Latest good house track? Mine is.....

Discussion in 'Music' started by Trevor Gordon, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Par excellence!!!
    Groundling people blaming house should listen to this.:wink:
  4. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Cool. My musical roots.

    Being used to those warm, nice, groovy house/garage tracks, it is simply impossible to listen to an edm track. And it instantly reminds me of those parties, where people were actually DANCING and feeling the music, with a dj spinning those great ep's, and finding the correct bpm, live, without cans, everything synced up almost perfectly , that imperfection that meant a new track was coming.

    Sure, there are tons of people who love edm, and produce it. But sorry, but it's just not my thing. That lead sound, used and abused by amazing djs /musicians like guetta, with his ultra-fake eyes and smile, millions of songs with the same bpm, structure, scale,kicks, white noise/snare buildup, same lead sound(I repeat it, like the lead sound), where the only little difference between 100 tracks is the chord progression,
    wow...just wow...

    and then, there are those 10-100'000 young kids, that go 'see' the dj, dj that makes hearts with their hands, and jump during the buildup. . Fuking Lord, SOOO FAKE, all that shit. So damn fake.

    sure, it is the result that counts, but those producers.. they create 10 tracks, and the 10 tracks share exactly the same kicks, snare, noise, perc, Hi hats, lead sound, and the M1 /nexus piano sound. It's all the same, just the C-F-G chords become F-G-C. or G-C-F. 'ATTENTION, people, all the dj's, be careful during your dj set... it looks like there is a track coming, with a different bpm. It will be 128.1, instead of 128. And the crazy producer also used a new note, the f#. It's the first time an edm track will have a sharp could break the mix, while crossfading A to B. Be prepared for changes'.

    I mean, how can people go to a party, and spend 5 hours, staring at the dj, without moving the body?

    maybe I don't understand the whole edm concept...and I don't see how deep and rich a good guetta /avicci track can be.

    Now, start moving your feet with a nice little track.
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  5. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I hear you man. When I used to DJ, there was really a small collection of Ravers who really loved the music, dancing and sharing that vibe with others, now it's just some dude with a laptop and sync button and some trendies. Actually, you know why I quit djing back in 2004? It was exactly what you describe, it wasn't really about talent and music, it became a big popularity contest. That's all mix djing is about, who is the most popular. There were a collect few that actually went to see a good DJ who was creative, but the rest couldn't care and just based their opinions on "popularity". I played one last gig live at a huge outdoor party. There were three stages and I had top slot (which I had to fight for by the way). I slayed at my stage, bringing the whole crowd over. Apparently the other 2 stages were bare. After that I said to myself "well, I got my fulfillment with this "career" choice, time to move on" and I never looked back. The party lifestyle is rough too, and it comes with that kind of gig if you want to DJ. People want to give you free this and that (if you know what I mean).

    Mix Dj's really are just guys/girls fighting for popularity. Nothing more. There isn't much to account for talent other than that. The one DJ I tried to emulate who I thought presented talent and mixing skills was Jeff Mills. He actually put a lot of work into being a mix DJ and had skills. Check out the vid here:

    Best Mix dj in my opinion.
  6. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Can't forget my ultimate favorite house track

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