Need help with cracks, patches and Keygens

Discussion in 'PC' started by Sublover, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. Sublover

    Sublover Newbie

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Hi everyone :) , I I've been using Audioz to access software and audio for years but this is my first time posting on the forum.

    I have a major problem with pretty much every single software plugin I try to install, I can hardly ever get them registered. Note, I live in poverty so cannot afford to buy the registrations keys.

    On every plugin I see people saying things like "thanks, works great" but when I try and try again for literally weeks even months on end I cannot get them to work. the cracks either just dont produce results at all or my anitivirus blocks the keygens or the keygens just dont produce registration keys. This is not always the case but I'd say 95% of the time. What am I doing wrong?

    I will be extremely grateful for any help or feedback, thanks!

  3. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Every time you use a keygen, exec it inside a sandbox (disable antivirus first). It works.
  4. Sublover

    Sublover Newbie

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Thanks for the quick reply, but if it says there's a Trojan in it, then what? I don't want my computer to be riddled with viruses. Also for instance I have recently tried to run the KeyGen for Sonic Academy Kick 2 and a box opens up with a message saying:

    "Windows cannot access the specific device, path, or file. You may not have the approriate permissions to access the item"

    I click OK, the box disappears, and the keygen exe also disappears. My antivirus pops up a notification saying "INFECTED"

    Is turning off my antivirus the only option? It doesn't sound safe.

    I used to do this over a year ago and I don't want to risk losing everything again (That's a heartbreaking story for another day)
  5. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    A sandbox acts like a (virtual) computer inside a (real) computer and what works inside a sandbox cannot touch what is outside.
  6. nospectre

    nospectre Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    just download from safe places and it will be fine. keygens and cracks will always count as infected because of the way they are coded/packed. 98% is false-positive. but as mentioned above, sandboxing is the only 100% safe way for this, cuz sometimes shit comes through the cracks. if u use cracked software in general, i'd be extra careful about from which site you're downloading. antiviruses are the enemy here. i got a decent firewall so nothing goes in and out without permission and that's enough, with some common sense. never had any problems with downloads from the sister site. only some keygens tried to go online for no reason, but that is stopped by the firewall.
  7. Preza

    Preza Noisemaker

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Just in case, don't forget to use Keygens with administrator rights, once you are sure they are safe.
  8. Sublover

    Sublover Newbie

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Thanks a lot for your replies, guys! It's cleared a lot up for me. I'll give this sandobx method a go sometime this weekend and get back to you.

  9. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    As far as I know any discussion regarding downloading warez or how to crack something is not allowed here.
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  10. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    It's all good @Amirious it's within the rules
    Discussions concerning warez however are within the scope of the forum.
  11. Sonny Crockett

    Sonny Crockett Kapellmeister

    Oct 1, 2015
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    That's weird, but on the other hand I feel you. There are times where it seems to work fine with everybody but you, like when I tried to activate some Reaktor thing some time ago but in the service center it didn't even exist, however there was a key for it and I couldn't know how to proceed so I gave up.
    Going straight to the point, I never had the problem you mention regarding these stuff but yes with game cracks, all you have to do is to deactivate the antivirus and (if needed) add an exception in the proper folders where you're gonna add this. If you downloaded it from a reliable place (like audioz) you shouldn't worry at all thinking you're gonna get some virus or something like that.
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You can create an "audioz" folder in your donwload folder and exclude only this folder from your antivirus detection, put the downloads from elsewhere in another folder which is secure and scanned. The releases from groups (R2R, Audioutopia, VR, etc) on Audioz are clean of viruses, but you will get "false positive" all the time, if you feel unsafe about them, people always make comments on releases, wait a bit before getting them and check if anyone mentions anything. To know how to apply the crack, read the nfo which gives the instructions or the comments of the release that can sometime brings precisions or explanations on how to proceed. In doubt ask here or on audioz (no request here, but explanation on releases or problems related to them is okay), people will help you.
    And if I may...To quote a famous group : "Support the developer if you like it". :wink:
  13. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    To the op: It can happen to us all, even us old timers who have used cracks and warez since forever.
    Right now I just can't install the musiclab reallpc4 on my music pc. Works fine on my net machine, but an error every time I try.

    Options are to give up, move on and forget it, use a process of elimination and figure it out, or do as you have done and ask politely on a friendly forum like this.
    As with most things you've not done before, a task can seem overly complicated, only revealing how easy it really was when it's done - Just like changing a tire, engine oil or spark plugs for the first time for the uninitiated.

    There's some good advice on here, so I hope you get sorted.
    Me, I'm just off to try that broken install again. :like:
  14. TheEnForcer

    TheEnForcer Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Only naive people would use patches, keygen and so forth from third pary sites or people.
    As programmer i patch all by myself and only trust my person. So why people use third party keygens and patches?
    Don´t trust others. Why you don´t crack, patch and keygen by yourself? It isn´t rocket science!
    Well Cubase is hard, but not impossible. But the most plugins are very easy to patch or to keygen.
    Sometimes i make only a small patch (changing JNZ/JE to EB/NOP or so).

    I don´t trust other people and groups are mostly fake groups who share only viruses.

    So i can´t understand what is going wrong, but i can advise you to make all patches, keygens and so forth by yourself.
  15. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    So you change the logical sequence inside a procedure. Which tool could be used?
  16. Sublover

    Sublover Newbie

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Thanks again for the input guys, to update I've managed to get the Sonic Academy Kick 2 plug in working.

    I managed to register Izotope Iris 2 as well which took good part of last night (I'm learning) and then after I stopped cheering in glory I pressed the X button to close the plugin within Ableton 8 (32 bit, if that helps?) and to my utter despair, an error message came up and Ableton crashes. I've tried multiple times tonight with the same results.

    Please, someone try and explain this? Should I install 64bit, then reingstall all the god damn freaking plugins in 64 bit again? I cant see why this is happening.

    I cant take much more of the pain of trying to get these things to work.


    If it's simple, would care to explain a little more please?

    Edit: I installed 32bit because about 4 months ago I installed 64bit Ableton 8, gone through the same gruelling process then realised some of the essential plugins I need to run to save my tracks' projects from last year were in 32 bit only. I've since given up all hope to retrieve them and started again. Would I be better off reinstalling everything again in 64bit? is there even that much of a difference???? and back to the original question: why the F*** is it crashing??? :)
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  17. Tsargoth

    Tsargoth Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Over The Mountain...
    I run a 64 bit system and simply use jBridge so that I can still use the 32 bit plugins that I like.
  18. Petra Rosa-Janne

    Petra Rosa-Janne Newbie

    Sep 27, 2022
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    Be sure that your DAW is run as an administrator !
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