, genres, cultures and such to find something special that may give them a spark and could lead them to something interesting.
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