weird, funny, etc, English accent that you just can't stand/forget

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wouala woualouf, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    I've met a lot of people from Alaska during my trips in South America ( why do they travel so much in that state).....they are not american... They have the mentality of Canadians.

    I dont know any Hawaiian tho'

    But my joke was more like 4 Big Walls , like an Asylum.

    Mono Culture, problem...all goes and WIN so much they get bored !!!
  2. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    wow... hard words... don t you think it depends on the person? I do
    are you french? I'm italian. We have different methods here: if you don t speak italian, you can die starving on the pavement. I'm not kidding and that s not fair at all, English is a language we all should master or at least be able to understand nowadays, in my humble opinion. But here... no way. Even in art towns, big towns full of tourists, in museums... same story.
    I leave the blame on the school system. I can speak english, french and a bit of german but it all came... from my pockets, private schools. That s not our fault. I think you can make yourself an idea about italian institutions and infrastructures by the web or tv.
    We suffer of decades of wrong government.
    Italy owns the 70% of world's art. Google for that.
    We come first in matter of flora and fauna species diversity, cause of the mediterranean sea microclimate.
    BRAZIL with its jungle comes second.
    That s a dysaster. The touristic sector is in full crise.

    We should be the number one in tourism here. Kroatia makes the same money as Italy with tourism, in only 2 summer months, with no particular art towns.
    Kroatia is as big as the region where I live more or less. Italy is way bigger.
    Kroatia has 2 months of summer, we have 5 months.
    Mountains and ski is ok in Kroatia but... not for real skiers.
    We have Dolomite superki here. The top in Europe.

    fastest solution
  3. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    One thing that annoys me so much on internet is misusing correct punctuation or not using it at all. Even though I'm not a native English speaker and I do suck at grammar and punctuation, but I'm still learning and improving and this matters a lot IMHO.

    And regarding accents, I personally like to use American English and I'm getting pretty good at it, but the Australian accent is funny and sometimes cannot be understood for me. Russian accent has a style in it. Persians generally speak accent-less cause lips don't need to move much and there's no stress on certain words usually.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  4. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I don't want to make this thread religious. I just feel the need to clarify this.
    I'm a Muslim and there's no such thing as you are forced to do anything. and I mean it. Anything. You have free will like everyone else. We have Muslims around the world drinking alcohol and eating pork. It only tells you that not doing it, is for your own good. like don't complain to God if something happened because he told you not to do it.

    Now like I said, there's no such thing that forces women to cover their faces and/or hands. Or men wearing a certain dress all the time. That's extremist my friend and I agree it doesn't make sense :)
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  5. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    @martel80, yeah, I feel you. Traffic in Lima is video-game crazy. There's a Canadian paisano of yours who hosts a tv show called Don't Drive Here. You may have seen his show. Check his special about Lima:

    I am located in Surco. Nicer weather than Pueblo Libre, which is too moist. As for Americans, I guess you are taking things too far. There's a lot of everything everywhere. I've worked with some of the finest people from the US, and of course, I've met horrible people, and in the language school where I work I've been fortunate enough to meet a lot of foreigners. Of course, my friend, you are entitled to your opinion, and I can't contradict your experience.

    On another subject, if you ever want to hang around, you can come visit my studio and we could chill and discuss music. I could even put together a band to jam along. Let's get in touch.
  6. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Neither do I :)

    I mentioned it as a cultural reference, not religious per se (I am not a religious person anyway). I wasn't implying that EVERY muslim is the same, just that incidents such as those I mentioned are fairly common here. Of course, so are people racist to muslims just because what a few of them "do" and is shown on TV (you never know as the news are heavily manipulated anyway). I don't know enough about the culture to know if the things you mention are optional or not, but if they are they just make it worse. If your religion doesn't force you to do it, why would you force the rest to do so?

    Extremism is bad in all its forms in life, not only in religions. I definetely agree with you in that.

    To get back on topic, I found pretty funny that when I visited Scotland, everybody understood me perfectly but man did I have a tough time understanding THEM. What an awesome yet unforgiving accent. :rofl:
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Scottish is one of my favorite accents, as I know it's mostly English..
    yet it's always a puzzle and a struggle to understand the speaker,
    but a fun puzzle, as they are often witty and good natured folks,
    and I like to learn some of the odd words I have never heard.

    The obvious is, language is simply a means to communication, and being a cultural or linguistic bigot
    is simply ignorant and disrespectful of other human beings. Using only a small amount of brain power would help
    everyone enlighten themselves as to this reality. Sadly , humans seem to often prefer judging and complaining,
    rather than using their big FAT brain to consider and accept the richness of experience that can be found in diversity.

    Online there is even less excuse to be a language snob, as there are any number of options
    to translate the written word. And as an American.. all of US are capable of working
    our way through broken English if it's not completely horrific. So don't be lazy fellow
    Americans, you can do it, and stop being obnoxious jerks especially when you are in
    someone else's country. Don't take offense fellow Americans, it's not directed at all,
    but the ones who use this type of behavior, you know who you are !!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2016
  8. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Mira el disclaimer, y despues, mira el tema principal..'acento inglés que no puedes olvidar '
    Si supieras hablar el frances, tambien tu pensarias que la chica tiene un cabron de un acento..

    imagina un Chino que aprende unas cuantas palabras en español, y una hora más tarde , graba un tutorial de 4 horas sobre Cubase. Lo ves o escuchas. .qué piensas?
    - oh, que pobrecito..
    - ai mierda que valiente es.. y divertido.

    No creo que es necesario llamar Kofe annan, o WWF. . Amnesty international. ..Donald Trump ..
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  9. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    I met a guy from Boston at a party which was studying here in Spain. What we did was to speak each of us in the language of the other, so we both could practise it and get corrected for incorrect words and/or spelling. It was a thriving experience and I encourage all of you to try it next time you can! ;)

    I think this video is a great contribution to this thread. The dude is Norwegian singing a spanish song. He doesn't have a clue about spanish he says, but he does a pretty damn good job and he surely put great effort in made the words sound as accurate as possible!

  10. lluisxvi

    lluisxvi Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2015
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    no tengo ningún problema con el francés.
    esta chica ha tenido una oportunidad de trabajo y punto.
    Haciendo publicidad de su acento (cabrón según tu) en un foro donde Udemy presenta sus productos puede provocar su despido, además de humillarla.
    En cuanto al ejemplo del chino, ni pobrecito ni que mierda, solo respeto, y las demás menciones no sé a que vienen.
  11. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Waow :O

    The combi driver : ''If theres a women crossing the street, you never have the power cuz you have a truck'' :unsure:

    This guy spanish accent is horrible hahahah !!! He's canadian ? I would have bet on a south east american haha.

    Yeah, that would be great to meet up . What type of music are you into ?
    Send me a Private Message and ill be running haha, last time i met a gringo was 6 months ago i think haha.

    P.s. : I'm not that extreme on Muricans, I usualy keep my distances because of past experiences but i have a bunch of good Murican friends also.
    But i must say that I like to treat them like they treat the rest of the world.....its like my daily sweet treets :bleh:
  12. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    I'll add my 2 cents ,a bit off topic.I can't remember annoying accents right now, but i'm definitely getting excited with people speaking more than 2 languages.For example i have a Cuban friend that speaks Spanish(of course),English,Greek and Russian.Another friend is from Madagascar.He speaks the Madagascar's old native language,French(the nowadays native language),English,Greek and Russian.Another old friend speaks English,Chinese,Greek,French,German and the last one speaks Italian,English,Greek,French(all these fluently) and a bit of German.I'd love to have this knowledge or ability but i still can't get free time to learn a new language .
  13. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Waow, thats some epic folks you described there !!!
    I'd love to speak 4 different languages fluently.
  14. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Yup, Amigo Crazy! Andrew Younghusband is a fun guy, and the show clearly exemplifies the traffic ethos in Lima.

    Well, I meet them all the time. I teach English at the bi-national Peruvian American English school. Anyhow, let's PM and sort out the details. It's highly unlikely that audiosexers from two different places have a chance to meet up. I am into rock music mostly. I play the bass in several local bands and I record and mix indie local bands.
  15. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    There is no accent I can honestly say I hate, but even if there was? There is no way I would mention it in here. This place really is a wonderful mix of intellectual and highly artistic people, but say one word out of place that a single person takes offence to? and a thread which started out as friendly as a new year's eve dance, can very easily slip down the slippery slope towards the online equivalent of complete and unequivocal anarchy.
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  16. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Yep ,no flashers, honking all the time, driving like its a stock car race....totaly Lima.

    I was teaching at Wall Street English until i found a better job. I loved my teaching experience.Most gratifying job i ever had.

    I'm into all sort of music but i only know how to do electronic music (wich can get pretty wide). If we cant find a compromise , I'm sure we can help each other out. I'm always in need of someone to give me constructive criticism towards my mix anyways.
    What about this weekend , are you free ?
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I did a couple of semester in linguistic. One thing I remember is that English has twice as many words than French to talk about the rain. It's just something that in the UK they have a lot of words to describe, we are not as poetic on the matter of rain in France. But we are on other aspects. Each country values some phenomenon more than others, the richness or the lack of words in language regarding this or this aspect of life, also indicates what societies value, choose to talk about.
    And by using more or less words to designate reality we give reality different meanings, languages also are roots for our different cultures.
    And different cultures, different views of the world, different words to speak of it is what makes humanity fun and interresting.
    It's the reason we build the Louvre in France and why they make the Big Wall in China, our view of the world our way to speak of it, come togetheir in very different realisations. No tourism without different languages because then we would all build the same buildings, we would all have the same culture, the same view of the world.
    The political systems of countries are also partly standing on our way of viewing and speaking our environnement. Republic doesn't mean the same thing in France and the US, even if we use the same word for it, communities have also different senses.
    Language isn't a matter of tourism and yearly growth, it's a matter of who we are, what we see and how we speak of it. People who want the domination of only one langage, want that only their view of the world and their way of speaking of it dominates. And it is very, very important to go against that. If we don't tomorrow it's not English that we will all have to speak like some believe and hope, it's Chinese. Because China will rule the world economicaly and demographicaly within ten years, and we have to be hopefull that when this day comes, they will be tolerant of other langages.
    I'm from France, you use french expressions often and it's a heritage of the time when France ruled the world (yes, it happened, open a history book), I know what I'm talking about. We've exterminated dozens of cultures, langages to make sure grass wouldn't grow back after we've come by. This isn't the right way to go.
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