Warning about 64 bit OS.

Discussion in 'PC' started by zspin.stomp.shuffle, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. zspin.stomp.shuffle

    zspin.stomp.shuffle Newbie

    Jul 30, 2011
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    just want to say this loudly that a 32 bit os with 4 gig ram is really all you need. we get no bonus having a 64bit setup as we don't really use over 3gig and drivers and software are just flawlessly working on 32bit systems.

    during my 64bit era(5 months) the audio card really had some driver issues(affecting cubase/plugins etc..), win764bit takes up way more ram just cause it's 64bit and finally even my wireless keyboard was all messed up and not responding to my key touches as it should.

    so i think just because it sounds better in theory, in practice it's not better and a 32bit os is def. my pick from now on. if you havin the same probs i described well just takes an hour to switch. :break:

    i am using a patriot 60gb ssd and after installing Win7 an all the progs/soft i really use still have 40gb left on it and yeah highly reccomend an ssd with sound studios.
  3. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    You may be right but I think it's important to know that 32-bit will disappear one day, so if you purchase software, it's a good thing to check if it's 64-bit compatible anyway.

    Check out this info:

    A quote from this text:

    But that doesn't mean I disagree with your opinion.
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    im using win7 x64 since it came out and im really fine with it.
    (i think i moved directly after i got my notebook in july 2009 from vista x32 to windows 7 x64)
    my desktop got in 2010 end of june windows 7 x64 aswell and is running smooth aswell!
    i had no problems in that time with audio drivers or running ableton live 8 and reaper x64.
    the same goes for FL 8-10 since they have wrapper x64 included.

    so why still warning for x64 OS?!
    im mean they started worked last on a 128bit OS - windows 9 will be a 128bit OS.
  5. redback

    redback Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Maybe a 32-bit OS is all you need at this point in time but it has nothing to do with other people's situations. A 32-bit OS will only provide a program with 2GB of virtual memory to address which is not enough for some people . . it's certainly not enough for me. Just switching to a 64-bit OS allowed each program to address up to 4GB of RAM . . even though I still use a 32-bit DAW this solved all my problems at the time.

    No it doesn't. *no*

    I understand it's a pain to transition from 32-bit to 64-bit computing and trust me, I held on to 32-bit WinXP as long as I could . . but 64-bit has been standard for many years now and aside from the odd badly written driver as you mentioned there's really no advantage to staying on a 32-bit OS and there are several disadvantages . . of course these disadvantages will only increase over time.

    Basically at some point you're gonna have to make the switch *yes*

    Of course this is all distinct from using a 64-bit DAW, which is another discussion completely!
  6. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Good for you! im running 16gigs of ram and win 7 64 bit operating system with snow leopard 64bit osx dual boot, some of the kontakt librarys i use within my daw , choke in 32 bit system i think its safe to say! if youre on a budget pc then 32bit is all you need
    But beleive me when my librarys open under 5 sec oppose to a couple of minutes on 32 bit system then 64bit is the only way to go ! Depends on what you need or do Cheers
  7. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    damn did you just manducate me!!! i feel violated!! i read all of that!!
  8. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    WTF is wrong with people do I have to bash you over the head???

    Look up Titanic movie, james Cameron asked Intel to make some Intel 64 bit processors ( alpha early stages)
    for the render network farm for the movie titanic. Intel could not make them so instead they did make 32 bit processors with 36 bit extensions for increased ram usage memory adressing for increased graphics cards . Ever since then we have had 36 bit extensions on Intel processors and later AMD finally added 64 bit extensions, well how do I prove this? Easy look it up !!!

    Also even microsoft sold Windows ADS Server 32 bit that supported 128 gigs of ram.
    64 bit is not about ram support as clearly stated by microsoft and yes linux and yes even mac!!!

    The reason why these morons wanted to move to 64 bit is for the increase in the size of graphics cards and it's
    headaches of memory adressing with bad drivers

    Also another reason which still has not shown up on many apps is the non sharing of ram with the graphics bus
    so apps "IF" coded can utilise more than 2 gigs.

    Cheers and thanks to James Cameron for pushing intel to 64 bit or early 36 bit processors
  9. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    first of all a 32 bit system recognizes 3gb of ram and not 4,second,u probably work with light applications,try to load toontrack and trilian in the same project,and we ll see if 4 gb r enough 4 u,or try to write a score with sibelius using a lot of instruments in kontakt.
    wanna talk about video?tell me how far u can go with adobe after effects and a 32 bit system,expecially when it s time to render the project
  10. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    16 gig ram windows xp sp2, patched kernel .
    The issue is crappy applications, i have seen applications in windows ads server 32 bit with 64 gigs of ram installed running 12+ gigs of ram. So again this crap of ram limitations are self imposed, as there have been 36bit extensions n processors well over 15 years. Why do you think microsoft puled the 32 bit edition of ads server lol, since no one was buying the 64 bit edition!!!! Since the 32 bit editions supported 128 gigs of ram
    The only true 64 bit processors are from amd and not intel.
  11. rimshooter123

    rimshooter123 Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2011
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    so true.
    just stacked 7 more or less complex patches in omnisphere and... yeah, it was a lot of stuttering fun without any help by izotope, sugarbytes & co... fantastic! :snuffy:

    ableton live 9 (with 64 bit support) is a myth, isn't it?
  12. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Lol goto microsoft.com and look at the imposed windows 7 ram limits editions even the 64 bit starter edition is limited on 2gigs ram imposed by microsofts kernel licencing, there goes your 64 bit hogwash out the door, the issue is no one bothered with coding for 36 bit extensions too fuckin lazy, instead they pushed 64 bit, when any versiond of windows with the patched server kernel can support 128 gigs of ram.
    Seems like excuses to me.
    I will leave you with this question that I always ask 64 bit pushers who have no idead wtf they are talking about ...

    If you had a 36 bit edition of Cubase or Nuendo or logic , and 36 bit extensions allow you to use 128 gigs of ram using PAE then would not Cubase use those 128 gigs of ram??

    yes that question stops the 64 bit nonsense on the spot period!!
    This is why there is no daw that is 32 bit but has the 36 bit extensions

    Ask yourself wtf have software companies been doing for 15 years then? When high end studios coded their own apps but added 36 bit extensios for 3d graphics and video hence the "proprietary spiel"
  13. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    WIn 7 X64 here, no issues at all... I only go back to 32 bit XP for work purposes, Otherwise you wouldn't catch me dead there.

    Bring on x64 Ableton Live.. and watch me soar. :grooves:
  14. zspin.stomp.shuffle

    zspin.stomp.shuffle Newbie

    Jul 30, 2011
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    i like the simple life. :thumbsup:

    and my $650 pc is cool now, but with 64 bit painful. glad not everyone has issues. :wink:
  15. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    if your soundcrd had problems running on a 64bit ystem complain with the manufacturer who didn t develop the drivers,not with the o.s
  16. cxc90

    cxc90 Newbie

    Oct 24, 2011
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    32 bit only supports 2 gig ram so with 4 gig of ram you wanna go 64 bit, otherwise you're wasting 2 gigs of ram :/
  17. mrlyonz

    mrlyonz Newbie

    Mar 31, 2012
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    If you're trying to make a mainstream track, good luck with 32bit. You need a lot more ram than three gigs. Not sure what all the fuse is about, a 64 bit machine doesn't even cost that much nowadays. DDR 3 4GB Kingston only cost twenty bucks now or at least it did on newegg a few months back. The only reason people dislike 64 bit machines, is the lack of compatibility for some novice/intermediate software developers. Mainstream companies should not be having this/these issues on 64 bit machines.
  18. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Wtf is everyone on crack, we have been able to use 128 gigs on windows server 2003 edition 32 bit for many years now as intel an amd has 36 bit extensions, the issue is the software companies and mostly the graphics cardvcompanies that are at fault. Go buy windows 7 64 bit starter thas right only supports 2 gigs, microsoft gay ass licencing . Patch your xp kernel for christs sake lol
  19. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    I think I'm missing the point here totally but aren't we all ending up on 64bit just because we're updateing and don't want to buy what'll become out of date quick.

    There will be a point we need the 64 bit opperating system and I can say now it'll be because of the compatability issues of running a 64bit programs on 32bit system.

    No one uses more then 4 Gb of ram in 1 program, alot of us have gotten close but we haven't hit it.

    The thing you have to remeber is that its not just memory for you to run 1 program in your machine, it is for all the background programs as well.
    The opperating system will use a few 100mb of ram all the time, graphics use a bit, anti-virus uses alot and there's all those other programs we run in the background cause we need them.
    All these little bits add up and result in the total needed being more then 3.25Gb of ram avalible to 32bit windows XP.

    Its not for the fact that we need a 64 bit to allow 1 program to access 4 Gb. Its so the total avalible to more then 3.25 Gb.
    I got windows xp on a machine with 4 Gb in (that's 2x2Gb ram cards) and all the opperating system can access is the 3.25Gb.

    Dan01's cubase & plugins take more memory to run on 64bit since they are only 32bit programs and therefor need to be converted.
    It's the same on my machine.

    Some day we'll be useing all 64bit versions of cubase & all them plugins, and when we do they won't be needing the extra memory for the conversions.

    I better say on windows 7 64bit home ed, 8Gb of RAM and run Cubase 5 on it.
    I've never had problems with Cubase or plugins but cubase makes the start bar and windows look strange due to the compatability mode it enters automatically.
    If I stopped it entering compatability mode, I guess I'd have compatability problems.

    If some one knows what dan who posted just before me is on about could you exsplain it. His message reads like he has a way for me to use all 4Gb in my old machine but to angry with the world to explain it clearly enough for me. Thanks if you can.
  20. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Not angry just dumbfounded by all the ignorance on basic information, seems like everyone swallows up all the puke from the wrong places.

    I may have to hit a hammer over the heads of people but let me explain this 64 bit nonsense

    Intel tried to make 64 bit chips back in 1995, they could not do it so in the end they added 36 bit extensions
    to their 32 bit processors the reason for them trying to make them see my posts.

    Anyhoot a 32 bit processor with 36 bit extensions allows an OS ( that runs PAE) to use 192 gigs of ram ( max)
    The biggest example is that one which I ran myself. I was asked to install windows 2003 Server ads 32 bit edition back a few years ago on a server with 64 gigs of ram onboard ( Network admin temp job). When that Server edition was released microsoft allowed the kernel ( with PAE) to use all 192 gigs if installed.
    The issue comes is okay so why can't my win32 application use more than 2 gigs per instance... Okay drug brain IT'S a 32 bit app!!! not a 32 bit app with 36 bit extensions support. This is the reason for KNOBS stuck on 64 bit that a 32 bit normal app can't use more than 2 gigs, but it can if it supports PAE and 36 bit extensions OH OH that's right back tot he video card sucka!!! that is the problem... The video cards got bigger and now we have a conflict with PAE
    PAE works great on servers ( small video cards sometimes no video cards..thin client servers).

    So ask around why didn't software companies make all their 32 bit apps with 36 bit extensions? DUH back to the video card dufus. Once video cards get over 1 gig this creates a massive problem for PAE with extending the memory mapping it becomes slow, awwww just like a 64 bit OS trying to run a 32 bit app = same problem the 64 bit OS will be slower running a 32 bit app.

    The issue I have is why didn't software companies make 32 bit apps with 36 bit extensions, as if you walk into any high end movie fx studio, all their apps ( used to be ) were 32 bit with 36 bit extensions.

    64 bit is a good thing, not saying it's not. But we did not need to buy a new PC , New OS, New hardware and have massive issues with drivers just so Microsoft can sell you an OS with a kernel licenced to see more ram, as don't forget in a 64 bit OS you need a 64 bit app to use more than 2 gigs instances.

    My System is a follows

    Windows XP SP2 with patched kernel so I can see an use all my ram FUCK YOU MICROSOFT!! sorry had to put that in
    AMD quad core system clocked at 3.2 ghz
    1 terabyte drive WD
    16 gigs ram 8 gig ram drive, 8 gig for system and apps to use

    Patches for Windows XP, Vista and 7 are on google, very easy to find.

    Again for the die hard 64 biters, why does microsoft sell windows 7 starter a full 64 bit OS but it only supports 2 gigs of ram?

    Microsoft licences the desktop kernel editions to less ram usage depending on which version you buy

    And once again thanks to AMD to actualy making the first consumer 64 bit
  21. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Thanks dan

    You do know you could have just said the patch is easy to find on google
    My little brother will be pleased, since he got my old machine.
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