California club bans DJs who use laptops

Discussion in 'general discussion' started by Zenarcist, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Well,both music and film industry are fucked,humanity is pretty much one step away from a full reset.
    I remember when i was a kid in the early 90s,(10 years old)you turned on tv you could watch amazing movies,turned on the radio and non stop you had this amazing bands,amazing music.
    It was a fucking paradise.

    We dont have quality rock,metal,electronic stuff,forget about pop,pop is total crap today,everything is about the underground today,thats where quality is.
    Mainstream is totally fucked,its really depressing.
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  2. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    we-want-it-all/all-in-one stuff, extreme high-quality on smallest crap devices (like camera on iphones, apps to do everything you can imagine...),
    everything gets simplified, make some things networks, likes, followers, "woow this guy with these squashing-balls narrow pants is so sexy", faggy-fashion propaganda, news/politics etc.
    everything goes mad...these century is ...((
  3. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Hipster! :bleh:
  4. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    shit place anyway. too hot and full of snobs.
  5. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    and it still sounds exactly like the fat of the land. if you don't constantly reinvent yourself as an artist you'd might as well quit.
  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Once again, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups". We're in a society that favors the talentless and unintelligent, and therefore it creates more unintelligent lazy shitrags who stand there with a finger in the air as if making the ISIS 1-finger salute, and plays music that doesn't belong to them. In turn, all the talented artists and producers fell thru the cracks and were lost in the oceans of brainwashed 13 year olds who only listen to what they hear on the radio.
    I listened to my local top 40 radio station the other day while working out at the gym. Honestly, that was a big mistake on my behalf. Literally every male performer sounded exactly the same and every female performer sounded exactly the same. I thought I was listening to an album by one artist for a minute. Fact is, they were all different singers. And of course, it was all mostly trash. But man, I wish I could relinquish the brain cells I lost while listening to that shit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2016
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  7. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    DJs are entertainers: their job is to keep the crowd entertained. Easy as that.
    Also, back in the days they were people like us, no need for a stage or anything. And people actually cared about dancing and having a good tim (and other things ;), other than raising their mobiles and taking pictures (impressive right? can you believe it!?).
  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Hey, I saw a picture of that not long ago!


    Things aren't what they were...
  9. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Holy shit!!! They're actually talking to one another while making eye contact!!! They're ACTUALLY TALKING, INSTEAD OF TEXTING OR PLAYING FRUIT NINJA!!!!!!!!
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  10. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Popular culture is such a joke nowadays. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a world full of zombies, hooked up to a matrix-like machine that sifts through their every thought and blinds them to the real world.

    A few years ago I started to see those same traits in myself. So I bought myself a really cheap, old phone that is pretty much useful only for making calls and listening to music (and one I'd be too embarassed to be seen trying to text on). Since then, I feel like this massive weight pulling my attention away is gone, and I can focus on other things. When I'm outside, it's nature, people, the city, other fascinating things. In a lecture, I actually listen to the prof ( :wow: ). When I'm at a party, I actually actively seek out and listen to what people have to say, and don't think about running away to that 'safe space' of texting or some other shit. When I'm at my place, I can focus on myself and my music. It's such a weight off my shoulders. Mobile technology is great and all, but as with everything, take in moderation.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
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  11. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I recently watched Stephen King's "Cell" movie. Honestly it kinda looked like a reality show to me.
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  12. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Any one can do what they want with their own stuff. It's his business he wants to attract a certain crowd and if this works for him then he will keep at it. If it looses him money he will change it. CBGB Hilly Kristal's home for Country, BlueGrass, and Blues turned into something very different, even-though his original intention was to have it be the home for country music in NYC.
  13. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Yeah, BUT... what if, due to "modern technology," the band you go see has a guitarist that plays a digital guitar which fingers the chords and notes for him/her, and the "guitarist" just strums?.. and to take it further, they don't even have to strum the exact strings, but make a downward motion at the appropriate times... same thing really, right?


    you NAILED that!! :D

    and im an american... exactly what happened to Proper Dubstep... started in U.K. and was raped by the U.S., thus yielding Skrillex and Brostep.

    Amongst many other countless examples.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
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  14. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    A little off topic, but I miss the times where the djs were in badly lit corners or somewhere behind the crowd. People danced more with each other. And if a successful dj was asked if he tinks he had fans he was like "if i had WHATT?? Fuck off!". When they wanted to impress people the told stories like "i did a 3 hours set with 2 records". Not "i fill monster raves as headliner". These were cool guys.
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  15. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    This young DJ looks a lot more like he deeply enjoys remote-controlling the couple (watch the guy's weird gesture!) while the music comes from his old mix tape.
  16. Soft_Ice

    Soft_Ice Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    I don't DJ at any club unless they let me put up a big screen in front of the stage. This has two effects.

    1: I can just play back a DAT or a CD and no one knows.

    2: It frees up the audience from the DJ tyranny. What, do they expect me to pump my fists in the air like a god damn clown?

    I don't get many gigs.

    The gigs I do get are great. I get to put up my big white screen net. And an image forms. By sillhouette I can be seen brewing pots of tea (really mushrooms, yah), combing my hair (actually flailing my wild snake like dreadlocks), and occasionally dancing much better than most of the audience can.

    Sometimes if they are good about it, I give them a real treat. I take out my HEAVY METAL GUITAR, and I actually plug it in and play it. I could be miming, but I'm not. A buzz goes around, and everyone starts asking is he really playing live guitar over this amazing music? And they see from the roadies at the side of the stage and whatnot, that yes, I really am the real deal. Even though they can't see me. It all adds to the mystique.

    Sometimes, I even play other people's records. Sometimes I mix those other people's records in with my music. I feel as if I have total musical freedom and I am just playing about with the form the way that Picasso did with his art.

    And it's fun! Oh the joy of warming them up when all they can ask is 'WTF? That dude's got a big white sheet up in front of him and he seems to be making a pot of tea, with his god damn feet up on the mixer desk!'.

    The frisson is palpable. I call it stagecraft.

    But it's the 21st Century and most people won't allow you to do that.

    I'm a visionary.

    Pretty soon, all gigs will be played this way. And if I'm hungover to buggery from the night before, I can just have a quick nap after plugging in my usb stick into the mixer. It's win/win for everyone involved.

    I'm available to DJ at your club, but I warn you, I charge 10 percent more than what you would pay for Calvin Harris. And if Calvin Harris ever played your club, I will boycott it for life, not just refuse to play there. You've got to want me baby, really want me.

    Yes, I like to feel special, because I'm worth it. But I will make you feel special too, when you hear the sheer audio sex coming out of those speaker stacks.

    And that's the way it should be.

    Am I really a DJ? Maybe yes, maybe no. You won't be able to tell. I just play the best music you ever heard in your life. Some off usb sticks, some off cds, some off records, some from my compact rig of synths and drum machines, some off laptops, some off guitar amps, some off other performers. Some in real time...

    But alas, I rarely get to venture out and spread the word of my art. I have pink/blue haired promoters asking me 'Can you play some of that music that our grandparents used to listen to?'. Me, I say 'What, like "rave music"?'. They say 'Yes'.

    I really do despair sometimes, kids young enough to be my grandchildren, wanting to listen to music made by people old enough to be my grandparents.

    It's not about the experience any more kids. It's about the simulation of the experience. Reality is no longer permitted.

    But yeah, I'll play your club, as long as you let me use my big white sheet and net (the net is for catching beer bottles and spare chairs when the morons at the front feel like they have been cheated because they can't see my fist-pumping the air like a loon).

    And remember, I cost 10 percent more than Calvin Harris. Oh, and 20 percent more than the Swedish House Mafia (as long as they have never played your club, or I just won't play at all). Oh, and if Aphex Twin is playing the same night, I require a full hour buddy-buddy session with him, in the dressing room before hand, because I've heard he's a people person and likes meeting other random strangers, especially if the are 'DJ's like him. I need this time with him to show him what a new day it is, and not to be disappointed, when the fickle public throw him under the musical bus, after seeing the light with my new LIVE PERFORMANCE IN THE AGE OF SUPER-COMPUTING.

    My ideal gig? Just me and Aphex boy. 50/50. He can even use my sheet/net if he likes! I'm good like that. No prima donna antics when I go pro!
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  17. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    This will be the precise moment that I get out of music :rofl:
  18. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I'd probably do the same, but wouldn't earlier generations think the same about synthesizer and "computer music"?
  19. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    The synthesizer was embraced by early musicians as a creative instrument, but it now seems we may be in danger of becoming totally X Factor/American Idol-ized.
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  20. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Too late. We already have.
    Justin Bieber
    Fifth Harmony
    The Weeknd
    Lil Wayne
    Taylor Swift
    Any good bands who had their fame have either A: completely turned to digitalized pop, or B: decided to break up.
    And now everyone wants to know how to "Shred like Nick Jonas" all because of that one little "diddy" he did on stage. Even though he fucked that up a bit. This one screams the fact that today's kids have never seen a guy shred on a guitar like Jimmy Page or Hendrix or Slash. It's come to be perceived by today's majority as something only mythical creatures can do - play real instruments. That's because playing a live instrument a simple yet healthy thing - Commitment - which is one of the things that the majority of this current generation doesn't have. If they strum a guitar & see how hard it is, they'll run for the hills & never look back. All generations have their set of lazy individuals, but this current generation has more of it than the previous ones did. Now we wanna colonize mars. But what do we got to contribute to this universe? Kanye? Doggy filter instagram selfies? Facebook? Emoticons? What will the aliens say when they see us stuffing bread in a dead turkey's ass (thanksgiving) & lobotomizing pumpkins before putting a lightbulb in it (halloween)? They'll tell us to stop or kill us. But that's okay! We'll hit em back with our refrigerators that go on the internet, & our piano apps that make fart noises. Oh and don't forget about our lethal empowering innovative Chia pets - that we now learned to grow marijuana from. These will surely teach them cyborgs a lesson!
    "Hey! Wanna see our latest fart piano for iPhone? It's a piano that makes fart noises!"
    "Fuck you, filthy imbecile human" *Zaps human & turns him into a cloud of cosmic dust*
    We haven't even found a non-destructive way to cure cancer, but we're gonna inhabit other planets in a few more short years? That's lovely. Lmao
    Dude we've already been X-Factored or American Idol-ized. Now it's just killing off those who refuse to follow along with it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2016
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